
fireflies in the cave

Rosa looked at the face of Prince Hares from the side, he was taking the horse out of the stable. Rere had already chosen to go elsewhere, she said she wanted to give us some privacy.

Even though I don't know what that means, why do Prince Hares and I need privacy.

Prince Hares was seen stroking the horse in front of him, I watched very clearly. How his love for the horse, how his big hands look very beautiful in Rosa's eyes.

Rosa smiled a little to see the little things that were done by Prince Hares, according to Rosa. Little things like this made her heart blush a little. Even though it wasn't for her, but still. Rosa could see how the real Prince Hares was.

Rosa thought that it was only natural that Rosa had been close to Prince Hares. It must have been Rosa who had seen all the good that Prince Hares had done.

"Come on up, I'll help." Prince Hares said, after a while Rosa fell silent.