
No So That New Year..

I was waiting in cafe.. this is the new day new begging.. people are here to celebrate there new day.. and here I am talking decisions of my life.. how the Fucked up my life is..

Suddenly Noah come in and all my thoughts wash away..than I look at him. he did find me where I am and when our eyes meet he straight walk towards me and seat opposite to me.. I did give me weak smile at him..

" All are celebrating New Year's and here we are.. " he said to me.. and i know what he trying to explan.. I mean I do want do the same.. did I spoil his new year..

" did I Spoil your New Year?" I ask him.. I do feel guilty that I call him to come here that urgently..

" I know right.. and i am sorry to call you and tell you to come here that urgently.." i tell him too..

" Let it be I know you did call me for talk somthing important.. So tell me what you want to talk about it.." he ask me.. and this make me easy think to talk to him in straight forward..

" I want to talk about what we talk about earlier.." i said to him.. and he look at me give me question look..

" We already talk about it that matter right.. and we already decided it.. than why again.. are you getting second thought.." he ask me.. and I drink glass of water..

" It's just that.. Noah.. before you react first listen to me.. " I tell him..

" Are you talking about Ariana.. " he ask me.. and i shake my head and said no to him..

" No I am not taking about her.. don't worry about it.. but I do want to talk about her too.. but I want to talk first why i called you to come here.. " I said he nodded with his head..

" It's just that.. Noah.. I know you are my best friend.. and seriously I can do anything for you.. we know each other when we are kids.. more important is that you are my best friend.. there is no way that I can ever hurt you or anything.. I always love you Noah.. no matter what.. " I said to him..

" But I can't do that.. if you want to be with me and make my sister jealous so she can realise and she can come to you.. I can always do that.. but please don't chose me.. Noah.. I know you can always make me happy.. and I also do the same.. but it's about our whole life decision.. I don't want that because you are angry at her you can make this type of decisions.. well you can try to make me happy.. but it's no enough for me.. I want to be with someone whom I can love.. and i see my whole life with him.. so I am sorry Noah.. I really sorry but I can't do that what you want me to do.. " I said to him.. and wipe my tears.. I didn't know that I am crying telling him all this..

" But yeahh.. I am always with you.. whenever you needed me.. I always be there.. in your good or bad time.. " I said to him.. he did nodded with his head. And give me smile.. I know he don't like this at all.. but I don't have any other choice.. I don't want that one mistake make everyone's life hell..

" Actually you Know I do think the same.. when we talk we decided after that that think keep going on in my mind.. and I do feel that I am going fast. And I am making decisions like there is no tomorrow.. when I also know that we all still have time.. and my lake of jealous will make our friendship my love for her.. my hater for him all will Spoil.. and I don't want that anyone can suffer because of it.. so I also agree with that.. " he said.. and really my huge weight get low. I feel relax and clam.. I give him my best and real smile..

" But yeah.. you idea.. well I don't mind to do that too.. Making her jealous.. maybe it's worked I mean who knows... " he said to me. And smrike..

" Of course it will worked.. just we have to act little bit more cossy.. don't worry we can start our thing from tomorrow.. right now you go to party. I am going home.. I am feel tired need sleep.. see you in school Noah and thanks a lot to come here in short notice because I really needed this.. to clear things out.. " I said and standing up..

" Wait I am dropping you.. and I am not going again there I'd you think that I am going but no.. I am going home.. I am also executed and tired.. " he said. And I nodded with my head. We both started to leave this cafe.. I quickly follow behind him..

Whole ride we Didn't talk more.. its just silent.. but not awkward silence.. it's make us pace.. no more tantion. No more worry..

My huge weight is gone.. I thinking about that how can I will tell him this how can I understand him. But Noah not that dumb. And I know same thing is going on in his head. He is not having bad thinking in mind. He just want to pacefull life.. I know and he will get one when Ari told him about her feelings for him.. for that first I have to do one thing is I want to talk to Ari about this..

No matter what I know Nickolas is her first priority but I am not going to judge her for this.. but still she do have to think about Noah too.. who's right now thinking about his future with her.. and i know they will be happy together and after.. but they both are so dumb and of course we all are kids.. we can see everyone's problem but we can't see our own or solve our own things.. like we can give examples about me too..

" Here we go..." Noah said. Parking car front of my house. And I broke my all thought.. and see my house and than turn to look at him.. he did give me smile and nodded with his head.. so did I too.. I hug him.. he did hug me back..

" Thanks for dropping me.. and thanks for understanding me.. mission Ari is still on.. and we are going to execute on school day after tomorrow.. till than take care.. have good night.. and ohh yaah once again Happy New Year.. " I said to him.. and broke the hug..

