
Chapter Six

I have been staying at Amirah's rest house for a few days. We both turned off our phones for no disturbance. So far, I feel relax because of the ambiance and because of the sea. But, I'm not that involved so as not to think if they care about me. Especially Mommy, maybe she's already stressed. But to Daddy? I know that he will only look for me because of the merger of his company with Mr. Harrison.

“Girl! Come here quickly !!! ” Amirah shouted from below, as I lay on the veranda she was looking up at me.


"Just come down!! ” I laughed at her before deciding to go down. After my descent, there were these companions.

“Come here B, I want you to meet this beautiful family!” Amirah said cheerfully and pulled me closer to the family she referred to.

“A … What if later they report us to Daddy?” I whispered here.

“Shezz! They don't know them!” They are already smiling at us, they are a couple with two sons who are possibly a little older than us, and two girls who are between the ages of ten and fifteen.

“B, they live here on this island. They are the ones I bought it from, meet Mommy Baby and her husband, Daddy Boyet. ” A's introduction to the couple.

“Good morning. Nice to meet you,” I said and shook hands.

“My best friend, Brianna.”

“She's a beautiful girl, beautiful friends.” Said Mother Baby. My friend, on the other hand, was acting like a baby.

“Tss. Mommy baby! It's just us! Calm down! ”

"Hey! You are ashamed! ” I rebuke here.

“Tss. Killjoy woman! Oh! They are the son of Mommy Baby. Louis and Louie, they're twins. ” This is specific to the two young men. That's why they are almost alike but not like the others who really only have one face as twins.

“Louis,” said the long -haired man and held out his hand.

“Brianna,” I shook hands.

“Louie,” said a young man who looked like Louis. Clean cut the surface of its ear but long on the surface and still ponytail.

“Brianna, nice to meet you two…” They have pure brown skins, probably because they live on the beach. They were all wearing summer shorts, the women, and daddy boyet wore t-shirts, muscle tees for the two men.

“Hi! I'm Macey! ” The youngest of them greeted me warmly. I smiled because of her beautiful smile.

“Hello! Nice to meet you…”

“I'm Princess,” said another.

“Hi …”

“B, that's where they live in a big house after leaving the resort. They just seem to be visiting. ” Amirah said, and I nodded.

“I heard that you came home, so we visited you. You have someone with you, we thought you were alone. ” Mommy Baby said and smiled at me.

“Oh! All of a sudden …”

“All right, we'll leave you first, and we'll clean up. When you need something, just ring the doorbell with our house. ”

“All right …” I just smiled at them before they left us to turn away. When they got away from us, Amirah suddenly appeared.


“Hey! What happened?!”

“Damn! That twins are so damn hot! My undies are falling off again! Please forget it! ” Thrilled to say it.

“I thought you're in danger! Damn you! So annoying!” I turned my back on her and re -entered the house.

“Wait a minute!” She chased me, I ignored her. I went straight to the kitchen for a drink.

“Friend… I need to open my phone now, don't worry, I won't say I'm with you.”

“It's okay, don't think about me. I will also open mine to say hello to Mommy. ”

"Are you confident? You don't know how to lie girl, they will know we are together. It's okay with me, how about you? Are you okay? ” This question reminds me of that.

“I just thought, I can't hide my whole life.” In the few days I’ve been here, I still think about the problem I caused, and then I left.

“You mean, you're getting married?” From the depression, she stood up straight.

“If I can't stop them, I can't do anything A. Maybe I just need to accept my fate.” I sadly promised and walked towards the living room and sat on the sofa.

“But, B! Steve might be true to his threat to you! How about you? ” she sat on a single sofa near me.

“I don't know either, but I'll just think its compensation for what my family did to them and Nicole.”

“Are you insane?! What if he hurts you? Even if you fight that man, you can't—”

“I can handle it, A. Don't worry, I'll call you when I can't.” I even smiled at my friend.


