
Destined (Unmei)

In a realm where the mystical has become mundane, and the spark of magic is a rare and precious thing, those with the innate ability to channel Gaia hold sway over their destiny. These select individuals, wielding unique and potent powers, forge the path of their will, shaping the world according to their desires. That is why in most societies, Gaia users are at the pinnacle. Into this strange and unfamiliar world, a teenager named Milo awakens. Confused and disoriented, he finds himself unable to remember anything, his past a blank slate, completely erased. His name is the only tether anchoring him to his existence. With no other choice, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to understand his place in this world. As Milo delves deeper into the unknown, he begins to unlock the potential of his Gaia, finding within himself abilities that defy explanation. He becomes embroiled in conflicts and alliances, discovering that his gift of Gaia may be both a blessing and a curse. But as he battles the forces that seek to control or destroy him, one question will always linger in his mind: Who was he before? The quest for identity becomes a perilous journey through a fantastical landscape where magic is scarce, but its impact is profound. In seeking to find himself, Milo might just reshape the world itself.

Quwalasto · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Gabble Grove

Milo and Lok were caught in a state of complete and utter astonishment, for they had encountered an extraordinary creature - a talking tree named Gabble. With a voice that was extremely annoying, Gabble introduced himself.

"I am Gabble. And you are the son of Risea, are you not?" It was clearly addressing Lok.

A vine sprouted forth from Gabble, snaking its way through the overhead foliage before dropping directly in front of Lok. Startled, Lok flinched backwards and was surprised by the smaller version of Gabble at the tip of the vine.

"Oh my! You certainly look just like your father!" The mini Gabble said in a voice that was unexpectedly high-pitched and strangely hilarious.

Turning its attention towards Milo, who was standing a couple of steps behind Lok.

"A HUMAN?" Gabble yelled, and Milo, feeling slightly embarrassed, scratched the back of his head. Then, almost as if it had completely dismissed Milo, mini Gabble swung to face Risea.

"CAN THIS HUMAN ENDURE THE RIGORS OF ELVEN TRAINI-?" Gabble was abruptly silenced when Risea grabbed it, squeezing it tightly.

Gabble wheezed and struggled to free itself as it lashed out with another vine, removing itself from Risea's firm grip.

"Ouch!" It exclaimed whilst coughing, feigning pain before it struck Risea across the face with a vine. Milo and Lok to stare wide-eyed and speechless at the audacious spectacle. Risea was slapped in front of them.

The unexpected silence was broken by an eruption of laughter from both Gabble and Risea. Milo and Lok exchanged confused glances, not quite comprehending the sudden shift of mood.


Risea's face softens, his smile slightly dimming as Gabble's emphatic exclamation hits a soft spot. He draws in a deep breath, collecting his thoughts.

"Gabble, I am truly sorry," Risea says, the regret in his tone clear. "My responsibilities as a Warden have been relentless, and I'm ashamed to say I didn't prioritize coming to see you."


"I will put in more effort to visi-," Risea speaks before being interrupted by Gabble.

"I AM A LIVING BEING! I NEED SOCIAL INTERACTION!" Gabble couldn't control the sap coming out of its eyes.

"SHUT UP!" Risea shouts, immediately pausing any emotional outpour from Gabble. Gabble stares at Risea like a child that has just been scolded.

"As I was saying, I will put in more effort to visit you." Risea finally says sincerely. He turns slightly, subtly guiding Gabble's view towards Milo and Lok, who stood behind Risea.

"But now, I have brought these two here for a purpose. They're here for you to train them. They are to be under your instruction for the forthcoming four months."

"What's the so-called purpose of their training? Aren't they too young?" Gabble asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Grand Warden Esron and I have decided that Lok will join Milo on his journey to Palpeo." Risea exhales deeply, looking at Lok, a wellspring of paternal emotions, and a touch of sadness flowed through him.

"Hmm..." Gabble intensely sizes up the two boys, sinking into deep thought. His eyes analyze Milo and Lok, taking in their aura and their posture.

Risea, noting Gabble's thorough examination, breaks the silence.

"They have the potential to take down a single treant together. My goal, however, is for them to acquire the necessary prowess and strategy to individually battle and defeat a treant each by the end of their training." He says in a demanding tone.

"Defeat a treant ea-" Gabble's voice trails off as realization dawns on it. Its eyes widen in shock. Its voice comes out in an astonished disbelief.

"THEY DEFEATED A SINGLE TREANT TOGETHER? Do you comprehend the magnitude of such an achievement? It would take ten of our finest warriors to grapple with one treant! What further training could they possibly need?"

"Train them as you did with Esron and I back in the day! When our father entrusted us to your care." Risea says as he suppresses a triumphant smile, his chest filling with pride for both Lok and, surprisingly, for Milo as well.

