
Destiny's Reshaping: A Danmachi Reincarnation Tale

Mark, devastated by the consequences of a single fateful decision, finds himself at the crossroads of destiny. In a desperate bid to reclaim everything he lost—his past, present, and future—he strikes a mysterious deal with the enigmatic "god" presiding over the cycle of reincarnation. Now armed with a second chance, Mark's journey unfolds as he strives to reunite with his beloved. Yet, in the intricate game of fate, will he emerge as the master of his destiny or be reduced to a mere pawn on a grander chessboard? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Nales_Tales · Tranh châm biếm
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41 Chs

Zoe and Astrea

(Author: the following chapter exceeds 3000 words, this Saturday's chapter will be skipped.)



In a village, a pure but enchanting-looking woman walked the streets while humming happily. She had long walnut brown hair pulled back in a dignified fashion, along with deep indigo eyes that resembled a sea of stars. She wore a shirt that revealed the shoulders and a long skirt, both white and blue. 

"Good morning goddess Astrea!" 

"Good morning goddess." 

"It seems you are alone today." 

"Good morning everyone." -She said greeting the various citizens of the village. 

The woman was the goddess Astraea, of the Astraea Familia. 

The Astraea Familia, made up only of women, was well known in Orario, not only because most of the adventurers were level 4, but also because it played the role of the police force, which was why it was loved by the inhabitants of Orario.

Besides as a police force, they also carried out explorations, reaching the 41st floor, which was considered a good milestone for the size of that Familia, but their glory, unfortunately, ended. 

A Familia belonging to the Evilus ambushed them and due to the damage suffered in the dungeon, a Juggernaut was born, leading to the death of all members except Ryuu, who retaliated against that Familia by killing all their members, thus entering the guild blacklist. 

The loss of her daughters caused her deep suffering and seeing Ryuu imploring her to leave, she decided to leave and settled in this village six years ago. 

Although the pain remained, she was now able to find happiness again, ever since she adopted her new daughter. 

"Oh dear goddess, does my pupil need anything?" - Asked an elderly man, who ran a herb shop. 

"Doctor Al, you know how she is since you taught her alchemy, she creates a medicine every day." -Astraea said with a sigh, but it was not possible to hide the maternal affection she had. 

"She is exceptionally talented, she has learned everything I have taught her in a few months. Staying here will only slow her down. " -Said Al, as he handed the herbs to the goddess. 

"To be a good alchemist, in addition to studying you need materials and magical strength and you know very well which is the most suitable place." - Al said seriously. 

"Orario..." -She said worriedly. 

"I heard what happened to your daughters and I'm sorry, but you can't go on living in fear. That girl has the right to find out about her past. " -The man told her with a smile. 

After paying for the herbs, Astraea began to return to her home, while reflecting on Al's words. She was afraid of returning to that city that took away her happiness, which she had finally managed to find, but this was not fair to her daughter, who wanted to explore the world. 

"Zoe I'm home." -She said as she entered the fairly spacious and comfortable house. 

Seeing that no one answered, she could only shake her head and head to the room that had prepared all the alchemy tools. Gently opening the door, she saw a figure reading a book while squeezing herbs. 

As she approached slowly, a mischievous smile appeared on her lips. She spread her arms and squeezed the girl's body. 

"AH! Haaa, mother when did you come in? " - Said the girl recovering from the fright, while she was still wrapped in the arms of the goddess. 

"I also greeted you when I walked in, it seems like you were focused." -Astraea said smiling at her. 

"Sorry, it's just that I'm having trouble with a potion." -She said embarrassed. 

Releasing her from his embrace, Astraea looked at the girl in front of her fondly. 

'It's been five years already.' - She thought deeply. 

The girl had long black hair that ran down her back, with blonde tips. White skin with a feminine but not exaggerated body and an angelic face, which however was ruined by a bandage that covered the left eye, while the right one was aquamarine. 

Astraea met her five years ago while walking through the woods. The scene was like a fairy tale, the girl was sleeping peacefully under a tree with simple clothes, while the area was illuminated by the rays of the sun that made their way through the leaves. 

