
Destiny's Reshaping: A Danmachi Reincarnation Tale

Mark, devastated by the consequences of a single fateful decision, finds himself at the crossroads of destiny. In a desperate bid to reclaim everything he lost—his past, present, and future—he strikes a mysterious deal with the enigmatic "god" presiding over the cycle of reincarnation. Now armed with a second chance, Mark's journey unfolds as he strives to reunite with his beloved. Yet, in the intricate game of fate, will he emerge as the master of his destiny or be reduced to a mere pawn on a grander chessboard? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Nales_Tales · Tranh châm biếm
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41 Chs

A peaceful journey(1)

(Author: The chapter is over 3000 words. There will be no new chapter on Saturday)


The merchant caravan moved forward like a school of migrating fish, gliding through the winding, shadowy paths of the forest.

Three days had passed since their departure from Citadel 12, and the only dangers encountered were a few level 1 monsters, easily handled by the adventurers hired for the escort mission.

The journey through the forest was serene, dotted with majestic trees and a filtering light that created an atmosphere of tranquil beauty. The humming of the wheels and the rustling of leaves under the horses' hooves provided the soundtrack to this well-organized trip, as the caravan continued its slow but unstoppable progress.

Among these carriages was one that carried only three people: Mark, Zoe, and Astrea in disguise. The three had been traveling for a few days, but they hadn't exchanged many conversations, as Mark spent most of his time in his energy absorption state, which made him appear as if he were sleeping.

"Do you think he's really sleeping?" Zoe asked quietly.

"I think so, his breathing is steady," the goddess pondered.

Suddenly, Mark opened his eyes and leaped agilely over the carriage, surprising the two people next to him. Soon after, terrified screams began to echo from the distant group.

From the dense forest emerged two enormous ents, level 2 tree-like monsters, who violently attacked one of the carriages. The ents, with their massive and twisted bodies, threatened to destroy everything in their path.

Partially activating overload, Mark darted toward them with impressive speed. The first ent was struck with devastating force and was split in two before even realizing it, its shattered wood exploding into splinters. The second monster, shocked by the speed of the attack, tried to retaliate by whipping its branches and roots like deadly whips, in a furious and relentless assault.

However, Mark was perfectly in tune with the rhythm of the battle. He dodged the wooden whips with agile and precise movements, following the path of each blow and anticipating the monster's intentions. With icy calm and impeccable skill, he found the right moment to counterattack. With a decisive and precise strike, he pierced the ent, bringing it down.

'It feels completely different.' Mark mentally appreciated the efficiency of his new claymore.



On the other side of the field, another ent suddenly appeared, threatening the group. Mark, ready to intervene, was about to charge at the monster when a fiery arrow flew over his head and struck the ent with deadly precision. The monster writhed, enveloped in flames, emitting a muffled roar before being completely incinerated.

Mark turned his gaze towards the source of the fiery projectile and discovered that it was Zoe, the girl he was traveling with, who had cast the spell.


Mark thought, impressed by the magic he had just seen in action. It was an art he hadn't yet had the opportunity to observe since arriving in this new world.

"Look at this mess! No one warned us about the ents. Fortunately, we have competent passengers," said the caravan leader with a cheerful smile, despite the tense situation.

Fortunately, the goods remained intact, but some carriages had sustained damage and required repairs. With the sun close to setting, they decided to set up camp for the night.

Wanting some time to himself, Mark grabbed a food ration and headed towards the carriage, only to find that his two companions were already there.

"Sorry, I'll find another place," he said, ready to look elsewhere.

"No, no, come in, there's plenty of space," Zoe replied with a warm smile.

Astrea looked at her daughter with a puzzled expression, as Zoe wasn't usually so open with people she didn't know. But seeing Mark's face, Astrea's smile spoke volumes.

Seeing her mother's smile, Zoe understood what she was thinking, but it wasn't the case. What she wanted, was to understand why her ability didn't seem to have any effect on him.

