
Destiny's Reshaping: A Danmachi Reincarnation Tale

Mark, devastated by the consequences of a single fateful decision, finds himself at the crossroads of destiny. In a desperate bid to reclaim everything he lost—his past, present, and future—he strikes a mysterious deal with the enigmatic "god" presiding over the cycle of reincarnation. Now armed with a second chance, Mark's journey unfolds as he strives to reunite with his beloved. Yet, in the intricate game of fate, will he emerge as the master of his destiny or be reduced to a mere pawn on a grander chessboard? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Nales_Tales · Tranh châm biếm
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41 Chs

Three lives

Twenty-first day since Mark had reincarnated.

 As always, Mark had continued to train constantly, and thanks mainly to the events during the monster wave, the ring around his core had reached 41%.

According to the Guide, his strength now hovered around the pinnacle of level 1 with S-level stats. However, as the Guide continued to explain, he still had room to grow, and once he reached 50%, which was the second stage of the first core, he would become much stronger than a first-tier adventurer who had just reached level 2. But these were discussions for the future.

As for the present, several days had already passed since Mark had become a guard. In this new position, he had discovered a series of advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, he was no longer a victim of thieves or thorough checks, and no one dared to disturb him anymore. However, the flip side was the daily tasks he had to complete.

Every morning, Mark went to Narak's mansion to receive his assignments. The list of available missions was vast and varied, and naturally, Mark always chose those that allowed him to leave the city, which had become the least popular after the monster wave.

The tasks assigned to the guards were paid with credits, a sort of internal currency that could be used to buy anything. However, the most important use of credits was the possibility of receiving the blessing of the only god present in the citadel. When Mark saw the exorbitant price required for such a blessing, he understood why accumulating enough credits required at least ten years of diligent service.

Even so, he was committed to completing every assigned mission to increase the trust others had in him, which is why he was in daily contact with the other guards, allowing him to acquire valuable knowledge.

His efforts allowed him to easily build good relationships, especially thanks to the first skill he had obtained, which he decided to call 'insight', which allowed him to manage conversations based on the emotional state of the person in front of him.

Today was nothing more than another repetition of the preceding days. He arrived at the gates of the villa, and after a quick check, he was allowed to enter.

As soon as he was inside, several guards greeted him, while others approached him.

"Hey, buddy, yesterday you left me alone, and I was hoping we would have enjoyed a nice evening together."

With a laugh, the man put his arm around Mark's neck like a dear friend, and Mark reciprocated by bumping his fist with his.

"Oh, you know the reason, people at the orphanage want me to be with them, or they don't feel safe."

"What a bore, but I appreciate your honesty. We should learn from you, right guys?"

The others laughed, and Mark joined in.

"Next time, though, you have to come. There's this chick with an amazing body, even though she has a crappy personality, so you always have to be a little rough to have a good time, if you know what I mean." -The man said with a lecherous smile.

"Do you think he has to be rough? Look at that face, if I were a woman, I'd pay gold to sleep with him."

Everyone burst into laughter again.

"Come on, guys, when I'm freer, I'll be the first to invite you, of course, the bill is on me."

"Hahaha! That's why I like you, buddy!"

After exchanging greetings, they parted ways, but after just a few steps, the smile on Mark's face vanished as if it had never been there. He looked around to make sure no one was watching him, then took a rag and carefully wiped all the points of contact.

"Disgusting," he murmured, dropping the rag on the ground before continuing on his way.

The people he had just met were individuals who had recently received the blessing, but in Mark's eyes, they were worthless beings. He had met them by chance and it didn't take long to become friends with them, especially after he offered them several drinks.

Once drunk, they began to recount their grotesque conquests over poor girls, speaking proudly of those misdeeds. That day, Mark had to use every ounce of his patience to avoid smashing their faces with a punch. Their lack of respect for life and human dignity deeply disgusted him, and every word that came out of their mouths only fueled his anger.

As he walked, he reflected on how skilled he had become at masking his true feelings. In this world, his survival depended not only on his physical strength but also on his ability to navigate among the most repugnant people and situations. He had to be cunning, manipulate when necessary, and above all, hide his true self, but he had to admit that his frustration continued to grow to be in contact with such people.

Once at the mission board, he took some missions to complete outside and only after marking his presence did he leave, when someone stopped him.

"Wait, it seems we have a similar mission. How about we go together? You know, after the monster wave it's dangerous out there."

The guy seemed to be around thirty years old. He had a very robust physique, but thanks to 'insight', Mark could perceive that he hadn't received a blessing. He tried to analyze his feelings too, but they were so intricate that it was difficult for Mark to analyze them, yet he still had a bad feeling.

"Look, I appreciate the thought, but I do better alone."

"Come on, don't say that." -The guy insisted.

