

One day, specific individuals woke up with abilities beyond belief, but there's a catch. The creation gods have decided to end all life on Earth, including the human race. However, with their benevolence, they have decided to give humanity a chance to save themselves and their world by giving a sole wishing star in the hands of a single individual. Only... the bearer of the star, has no interest in saving humanity.

Presli_James · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


That day, everyone gazed at the sky in disbelief. It was unnatural, it was mysterious, and it looked dangerous. Some thought it was a prank, others thought it was a setting for a movie, and the more idealistic ones thought it was the unveiling of Mid-tech's new large scale area holographic system.

However, it was none of those things. The moon had disappeared from the sky, and there was not a single star in the sky to be seen. Instead, in it's place, was a bloody sun. And standing where the sun shone a deep red, were angels with jet black wings and horned shaped halos, with black cloths over their eyes. 'Was that what angels actually looked like?'

For days, the sky was dark, and the red sun sitting where our yellow sun, and translucent moon was supposed to be. And when the moon finally returned, mysterious things began to occur. Namely, the awakening of people with superhuman abilities. These people were labeled 'Descenders' by the public and the government, because they had gotten their abilities when the black angels descended. The moon had returned, the sun was yellow again, but the silent angels remained, floating in the skies above several cities across the world, unbothered, and serving as the only proof of the 'moonless nights' as it was later referred to.

This went on for months, each time an individual gained an ability, a star would appear in the sky. The more stars that appeared, a constellation formed. Researchers found that the individuals whose stars appeared in constellations shared similar traits, some creating a whole new race from humans entirely.

Like this, chaos, anarchy, fear, and crime festered, and went on, especially from those with abilities. This caused them to be hunted down by the government. War waged, days of suffering, and mass genocide occurred, with stars constantly falling from the sky, and occasionally new ones popping up in their place. The ratio of ordinary people to descender stars in the sky was 8000 to 1. Only one out of six thousand people was a descender, and yet, the war against them caused the total worlds population of 8.5 billion people to drop to 6 billion. In a mere three years, against the hostile descenders who banded together against the governments of the world, two billion people suffered as casualties.

Five years after the appearance of the moonless night, the carnage ended, the descenders lost the war. No matter how strong they were, they crumbled in the face of overwhelming numbers, the number of stars in the sky could not compare to the population of the ordinary people. The remnants going into hiding, and being hunted wherever they appeared. The world's population had dropped to 4.5 billion, with whole countries gone from the map entirely.

The world had just began adjusting to the new, almost foreign idea of peace after the 'great war' as it was titled, until one day, year 2037, fifteen years after the moonless night and the start of the great war, the black angels that had been floating in the skies above the world idly for years... spoke, all repeating the same thing.

They first introduced themselves as one person. As the messenger angel, the angel of judgment, Sephria. Then they went on to say, "The gods of creation and endless nights saw fit to bless the human race with the power of the constellations, however the benevolence of the supreme ones was taken for granted, and you fought amongst yourselves for years. Now I have cast judgement. The human race is unfit and unworthy. By the power and rule of the five great gods of creation, and the four great gods of endless nights, as well as the lesser constellation gods, the human race is to be punished."

With those words, the sun shone red once more, as it did fifteen years ago, darkness veiling the sky, only this time, fake stars dwindled in the sky. A crack in the heavens appeared, and bright light shone on the black angels, the cloth covering their eyes fell, and a scale appeared in their hands. Their red eyes looked down at the mass of people watching beneath them with scorn, and disgust. Then they continued. "You have been judged, and a punishment has been settled on. Your sentence is punishment 63 of the heavenly law, 'Delere Finis'. The end of all life on Earth. Your punishment shall commence."

Just as the screams, and cries of the people erupted as meteors appeared above the earth, the heavens parted further, and another light shone down on the black angels' scales of judgement, halting the meteors in their place.

"Rejoice humans of Earth. The creation gods, in their benevolence, have decided to grant you another chance. They have chosen a golden child amongst your bad crop. This child shall birth a star in the coming years of human settlement, and it shall be a special star recognized and blessed by the constellation, and creation gods. A single wish available that may save your very existences. The angel of judgement, Sephria shall return in two hundred and thirty-five years, according to human concept of time. Should the child not harvest the wish in the star by this time, the punishment will be carried out."

This boded ill-fate for the human race. Not only did they not know when or where the child who would save them would be born, or if they were born already, they didn't know who it was, or how to find them. And most of all, the prophecy meant that not only was this child not ordinary, they would be a Descender. The very race they had fought against for years, and whose numbers dwindled in the skies. This meant, the child would be their enemy, and they were to be saved by their enemy.

This only led to the increased hunting and capture of the Descenders that remained, and the ones born with every new star. The Descenders were placed in two categories, the Deltas and the Arias. The deltas who gained a star later on in life, either by inheritance from the death of a descender whose star shared a residual connection with them, the Delta Genas, or gained a new star from a constellation god, the Delta Primas. And then the Arias, who were rarer, as they were born with their stars, and naturally gained the favor of a constellation god along with their birth. Both were subject to capture, and examination.

Years went on by like this, and the clock on the halted punishment of the human race was ticking. Now in the present year, 2270, two hundred and forty-eight years after the 'moonless night', and two years before the commencement of humanity's punishment. The existence of the moonless night, and the Descenders have all but reduced to legend and fairytales, only the government aware of the reality of their existence, keeping the search for the 'chosen child of the gods' a secret from the public.

If only they knew, that the child supposedly chosen to be humanity's potential savior, has next to no interest in saving the world.