Meanwhile, Mark considered finding another spot, but since they had invited him, it seemed rude to leave, so he entered.

"Your magic was fascinating; it was the first time I've seen it," Mark said, trying to start a conversation.

"Really? You've never seen a mage before?" Zoe asked, surprised.

Mark shook his head and replied, "Where I come from, there were no mages."

"Now you've piqued my curiosity, where are you from?" Zoe asked.

"From Citadel 13."


Seeing Zoe's confused look, Astrea explained.

"Although it's called the Coalition of the Twelve Citadels, there were actually thirteen, but I thought it had been abandoned," Astrea said.

"It was indeed abandoned by outsiders, but there were still people in the citadel," Mark replied.

"Anyway, you're impressive too. You quickly spotted the monsters and were already fighting them," Zoe said with genuine admiration.

"So, Mark, right? What brings you to go to Orario?" Astrea asked.

"I suppose like everyone else, the dungeon."

"And that's where you're mistaken. Although the dungeon is the main attraction, Orario is also one of the most famous places for its alchemy," Zoe said excitedly.

"Alchemy? Like potions and such?" Mark asked, confused.

"That's just one branch. Some focus on metal transmutation, some on cultivation processes, and so on. The role of alchemy is to understand how something works in nature and learn to manipulate it according to one's will. Isn't it fascinating?"

Zoe's eyes sparkled with passion. Astrea knew it was impossible to stop her now but was surprised to see that Mark shared the same interest.

"It truly is. Humanity, from the dawn of time, has always sought to explain the phenomena around them. Why is fire hot? Why does water seem unified but separate when collected? Why does the sun set? Why do objects fall? We were born with a deep curiosity, which is also the reason that allowed us to evolve."

As he finished his speech, he noticed that Astrea was looking at him with surprise, and Zoe had eyes full of enthusiasm, like shining stars.

"Exactly! The desire to learn new things and the curiosity to uncover the secrets of the world are the principles that every alchemist should have!"

Zoe was overwhelmed with excitement. Her passion for alchemy was deep, but the only person she could share it with was Al since no one around her could keep up. But now, here was someone who shared her point of view. Then she realized the scene she had created and, seeing Mark's bewildered face and Astrea trying to hold back her laughter, she suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Sorry... I tend to get emotional when it comes to alchemy."

"Why should you apologize? Having a passion that makes your eyes shine is something precious. There's nothing wrong with showing how happy it makes you. So, don't worry and be yourself. No one has the right to criticize what you're so deeply passionate about," Mark said with a reassuring smile.

Seeing her reminded him of old times. Maybe it was because of his parents, but he also developed a passion for computing, to the point where he spent hours every day studying his parents' notes and online resources because it was something he deeply appreciated. Unfortunately, he could no longer do that, and it was something he regretted.

Zoe smiled at his comment, and Astrea seemed to genuinely appreciate the young man before them.

"You're an interesting guy, Mark," Astrea said.

"I could say the same. I didn't expect to see a mother-daughter pair where the daughter is a mage passionate about alchemy and the mother is a goddess," Mark joked.

With his ability 'insight', he could sense the presence of divinity from Astrea, similar to the god he had encountered at Citadel 13. For Zoe, it was different. He could get an idea of her strength, but when he tried to read her emotions, it felt like hearing interference noise at maximum volume, a very unpleasant sound.

After a moment, however, he noticed that neither of them responded, and to his confusion, they were looking at him in shock.

'What's wrong with them?'

[I think I understand. The reason why the divinity you sense from that woman is so faint is because she possesses something that is limiting it. Ironically, our sensitivity to energies prevented us from noticing this fact earlier.]

Mark wanted to smack himself on the head. Not once had Zoe's mother mentioned being a goddess, and upon reflection, he didn't even know her name.

"This is a surprise; how did you know?" Astrea asked, visibly surprised, as even her divine peers wouldn't have detected it.

