
Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Fateful Encounter

The city of Beijing, vibrant and electrifying, thrived under the embrace of the night. Neon lights illuminated the bustling streets, casting an ethereal glow upon the towering skyscrapers and the throngs of people that filled the air with their animated conversations. The symphony of horns, footsteps, and the occasional laughter created a captivating melody that echoed through the metropolitan.

Amidst this metropolis, a speeding Rolls Royce sliced through the chaos, gliding down the busy road towards its destination, the infamous Ao Lin International.

The luxury vehicle found solace within the confines of an underground car park, ready to bear witness to the unfolding events.

Emerging from the vehicle, a figure cut an imposing silhouette against the dimly lit surroundings. Mo Jingchen, a business tycoon and the richest man in China at the young age of thirty, possessed an aura of arrogance and coldness. Adorned in a sleek black tailored suit and Italian leather shoes, every step he took exuded confidence and power. His chiseled features emphasized his compelling appeal. Before him stood his loyal bodyguards, their stoic faces a testament to their unwavering dedication.

With a glance, Mo Jingchen dismissed his entourage,signalling them to leave as he glanced at his gleaming Rolex watch on his watch.

Just as he was about to proceed towards his lavish residence, a weak sound reached his ears, barely audible amidst the bustling city noise. Mo Jingchen halted in his tracks, his curiosity piqued. The sound seemed to originate from the entrance of Ao Lin International, drawing his attention. He attempted to dismiss it, but the persistent voice calling for help reached his ears once again. Mo Jingchen's innate sense unlike his usual self could not ignore the plea.

Faint at first. Mo Jingchen who never messed into other people's businesses felt his legs taking him towards the sound.

Directed by the source of the sound, Mo Jingchen approached the entrance of the Ao Lin International. There, under the dim streetlight, his piercing gaze fell upon a distressing scene. Two men, their wicked intentions palpable, encircled a young girl, seemingly trapped and vulnerable.

Mo Jingchen felt an unfamiliar and unexpected stir in his heart as he observed the terrified little beneath the two brutes. It was a sensation he had rarely experienced; the urge to intervene, to help a stranger.

Taking the chance when the holligans were distracted by the savior,the little girl ran towards Mo Jingchen as she hid behind him as if seeking refugee by his side.

As if pulled by an invisible thread, his presence reassured the girl, who sought refuge behind him, her trembling fingers finding solace in the crook of his arm.

The men, sensing an interference, turned their attention towards Mo Jingchen, their expressions a mixture of anger and defiance. With a sneer, one man demanded that he leave the girl alone and exit the scene, "Mr. Man,leave the beauty here and mind your own business. But...."he trailed scratching his chin with the dirty finger," If you want to join the fun,you're welcome."

The other, suppressing his anger, warned Mo Jingchen, " Bro,if you don't want to regret,leave this beauty here and mind your own business." He said as he walked towards Mo Jingchen stretching his filthy dirty hands to take the girl.

The girl shuddered as she mumbled in a small voice,"Hel...l..p me..He...l..p"

Mo Jingchen nodded slightly as he caught the stretched hand and twisted it. The man was astonished by the strength as he howled in pain. The other man,surprised and answered when he saw his friend in pain ran towards Mo Jingchen like an angry bull.

The tension escalated swiftly as the aggressors, driven by a surge of rage, lunged at Mo Jingchen, intending to bring harm upon him. What followed was a groans,howls and moans from the men who were bleeding on the ground as the turned and could on the ground in pain.

The fight unfolded with an intensity that matched the darkness surrounding them. Mo Jingchen's precise movements and well-honed instincts proved superior, overpowering his opponents effortlessly. The culmination of strikes and retaliations left the men battered and broken, their futile attempts to prevail overshadowed by the true strength of their adversary.

Bloodied and defeated, the two assailants pleaded for forgiveness, their fear overshadowing their previous arrogance. They then fled into the night, leaving behind a trail of desperation.

Mo Jingchen, his breathing heavy, turned his attention towards the girl who, though moments ago, had sought his aid. To his dismay, he found her in a state of distress, her condition fragile. Before he could utter a word, she crumpled into his arms, succumbing to unconsciousness brought on by the ordeal.

As he cradled her delicate form, Mo Jingchen felt an inexplicable connection.

As the bodyguards had heard noise from the entrance after their boss had not come back,the ran hastily towards the entrance only to find Mo Jingchen carrying a girl. They were surprised and frozen as it was the first time their boss had touched a woman.

Mo Jingchen glanced at the astonished faces and said," To the hospital."

This is my First book. I hope support and advice from you guys.

KareKitty2005creators' thoughts