" Happy New Year lena.. and I will.. have good night.. see you soon.. " he said.. I left the car. And walk to my house.. and he drive away.. no longer he is here or his car.. I smile and open the door and get in..

I walk to my bedroom.. I know Ari is on party so there is no way anyone is home.. mom dad is already on bed. So I did same too.. get quick shower and jump on my bed.

Thinking about everything and when I about to sleep.. I got message from unknown person.. well I first thought it's maybe one of my friend but when I check it's unknown person I open it and read it.. and that make me totally stunned..


You are going well.. you know how to menuplate people.. and how to use them.. but that what a businesswoman do right.. I am impressed.. and can't wait to see you Angel with devil mind..

And I was seat in my bed Indian side folding my both legs.. what is this.. and what he is talking about.. I didn't think more and text him back..

Who are you..

I don't know what to said more.. I first want to confirm that is he talking with me or its wrong number maybe..


One of your admire.. don't worry Angel you will be have me very soon.. verry soon we meet.. and very soon you will be mine..

And this message make me stunned.. and my eyes wild.. it's this him.. whom I am thinking.. who is after me.. who want me.. is it.. did he spy on me.. If he is.. than how can I don't know..

When I go to cafe. I know no one is there.. so how the hell he know.. and about my and Nick.. we both are one of the basement where no one is there last time I check.. than how the hell he know.. what I am missing..  and the same time I got another message from him from me..


No Engel don't west time thinking about how I know all this.. don't worry I will tell you everything when we both face each other.. don't think too much and have good sleep.. night.. take care..

I littrly want to vomit to his words.. but thing is how the hell he know that what I am doing and how the hell he know everything. But again.. I can fine eventually like he said so why I am worried about this.. yeah but whoever it is if he hurt my family.. I will kill him..

Thinking all this.. I close my eyes.. and sleep..


  Next day when I wake up.. I freshnup and go to join family breakfast..

" Morning Maa Dad.. big sister Happy New Year guys.." I said and hug everyone kiss there cheeks and than seat one of empty chair and join them..

" Morning little sis.." "morning my fav kid"  " morning sunshine how you feeling right now.." three of wish me and mom ask me questions.. saying me 'HAPPY NEW YEAR'

" Now I feel like I am fine.. and ready to go to join school again.. plus exams are coming we all are going to our senior year.. I can wait for that.." I tell her..

"  That's good.. " mom said to me and I started to eat my breakfast..

" Work hard.. and make us proud of you.. everyone have to say that my kid is brave and smart.." dad said. And nodded with my head..

" Don't worry dad.. our lena is topper to our school.. even everyone know her as nerd.. " Ari said and I Rolle my eyes..

" It's got from her mother.. you mother is use to be nard in our high school time.. " dad said. And I giggle..

" And you are like lost puppy use to follow this nard whole compose don't forget that.. " mom said to him..

" How can I forgot this think hun.. " dad said. And she Rolle her eyes. And me and Ari share look and giggle..

After breakfast.. everyone got bussy in ther own work.. I also did same.. complete all books my homework.. when I am done.. I feel like it's time to talk with her.. so I left my room. And know her door.. and she did said 'come in' to me..  and I didn't wear time and enter closing door behind me..

" Hyy little sister.. what's up.." she said. And I walk and join her in bed.. she is lying in her bed and watching some series..

" Actually are you free I want to talk to you.." I ask her..

" Yeahh. I am that why Westin my time on this series.. anyway.. I can watch it later.. you say.. what you want to talk about.." she said closing her lappy and look to me..

" so I want to ask what is going on between you and Noah..." I ask her.. and she sigh..

" Ohh not again.. what about him and me.. " she ask me.. and i give her look like seriously now.. duh..

" Fine there is nothing going on between us lena.." she said to me.. and i Rolle my eyes..

" We both know that you are lying big sister.. so quick it and tell me.." I tell her..

" Fine.. it's just that.. I M scared to go with him.. to get in any future relationship.. it's just that I never see myself with anyone but Nickolas.. now I am looking at Noah.. but still I need time for this.. I mean did you see how can he talk about Nick.. " she said.. and I cut her off..

" Sis we both know that how's Nick is.. I know for you Nick no matter what how much he hurts you or anything but still you will chose him.. but it's not the problem.. it's just that when you giving Noah chance than why you are acting like this.. that he is your always be second option.." I tell her..

" What.. I never said that he is my always second option.." she said. And we both look at each other and she do little bit surprised herein this..