"...A skill," Mark opted for the most opportune answer.

"Is it really possible to have such a skill?" Zoe asked, confused.

"Anything is possible, I'd say."

Astrea, with a knowing smile, removed the necklace that concealed her divinity. To Mark's great surprise, her appearance shifted from normal to extraordinarily beautiful and radiant.

"Sorry for the delay; I'm the goddess Astrea, Zoe's adoptive mother," she said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, and sorry about your identity, I didn't know you were in disguise."

"It's not something you need to apologize for. I appeared this way because I didn't want to seem like someone malicious," Astrea continued to smile.

Mark wasn't sure how to act in the presence of a deity. He had imagined gods as special and detached beings, but encountering one in such a familiar context was disorienting. Astrea's divine presence, though visible, seemed to blend with the normality of the situation.

With the secrets finally revealed, their relationship softened. Conversations became more fluid and natural. Mark and Zoe discussed scientific theories with contagious enthusiasm. Mark found the dialogue with Zoe particularly enjoyable, given he was used to a much less stimulating environment in 13. The fresh air of new ideas was a breath of fresh air.

Zoe, for her part, was thrilled to have someone to share her passion for alchemy with. She could finally explore concepts with someone who not only was interested but also had extensive knowledge. She became so engrossed in the discussion that she completely forgot she couldn't read Mark's mind.

"So, regarding your concept of gravity—"

"Alright, guys, I think that's enough for tonight. You've been going on for hours," Astrea said with a resigned sigh.

Mark and Zoe looked at each other, realizing they had indeed gone overboard.

"I'm sure there will be plenty of time to talk during the journey, don't you think?" Mark asked.

"You're right," Zoe nodded.

"Then, I wish you good night; I have my tent nearby."

Zoe and Astrea also wished him good night, and after he left, it was just the two of them remaining.

"It seems you had fun," Astrea said jokingly.

"It was super fun; I didn't expect to meet someone with so much knowledge during the trip," Zoe said excitedly, and the scene made Astrea smile as well.

"Anyway, I don't understand one thing. You don't easily open up to people, so why did you invite him to stay?" Astrea asked curiously.


Only now did Zoe realize she had forgotten the initial objective, so she explained to her mother how her ability didn't seem to work on Mark and how she wanted to understand why.

"Hmm, it's not entirely impossible. There are countless abilities, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were some that counteract it."


"Yes. So remember that having an ability isn't always a certainty, and even though I know that mind reading is your self-defense against the insecurity you feel towards others, I don't want you to become too dependent on it. Sometimes it's necessary to trust without knowing everything about the other person," Astrea explained calmly.

"I don't know. I don't think I'd be able to," Zoe said in a low tone.

"But you managed with Mark. Even though you couldn't read his mind, you talked to him and had fun, didn't you?"

"But with him, how should I put it... it was easy. I never felt uncomfortable," Zoe explained.

"That might be due to a quality of his, but it's also a start for you."

Seeing her daughter still unsure, Astrea gently patted her head, instilling all the confidence she needed.

Meanwhile, Mark had settled into his tent. Initially, he planned to practice his breathing technique, as the ring was close to 70%, but before he knew it, he had already fallen asleep.


He had a strange dream. He found himself in the dark, but he could hear a heartbeat that relaxed him. Over time, however, he began to hear muffled voices, and suddenly it felt like he was being pulled, and the next moment he was blinded by the light.

It took Mark some time to recover, and he could finally hear better. He could hear the language typical of when he lived on Earth, and from the look of the environment around him, it seemed like he was in a hospital.

'Where am I?' - Mark wondered, hearing his voice echoing in his mind.


He could hear the cry of a baby, but he couldn't understand where it was coming from. Then his body was lifted by what appeared to be a doctor, surprising Mark.

'How is he lifting me? No, wait, how am I here?!' - Realizing, he tried to move, but he couldn't.

"Congratulations, it's a beautiful and healthy baby girl." - Said the doctor.

