

Adult stories!! Ezra Harcel (19 years old) a beautiful and young girl, imprisoned because of the trap of a pervert who can't have her heart. In prison, with a burning grudge, Ezra meets the warden named Mizran. Mizran Arun (40 years old), a handsome and authoritative man is married to Meriana (38 years old). Mizran and Meriana have a son named Zein (20 years old) a young and kind police officer. Because they often met in prison, Mizran finally fell in love with her. With his love for Mizran, Ezra intends to take revenge on those who have hurt her heart. On the other hand, as Mizran's wife, Meriana does not remain silent. Meriana tries to separate them by transferring Ezra to another prison and threatening to destroy Mizran's career. How is the continuation of the love story of Ezra and Mizran? can Ezra repay her hurt to those who have hurt her? Will Ezra and Mizran's LOVE be united? Follow their love story full of passionate love and sacrifice in this novel.

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"Ouch!! sick, fat!! why did you hit me?!! I speak the truth!" said Ezra loudly feeling mistreated by a fat woman.


Two heavy blows on Ezra's calves made Ezra fall to her knees.

"You are so brave to me!! don't you know who i am?!! don't just think you're beautiful so you feel like a princess huh! You're a prisoner here!!" said the fat woman angrily hitting Ezra's back repeatedly.

Ezra fell down without being able to repay the fat woman's treatment of her. Ezra could only curl up groaning in pain.

"Enough Hilda. We don't know the truth about the mistake she made." Alma said to the fat woman who turned out to be Hilda.

Hilda is Alma's accomplice in charge of punishing inmates who violate the rules. And Alma is a law in the convict's circle.

"But Alma, she dared to refute our words?!" Hilda said with a hardened face.

"She's a brave girl." Alma said then got up from her seat and approached Ezra who was still groaning in pain.

"Young girl, tell me honestly why are you in Mr. Mizran's room?? don't you know who Mr. Mizran is? he already had a wife and a son. So what are you there for?" asked Alma in a low but stressed voice.

"I told you, it was Mr. Mizran who told me to clean his room and rest there." said Ezra while raising her face to look at Alma bravely.


"You are really insolent, you dare to look at Alma!" Hilda said hitting Ezra's back hard.

"Ouch!! what's wrong with this friend of yours?! why does she like to hit me. Doesn't she have other work besides hitting people?" asked Ezra trying to endure the pain in her back and in her calves.

"Don't you know her?? she is Hilda. Hilda's job here is to punish convicts who break the rules as well as dissidents like you." Alma said as she stood up and sat back down in her place.

"I'm not breaking the rules nor am I a dissident! I'm just speaking the truth! if you don't believe me you can ask Mr Mizran!" Ezra said as she closed her eyes feeling the pain in her back.

"She is indeed worthy of Alma's law, she has dared to refute your words." Hilda said angrily swinging her wand hitting Ezra very hard.

"Ouch.!!" Ezra screamed in pain until it was heard in the prison hallway.

"Wait!! what else is this?!" suddenly heard Mizran's voice walking closer to the place where Alma and Hilda punished Ezra.

"Mr Mizran?" said Alma immediately stood up and saluted Mizran followed by Hilda.

"What is this Alma? why are you punishing this girl?" Mizran asked while looking at Ezra who was still groaning in pain.

"She has violated the rules sir, she has dared to lie and has dared to enter your study and sleep there." Alma said firmly without looking at Mizran.

"What is she lying?" Mizran asked with dignity.

"She said that you ordered to rest there." said Alma slightly softened.

"What she said is true, she's a new convict who came from the village. I haven't met you yet. So I asked her to stay in my room until I got back. I told her to clean up my study and rest there while I got home." said Mizran explaining what happened.

Alma and Hilda swallowed their saliva not knowing what to say after hearing Mizran's explanation.

"We both have misunderstood, please forgive us for our mistakes. We should have held back." said Alma immediately apologized to Mizran while looking at Ezra who was still curled up in pain.

"But Mr. Mizran, even though we were wrong she was also at fault for daring to both of us." said Hilda still annoyed with Ezra's courage.

"Ezra was brave because she was right. Alma, and you Hilda call the doctor to immediately come to my room to treat Ezra." Mizran said firmly.

Immediately Alma and Hilda saluted Mizran then went to call the special Doctor on duty in prison.

After Alma and Hilda left, Mizran approached Ezra then extended his hand to Ezra who was still groaning in pain.

"Get up, you will be treated soon." Mizran said with his hand still outstretched.

Ezra opened her eyes seeing Mizran's outstretched hand. Ezra hesitantly took Mizran's outstretched hand.

"I can't stand straight sir. My back hurts so bad." Ezra said in a low voice in pain.

"I'm sorry, because of me you were punished by Alma and Hilda. Trust me, Alma and Hilda are good people, they just misunderstood." said Mizran while helping Ezra up.

"You can hold my hand so it doesn't fall." Mizran said hugging Ezra's waist while Ezra firmly held Mizran's arm.

With a limp Ezra walked hand in hand beside Mizran who took him to his study.

"Why am I here again sir? they will definitely punish me again." Ezra said stopping when Mizran was about to take her into his study.

"They won't punish you, I brought you here so the doctor can treat you." Mizran said calmly bringing Ezra into his room.

"Sit down, I'll get you a drink." Mizran said while looking around his study which looked clean and tidy.

"Did you clean all of this Ezra?" Mizran asked as he took a glass of water and gave it to Ezra.

Ezra nodded her head while receiving water from Mizran.

"Thank you Ezra, you have done your job well." Mizran said with a smile.

Ezra nodded her head again as she took a sip of her drink. Not being careful while drinking, Ezra choked and coughed.

"Uhukk... uhukk.. uhukk"

"Hey... be careful Ezra." said Mizran quickly took the glass in Ezra's hand then gave his handkerchief to Ezra.

"Clean your chin." Mizran said looking at Ezra's face that looked very beautiful, innocent and simple.

Ezra embarrassedly wiped her wet chin with a handkerchief from Mizran.

Mizran smiled then got up from his place.