"As I said-"

"Do you really think you can go out there alone without any problems?!"


The man's sudden increase in volume surprised Mark, and considering the area they were in, it easily attracted the attention of others.

"Please let me come with you! We practically have the same mission and we can help each other, you don't have to be alone!"

The guy's theatrics were attracting more and more people, agreeing with him that going alone was simply stupid considering they hadn't received the blessing.

"Look, it seems you've misunderstood. I just like moving alone, but if you want to help, we can go together."

Mark skillfully managed the conversation, causing the others to lose interest and return to their own business.

However, now Mark found himself with a complete stranger next to him as he headed towards the canyon.

'It seems I won't be able to train today.' -He sighed mentally.

During the entire journey to the canyon, the person didn't stop talking. Occasionally, Mark nodded distractedly, trying to maintain a cordial expression, but his mind was focused on his training and priorities. The constant chatter of the guy was like a continuous hammering, distracting him from his thoughts.

They finally arrived at the canyon, a desolate and silent place, broken only by the wind howling through the rocks. Mark hoped that the guy would finally understand the need to be quiet in a potentially dangerous place, but his hopes were soon dashed.

"So, what's your strategy for dealing with the monsters here? Do you have a plan?"

Mark gritted his teeth, trying to stay calm.

"My strategy is simple: observe, evaluate, and act based on the situation. I prefer not to make too much noise."

The guy nodded, seemingly ignoring the hint.

"Great idea! I usually just charge in, but I like your thoughtful approach."

'This is going to be a long day.' -He thought, mentally preparing for the mission and the challenge of handling his talkative companion.

"Although I still have one question."

"What now?" -Mark couldn't take it anymore.

"I was just wondering why someone blessed by a god would be so cautious."

Mark's steps halted, and he looked into his annoying companion's eyes, which now had a hint of cunning.

"You must be mistaken. I think almost everyone knows I just became a guard." -Mark bluffed with a laugh.

"Maybe... but you know, I saw you during the monster wave." -The guy added, smiling.

'This is bad.'

Mark continued to maintain his confused facade, but he was sweating. He had made sure no one was around while he fought, but in that chaos, it was impossible to detect every one.

"I don't think I understand."

"Come on, stop playing games. I saw you handle a dozen goblins without much trouble."

"I think others are capable of doing something similar."

"Maybe a couple or three, but fighting a dozen at once is suicide unless you have a blessing. Now, the question is, how did you do it? Narak doesn't seem to be aware, and I doubt that lazy god in the citadel did anything himself." -The guy analyzed.

Mark sighed, trying to buy time while his brain worked frantically.

'I need to find a plausible excuse.' -He thought.

"Look, maybe I'm just lucky. Maybe there's something in me that makes me a bit different, but that doesn't mean I have a blessing."

The guy stared at him intensely, as if evaluating every word.

"Maybe." -He said slowly.

"But luck has its limits. Don't worry, my lips are sealed, although there might be cases where something could slip out."

"What exactly do you want?" -Mark asked coldly.

"I'm sure you've encountered another god. I want to meet him too and receive his blessing, and I don't mean tomorrow or the day after, but now."

Scratching his head, Mark understood everything, but he didn't know how to solve the problem since there was no other god, and the method he was using was specific only to him.

'Maybe I should just trap him somewhere.'

Perhaps sensing something dangerous from Mark's silence, the guy retreated and spoke quickly.

"It's not in your best interest to do anything stupid. I've already discussed my suspicions with a friend of mine, who happens to be Narak's right-hand man!"

'Damn it.' -Mark had analyzed the guy with his ability for safety and he didn't seem to be lying.

"Also, I know how important your little family at the orphanage is, and I made sure that if I didn't show up at the gate before sunset, something bad would happen to them."

Once again, the guy wasn't lying, putting Mark in a tight spot.

"Seriously, what does it cost you to tell me the truth? I promise nothing will happen. Heck, we'd become brothers under the same god, you can trust me."

He extended his hand towards Mark and perhaps because his emotional knot had loosened, it became easier for Mark to analyze him, and he knew that every word he had just said was a lie.

There was a long silence in which Mark's mind worked incessantly, trying to think of future scenarios and various possibilities. In the end, a deep sigh escaped his lips.

"Alright." -He shook his hand.

"Great! So, when are we going? You know, I don't want anything to happen to your family either."


"I just wanted to make sure of one thing, you won't tell anyone about what you'll see, right?"

"Of course!"


"You won't betray me for your gain?"

"Damn it, who do you take me for? If you want, we can even become blood brothers."


"You won't oppress the weaker once you've obtained the blessing?"

"Nah, for me, strength is just a means. I've never oppressed anyone in my life and never will."

'Yet another lie.'