Obviously, the goddess was worried about the girl and took her to Dr. Al, who couldn't find anything strange. After a day of rest, the girl woke up but Astraea noticed something strange, the girl's eyes were completely lifeless and she responded by moving only her head, besides she seemed to have completely lost her memory. 

Seeing her state, Astraea decided to take her to her home, hoping she could find herself well. She made her a hot meal and when she tried to help her take a bath, she started freaking out and screaming, only to curl up in a corner in fright. 

Looking at the terror in the girl's face, Astraea cried with sadness. She wondered what she had experienced to have all this fear, and for this, she did the only thing that came to her mind, she gently hugged the girl, who tried to wriggle out, and then calm down slowly, falling asleep in Astraea's arms. 

At that point, the period of coexistence began. The girl still did not speak and showed no apparent feelings, but Astraea could see that the girl was starting to be more alive. Many times she would follow Astraea around and at night she would crawl into her bed to sleep together. 

After a month with no information about a missing girl, Astrea decided to give the girl the blessing to read her status where her name was supposed to be written on it. But when she performed the ritual and gained access to her status, she was overcome with anger, when she saw that the girl didn't have a name. 

In that world, the name was an important thing, it attested the existence of your soul and your birth. If an unnamed child were to die, his/her soul could not reincarnate and would be destined to wander in suffering indefinitely. 

"You don't have to worry about anything, from today I will be your mother and your name will be Zoe Elpis." -She said to her while hugging her affectionately. 

Zoe stood for life and Elpis for hope, with that name, she wished her daughter a life full of hope. 

After that event, Astraea became her adoptive mother and as the months went by, Zoe began to show more of her feelings and start talking, which moved Astraea, but no matter how long it was, Zoe still couldn't remember anything. 

Recalling the past with a smile, Astraea led Zoe into the living room and sat her next to her on the sofa. 

"Zoe are you going to make a potion that lets you remember the past?" - She said smiling.

She had tried giving her that kind of potion in the past, but it seemed to have no effect. 

"!" - Seeing that she was discovered, Zoe began to fidget. 

She was grateful to her mother for everything she did for her, but she still had the intention of finding out who she was and why she couldn't remember anything. 

"Silly girl, you don't have to worry about me. I tried to keep you closed from everything outside only because I was afraid. " - She told her as he took her hand. 

"You've grown so much, you turned 18 only yesterday and I know I won't be able to keep you to myself forever. So I was wondering, do you want to go to Orario? There you will surely find the resources to make it. " - She said smiling. 

"Are you sure mother?" - She asked worriedly. 

Astraea had told her everything, so she could imagine the pain of returning to the place where she lost her daughters. 

"Yes Zoe, it's time for me to move on." -Said Astraea with a deep breath. 

"Thank you." -Said Zoe, as she hugged her. 

Zoe didn't see Astraea as a goddess, but just as a mother. When she couldn't remember anything about who she was and where she was, she was always by her side, loving her like a real daughter, which is why she never proposed the idea of going to Orario. 

"Not at all dear, now let's see your status, it's been a while since we updated it." - She told her as she separated. 


[NAME]: Zoe Elpis 

[AGE]: 18 

[LV]: 2


Strength: I 50 (320) 

Endurance: H 100 (270)

Dexterity: H 190 (650)

Agility: H 190 (610)

Magic: G 200 (2500) 


Alchemy (G)


-Word magic: using words and imagination, it is possible to cast a spell. It has a high rate of Falna consumption. 


-Eye of truth: 

(passive) ability to read inner thoughts. 


(activate) absorb the magical power from the stones of slain monsters and make it yours. 

(activates) the magical power absorbed can be used to enhance a magic, but as a result, you will lose the stat increase. 

(stones lv2: 0/5) 


"It's always nice to see your status. If you wanted to, you could become the strongest wizard. " -Said Astraea as she handed her the sheet. 

