
descend of the Chaos God

Crimson rain is the norm, the tang of iron a constant companion. In the Martial Spirit World, survival is a brutal song, sung by the strong over the broken bodies of the weak. This island-born boy, Bai Yu, harbors a dream that strains against the shackles of his small world. His path? Not the fisherman's life his fate seems to prescribe, but a climb so steep, so treacherous, it leads straight to the thrones of the gods. Will his ascent be paved with the blood of his enemies, or can he forge a different path in this unforgiving realm?

Chaos_Immortal25 · Huyền huyễn
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122 Chs

Geniuses of the Bai Clan

A tremor ran through Bai Ying as she whispered, "I am so nervous," her voice barely audible. Bai Feng, though attempting a confident facade, couldn't mask the nervous sweat beading on his forehead. "I share your nerves," he admitted, "but the chance to learn from the Patriarch himself is… well, incredible."

Taking a deep breath, they steeled themselves and entered the residence. Inside, bathed in the warm morning light, sat Bai Yu beside a tranquil pond. As they approached, he opened his golden eyes, their gaze piercing yet somehow calming. Both Bai Ying and Bai Feng dropped to their knees in unison, their voices ringing out in a respectful, if slightly shaky, "Greetings, Patriarch!"Bai Yu offered a curt nod, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. With a gentle wave of his hand, an invisible force lifted them from the floor. "Rise," he commanded, his voice radiating quiet power. "There's no need for formalities here.

Now, tell me, what weapons are your instruments of choice?"

"I-I wield the sword," stammered Bai Ying, her voice gaining a sliver of confidence. "And you?" he inquired, turning towards Bai Feng. "The saber, Patriarch," Bai Feng replied, his voice a touch steadier.

A thoughtful glint entered Bai Yu's eyes. "Excellent. Now then," he continued, gesturing towards the pond beside him, "step into this pool first."

Their eyes widened in surprise as they took in the sight. The pond wasn't filled with clear water, but with a swirling, translucent purple liquid that pulsed with an otherworldly energy. This was Dragon's Breath Essence, a rare and coveted treasure within the Bai Clan. Renowned for its ability to enhance a cultivator's potential and accelerate their progress, it was a game-changer for any aspiring warrior.

The longer one could withstand its scorching effects, the greater the benefits they would reap.A collective gasp escaped Bai Ying and Bai Feng's lips as they gazed at the swirling purple liquid in the pond. Dragon's Breath Essence – its reputation for both immense benefit and excruciating pain preceded it. Gritting their teeth in unison, they plunged into the pool.

An inferno erupted within them. The Dragon's Breath Essence surged through their bodies, a relentless wave of searing agony. Bai Ying's face contorted in pain, her resolve wavering after a mere three minutes. With a choked gasp, she scrambled out of the pool, collapsing onto the cool stone floor beside it. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead, but a flicker of determination still burned in her eyes.

Bai Feng, fueled by a surge of competitive spirit pushed himself further. His muscles screamed in protest, his vision blurring at the edges. Yet, he held on, fueled by the thought of surpassing his father and impressing the Patriarch. Finally, after a grueling four minutes, he could bear it no longer. With a ragged cry, he lunged out of the pool, collapsing beside Bai Ying

.A low chuckle rumbled from Bai Yu. "Good. Very good indeed, both of you." He offered them a smile, though a hint of amusement danced in his golden eyes. "You have shown remarkable fortitude. Especially you, Bai Feng," he continued, his voice laced with good-natured humor. "It seems you've already surpassed your esteemed father in terms of Dragon's Breath tolerance. Elder Xiu only managed a measly two minutes, wouldn't you agree, Elder Xiu?"

A sheepish cough escaped Elder Xiu, who had materialized by the doorway at some point during the ordeal. "Indeed, Patriarch," he admitted, a hint of pride battling with embarrassment in his voice. "It seems the younger generation is stronger than ever."