

Tobias is a mysterious and compassionate person who lacks a clear sense of purpose and understanding of the world around her. Without any direction, she wanders aimlessly, hoping to find some meaning or direction in her journey. One day, she finds herself in the bustling capital city of Antemur, seemingly by accident. However, her arrival in this new place leads her to become involved in a minor issue that quickly escalates into a larger and more complicated conflict. As she navigates this challenging situation, Tobias is overwhelmed by the feelings and responsibilities that arise, and begins to regret her involvement. Despite her misgivings, she is determined to see things through and find a resolution to the conflict. "Ira is right. I'd rather stay with her."

Unwisher · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Linked Edge

Amidst the verdant woodland, a blazing bonfire illuminated the surroundings with its fiery glow. A peculiar sight caught the attention of the tiny creatures of the forest. They scampered towards the source of the commotion, only to find a figure seated beside the blazing flames.

"Oh, I see. That's the way I need to go!" Sarah's slender finger pointed toward a direction, and a lizard approached her. The minuscule creature flicked its tongue several times, communicating with Sarah in its cryptic language. Astonishingly, Sarah seemed to comprehend the lizard's words.

"Thanks for letting me know, buddy! Now, you and your friends better hide. It's not safe here at night with all those hungry birds around," Sarah advised the creatures, her tone upbeat and lively. The animals quickly scattered into the dark woods, and Sarah smiled, feeling grateful for their help.

The revolving obsidian bangle emanated an eerie green aura, imbuing the limp form of the unconscious individual with its energies.

A melodious whistle echoed through the dark, beckoning a raven soaring overhead. "Hey, come here!" The bird swooped down, alighting upon Sarah's outstretched arm. "Oh, it's you! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed, stroking the crow's glossy feathers. They shared an unspoken bond that transcended words.

"How's your master doing? Where is he now?" Sarah unfastened a small scroll from the bird's leg and perused its contents. A somber expression etched across her countenance as she read.

Without a moment's delay, Sarah extracted a plain sheet of paper and quill from her satchel, scribbling a few lines before stowing the missive in the crow's tube. "Go back to your master! I'll send this one!" With those words, the raven soared into the starry sky, disappearing from view.

The silver orb of the moon cast its radiance upon the forest, and Sarah decided to rest a spell, basking in the tranquil ambiance of the woodland.

As the peculiar noise roused her from slumber, Inietta's eyes flung open, darting around in search of Tobias. To her dismay, the space by the bonfire was empty, devoid of any trace of her companion. Yet, a hand gripping a log near the spot where Tobias had slumbered caught her attention. The fingers clung onto the piece of timber with a tenacious grip, as if holding onto something dear. Inietta recognized the hand as belonging to Tobias, and a sense of foreboding crept over her.

With nimble fingers, Inietta deftly spun her threads, weaving them towards Tobias, who appeared to be yanked by an unknown force from the depths of the darkness. Yet, an inexplicable sensation tugged at Inietta's senses, urging her to hasten towards Tobias with all haste.

Tobias' grasp on the log began to falter, and Inietta moved with lightning speed, securing his wrists with her multi-layered threads, preventing him from slipping away into the darkness.

As Inietta peered closely at Tobias, she was met with an eerie sight that defied explanation. Tobias was not being pulled by any force, yet he appeared to be sinking into the earth as though he were descending into quicksand. The ground seemed to swallow him up, inch by inch until only his arms remained visible.

Inietta maintained a safe distance from the ominous ground, carefully pulling Tobias towards her. As she pulled him, she noticed that he emerged from the earth without any signs of scraping or dirt on his clothes, as if he had simply passed through the ground.

Tobias appeared conscious but weak, his eyes lifeless and empty. Inietta's anger and frustration boiled over, Inietta's left hand was as sturdy as steel, effortlessly hoisting Tobias by the threads with a single hand. She drew him closer to her visage, scrutinizing his countenance with an intense gaze. "What foolishness led you to this, Tobias!?" she bellowed. Tobias, with parched lips, replied with words that sent shivers down Inietta's spine. "I am nothing but a waste of space and air, Inietta. Release me and let me fade away into oblivion." Inietta's rage reached a crescendo, and without hesitation, she launched a forceful kick at Tobias, her anger fueled by her concern and fear for her companion.

