
Disguise #2

After school ended, Jiu Li scurried back home, in fear that he would run into the protagonist.

Upon arriving to where Jiu Li would a safe haven, his residence, he couldn't help but breath a sign oh relief.


Now came the irksome task of creating a new appearance.

First, he would have to select his hair color, most students in the school natural black,blonde, brown, or colors that weren't blinding.

Jiu Li settled with his natural hair this time. He decided to replace his eye lenses color with another shade of brown.

Jiu Li looked at himself in a mirror. Jiu Li couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia at the sight of himself.


Jiu Li felt regretful. But it's too late to change anything now… Then, he threw those negative thoughts out of the window and his mind shifted to another topic: i really need to get some sleep!

Jiu Li was so preoccupied with surivival and sulking over something in the past that he didn't realize that it was 11pm already!

Jiu Li quickly cooked something for dinner and took a shower to cool the food's temperature down.

After he stepped out, he hungrily devoured the food he had cooked for himself.

By the time Jiu Li brushed his teeth and got ready to bed, it was way past 12am.

It would be a nightmare to wake up in the morning….

Beep! Beep! Beep!


Jiu Li groaned. He shut the alarm off. Even though Jiu Li had anticipated that it would be hard to get out of bed, his eyelids were heavy and he was not prepared to move at all just yet.

When Jiu Li had managed to pry open his eyes, he looked at the time on his phone.


Jiu Li widened his eyes. Class started at 7:00am. He has less than half a hour to get ready.

Finally, Jiu Li sat up from his bed and strided across the hallway in search for the bathroom.

Jiu Li brushed his teeth and grabbed a piece of ham, stuffed it into his mouth and ran for his life.


Jiu Li panted. He had avoided becoming tardy. Jiu Li sprinted to his seat and sat down.

When Jiu Li sat down, heads to turn and eyes to stare, scanning his new appearance.

Just when Jiu Li was going to rest for a while, the teacher entered the classroom and began their lecture. Jiu Li sighed pitifully.

It was now time for lunch, Jiu Li planned to skip it to reduce the odds of bumping into the protagonist. Somehow, Jiu Li was swayed into the line for lunch due to the fact that the students couldn't all fit into the cafeteria. Suddenly, someone pushed Jiu Li. Jiu Li fell and crashed into the person standing infront of him.

Jiu Li quickly stood up and bowed frantically.

"Ah, Sorry! I was jostled by someone. Apologies for any inconvenience caused!"

"You have no need to apologize, afterall, it wasn't your fault that you got jostled by someone."

A familiar deep voice said. Jiu Li felt like he had heard it before, but he couldn't pinpoint whether he actually had heard it if not.

Jiu Li looked up. It was a young man who had white hair and pink eyes that stood out in a crowd—wait, isn't this person Zheng Hu?!?

Jiu Li's pupils shrunk. He couldn't believe his luck. Please don't recognize me, please don't recognize me, please, please don't! I've never seen you before and you've never seen me before. We never crossed paths, GOT IT?

Zheng Hu raised an eyebrow as he looked at Jiu Li, sensing his nervousness.

"Is everything alright? You seem a bit flustered."

Jiu Li shook his head quickly.

"N-no, everything's fine. Thank you for asking."

Zheng Hu nodded and turned to get his lunch.

School has almost ended, and Zheng Hu has been spacing out ever since he met that man who crashed into him in the cafeteria earlier.

That man seemed to have emitted familiar air. But Zheng Hu knew that he had good memory, but he somehow had no recollections of this man. Hah… that's truely a mystery…

It's been 5 months since Jiu Li had started school. Students are now eligible to apply for missions.

Ever since Jiu Li had bumped into Zheng Hu, his luck had skyrocketed. He hasn't came into contact with Zheng Hu for 4 months and 28 days straight.

According to the plot, Zheng Hu will be caught up in the explosion in 3 weeks.

Jiu Li had been waiting for this day. He submitted his application for the mission, he felt a sense of excitement and nervousness. Jiu Li was interested in witnessing the explosion.

A few days later, Jiu Li received a notification that he had been selected for the mission. He couldn't believe his luck.

It's been months since Zheng Hu has interacted with that man. For a few months, he had forgotten of the man's existence mainly because the man didn't stand out in a crowd. Only when he glanced at the window of a classroom he saw the man and had remembered him.

He observed the man to from afar as he couldn't find a opportunity to be able to get close to him since Zheng Hu was curious why the man seemed so familiar.

One thing for sure was the man seemed to have forsaw the future.

For example: there was a day when a dangerous killer had gotten past through the school's defenses. Everyone was shocked while that man seemed to attempt to look shocked to blend into the crowd. The thing that mainly gave it away was that he couldn't hide the slight boredom in his eyes for a split second. Later on, Zheng Hu discovered that the man's name was "Jiu Li"

Another time was when a female student brought a knife to school and tried to murder another student in the school insisting that she was getting revenge.

Everyone split into two groups. People who kept a distance and tried to solve the problem verbally and the cowards who ran away. Jiu Li this time didn't bother to act and just walked away ignoring the commotion like it wasn't there at all. Maybe it was because the students were either to busy coaxing the armed female student or running for their lives.

Now, Jiu Li had really piqued Zheng Hu's interest.

“Finally, Jiu Li sat up from his bed and strided across the hallway in search for the bathroom.”

When I sent my friend that spoiler (at that time), she responded,

“That sounds like me when I wake up in the middle of the night because i needed the bathroom”

RyuNcreators' thoughts