
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · Kỳ huyễn
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100 Chs

chapter 80 :Dynasty of Shadows: A Night Walker's Tale

Three thousand years ago, within the heart of the spirit glades, home to the night walkers, a stunningly pale woman graced the scene. Her blood-red pupils emitted an eerie glow in the dark, framing an oval face adorned with thin, captivating blood-red lips. She draped herself in silk robes as she navigated through the foggy expanse. Accompanying her was a handsome man, equally pale, with eyes aglow in the same haunting red hue. Vlad, the man, couldn't resist stealing glances at her, drawing the woman's attention. "What is it, Vlad?" she inquired.

Vlad shook his head, offering a chuckle. "Nothing, my empress. I am just admiring your beauty. You truly are the moon goddess's greatest creation," Vlad praised.

However, the woman frowned, abruptly halting their stroll. She turned to face Vlad. "Say it," her voice cut through the air like a sharp knife, a threat lingering beneath the surface.

Vlad's smile vanished, replaced by a somber expression. "I have been given the task to kill you," he confessed, meeting the woman's gaze directly.

Unfazed, the woman queried, "I'm guessing it is my royal adviser Solomon who gave you the task?" Vlad shook his head, adding confusion to the woman's troubled thoughts. Aware of her adviser's machinations against her, she began questioning those around her.

"It was your father, Lilith, Lord Drakon. He says your younger brother should be the one to sit on the throne, not you. But I suspect foul play. Your father would never do something like that," Vlad revealed, his words piercing Lilith's heart. Staggering, she fell to her knees, her glowing red pupils turning black. Dark veins traced around her eyes, fangs elongated, and a painful scream escaped her lips. Bats swarmed the area, dispelling the fog, and Vlad struggled to maintain consciousness against the force.

After minutes that felt like an eternity, the tumultuous scene subsided. Lilith stood, fixing her gaze on Vlad. "So, are you going to kill me?" she asked, not even addressing her father's perplexing betrayal.

Vlad emitted a self-deprecating laugh before responding, "After that display? I don't think anyone can... I never wanted to kill you, Lilith. I brought you out here because I wanted to ask for your hand in marriage." He descended to one knee, presenting a beautiful ring with a round red ruby on top. Lilith's expression remained unchanged as she stared at Vlad.

"Do you, too, covet the throne?" she inquired, her tone unwavering.

Vlad hastily disagreed, expressing his genuine love for Lilith since their childhood. Lilith listened, her heart fluttering despite maintaining a serious countenance. When Vlad finished, she knelt down, looked at him, and pulled him into a deep kiss. "I thought you would never ask," she remarked after the kiss, and Vlad, smiling, asked, "Is that a yes?"

Lilith nodded, and they kissed again, commencing the mating process. After a few hours, Vlad walked into the throne room. A young man, resembling Lilith, sat on the throne with a look of pity. Beside him stood a handsome middle-aged man in royal attire, surrounded by councilmen.

All eyes turned to Vlad, who bore bloodstains and a sword. "I present before the royal council Vlad Dragonborne, hero of the Menda dynasty," announced a servant. Vlad approached, knelt, and reported, "My lord, I have returned."

The middle-aged man, with a smile, approached Vlad. "I knew you would not disappoint me, and for that, I will reward you immensely," he declared.

"Vlad has killed my daughter Lilith per your wishes. I listened to you all and made the painful decision of eliminating my daughter. Even though she proved herself to be a far better leader than I was, you all could not stand being ruled by a woman, and you made me kill my daughter," revealed Lord Drakon, the middle-aged man.

"You had a choice, father," interjected a female voice as the throne room darkened. The door burst open with a loud bang, and black fog filled the room. Ruby red orbs glowed in the darkness—everyone recognized her. Lilith, the Blood Empress.

"Why do you all look so surprised? You sent a man who is in love with me to kill me. How did you think that would work out? You all conspired against the throne in such dire times. The beasts of the land have been corrupted, our people are dead, dragons and phoenixes have left the mortal world, and some spirits turned foul. Instead of planning to help, you all gathered to plot my demise. For what?" Lilith spoke, and as the black fog retracted, her beautiful figure emerged, adorned in silk robes smeared with blood, creating an eerie yet captivating image.

Shock filled the throne room as Lilith continued, addressing the dire state of the world. Lord Drakon moved forward, regret etched on his face. "Daughter, I did not want to do—" he coughed up blood, and before he could finish, Lilith's hand pierced through his chest, ripping out his heart.

"Rest well, father," Lilith whispered, shedding a silent tear. Her little brother, Argon, screamed in rage, veins and claws transforming him into a creature of anger. He lunged toward Lilith, vowing to avenge his father. Almost in front of her, a wall of blood appeared, blocking his path. "Foolish little brother, I am not your equal," Lilith's voice echoed in the throne room.

The wall of blood transformed into countless spears, encircling everyone in the throne room, each spear targeting its designated victim with divine precision. Lilith declared, "All of you are guilty of conspiring against the throne. I no longer have a use for you. I'll establish a new hierarchy within the dynasty, where loyalty belongs to me alone. I'll unite all mortal beings under one banner, but you won't be here to witness it." The blood spears swiftly struck, leaving only four individuals in the room – Argon, the servant, Vlad, and Lilith.

Approaching Argon, Lilith knelt down, whispering in his ear. The other night walkers couldn't discern her words despite their heightened hearing. Argon fearfully nodded, standing up and embracing his older sister, thanking her for saving them. His unexpected gratitude shocked Vlad and the servant.

Lilith patted Argon's back twice, a signal for the unseen events that transpired. Before his death, Lord Drakon cast a brief bloodscape, revealing the councilmen's deal with a fallen deity, involving Lilith's death. Lilith sighed as she surveyed the room, bearing the weight of hidden truths.

Several months after the appearance of the enlightened ones, Lilith sought an audience with two powerful humans near the mountains where dragons once dwelled. Though her request seemed unusual, it was granted. Two nights before the full moon, the trio sat by a bonfire, the men gazing at the pale-skinned woman with red glowing eyes.

"Night walker," they spoke in unison.

"Humans," she responded.

"What is it you seek?" inquired the Mesa enlightened without preamble.

"Straight to business. I like that. I've come to extend an offer of alliance. Night walkers are mystical creatures, more connected to the spirit realm. One of our oldest oracles, Lady Rinia, received a spirit revelation: in 3 millennia, 15 years after the birth of the fallen one, the world will be in chaos. If not guided well, the fallen one will be the death of us all. That's what was revealed," Lilith explained.

The two enlightened individuals exchanged contemplative glances, nodding in agreement. "We accept the alliance. For the sake of all, let's keep our distance for now. In a year's time, we'll introduce you to our people, and you'll do the same for us," the Mesa enlightened declared. The Tif'er enlightened smiled, asking Lilith, "What do we call you?"

Lilith returned the smile and answered, "Empress Lilith Mendabich of the Menda dynasty. And you are?"

"I am Zhou Li," responded the Tif'er enlightened, turning to the Mesa enlightened, who began introducing himself...

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