Inietta's fury clouded her judgment, causing her to forget the danger of the suspicious ground beneath her feet. As she turned to deliver a punishing kick to Tobias, only to realize too late that it was too late to retract her motion. With a swift motion, Inietta swung her leg to deliver a well-aimed kick at Tobias. However, before she could retract her foot, an eerie sensation crept over her. To her astonishment, Inietta's foot seemed to phase through Tobias's form, leaving nary a scratch on his incorporeal body. While attempting to steady herself, Inietta inadvertently trod on the enigmatic ground, but much to her relief, it was nothing more than an ordinary patch of earth.

Inietta's fury knew no bounds as she attempted to grab Tobias by the collar with all her might. But her hand passed through his ethereal form like a ghostly apparition. Her frustration mounting, she attempted to choke Tobias, but her palms phased through him once again, leaving her empty-handed.

Taking a deep breath, Inietta tried to quell her emotions, her mind racing to make sense of what she was experiencing. She composed herself and reached out to touch Tobias's neck once more, but her hand met with no resistance, slipping through him like a warm breeze.

Perplexed, she ran her hand over Tobias's head, but again, she felt nothing but the emptiness of the air. Realizing that Tobias was not entirely solid, Inietta's rage dissipated, and she unleashed a flurry of blows on Tobias akin to a heavyweight champ pummeling a punching bag with relentless force. With each strike, Inietta sensed her strikes seemed to meet empty air as if striking a void. Yet, amidst the barrage, a few impactful hits connected with Tobias's tangible flesh. It was a clear sign that not all of him was mere vacuous void, but there were still solid parts of his body left to target amidst the ethereal emptiness. With swift and decisive action, Inietta laid a fierce beating upon Tobias before flinging him into the blazing embers of the bonfire. As Tobias' body made contact with the scorching coals, a shower of sparks erupted and the flames dwindled into smoldering cinders. Inietta watched with a steely gaze as Tobias lay motionless amid the ashes, not a hint of movement or life left in him.

Inietta's eyes surveyed Tobias with a detached indifference. Though she didn't fully comprehend the peculiar state of his body, she knew it wasn't something he could control. "Perhaps it was driven by his emotions, or perhaps not," she mused silently to herself. Without a word or a second glance, Inietta sauntered towards a nearby tree, as if Tobias was a mere afterthought. Seating herself leisurely, she crossed her arms, her thoughts drifted back to the possibility that if the flames had truly died out beneath Tobias' weight, then he would have suffered severe burns. Yet, even with this in mind, she remained apathetic towards his plight, closing her eyes as she let the world fade away.

With a sudden, swift motion, Inietta lashed out with a powerful kick aimed straight at Tobias' prone form. Her foot connected with his head with a sickening thud, yet Inietta didn't flinch or show any sign of remorse. "If you're incapable of doing anything, at least have the decency to stand on your own two feet," she spat, her words laced with disdain.

In a treeless expanse at the edge of a yawning ravine, Inietta strode purposefully ahead with Tobias in tow, resembling a walking corpse. Her eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of a bridge that could connect the two sides of the chasm or some other way to cross the seemingly insurmountable abyss. With a determined gait, she forged ahead, heedless of the danger that lay below the rocky precipice. Tobias trailed behind her like a shadow, his body listless and unresponsive to the rugged terrain beneath his feet.

After what seemed like an eternity of walking, with only the endless darkness of the abyss beside her, Inietta's sharp eyes finally caught a glimpse of something in the distance.

As Inietta drew closer, the object of her gaze finally came into focus: a rickety bridge suspended precariously over the gaping chasm. The bridge was supported only by a series of ropes, and its base consisted of flimsy wooden planks that looked like they could give way at any moment. In the wind, the bridge swayed back and forth, the empty carriage in the middle adding to the instability of the already fragile structure.

"I know you're all lurking around, thinking you're being sneaky. But let me tell you, you'll be waiting until the cows come home, 'cause I ain't crossing that damn bridge."

Thin threads, almost invisible to the naked eye, had been carefully stretched and tied around the trees in the forest surrounding the ravine's edge. These threads served as sensors, alerting Inietta to any movement or presence in the area.

