
Chapter 2

8:30 Am: The Cafeteria

The bell rang signaling the crews to go to return to their stations. There were hurries of people moving to and fro from one place to another doing their different jobs. Zev hurried and arrived in front of a door which was the department of defense. He pushed open the door and stepped in the department was filled with people on the screen talking with the people in charge of the ship tracker on earth, people talking about the recent news in art and the incoming war. He walked to his desk, but later on a colleague informed him that the captain needed him now. He walked into the captain office and saw him seated while reading some document; his informant had monitored multiple asteroids in front of us that will vanquish us and if we want to pass, we will have to look for another path, how do you suggest we should move" stated the captain.

"Captain I suggest we should send some space fighter jet so that they will inform us about any other path to take" replied zev.

"Okay relay the message to the fighter jet squad, we don't time to waste we must arrive at mars two days from now" informed captain.

"Okay, sir (with salute) I will relay the message and get back to you later" responded zev.

Earth: German, Weapon Lab, 8:45 Am

Vadim walked into the laboratory and approach the command talking to an engineer.

"Commander the weapon is finished and ready for your use anytime, but the weapon should be destroyed, it can devour earth, it can cause the destruction of humanity if not use well, if not you holding my family to threaten me I will not have made the weapon," said the engineer.

"Okay, Vadim take him to meet his family in the other side, the old fashion way, and later call all the officers to meet me in my office we are going to decide when we are going to war, and we will emerge victorious" informed the command.

"Okay sir" replied Vadim.

War Office, 8:50 am

Vadim walked in and sat down on his assigned seat and listen to the discussion about when the war should start, some said next month and some even said tomorrow.

"The war should start next month, we have no prepared the army and ration so it should start next month so that it will give time to prepare" explained someone.

"No, the war should start tomorrow the army is prepared enough and we wouldn't lose" state another person.

The room was noisy with people stating the different opinions about when war should start but stop suddenly when the realized the commander did not speak, so the sought his opinion.

"Commander when we should start the war" a man with a chiseled jaw asked.

"We can start the war today I have instructed an engineer to build a weapon that can determine the outcome of this war. The weapon is on hold and will be activated by 8:55 today, any more questions" replied the commander.

"No" everyone replied, and the meeting was adjourned.