
Destined to fall in love with, my Enemy

Whatever is meant for you will come to you. It always finds it ways...and that is called destiny. You cannot run from it.

Hina_Saeed · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs


In the far west of the magical realm, was the kingdom of Eternal flames. People who lived in this part of the realm were born without powers unlike fairies.

They are actually humans whose ancestors accidentally came to the realm through a magical portal which opens once in every thousand years.

They once lived happily with the fairies but one day a dispute broke out forcing the non-magical beings to move out and settle in the far end of the realm known as Eternal flames.

It was called that due to the real magical flame burning in the secret cave under the castle where only the royal family can visit it.

Royal family was actually only family who protected and stood for the rights of the non magical beings.

They were brave, strong and wise than others, so when people settled in the western region they decided to make king from that family and let him rule the region. So they crowned that family's only son the King of Eternal Flames.

People who lived here makes their own spells and portions (like witches and wizards) for their safety and to make their lives easy and to be capable and strong enough to fight the fairies which were once their friends but now their foe.

The Devil King

The kingdom was ruled by King Aaron, who was a young handsome man with red eyes that were always reminded of the magical flames because when he was about to born some people in the kingdom wanted to completely blew out the flames but his mother Queen Marie protected with all her might till the help came.

Little did they knew that the flames cannot be blew out as the spirit of flames always protected it.

People who wanted it to blow out were cursed as they all lost their eyesight and their bodies were covered with burn marks.

Some people also says that the spirit of flames had blessed the queen and her unborn child for protecting it. Everyone can see the reflection of the flames in his eyes and he was also able to see in the dark.

He was also known as "the devil king", he was called that because when His father the late King James and His elder brother Crown Prince Eric died in the battle against the eastern kingdom, he was only five years old and was pronounced King as he was the only living royal member left in the family.

Because his mother Queen Marie couldn't bear the loss of her dear husband and her son and passed away leaving young Aaron on his own to face the new challenges of his life.

The Heart of Stone

From that day onwards he was continuously taught like how to rule the kingdom, all magical spells and portions (also the spells that were forbidden for other people),sword fight, marshal arts, horse riding and many more.

He learnt all the skills of all his royal ministers and commander in cheif of his royal army which made him strongest and bravest of them all because he was the perfect manifestation of all around him.

All his childhood he was taught and was always tangled in the war of politics.

Nobody to love him and care for him as who he is but not as a king to which he became cold hearted, head strong man and forgot how to smile. So that's how he was given the title of The devil king by his people.

But can destiny make this young King's heart like stone fill with love and emotions? Is this possible with the Princess who herself has never seen the world outside her kingdom?