
Chapter 42: blood brothers

After Finn and rest exited the portal and headed for La'faura they didn't notice the four people hiding in the desert . The four people were on griffins and after they saw them leave they flew towards the portal which was now closing and they all passed through quickly .

After passing through the portal they flew out in four different directions , each landing on different locations at the edges of the capital  . "Just what business do you have here ?" They all heard the same question right after landing and Infront of each of them was a person wearing a black cloak building a great contrast to their white and gold mage robes


" A former blade of the king like you should be resting your blade is no longer sharp "

"Why don't you escape the city while you still have the chance?"

"I've always wanted to battle a blade*

"You are already dead"

There four people in white and gold robes responded to the question asked by the former blades with calm indifference as if they were already sure of their victory and they immediately attacked the blades . All four of the fights didn't last long before they were all dealt with by the former blades but 3 out 4 committed suicide once they saw that they couldn't win and the fourth one was knocked out and placed under a suppression spell that sealed his soul making him unable to channel the foul breath and placed in the dungeon below the blade's castle waiting for the king's return...


After Timothy and the others returned from La'faura they all went straight to their castle and found the former blades standing at the door watching them land in the courtyard 

" I hope you have some good news for me " Finn asked after jumping off of kora

"Yes my Lord everything went as you predicted but three of them committed suicide and we only managed to capture one alive, he's in the dungeon below" Harmonia took off the hood as she spoke to Finn

"Lead the way then" Finn and the rest followed Harmonia and her team down to the dungeon . Down in the dungeon Inside a huge cell a man laid down nudeand unconscious with scars and bruises all over his body

"Get him up " two of the former king's blades picked him up and brought him to Finn , Harmonia touched the man's head and he regained consciousness

"Ahhhhhhh it hurts it hurts " the man screamed in pain

"And it will hurt much more if you don't start talking " Finn looked at the man with a fiendish smile plastered on his face scaring even Timothy and his teammates

" KILL ME PLEASEEEE " the man screamed in agony

"Very well then if it is death you seek then death you will be rewarded" Finn looked at Harmonia and nodded

Harmonia place her hands on the man's hand and she started chanting

"Runes record and runes sees all

Guide me into this man's soul

Extract the secrets hidden in this soul" Runes appeared on Harmonia hands and also on the man's head glowing with a feint green light , the man screamed even harder and harmonia's eyes lit up with a green glow .

The process lasted for a few minutes before stopping , Harmonia removed her hands from the man's head making him fall down to the ground with a loud thud , dead.

Finn looked at Harmonia who seemed to be slightly disoriented and waited patiently for her to get her head straight.

"My Lord this man's name was Gabriel Sten who had his father executed by the former king years ago when he was still a boy , he was found by a person who promised him the power for revenge in exchange for his undying loyalty , the man's face is blurred from the memories so I can't see him clearly but I did find out one interesting piece of information and that is the name of this cult , they call themselves the blood brothers and it seems to have a small number of devotees , and he was not of a high position within the cult . Which means that the children of the fallen may have not been involved in this at all" Harmonia explained everything neatly

" Oh I see.. I need you to investigate this Gabriel Sten , find out everything about him and report back to me" Finn instructed Moraine who immediately left with her team afterwards

"And you captain I need you to investigate the history of the blood brothers you may choose anyone from your team to go you , remember captain I need names and I need them fast" Finn instructed komoni

"Yes my Lord I won't disappoint...you , you will be helping me on this one "she pointed at Timothy

"Alright" he didn't add anything else

It was now past midnight and Timothy lay awake in his bed , his thoughts were occupied on the rune poem he could still hear in his head. The poem kept repeating over and over but the more Timothy tried to comprehend it the more he failed to understand it.

"Hey fox are you good with rune poems?" Timothy poked the little fox beside him

"I heard you the first time there was absolutely no need for you to poke me , and yes the answer to your question is yes I am"the fox spoke in a sleepy voice , not even bothering to open its eyes

" Very well" Timothy smiled

"Why do I have a feeling you are cooking up a very idiotic plan on how you are going to convince me to help you out and your answer is no !" Timothy didn't add anything else and he went to sleep with a smile