
Destiny of Love and Sacrifice

Gwen Queensha had to go back to losing his father for good, when since he was little he had lost his mother and brother due to the separation of his parents. Now he also has to feel pain because of an illness that is eating away at him, will his destiny of love with Morgan Sebastian remain united and live happily? Or separated by fate too.

NengsihMiaRusmiati · Thành thị
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18 Chs

Chapter 16 - Back Together

"Huh so you've forgiven me dear, haven't you?" Morgan asked, raising and lowering his eyebrows with his trademark smile.

"Not that easy!" Gwen replied.

"Then what should I do, Gwen? What should I..."

"What do you want, sir?" Gwen asked nervously as Morgan brought his face closer, closer and closer. really close.

Gwen pushed Morgan's body roughly. Really stupid mind. Why did her husband's perverted brain appear when they were at the funeral like this, what would happen if there were ghosts sneaking around for fun.

"Why?" Morgan asked confusedly.

"This is Mas's funeral, you are insane. You are indeed a crazy man Morgan,"

"Alah just said you wanted to fight me in bed right away, didn't you? Just admit it Gwen don't be shy. haven't I seen all yours, and you've seen all mine too. Come with me." asked Morgan and gently pulled Gwen's hand to get away from that place.

Morgan grabbed Gwen's red lips and he tasted inch by inch of those sweet lips. Sexy lips that always make him crazy. It was still the same as their first kiss. Gwen unconsciously who is now provoked, making him to kiss Morgan's lips back against his. then Gwen's fingers fiddled to unbutton Morgan's shirt, one by one. until the young man's chest was visible, Gwen felt calm hearing Morgan's heartbeat which always warmed her feelings.

"Don't come here honey, it's not nice not to be free in a car like this," Morgan teased as Gwen smoothly removed Morgan's shirt. It made Gwen blush, even so she was still embarrassed. he pinched Morgan's stomach hard, making him wince in pain.

"Oh God, my fate is so unfortunate. I was bitten in the pinch and then especially now," complained Laksh which made Ragini excited.

"Isshh... it's you, Morgan." The girl said shyly.

"I love you Gwen, don't leave me again. I promise this is the last time I hurt you," Morgan said then kissed Gwen's forehead lightly.


"Yeah I promise Gwen, come over here I'll warm you up." Morgan whispered as he leaned closer and hugged Gwen.

The two of them fell asleep in a position that was still hugging, fortunately no police or anything like that passed. if there are police patrolling, they will surely be caught by the patrol police.


"Ssssttt aahh...." Morgan could only sigh, Gwen who was now beside him felt uncomfortable. He snatched the cellphone that the man had been playing all this time and immediately got a glare from Morgan. Why is his wife now infected like him.

"Why honey, why bother me?" asked Morgan with his innocent face.

"What?" Gwen asked.

Currently the two of them are in the room, fortunately Mariana and Arthur have left their house, while the maid is going somewhere, maybe she is going home. Now they live alone in that house, they are free to do whatever they want to their heart's content.

"Why did you take my phone? That's the hot-hot scene, honey," said Morgan, who was now holding back his sigh.

"You still like watching something like this Mas? Are you not satisfied doing it with me. So you want to see other people playing, stop looking at movies like this," Gwen said because she didn't like what her husband did, watching adult films.

Somehow again the man sighed. Seeing her husband like that made Gwen immediately take a plan to move and then run away from her husband.




Morgan had pulled Gwen into his arms and buried her head in Gwen's neck. The man started fondling his wife. And in the end they started their game by completing the desire that Morgan had been holding. Meanwhile, Gwen can only surrender under the power of her husband, because it is the wife's duty to serve her husband.

"Honey, I'm tired."


"Remember what our baby's doctor said, I can't be tired."

"One more time, yes, I'll do it very slowly dear, our baby will be fine, dear. I guarantee it," said Morgan, finally Gwen just nodded silently. however, she cannot refuse her husband's wishes. And when Morgan was about to resume his battle, suddenly someone knocked on their bedroom door. I don't know who came and disturbed his pleasure.

Now Morgan and Gwen were staring at each other, they didn't know who was coming. Because as far as they know there is no one in their house, just the two of them.

Knock... knock... knock

"Morgan open the door, where's Gwen? Didn't you go to find my sister," Mariana shouted from outside the room.

Morgan who heard the voice immediately took Gwen's pants and threw them until they hit his wife's beautiful face.

"Man. Why are you being thrown around," Gwen muttered, she put her pants back on. Morgan ignored Gwen's words, he immediately buttoned his pants and opened the door.

"Why are you here Sister?" asked Morgan with a puff of air.

Mariana desperately broke in, she was surprised to see Gwen already in the room with her hair a little messy.

"So you're home? Why don't you call Sister, Gwen?" Mariana asked anxiously.

"Where have you been all this time? Don't disappear again, Gwen," continued Mariana and hugged her sister tightly.

Morgan scratched the back of his neck, amused that his desire to make love had failed him tonight. Arthur who understood his brother's condition immediately pulled Morgan's body out of the room.

"Let's just go have coffee!" asked Arthur by putting his arm around Morgan's shoulders, and the young man could only nod in resignation and follow his sister's invitation.

However, in his heart he still cursed what his sister and sister-in-law had done. They came at the wrong time. When he and Gwen were making love to fulfill their wishes, it was very annoying. That was what was on Morgan's mind right now.

While Mariana now began to pester Gwen with questions that made Gwen wince, because she didn't know what to answer. It is impossible for him to answer if he disappeared to their father's grave. Surely his sister will scold him.