As expected, a group of people emerged from the forest, brandishing an assortment of weapons and equipment. As Inietta surveyed the group, she noticed that many of them were armed with knives, bows, and a few carried spotless swords.

Inietta remained calm and collected, her senses heightened by the delicate threads that surrounded her. One of the group, a muscular figure with a giant iron sword slung over his shoulder, stepped forward and addressed Inietta. "Are you lost, kids?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. Despite the seemingly innocent faces of some of the others in the group, Inietta remained unfazed. She maintained her composure and met their hostile gaze with a cool and steady one of her own, ready for whatever they might throw at her

The big man lifted two fingers of his left hand and let out a sharp, piercing whistle that echoed through the forest. As the piercing whistle died down, one of the people from the other group seated in the forest on the opposite side spoke up. "Boss is calling," he said, using a pair of binoculars to observe the situation. "But it's only two small children," he added, his voice tinged with uncertainty. One of the group leaders barked an order, "You three, guard this end of the bridge." The trio swiftly departed and took up positions at the end of the bridge, their weapons at the ready.

Inietta observed as one of the group members stepped forward and spoke to the supposed leader. "They're only children, Boss," she said, her voice wavering slightly. "We also agreed not to harm innocent women and children."

Inietta stepped closer to the group and sighed, her eyes scanning their faces. "Are you crooks, or perhaps bandits?" she asked, her tone neutral. "But I don't care and just want to ask," she continued, taking another step forward. "What area or territory are we in?" Inietta maintained her calm demeanor, her eyes displaying no hint of fear despite the tense situation.

The man pointed his greatsword at Inietta and demanded, "Give me your money first!" Without batting an eye, Inietta calmly tossed a small pouch to the group. The woman beside her picked it up and checked its contents. "Some silvers," she reported back to the others. The man lowered his sword and signaled for the rest of the group to lower their weapons as well. It seemed that Inietta's payment had appeased them, at least for the time being.

The big man sauntered off and glanced back at Inietta. "It's not bad at all," he said. "Could someone please fetch a horse for her?"

Silently, like a predator, someone darted towards Inietta, brandishing a glinting sword poised to strike from behind. But before any warning could be given, the attack had already begun. "You're spies from the east, aren't you?!" The man bellowed as the blade made contact with Inietta's right shoulder. Yet, to the assailant's surprise, the sharp edge failed to penetrate the flesh and instead, something inexplicable occurred. The blade warped, as if contorted by a force more formidable than itself, rendering it dull and ineffective.

Frustrated by his failed attempts, the assailant's attention turned to Tobias, who appeared no more than a walking corpse. With swift steps, he closed in on Tobias, and from under his cloak, he produced a gleaming knife, poised to plunge into his unsuspecting victim.

In a moment of bewilderment, the attacker's blade passed straight through Tobias as if he were a mere apparition. With a loud cry, he stumbled and fell, suddenly realizing that his intended victim was not what he seemed.

"Boss!" he exclaimed, "These are no ordinary children. They're too strong! Something's not right here!" Shaken and hesitant, the rest of the group raised their weapons, unsure of how to proceed.

Before their boss could respond, several members of the group rushed forward, brandishing an array of weapons ranging from swords to knives, while others aimed arrows in their direction. Yet, in a bewildering display of power, every weapon that came their way was effortlessly sliced into pieces. Arrows, mid-flight, were sliced apart as if they were nothing but fragile twigs.

The big man's thunderous roar erupted as he caught sight of his subordinates' aggressive assault. Silence instantly engulfed the scene in response to his fury.

The woman who had inspected the money bag earlier now reappeared, leading a horse.

Inietta noticed the binoculars, their lenses reflecting light in the distance, but she paid them no mind. "Meli brought out a horse? Is the boss planning to give it to them?" the binocular-wielding person remarked. The individual seated beside them, clutching a spear, promptly rose, snatched the binoculars, and observed the unfolding scene. After a thorough gaze, without uttering a single word, he abruptly departed.

Inietta swiftly took hold of the horse's rope, preparing it for something. "Which region are we in?" she inquired. The big man's response came curtly, "Eastern border." Inietta hadn't anticipated being thrown this far into the territory. She signaled for Tobias to approach, who complied, avoiding eye contact with the people around and instead shifting his gaze away.