"Same way with Esron and you back then? Hm... so it's safe to say that they are both Gaia users, right?" Gabble asks, knowing the question was rhetorical.

Risea simply nods.


Beneath Gabble Grove's entrance, Risea bids his farewell to Milo and Lok. He gives a nod to the boys and an informal salute aimed in Gabble's direction before starting his return journey. As Risea leaves, a soft rustling sound begins - the tendrils of lush green vines and branches start to move on their own, weaving together. Nature knits together a barrier, sealing the sanctuary's entrance, leaving the boys with their newfound mentor.

Milo and Lok stand in their place, their young eyes fixed on the magically sealed entrance of Gabble Grove. A silence descends upon them, disrupted only by the sounds of nature. Amidst this quietness, Gabble gradually descends, reaching in between Milo and Lok.

"Welcome to Gabble Grove! Your training begins right now!" Gabble declares, its voice shooting through the grove, loud annoying.

"Do we have to get used to this voice?" Lok jokingly asks.

"Seems that way." Milo chuckles.

"Ho ho! Jokesters in our midst!" Gabble said, sounding irritated.

Gabble's branches diverge, forming multiple extensions that hover before Milo and Lok. The branches immediately slap both of the boys.

"These are your training branches. From now on, you shall spar with these branches each day. They'll chase you, hit you, and drag you. Let it be known, your enemies in battle will not show mercy, and so, neither will I." Gabble informs, sounding pleased to be abusing teenagers. It then continued.

"But before we begin, I would like to go through the fundamentals of Gaia. What makes you guys stand out differently from every other being on this planet is your attunement to Gaia. So, tell me, what is Gaia?" Gabble asks. Lok keenly shoots up his hand. Gabble doesn't acknowledge him. Milo could see Gabble was waiting for his response.

"It's the energy that flows within all living things?" Milo quotes, recalling Esron's words.

"Spot on! Correct! You passed the first test! Now, what does being 'attuned' mean?" Gabble questions, Lok desperately shooting up one hand to answer, only to not be acknowledged once more by Gabble.

"Being attuned means we can harness Gaia as a source of power to use our latent abilities?" Milo asks, looking uncertain of his answer.

"You don't have to overthink it. You got powers, kid. Everyone's expression of Gaia is different. Just like how Esron has the ability to command nature, you too will have an ability unique to you." Gabble says.

"Let's get cracking," Gabble begins, its face disappearing from the vine and reappearing on the tree trunk, "Gaia users can surge Gaia so that they channel energy to unleash their powers. I would like you both now to surge your Gaia."

"Like this?" Lok insinuates, standing firmly as a green aura swirled around him.

"Exactly like this! Your turn Milo!" Gabble replies, visibly surprised at Lok's demonstration.

Milo replicated Lok's stance and focused. Slowly, but gradually, a cyan aura formed around him and grew to the size of Lok's aura.

"Ha ha! Brilliant!" Gabble cheered, "You boys are naturals at this! We covered so much ground now, just imagine where we could be in four months!" Gabble said, taken aback by the boys' talent. Milo and Lok exchange a glance, looking pleased with themselves. Little did they know that their training has only just begun.


As days blended into weeks, and weeks into months, their time was filled with restless physical training, boring lectures, and lessons in combat. It was a grueling four months that tested their mental strength as well as their physical strength, both being pushed to their limits by Gabble. But Milo and Lok prospered.

On their last day after a merciless sparring session, Gabble's eyes comes to rest on the two young trainees.

"You both have grown a lot," Gabble states, its voice filled with satisfaction. "However, bear in mind, there remains ample room for further growth. I taught you how to walk, now it is up to you how soon you'll run."

"I love the metaphors." Lok jokes. Gabble closes its eyes whilst snickering. It seems as if the boys' sense of humor has grown on Gabble.

The passage of four relentless months of rigorous training blurs into an indistinct whirlwind of time. Milo and Lok have grown into formidable versions of their former selves, their skill sets honed and their mind fortified. Their physical transformations are evident - bodies leaner and eyes reflecting firm focus. They sat cross legged in front of Gabble.

"Congratulations, Lok and Milo, for making it past these four months without dying." Gabble jokes, as if trying to tap into their sense of humor. Much to its surprise, the boys laughed a genuine laugh.

"Thank you, Gabble." Milo says with appreciation.

"Yeah, you taught us more than we could have asked for. Thanks!" Lok cheerfully adds.

"I only did what was asked of me, it is my duty. You are now prepared."

As Gabble's last words to them faded into the grove, Milo and Lok stood up and made their way towards the exit of the grove. Arriving at the archway, they stand serene on the brink of their upcoming journey, their hearts burning with fire, and their minds armed with the lessons passed on by Gabble. Their training arc might have reached its conclusion, but the real voyage is just commencing.