
Despite it All: Encyclopedia

This is a companion piece for Despite it All which will over time, explain various topics regarding the story. This is to ensure readers have a resource available to them should they seek answers to questions.

AfroLord · Tranh châm biếm
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Entry One


So if your reading this you more than likely are already reading Despite it All, and if your not. I would encourage you at least read the latest chapters covered to know what this is, and have context in this situation. For those who are in the know, and read my AN yesterday, this is a side story in conjunction with Despite it All designed solely to ensure things are explained well. This will basically function as something of a reference guide. I figured this may be useful for a story as long as this one may be. Ok let's do this. Also since this isn't a main story it will be updated weekly. (Also these chapters are based off FF/A03 postings so they won't quite fit nicely in Webnovel. Should be fine just mention such.)


Chapter 1: Enter Naruto Uzumaki!

Aged Up Characters: This one is pretty simple, well relatively anyway. I never really enjoy writing younger characters (especially the way some authors like to) and for this story wanted them a bit older and more mature than they would be in canon. As such they have been training for longer before they could be eligible for Genin. This was Hiruzen's idea, one he sold the other five villages as well. This will be explored in the plot much further in the future. But for now, a basic explanation.

Treaty of Ceasefire Between Villages: One benefit to Hiruzen's nationwide reform, was that it allowed a truce between all five villages. While not a full on alliance, nor did it repair the poor relationships. It had lead to some peace, but with several factions and villages making sly moves, it is a delicate, and fading treaty.

Naruto's Friendships: Naruto isn't quite as worse off as he was in canon. Shikamaru having seen Naruto's struggle and feeling sympathy for him offered his friendship. This lead to the two becoming close. And allowed Naruto more distant friendships than the others.

Kushina Being Alive: In Despite it All the attack of Kuruma on the Leaf went much differently. For one Obito wasn't the attacker, two Minato managed to seal the beast himself without Kushina being wounded, and three lead to Kushina keeping half the Nine Tails. This isn't just some change made for no reason but I won't spoil my plans.

Chapter 2: The Remedial Exams Begin!

Kushina Training Naruto: A question I often get from readers is did Kushina train Naruto before he became a Genin? The answer is yes but it isn't so simple. See Kushina did offer Naruto training (notice he performed better than Choji in this fight), but with the world of shinobi being more peaceful, and Kushina wanting to focus on making Naruto have a normal childhood. Let the training be light, trusting Naruto to rise to the occasion if necessary.

Riptide: A tanto famed in the Uzumaki clan, rumored to once be held by a powerful Uzumaki who could split the sea with mere slashes. It is designed to be a durable and chakra malleable blade, having a seal present that allow it to store and release chakra at the users behest. Kushina was gifted this from her master before leaving the homeland, and has now gifted it to Naruto.

Remedial Exams: I wanted to explore Naruto struggling, but ultimately managing to succeed by fearlessly continuing. The problem was the rules of Genin promotion are kind of sillier than shit. As such these Remedial Exams are for any student who fails a practical requirement (Naruto and Lee the Ninjutsu, Choji the Taijutsu). This is why these three do this exam and do not expect Mizuki to be moving dishonestly.

Characters Power Levels Versus Canon: I have adjusted this to my own liking almost across the board. Mizuki in canon managed to defeat Izuka another Chunin (even if it was a dirty win) only to be immediately destroyed by Naruto. This is fine, but I wanted Naruto's first true fight to be chaotic and interesting. As such Mizuki is a bit stronger than canon. As are Naruto (kinda), Lee, and Choji. Individually Mizuki is stronger than both Naruto and Choji (Lee could force a win due to gates and would've if not for Naruto helping). I aim to make power levels in Despite it All apparent and interesting, so prepare for some changes.

Naruto's Status as a Jinchuriki: Similar to canon it isn't a known fact Naruto is a jinchuriki. In fact most of the general public has been lead to believe Minato managed to slay the beast the night he died. As such most are unaware of Naruto's status including the villagers and his young peers.

Chapter 3: Defeat Mizuki! Do or Die!

Ikam: Ikam is something of a OC, a creation of mine designed to oppose Naruto and Kushina in a unique and deeply personally way. A man who carelessly pursues his goal using his Uzumaki brethren to do his dirty work. His goal? To slay the Uzumaki clan down to the last member, he seems not to care for the hypocrisy of such.

Ikam's Eyes: As a Uzumaki, Ikam is a seal master, and has changed his eyes to function as weapons. These eyes allow Ikam to absord any chakra based attack or defense and immediately release it, this is shown with his left eye reading "Seal" and the right reading "Release".

Reasoning for Team Shake Up: Mostly did this for my own amusement. It certainly wasn't random or done without consideration, I have plans for each. But I'd be a liar if I claimed it wasn't most to ensure originality in Despite it All as well as to test out unique interactions. 

Entry One Done! Not sure if this is needed or at all necessary but I figured it would help make this story more accessible. Especially considering how long I intend it to be.

AfroLordcreators' thoughts