
Destined Soulmates

A world where soulmates are determined by the symbols in their eyes...they would have special symbols in them that says they are soulmates. This way soulmates can easily find one another. “Just because we’re soulmates, doesn’t mean I love you so stop trying to get along with me.” “Don’t.touch.me!” But who knew siblings could exchange soulmates with each other if they wanted to with a spell that they would only know...either for the worst or the best, who knows... “I’ve lost...” “We’re not soulmates anymore...?” “What are you talking about? we were never soulmates...” Their story begins there and on, what will happen to them will there be heartbreaks and tears along the way? Will there be rivals to make their little love story thorny and break? Find out more from this story as it all begins... ————————— ♡ ————————— WARNING : There may be some profanities in some chapters and further more, there may be mature contents in some chapters later on. *Note* : The photo isn’t mine, I just changed the hair colour and eye colour so credits to the original artist of it!!

dinoriii · Thanh xuân
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
35 Chs

Chapter 8 : The Past

—————— ♡ Clover's Past ♡ ——————

"Mom what are you cooking~?" Little Clover asked her mom was was in the kitchen cooking.

"honey, I'm making dumplings for dinner~"

"oh oh, can I help?!" Little Clover excitedly asked, eyes sparkling with excitement as her mother chuckled at her.

"sure you can help~ but be careful okay? Don't make a mess of the kitchen."

"Okay!" They continued making the dumplings with her, both of them were having fun while cooking.

♡ after cooking ♡

"Clover, you go set up the table for dinner okay?"

"Mhmm!" Little Clover, went to set up the dinning table as her mother instructed her. She also went to call her older sister on the phone, since she was over at her friends house.

"What do you want!"

"hey sis! are you coming home for dinner?"

"no, I'll be staying over at my friends house and don't call me!" Clover's sister hung up the phone immediately making her frown.

"what are you doing there with your phone?"

"I called sis but she said she was staying over at her friends house and isn't gonna come home for dinner..." little Clover whined, she was hoping to spend some family time with the whole family.

"it's okay come here and sit down, I'll text your dad." Little Clover went to sit down on the table and quietly waited as she looked at her mom taking out her phone.

Clover heard her mom gasp and she looked at her mother, her mother had a shocked face, her hand covering over her mouth.

"mom...are you okay...?"

"how dare he!" Clover's mom suddenly stood up from her seat, making a loud screeching sound. Clover got taken aback by the sudden reaction which made her worried.


"I'm sorry sweetie, but I have to go out for a while, I'll be back okay? If your hungry you can eat first."

"can I come with you?"

"no it's something important for adults, I'll be back, I promise and we will have dinner together okay?" Clover's mother kissed her forehead, taking her coat, wearing her shoes and took her car keys before heading out.

Little Clover looked out the window as she sees her mom driving away to somewhere. She didn't know what happened to make mom suddenly rush out like that.

Clover waited in the living room, watching tv while waiting for her mom to come home. Minutes passed and it turned to hours, little Clover started to get worried for her mother and decides to call her.

Clover's mom phone rang but no one picked up, she called again and it was still the same. Since she wasn't that young, Clover decided to go look for her mom.

She didn't know exactly where her mom would be but she took her hoodie and house keys with her before wearing her shoes and left the house.

She walked down the streets, looking around the neighbourhood. There wasn't much people around but there were still cars on the roads that were driving past.

Clover looked around the streets but there was still no sight of her mom and she have been waking for some minutes now, in the same direction until her eyes caught something in the far distance.

"huh what's that?" Clover squinted her eyes to see what was in the distance, there were a crowd of people there.

"is there some event that I didn't know about?" Clover walked over to the crowd of people. The closer she gets the clearer she could see, there were police cars around.

"oh dear, that poor lady..."

"it was so sudden..."

Clover heard the murmurs of the people around her, she excused herself and tried to get a closer look, When she made through the crowds and saw the scene, a scene that she will never forget...

"MOM!" The people around, stared at Clover as she went towards the body of her mom that was lying in a pool of blood, lifeless.

"mom! mom!" Clover cried, trying to shake her mom up, thinking that maybe this is just a dream and everything wasn't real.

"kid, what is your relationship with this lady?" A police officer came towards Clover asking gently.

"my mom! is she gonna be okay?! please save my mom!" Clover cried non stop, begging the police officer to save her mom.

"The ambulance will be arriving soon, don't worry kid." The police officer tried to calm Clover down but it didn't work one bit. All Clover could think about was her mother and whether if she'll be alright.

After a while the Ambulance came, they quickly placed Clover's mom onto the stretcher and moved her into the ambulance.

The police officers helped drive Clover to the hospital and she followed the stretcher into the hospital.

"mom! Please wake up! Mom!" Her mother's eyes were not opening at all, even with Clovers cries.

"I'm sorry but you can't enter, you have to wait outside." Clover let go of the stretcher as she looked at it enter the Emergency room. She grabbed onto the nurses shirt, looking at her with her watery eyes.

"please...please save my mom!"

"we will try our best."

Clover let go of the nurse and they went into the room, she waited outside and took out her phone to contact her sister.

"what is it now?!"


"are you crying?"

"mom...mom she..." Clover couldn't stop crying.

"what happened to mom?"

"she...hospital...she got into a accident..."

"which hospital is it? "

"XXXXXX hospital...." Clovers sister hung up the phone and next she called her dad, hoping that he would pick up.

Her dad didn't pick up the phone but she continued trying to dial her dads number till he actually picked up.


"what do you want brat, I'm busy!" Clover could hear loud background noises from the other side of the phone, making her serious up.

"Where are you?"

"It doesn't concern you rat, now what do you want?! Make it quick cause I'm busy! *dear put down your phone and let's have fun~*"

Clover heard a woman's voice in the background, which made her mad, knowing that his married to mom and yet his out there having fun with other women.

"dad...moms in the hospital...she got into a accident."

"oh okay, is that all? If that's all I'm gonna go now."

"I said moms in the hospital..."

"yea I heard that, I'm not deaf!" Hearing that made Clover angrier.

"Then come and see her!!"

"whatever, i said I'm busy!" Clovers dad hung up the phone after saying that. She clutched onto her phone, feeling a mix of emotions, a mix of anger and sadness.

After some hours, the doctors and nurses came out of the emergency room, Clover looked at them. Their faces gave Clover a feeling of uneasiness.

"how's my mom?!"