
Deranged Lovers

Alli Chester, a young light skin slave girl, falls in love with her master's son Jonathan Beagle. Georgia, 1859

NULLDUD · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Deranged Lovers Vol. 8

They sound and danced with such a speed as they came flying by their candles outing them out with their sharp movements, soon there was only one cadel still on and as they came upon it Alison stepped away from johnny, he looked confuse and as she hovered her hand above the burning candle as the sink on it burned and melted away. She only smiled not feeling the pain as she slowly lowered her hand until she snuffed it out completely, leaving them in the dark johnny came over to her and took her hand leading her out of the house to their car once again as they did some years ago.

When they finally came upon the building they were surprised to see it had been turned into a cabaret, they reached the top ignoring every person that tried stepping in their way.

"Miss you can't come in here it's whites dine-in only"

Allison: we aren't here to eat

"Well make your way to the outer parts"

Allison pov

Living in the 50s isn't exactly the easiest or nicest thing but I get treated a little better for being with Johnny, as we walk through the dining area the outside I see the side looks. I partly knew it was because of my skin color but also because of the dress I wore. It was bright red the color of a harlot some would say but I didn't care.

When we finally made our way outside me and Johnny I both stopped experiencing the same thing we felt the first time, as the music began to play behind us.

Johnny: well would you care to dance

I stared at him with a look that gave him the answer as he took my hand and spun me around and then pulled me close as we started to dance.

Allison: johnny, do you ever think about what will happen at the end

Johnny: yes, why?

Allison: Well, will we be there to see what will happen?

Johnny: I don't know Allison but I know whatever it is I'll always have you

Something within me knew that when we would never run out of things to explore, the world, skills we never knew we could work on, the sexual adventure over and over again for getting the feeling of one and them circling back around to it at the end. Would that someday be us two restarting the world as the first two humans…

Johnny: good lord it's starting to rain

Alli: witch makes it even better

As the people around us rush inside we stay letting each raindrop cascade down our bodies as if they didn't exist, we were in our world as he pulled me into a kiss.

Johnny: why don't we give them a show

" miss and sir you must come inside now, it's a storm"

We smile at each other and then we part away from each other, start in front of the ledge and take my shoes off. I can feel everyone's burning eyes on me as I step onto the ledge as I see Johnny smile leaning against the wall, I turn back and I smile as they jump off.

"Miss!" is the last thing I hear before jumping off

Johnny pov

I watched as the people inside rushed to the windows looking to see if she really jumped off the rain poured itself over me, the wait started yelling at me but I just ignored them as I walked to where her shoes were and picked them up as I took my jacket off and stepped onto the railing.

Johnny: it was nice meeting you all

I gave a salute and they jumped off plummeting to the cold, rocky waters below. The next thing I know is I'm sitting on top of rock alongside Allison as the waters crash below our feet as the police sirens pull behind us.

Allison: you do know right they'll shoot me?

Johnny: you'll be fine

Allison: So what do we tell them this time?

Johnny: the same thing, we live our lives on the edge since 1843

Allison: you know one-day they'll think we're crazy

Johnny: they already do

"Allison Chester slowly put your hands up and came to sore and as for you, sir do the same" the person yelled as we shared a tender kiss and followed their orders. When we reached the cop car it was standard procedure pat-downs, searched, and all that stuff then we were freed to go.

8 billion years into the future all and Jonathan Rome the earth doing what they can and what they want but now it wouldn't seem they'd be able to do much, in 3 minutes the sun would implode on itself and kill all living planets and people. They'd seen many things in their lives from the end of slavery to us government collapsing it'll be a while before a new world will be created but it was worth getting to spend every second with each other.

Johnny: well this is it Allison the end of humanity

Allison: if we do die I hope when we come back I'll end up with you again

Johnny: or we'll meet again on the new earth and be like Adam and eve but instead alli and Jonathan

They laid back as they watched the countdown tick to zero and then it was followed by a giant flash of light coming washing over them.

But then they oke up again on earth as the first people

Allison: johnny!

Johnny: what? Allison!

Allison was fading away almost like she was starting to never exist

Johnny: Allison do go, he held onto her as she started fading into the air

Allison: I don't know what's going on but I don't think I have control over this. But if I don't ever see

Johnny began to cry as she completely faded away leaving him to tell the story of the two.

Allison pov

I fade away and I could no longer see or hear jJonathan'scries and pleads but I clouds feel myself moving like I was being helped up, but then I opened my eyes to see it in this pod thing and I'm being helped out into this giant room with wires and futuristic stuff everywhere.

"Welcome back alli"

How do these people know my name, my vision gets better and they sit me down

"Good work we've gotten more than enough data, but we thought almost lost you for a while"

Alli: what?

"Oh right"

To be continued…