'Baby girl?'

Mark saw his body being handed over to a couple of people. At first, he couldn't tell who they were, but after looking closely at their features, he was petrified. They were Selene's parents when they were younger.

Seeing them moved as they caressed him, he realized with some intuition that he was in Selene's body, and even though everything seemed nonsensical, he didn't dare to look them in the eye.

After the death of his parents, they became his second family. They had taken him in as part of their own and were more than happy about the marriage between him and Selene. He had promised that he would make Selene happy and that nothing would happen to her, but he broke every single promise.

"Welcome to the world, little Selene." - Said the couple simultaneously.

'I'm sorry... I'm sorry, it shouldn't have gone this way. I didn't mean to take her away from you, I swear.'

Tears of shame streamed down his face. How much despair must they have felt upon receiving the news? How long did they wait hopefully for the call that everything was fine? How much suffering did they endure while digging two graves for empty coffins?

Mark had no idea, but just the thought tore him apart inside.


Waking up suddenly at the first light of dawn, Mark wiped his face still damp from his tears and, remembering what he had dreamed, felt worse than ever.

"What a great way to start the day, huh."

[Good morning, host, and for your information, that wasn't a dream.]


[What you saw was the memory associated with the fragment you absorbed. It seems that now that it has stabilized, you were able to access its content through a dream.]

"So it was her memory." - Mark said reminiscing, but it didn't make him feel any better.

Determined to shake off the unsettling heaviness and regain some peace, Mark threw himself into his training with renewed determination. For him, physical routine was a way to reduce stress and clear his mind. He hoped that the constant movement and sweat would help him rid himself of the ghosts of the dream that haunted him.

Mark began to train with greater intensity, his body moving with precision and strength, each movement executed with an almost meditative concentration. He alternated between using the claymore and the dagger, finding their combination a perfect balance for handling various situations.

The claymore, with its imposing weight and sharp blade, required power and precision in the strikes, while the dagger, light and agile, was ideal for quick movements and swift parries. This combination allowed him to adapt to circumstances and develop a skill that reflected both brute strength and technical refinement.

Each strike, each parry, each thrust was executed with unwavering determination. The blades crossed in a dance of metal and movement, and the sound of clashing metal filled the air. Sweat slid down his face and body, a testament to the intensity of his effort.



Hearing a sound, he threw his dagger instinctively, hitting the trunk of a tree, narrowly missing the person nearby.

"Shit! Are you okay?!"

Mark exclaimed, rushing agitatedly towards the motionless figure. His mind was in a panic as he approached, trying to understand if he had hit someone and, if so, how serious the situation was.

His mind was sometimes still in Citadel 13, where he had to be constantly on guard and never reveal his strength, which is why he reacted that way.

"Not exactly the welcome I was expecting..." - Zoe said, pale.

"You're not hurt, are you?" - Mark asked, concerned.

"Phew, no. Sorry if I startled you." - Zoe was the one who needed to apologize.

She saw Mark heading towards the woods and followed him out of curiosity. There, she saw him training hard and had to admit that his technique was clean, but the more she watched, the stronger the feeling of despair she perceived from him. Without realizing it, she spent a lot of time watching him, and when she tried to get closer, the current situation unfolded.

"Haaa... you can't do things like that. I entered the woods on purpose to avoid problems; if you don't warn your presence, these risks can happen." - Mark said with a tone of reproach.

"Sorry, I saw you come here and, seeing you train, I didn't want to disturb you." - Zoe apologized even more dejectedly.

Seeing her so downcast, it was now Mark's turn to feel guilty, so he tried to lighten the mood.

"Let's say it's partly my fault, as I tend to be too hypersensitive. How about we pretend nothing happened and everything is fine?"

"Deal." - Zoe smiled at him, and the two shook hands on the agreement.

"Hey, I was thinking, would you like to train together?"

Now it was Mark's turn to be surprised by the unexpected proposal.