The first time she saw her status she was speechless, a magic that works with the imagination and another that allowed her to absorb magical power, which could be defined as the abilities of dreams for wizards. Additionally, Astraea made sure that Zoe also trained with the spear, so that she had a different source of protection. 

Another ability was the 'Eye of Truth', which was the reason why she hid the left eye. Zoe's left eye was dark purple and when she didn't cover it, she could read people's minds. It was thanks to that ability that she grew mentally, but when she was with Astraea or Al she refused to look at them with that eye. 

"You know I'm more interested in becoming an alchemist, but I can't deny that I need a good amount of mana to make good potions." -Counter Zoe. 

Alchemy was a branch of magic, which dealt with the creation of potions. To create potions, you needed the necessary materials and the creator's mana as a catalyst. 

Of course, alchemy also had several branches, but what Zoe was interested in was the potions used to cure people. Initially, she only studied it as a form of entertainment, but the more time she learned it the more passionate she became, making it her dream. She found it fascinating how simple liquids could have such effects on people's bodies and minds. 

The following days were spent preparing everything needed to leave and on the day of departure, all the villagers came to say goodbye, even Doctor Al arrived and approached Zoe. 

"Zoe, as your teacher, I'm proud of you and I'm ashamed of myself for not being good enough to teach you more." -Said as he bowed. 

"Master please don't do that. I am grateful to you for opening the doors of alchemy for me, I am sincere. " - Zoe said, as she lifted him. 

If Astraea was a mother figure, then Al was a father figure. He taught her a lot of things and was always available to give her advice or help, so she didn't want him to despise himself. 

"It seems this old man was lucky to have you as a pupil. Here, this is my gift for your birthday, it's a bit late, but I hope you like it." - He told her as he handed her something wrapped in paper. 

Curiously opening the gift, she gasped. It was a silver spear with two stones set near the tip. 

"Master it's fantastic, but wasn't it expensive?" - She asked him worried. 

"Nonsense, your life is worth more than a few coins." -Said Al calmly making Zoe smile. 

"Remember Zoe, the outside world is not kind and I think you will find it out easily" - He said pointing to the covered eye. 

"Many will try to use you, while others will try to harm you, for that you have to be strong. But you will also find many beautiful things that will make you happy, like friends, adventures that you can tell when you get old, or someone you can love. Remember this though, if you ever feel tired of everything, you can always come back, this is your home and no one can deny it, plus you will make this old man happy." - He told her seriously first, only to become softer in the end. 

Nodding at his words, tears began to come out of Zoe's eyes, and she went to arm Al tightly. 

"Thanks hiccups, thanks for everything." - She told him while she was crying. 

"Not at all my dear. Thank you for making me happy. " -Al told her as he returned the hug. 

"Zoe it's time." -Hearing Astraea's voice, Zoe slowly walked away from Al, still having red eyes. 

"Now go and be happy." -He smiled at her. 

Making a small bow to Al, she got into the carriage which began to move. 

As she watched the village drift further and further away, various emotions revolved in Zoe's heart, between the sadness of abandoning the people who were close to her and the thrill of exploring the unknown. 

"Don't worry, you can meet them whenever you want." -Astraea said kindly. 

"I know it. I intend to show Al, that I have become the most famous alchemist in the world and let everyone know that he was my first teacher. " - She said with motivation. 

The two began their journey. Along the way, Zoe had the chance to notice different landscapes and new villages for the first time, making her even more curious about what life in Orario would be like. Instead, Astrea used an artifact to change her appearance and erase her divinity, so she could travel without attracting too much attention, but when she looked at her daughter's beauty, she doubted it would be possible.

The journey wasn't always comfortable, considering the road they traveled wasn't the best and occasionally monsters would appear. However, Zoe, being a level 2 and possessing extraordinary magical mastery, managed to defeat them without much difficulty. Her magical ability was so powerful that every fight seemed like a mere formality.

After two weeks of traveling, they arrived at their first major destination: Citadel 12. After thanking the coachman who had accompanied them, the two entered the city after paying the stay permit.

"It's really bustling," murmured Zoe, fascinated as she observed the frantic activity of the crowded streets.

