
Destiny of Love and Sacrifice

Gwen Queensha had to go back to losing his father for good, when since he was little he had lost his mother and brother due to the separation of his parents. Now he also has to feel pain because of an illness that is eating away at him, will his destiny of love with Morgan Sebastian remain united and live happily? Or separated by fate too.

NengsihMiaRusmiati · Thành thị
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18 Chs

Chapter 1 - Farewell

This story begins when Gwen and Mariana's father and mother had a big fight, the mother suspecting that the father had an affair and betrayed her.

"No. I never had an affair, you don't even have proof of your accusations!

"Shut up! I'm not stupid, I saw you with that woman. She, the woman who made you care about your own child, and now you don't want to admit your fault!" mother snapped in a high pitched tone.

The innocent little sin didn't know anything, he just cried when he saw his parents arguing. Little Mariana hugged her sister tightly, she was also crying. The argument culminated when the father slapped the mother.

The woman's eyes reddened because of her stopped emotions, the tears couldn't be contained anymore.

"You!" snapped the woman clutching her reddened cheeks.

"Sorry I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, Ren. I didn't mean to hurt you."

The woman named Irena, brushed off Randy's hand who tried to help her.

"No need, thank you. We'd better live our separate ways, I want to part with you." Irene replied with teary eyes.

"W-what do you mean, Ren? I don't understand?" Randy asked with a questioning look on his face, still unable to digest what his wife had said.

hearing her husband's question, Irena was silent and left her husband, who is currently still bowed weakly with his mind currently in turmoil.

One week after the incident. in the end it happened. An event that neither Gwen nor Mariana wanted. His father and mother decided to separate, the mother only asked Mariana to go with her. While Gwen was left with his father. Actually, Irena is very hard to leave Gwen. But there is no other way. her decision to divorce her husband is solid. Irena's heart was already disappointed in her husband.

"Don't take Mariana. She's still too young. Do you dare to separate Gwen from Mariana?" asked Randy in a pleading tone to Irena.

"I'm not a cruel mother. When Gwen grows up, she can find us."

Randy was just silent listening to Irena's speech. He could not stop the woman who was now his ex-wife.


"What else, mas?"

Randy approached his daughter Senja. Then he knelt down in front of his daughter and gave her something.

"Papa's little princess, this is for you, son."

"Gwen doesn't want to be separated from, Papa and Gwen." Then the little one cried in the arms of the father and his little sister. However. That was Randy's last hug for Mariana, his spoiled and cheerful eldest daughter. To be honest, Randy's heart was very torn to see that his two daughters would be separated.

"No, son. We're not breaking up.

Mariana will always be in Papa's heart, try to see what Papa has for you."

"Bracelet. Very nice, Pa bracelet."

"Wear it dear. If Mariana and Gwen meet later, remember this bracelet." Randy smiled and hugged the princess again.

A beautiful bracelet, with a picture of a heart that if joined together will form a whole heart shape. Mariana and Gwen hugged their father tightly.

"Come on Mariana, it's time for us to go," said Irena who was already waiting for the taxi that the woman had ordered.

"Sister ... Mama...! Don't leave Mentari." The little girl screamed hysterically while crying and calling her sister and mom. However, Randy hugged the princess and tried to calm her down.

Irena's heart was devastated when she had to leave her youngest daughter, Mentari, who was now crying in her father's arms and still crying.

"It's dear. Papa's little angel.

don't cry anymore, later we will definitely meet again with mama and also your sister, Gwen." Randy tried to comfort his little daughter.

"I promise, Dad."

"Yes Papa anji and Papa will definitely fulfill it.

Now we better go inside, son." Randy immediately carried Gwen's tiny body, and occasionally he kissed his little daughter's hair. He only hoped that one day they could be back together, becoming a complete and happy family.

A Few Years Later.

Mariana and Gwen are now grown up, both are equally beautiful. Mariana, who has grown up, now looks even sweeter, she chose to become a doctor.

Gwen is no less beautiful, she has dimples that will show her sweet smile, making her liked by many men.

While Mariana had already found the anchor of her heart, the lucky man was named Arthur. Morgan's older sister, a good-looking man with a kind heart.

Gwen strolled through the deserted street, her steps a little faster. The girl began to worry because suddenly there was a thug, not far from where she was standing now.

"God, protect me from those who intend to harm me," said Gwen. And it's true that several thug-like men approached Gwen. The girl was scared and looked around. However, he recognized one of them, he was Robin. The man who often seduced her.

"Hay Gwen. Your face is as beautiful as a minister in the morning, even prettier you are. I can't hold it in anymore, so come here my dear.

"W-what do you want to do. Stay away from me, please go away, don't mess around, Rob." The beautiful girl looked very scared.

"Oh dear you are more beautiful when like that. Don't be afraid honey I won't hurt you." Robin is getting closer to Gwen trying to grab the girl's body, Gwen keeps trying to dodge. However, this time the bastard managed to rip off a bit of Gwen's clothes, revealing some of the girl's white and smooth body.

Roni smirked making Twilight even more scared. The girl tried to run away, but Roni had already hugged her from behind.

"No...! I beg you to let go."

"Shut up Gwen! You will definitely like it. At first it hurts, but after a while you will also enjoy it."

"What do you mean, Robin?!"

"I've been wanting to make love to you, dear Gwen."

The sun began to struggle trying to break free from Robin's embrace, which was quite strong. However, when Robin tries to force Gwen. Suddenly, the sound of a car roaring was heard from a distance, its headlights dazzled anyone who saw it. Gwen closed her eyes, like a hero. The figure of the man appeared at the right time.

"Let him go!" shouted a man who was now staring intently at Robin

"Don't meddle in our business! Get out of here or you'll suffer the consequences," Robin threatened

"You sucker, you only have the courage to be with women. Come on, you guys if you dare." The man challenged Robin

"Let's just gang up on him, now!" shouted Robin.

The man also fought Robin and his friends, who were indeed many in number. Fortunately, when the man who helped the minister was about to be hit by Robin, the girl hit Robin on the back hard and made him fall

After that, Gwen approached the man. He is still holding his wound because he was beaten by Robin's friends. Because he was too tired, suddenly Gwen fell unconscious.

Now that Gwen finally woke up after being unconscious for so long, she was surprised to find herself in a place that was very strange to her.

"Thank goodness you've come to your senses. Drink this."

The girl frowned, and she remained silent without saying a single word. The man understood Gwen's situation. Then he explained everything to the girl.

"Sorry ... I was suspicious of you earlier."

"It's okay, I understand you must be scared. Now tell me. What really happened to you?" asked Morgan.

"They're bad people. They mean to want to ....." Gwen was silent, she didn't want to continue her sentence, she was crying now.

The man spontaneously immediately hugged Gwen.

"Calm down. You're safe here. They won't be able to bother you again."

"Uhuk ... uhuk ...." Gwen coughed because she felt suffocated, as a result of the man's strong hug.

"Sorry... I can't breathe."

"Oh uh sorry... um. I'm sorry. I don't know." The man smiled shyly as he scratched the back of his neck. Gwen looked down to hide her smile.

"Get some rest, tomorrow I'll take you home. It's getting late now. Oh yeah my name is Morgan, your name?"


"Beautiful name, as beautiful as the person." Morgan thought.

"Em... I really thank you for helping me. If you weren't there, I don't know what would have happened to me."

"Yes, it's the same. I don't like men who oppress and demean a woman's self-esteem."

"Morgan, a very handsome and kind man." Now it was Gwen's mind who said as she looked at Morgan's handsome face with a faint smile.