"I haven't even asked for your name."


"...I see." -Mark nodded.

"So... can we go?" -The guy insisted, irritated by Mark's incessant questions.

But Mark continued to look at the sky, distracted, and when he decided to turn his gaze towards Soka, the latter sensed something bad in Mark's eyes and tried to run away.



Everything happened in a flash. First, the sound of meat being cut by Mark's claymore, then the scarlet arc that formed on the ground, and finally, Soka's body fell to the ground without his legs, accompanied by a scream that seemed to come from the depths of hell.

Watching the scene, Mark's ears were ringing. He still felt the sensation of his sword cutting through another person's flesh, and it had been so easy that it made everything seem surreal.

"ARGHA! /sob, sob/ haa, haa, i-it hurts!"

Soka tried to move using his arms, but the pain prevented him.

Regaining some composure, Mark approached Soka.

He could hear him cursing and threatening him in every way, but at that moment, every sound seemed muffled. Even so, he knew he couldn't let him keep screaming.

"W-Wait, what are you doin-Hmmp!"

Mark gagged him and tied his hands, then made a loud whistle that echoed through the canyon. Mark knew that area perfectly and knew what kind of monsters were there.

It didn't take long for wolf monsters to arrive, and Mark started to walk away.

He could hear Soka's desperate and muffled cries as if he were begging him to save him after realizing what fate awaited him, but Mark didn't look back. The cries became more desperate, along with the sound of the monsters' jaws devouring something.

Suddenly, there was silence again. Mark didn't know if it was because he had moved too far away or because the monsters had finished feasting.

"Was it worth living like this? All I needed was one truth, just one, damn it..."

Mark looked at the sky lifeless, but it wasn't over yet. With his head still heavy, he headed towards the citadel.

There he waited for the sun to set and shortly after, he noticed a couple of figures moving towards the orphanage. Mark didn't even need to use his ability to understand that they were the people hired by Soka, judging by their clothes and the daggers they were hiding.

In the shadow of a building, the two people were discussing something while staring at the orphanage when Mark pounced on them. They tried to react, but ordinary people had no chance against him.

He drew his dagger with agility, as he had done countless times, and slashed the throat of one of them. With a quick turn, he pierced the heart of the other. Two lives vanished in a fraction of a second.

Afterward, Mark made sure the scene appeared to be the result of a fight gone wrong.

He could have handled the situation with words, but he was tired of surprises and twists. He had too much at stake and couldn't afford to make any mistakes, both now and in the future, so he decided to eliminate any source that could cause problems.

After cleaning himself up thoroughly, he put on his best smile and entered the orphanage. There, he behaved as usual, playing and joking with the children and exchanging a few words with Agata.

When it got late, the children went to bed, and Mark had the same intention, knowing that since it was the twenty-first day, he would have to undergo the energy absorption again and absolutely needed to balance his mental state to overcome this trial.

"Dear, is everything okay?" -Asked Agata before he could leave.

"I'm fine."

'No, I'm not.'

His thoughts were completely opposite to his words, but he responded with a forced smile.

"Really? I've seen you often staring at your food with a blank look, you who always become a glutton when it's time to eat. So, are you sure everything is okay? Is there some problem with those people?" -She asked, concerned.

"Nothing like that... I'm just a bit lost in thought, that's all. It will pass quickly."

Mark wasn't sure if those last words were directed at her or himself.

"I see."

There was a moment of silence between them, then Agata stepped closer to him.

"Hmm, can you bend your head slightly?"


Although confused, Mark didn't comply and bent his head slightly. He felt Agata's frail arms wrap around his head and rest it against her chest.


Mark had no idea how to react to such an act, but Agata started to speak.

"Look how big you've grown. I still remember the day I found you. You were so small, but watching you grow has been one of the greatest joys of my life. I also remember how as a child you used to call me mom and enjoyed running around full of energy."

Feeling the warmth of her embrace and her words, an image of his mother came to Mark's mind. Tears began to fall from his eyes, and he unconsciously returned the hug.

"Many things may change in the future, and other things are changing already, but one thing will remain constant. We are a family, and we will always be on your side."

She gently stroked Mark's hair, then ended the hug. Both had red eyes and laughed at the scene.

"Agata, I need to ask you something. If you had the chance to leave together with everyone, would you take it?" -Mark asked, becoming serious.


"Even if it might be dangerous?"

"Let's be honest. I'm old now, and once I'm gone, the children will be alone in a place with no future. So yes, if there was a chance to escape together, I would take it immediately. Does that satisfy you?"

"That's what I wanted to hear." -Mark replied with determination.

Today, he has taken three lives consciously and might have to take more in the future. But if it was for someone worth it, Mark was willing to continue his journey with blood-stained hands.