
Destined: the Vampire's Soulmate

A human girl full of secrets, a vampire, and a city where both can live free. * COMPLETED * When Julia appears at the city gates, she's tired and scared. All she asks for is shelter, and she's willing to accept anything to avoid going back to the hunters. She brings with her a secret that would cost her her life. Leo is the one that senses her presence, and he doesn't like how all his instincts draw him to her. Yet, he can't resist it. When his urges become invincible, he proposes a contract. In exchange for protection and safety, he wants her everything. In a world where races are at war, two souls meet. Can love bloom from a bond that was forced from fate? Can their feelings become genuine, even if determined by destiny? WARNING: smut Cover from Heather_ANARE *** I caress her arm, reaching her hand. I bring it to my mouth and prick her forefinger with my fang. When a single drop of blood spills out, I pass my tongue on it, healing the wound I made. «Just as I thought,» I whisper. «Delicious.» Julia opens her eyes but soon turns her gaze to the side, light blushing covering her cheeks. Her breath is heavy, but she tries to hide it. It's that excitement from before, that feeling of expectation for something that won't happen. «But I won't bite. You can stop freezing every time. As you can see, I can control myself.» «You don't have to,» she mumbles, and I almost grab her again. Is she really this naive, or just stupid? But most importantly, does she say that every time someone aims at her blood? «You shouldn't say these words to a vampire.» «You're thirsty, and I am prey. I understand how you feel.» «You don't understand a thing.» «But I know that this is how things work. You need blood to survive, and I happen to have plenty.» «I don't want your blood.» She winces, and her smile falters. As if I've just offended her. Yet, she doesn't want to make me notice. «Sorry for not being to your taste,» she shrugs. What the hell? Ah, I just wanted to comfort her. Why is she pretending to be sad now? I grab her shirt and push her against the wall. I don't use any strength; I don't want to hurt her. I just want her to notice my presence, to feel cornered. To realise that she shouldn't say words that she would regret later. When she lifts her eyes to look at me, I kiss her lips with more strength than I have initially planned to. Though she doesn't complain about that. *** You can chat with me on discord: bit.ly/discordxiaohai Instagram: xiaohai_23 Facebook: Xiao Hai or Xiaohai_23 (FB page) Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/xiaohai_23 (you'll find my short stories here) My other stories on Webnovel: * Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen (historical romance, completed, ~350 chapters) * The Cursed Tyrant and His Reluctant Queen (historical and fantasy romance, ongoing) * Unexpected Gift (sci-fi romance, ongoing, free to read, 1k chapters expected)

xiaohai_23 · Kỳ huyễn
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152 Chs

Cooling down (Leo)

I'm so proud of myself! I managed to resist a hell of a temptation.

Also, I've taught Julia how to throw a punch in the meantime.

Having her so close, struggling to hit me, was worse than I imagined. Yet, she was doing her best to learn. It would have been irresponsible from my side if I wasted the training time to kiss her lips or lick her neck.

She's frail and weak, but she has good reflexes and speed. With regular training, she might be able to stand her ground the time I need to find her if she's in danger.

In the end, I waited until the end of the training to assault her mouth and soothe my hidden desires. She lifted her brows and let me kiss her without a question, but her surprised expression reminded me to pay attention to how often I do this.

It's not the first time that I want to kiss her just because, and the link between our souls has always responded. It activates a minute or two after our mouths meet, so Julia must think that I've felt it come earlier than her.

But that is not true. Rather, it's the kiss that activates the bond and not the opposite. Luckily, she never questioned me openly, and she just replied to my caresses in her clumsy way until surrendering to our connection.

I should feel ashamed of my loss of control, of the way I use this whole situation to my advantage. But I don't.

The sole warmth of her body makes up for any sense of guilt, and her moans when she finally feels the electricity of the bond make me believe I'm on the right side.

I should do some meditation one of these days, to get rid of these crazy ideas. It's a human girl I've just pushed against the wall, and she moaned in complaint when I lifted her up and pressed her hips with mine.

She's not as resistant as a vampire. I have to dose my strength.

When the bound finally triggers, I sigh, relieved. She sinks her fingers in my skin, scratching my neck. The signs disappear on the spot, as I can heal as fast as she can wound me.

It's been a while since the last time I left my desire to take over. I've avoided touching her for a couple of days, not to break the same rules I set so quickly.

I haven't bitten her in days, which means I can do it now. Her health seems all right, and she has already tilted her head to the side, her eyes closed and her lips split in expectation.

I have yet to sink my teeth in her neck. We haven't yet done it.

A bite in the neck is way more intimate than sharing blood from a wound somewhere else. It requires way more emotional connection to allow someone to have your life in his hands. It often comes with some kind of psychic communication.

Amadeus explained it once. A bite makes people feel dizzy, for our fangs produce a tranquilliser. If there's some link between the two people in the act, though, it can become quite pleasurable: sometimes, even better than sex.

However, it can't let one hear your thoughts unless it is on the neck. Amadeus didn't explain the reason behind it, but he stated that a bite on the neck is like opening one's heart to the other, letting them see one's true nature.

I'd like so much to feel Julia's heart right now, but that wouldn't be fair. She most probably isn't aware of the effect it has. It would be like intruding in her head.

«Calm down,» I whisper to myself, and Julia opens her eyes, conflicted. She stops clenching my shoulders and moves back as much as the wall lets her.

I chuckle, realising that I've talked out loud.

«I wasn't talking to you,» I reveal before she has time to feel offended or dejected. I don't want to see her wounded expression, but I don't know how to explain what I meant.

«Is it something I've done?» she inquires, looking down.

«No, Julia,» I whisper. «It's because of what I am. I can't control myself, but I don't want to hurt you.»

«You never hurt me, and Amadeus said it's impossible to kill a soulmate. You don't need to worry, Leo,» she replies, smiling reassuringly.

Her eyes follow her smile in the most sincere expression I've seen from her, and I believe that she's right for a moment.

Fortunately, I return back to the real world in time.

«How are you feeling?» I ask her. It's better to let her go now, as soon as I remedy the heat I've caused. I can't let her feel uncomfortable any more than this, especially because she would be all right if I didn't assault her.

«I'm fine,» she states, looking at me in the eyes again. This is better, right? The floor shouldn't be more attractive than mine.

«I'll restrain myself next time,» I sigh. «At least until we reach the room.»

«Yes.» She nods. «It might be a wise idea. I've sweated during our training, so it must be unlikeable...»

I lick her neck, tracking her scent down to her chest. Unlikeable? It's what made me lose my mind. Her skin is salty, and her muscles are tense after the efforts.

«I'll teach you like this once a week,» I decide. More would kill me. «But you can train on your own when you feel like it.»

«All right,» she nods, not bothered that I'm still pressing her on the wall. «Will the teaching include this kind of cooling down?»

«What do you mean?» I murmur, nibbling her ear. «Are you cooling down, now?»

«Not at all,» she breathes. Her fingers sink in my hair, and she pushes her body towards me. «I was asking because, if it was supposed to be the cooling down phase, it's not working.»

She's listened to my instructions during the training sessions she's assisted to. I always insist on doing some stretching before going to rest, but the youngsters are too impatient and often run away.

«You're right,» I mumble. Julia is human: her muscles are more delicate than vampires'.

I'd like to ask my readers how they feel about the points of view. Are they too similar? Can you tell who's telling the story without struggle?

Oh, and of course: which pov (point of view) do you like more? Comment and let me know!

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