“I promise, I will not leave myself alone. I will always let you know…”

“But…” she sighed, “All right… But you always call me. Don't say no! ”

“Of course!”

That same day we were both busy with our cellphones due to the amount of text and calls that came. Mommy texts mostly and asks where I am. When do I go home because I'm stressed? I don't know if she misses me or if she's stressed because of Daddy's temper during the few days I've been gone. I don’t deny, I hope that after I don’t go home for them for three days, they will change their minds. That they would look at me and say they would not continue the marriage. But…

Daddy Calling …

I was suddenly nervous, I didn't know if this was the good news I was waiting for? Or still not… I let out a sigh before I answered it.

We were both in Amirah's living room, she was busy on her laptop while someone was talking on the phone.

“D-Dad…” I was nervous to answer his call.

[What do you think you're doing ?! Huh! Where the hell are you ?!]

He screamed from the other line, making me close my eyes because of it.


[Listen Czes, I know you're with your best friend Amirah. Though, I don't know where. But I know you're with her. If you continue to be hard on me, expect your best friend to be affected. You knew me well Czes, when I said, I said!]

“Dad—” the call ended.

I looked at my friend who was still talking on her phone. She looked at me and smiled at me, I suddenly smiled. No… Took anyone, not my best friend. I can't afford to lose her too.

I even received a text from Daddy.


24 hours Czes, just 24 hours.

I felt nervous because of Daddy’s text. I waited for her to finish talking on her phone before she approached me.

“A …” I called my friend's attention.

“Yes?” She smiles at me, this smile is what I don’t want to lose to my friend.

“I am going home…”

“What ? For real ?! ” Her question was shocked. I nodded in response.


“I'll be fine, A, don't worry too much.” She stared at me as if making sure. I smiled just to be complacent, and she's not worried. When she sighed, I knew she was just being forced.

“Fine… We’ll go now, I’ll just fix my things. But… Promise me, you will update me time to time or every day. ”

“Okay, I promise!” After we put away our clutter, we also left immediately. She never asked me why I thought of going home. That's good too because I don't know how to lie to her.

While on the drive back I was restless, I couldn’t sleep because of nervousness. Starting today, I will face the hell of my life. Life far from what I dreamed of.

“Thank you, A. Be careful! ” I told Amirah after our two-hour drive.

“I'll wait for your update every day!” I nodded before getting out of her car. I waved before finally entering the house.

When I found Mommy and Daddy in the living room, I immediately grabbed their attention when I entered. I could clearly see Mommy's shock, her eyes full of concern. But, Daddy, I can’t read.

“Dad — Ah!”

“Calvin!” Mommy scolded Daddy after I received a strong slap from Daddy. I was touched on my cheek, as if numb, before slowly turning back to face them.

“You have the courage to run away! Are you proud of anything you have? Can you leave without anything?! Huh? ” Daddy shouted angrily at me. I just bowed as my tears started to drip.


“Amirah! Is that what you're proud of ? Do you want to see your friend and her family suffer ? ”

“No Dad please … No …” I begged Daddy.

“Then, follow what you have to do. It's not just for us. It's also for you and your future! You will not suffer if you grow our company! Do you get it? ” I just nodded, even against my will. “Good, come on up. Have dinner tomorrow at the Harrison's house, prepare yourself. ” And they left me alone in the living room.

Mommy seemed to want to approach me but couldn’t for fear of Daddy. I slowly walked up to my room while quietly crying.

For me? In my future? Did they even ask me if I wanted to? No. Because at least once, they didn't decide for me. I didn’t feel free youth, I didn’t feel happy life. Because my whole life, I’ve been wearing the mask my daddy made. A perfect child in his sight.

Why did you end up like this, Dad? Why do I have to sacrifice my happiness, for your happiness? Why have I not been good enough for you? Is it a good idea for me to get married to be free of you? To be free from the rope around my neck that you hold? Can I still feel that you will be proud of what I can do?