"Being such a geographically strategic city, it's normal for it to have become an economic hub," explained Astrea, trying not to get lost in memories of her first visit there.

Seeing Zoe so carefree and curious about everything around her, Astrea regretted waiting so long to take her on a trip. She decided that they would have as much fun as possible those days, browsing the stalls and shops, but first, they had to stop at the guild.

"Let's go to the guild to see if anyone is heading towards Orario."

With the new plan, they asked for directions to the guild and headed there without too much trouble.

"I'm really starting to get curious. If a city like this already has so many things, I don't know what to expect from Orario," said Zoe, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.

"You're not the only one with such feelings. Many who go there for the first time are always full of anticipation, and their expectations are always more than met," replied Astrea with an understanding smile.

"I imagine, but I think I would like to see the Tower of Babel first. The idea of a building so tall it reaches the clouds seems magical," said Zoe, lost in her vivid imagination.

"I'm sure you'll be surprised. Ah, Zoe, behind you," warned Astrea.

Astrea's warning wasn't fast enough, and Zoe, who was still facing her, bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I didn't see you," said the boy, slightly disconcerted.

"No, no, I was the one who was distracted, sorry," replied Zoe, embarrassed. She looked at the boy with a shy smile before hurrying into the guild. She was so immersed in her fantasies that she had forgotten she was right in front of the entrance door.

"That was really a handsome guy you bumped into," commented Astrea.

"Really?" thought Zoe, confused, not having actually noticed.

"Wait, aren't you one of the virgin goddesses?"

"That doesn't mean I can't admit someone is good-looking," said Astrea without hesitation, leaving Zoe speechless.

Inside the guild, the atmosphere was lively. Adventurers of all kinds moved between the tables, discussing plans and strategies, while the guild employees worked frantically to maintain order.

Astrea and Zoe approached the main desk, where an elderly man with a long white beard was organizing documents.

"Good morning, we're here to look for information on any groups heading towards Orario," said Astrea decisively.

The man looked up and smiled. 

"Welcome. You're in luck, there's a group leaving the day after tomorrow at dawn. You can sign up here," he said, pointing to an open register on the counter.

Zoe couldn't contain her excitement. "Thank you very much! I can't wait to leave."

While Astrea completed the formalities, Zoe observed the surroundings with wide eyes. The adventure they had embarked on had already shown her wonders beyond her expectations, and the thought of what awaited her in Orario filled her with joyful anxiety.

After completing the formalities, the two headed to a cozy inn for the night, eager to rest and prepare for the next leg of their journey. As they sat down for dinner, Zoe couldn't help but ask Astrea to tell her more about Orario, the legendary Tower of Babel, and the adventures that awaited them.

The days in Citadel 12 passed quickly. Zoe and Astrea explored every corner of the city, from the bustling market squares, where merchants sold exotic goods and local crafts, to the quiet parks where they could relax and plan their journey. The citadel, with its stone buildings and cobblestone streets, had an ancient charm that enchanted Zoe.

On the morning of their departure, Zoe felt ready. 

"It's been nice here, but I feel Orario calling me," she said, looking at Astrea with a determined smile.

Astrea nodded, "Yes, it's time to go. The road to Orario is still long."

The two arrived at the meeting point, and the leader of the merchant caravan immediately rushed to Zoe's side, first because she was a natural beauty and second because he had been informed that she was a level 2, exciting him even more.

Zoe, with her ability, could feel the man's thoughts and started to feel uncomfortable. When she thought it might be better to push him away with one of her spells, someone approached them.

Apparently, he was the other level 2 person who would be traveling with them, and Zoe seemed to remember that he was the same person she had bumped into a few days ago.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zoe Elpis," said Zoe, smiling, as the arrival of the newcomer had driven away the caravan leader.

"Mark Tormeto, nice to meet you too," he responded with a polite nod.

Seeing him so reserved made Zoe curious, and she tried to activate her ability to see what he was thinking, making a startling discovery.

'I can't hear anything.'