A spear whizzed through the air, its lethal blade coming to a halt at Tobias' neck. "That's our horse, isn't it, Boss? Whatever's happening, giving it away seems like too much," the challenger spoke with conviction, prompting others who shared his sentiment to prepare for conflict once more. Assessing the tense scene, the big man interjected, "We won't harm children and women, right?" The man holding Tobias hostage retorted, "If necessary, we must. They could be spies too."

"Kill him." Silence enveloped the area as Inietta spoke with chilling determination. Her command hung heavy in the air. "Kill Tobias as he approaches me. Should you succeed in ending his life before he reaches me, I will return this horse." The spear-wielding man remained composed, finding the proposition straightforward. "Add one more condition," he suggested calmly, "add yourself to the end." Inietta's response was unwavering, "Deal."

With ruthless efficiency, the man wasted no time and skillfully adjusted the spear's point, aiming to sever Tobias' throat. He was so convinced of his success that he didn't bother to look. "It seems the Boss isn't too bothered either," he thought smugly.

"It's done, isn't it?" he inquired.

"Come here, Tobias," Inietta called out. As Tobias moved closer, the man couldn't believe his eyes. "Perhaps I missed," he muttered. But his doubt was quickly dispelled as he thrust the spear into Tobias' stomach, witnessing the weapon pierce through his body. Despite this horrifying sight, to his astonishment, Tobias continued to walk forward, seemingly unaffected by the grievous injury.

"They are not ordinary children," the spearman thought, desperately trying to maintain his composure. "And that only strengthens my belief that they are spies. I can do this. It's for the sake of the village."

Tobias had managed to reach the horse. Inietta instructed him to climb on first. Just as Tobias was about to mount the horse, the spearman aimed and hurled his weapon with all his might. "Got you!" he exclaimed inwardly. Yet, to his bewilderment, the spear merely impaled the ground as Tobias was already safely on the horse, unharmed by the attack.

"Our deal is done, and you failed," Inietta declared confidently. However, Inietta couldn't spot the figure of the man ahead.

"What?" The spearman had stealthily maneuvered behind Inietta, poised to strike.

"Teleportation, huh?" Inietta had not anticipated this ability from him.

"It's over!" he roared with all his might, thrusting the spear towards Inietta's neck.

"What's your name?" Inietta calmly asked, surprising the man who couldn't believe his weapon had not pierced her neck already. It became evident that the spear wasn't sharp enough to even graze Inietta's skin. The man strained with all his might, attempting to make an impact, but to no avail. He took a few steps back, seeking a safe distance.

Inietta's composed demeanor remained unwavering as she observed the frustrated man before her.

"Alfred. And you?" he asked in return.

"I'm Inietta. That ability of yours, is it some kind of magic?" Alfred tapped the butt of his spear on the ground, signaling the end of the fight. "Dunno, think for yourself. Besides, I didn't think there was a brat as strong as you," he replied gruffly.

Meanwhile, Inietta and Tobias were already on horseback, ready to leave. Alfred couldn't help but question her intentions, "Are you going to complain to your boss now? Why don't you finish us off right away?"

Inietta pulled the halter, prompting the horse to raise its forelegs. "I don't know what you're talking about," she retorted, and without further ado, the horse galloped away, carrying Inietta and Tobias far from the scene.

Alfred stood there, watching them disappear into the distance, pondering the unexpected encounter he had just experienced.

Alfred couldn't shake the memory of a similar encounter he had in the past, where he faced a dark red-haired man whose skin he couldn't pierce. This newfound revelation fueled his determination. He swiftly made his way into the forest, searching for a horse to catch up with Inietta and Tobias.

Soon enough, he returned with a horse in tow. "I'm going now, boss. Thanks for everything. I believe I've found it," he conveyed his gratitude, bidding farewell before swiftly riding off in pursuit of Inietta and Tobias.

As Boss watched Alfred's departure, he couldn't help but remark, "Look at that directionless ex-assassin. He's now off to find his aim again."

Curious, the people around inquired, "What is he looking for, Boss?"

The big man responded with a hint of uncertainty, "I don't know, perhaps hope."

Verily, there is naught more vexing than a useless knave who hath no will to undertake aught.

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