
Dates and Dragons...but...

"He WHAT?!"

"Gloria, calm down! It isn't like he's gonna die. I highly doubt they would even be able to kill him. I mean he tamed her first day!" Feno said, nervously.

"That girl thinks she can go out with my Shiro...not today. I am not the one." Gloria stormed out the inn.

Ikeshia watched her and sighed then watched Komeko follow Gloria. "How much you wanna bet something is going to go wrong?"

"Every last cent I have." Feno said.


"I asked Shiro on a date therefore he is MY human!" Imri snarled.

"Actually you didn't ask me. You demanded we go on one. Huge difference." I said.

"Human, why be with this brute when you can have me~ I have better...assets than her~" Elula hugged me from behind.

I felt her breasts push against my back and I blushed. Imri's hand turned into a dragon claw then she gripped Elula's head and pulled her off me.

"Ouch! Ouch! Let me go!" Elula whined.