
Deranged Lovers

Alli Chester, a young light skin slave girl, falls in love with her master's son Jonathan Beagle. Georgia, 1859

NULLDUD · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Deranged Lovers Vol. 4

Alli mouthed don't to him trying to stop what he was about to say but he said it anyways walking over to her.

Jonathan: from a very young age I loved Alli Chester, and that love hasn't fade

Betty: see I warned you all she's a witch

Jonathan: no she isn't a witch I just love her, she hasn't cast a spell of any sort on me and she would never tell them, father!?

Master James: yes I wouldn't believe for a second one of my most trusted and hardest working slaves would do such a thing

Master Newbridge: well this wedding has seemed to be thrown away, then I'll have your thing packed and ready to be loaded into your carriage

Miss Alina: no no no they aren't leaving tonight they haven't had dinner yet, and I would like to invite his mistress as well

She said walking down the line with a smile on her face, as everyone got up leaving boarding their carriages, and leaving almost at the same time.

That night the Newbridge's and the Beagle's sat across from the table alli and betty on either end of the table, As the servers came out with the dishes alli was served hers first she looked at the dish not getting excited or inpatient as the others were served.

"Today for the men we have a rare steak and for the women, we have a lovely soup, and for your guest, her dish was specially prepared by miss Alina"

Everyone started to eat but all I waited for the others to start, she wasn't trying to impress but was trying to be as respectful as she possibly could. As she took the first bite of the soup her senses were overloaded with an amazing taste, something she'd never tasted before, she did speed up but slowed down enjoying every second knowing this could be the best meal she has in her life, she enjoyed every sip and taste until she started choking on something.

She strained and yelled as everyone watched, before Jonathan could rush to her side he felt a pair of large hands wrap around his neck as a bag was pulled over his head and he was dragged away, the same happened with his parents they all were dragged from the room as the Newbridge watched as alli aspirated before them. Her eyes begged for their help as things grew dark and air ran out and the last thing she saw was the smiles of the Newbridge's.

Alli never suspected to wake up but when she did she found herself tied to a wooden pole and alongside her was Johnathan, and his parents. She was confused and scared but she began shaking as she watched the slaves and the Newbridge's come walking towards them.

Jonathan: what is the meaning of this!

"By the laws of Tampa Florida, you three of the Beagle family she'll be burned at the stake on an account of harboring a witch Alli Chester"

Someone welled from the people as the Newbridge's came before them smiling, they threw lighter fluid onto the Beagle's faces electing screams of terror and pain from them as they threw it onto the rest of their body, them they turned to alli throwing it on her legs, then the torso, they face, she didn't scream or yell in pain she dared not to look at the other slaves setting an example of herself and they lit a match them threw it onto them as Jonathan and his parents yelled out in pain she whimpered in pain and let the flames take her in.

They watched as one by one the skin melted from their bones and their clothes went up in flames, finally, their bodies were nothing but charred skin and bone, they took down their bodies and loaded them into wheel barrels, and took them to a ditch in the wood and dumped them. The people looked at their bodies and shook their heads knowing the shame it was that this had happened the beagles had been killed and betty would have claimed to marry Jonathan and that he'd been killed by illness and taken over their plantation but they weren't dead.

Days later it was the dead of night and everyone was asleep but two people alli and Jonathan emerged from their graves, covered in dirt and ash they'd been set on fire and burned to death but somehow they're alive but Johnathan's mother and father were dead.

Jonathan: w-what?

Alli: were alive…

Jonathan: but how

Alli: hide!

Alli took Johnathan's hand and pulled him into the brush as someone came towards where they were, Alli and Jonathan hid as they watched the two slave watchers come and look at their once graves.

"Dear god that girl is a witch and that poor guy's body is probably being defiled right now"

"Wait, their bodies aren't there?"

"Shit we've got to alert mister Newbridge"

They run off toward the house as alli follows behind as Jonathan follows as well, they reach the manor and go inside trying not to be noticed when Miss Newbridge comes into the room lighting a candle lighting room than sitting down.

Miss Alina: well I see my spell worked

Jonathan: What the hell have you done you crazy bitch!

Miss Alina: sit and then we talk

Jonathan takes a deep breath and sits down along with alli

Miss Alina: well let me explain, you two have ruined my daughter's biggest day and for that, you have to be punished not with death or torture but with something everlasting.

Jonathan: get to the point I'm a walking corpse this isn't normal I should be dead I burned to death!

Miss Alina: Well if you'd let me explain I'll get to that, well listen here I wanted to punish you and your mistress with something you all can't stop. You two are now immortally doomed to walk the earth for the rest of your days and since you want to forget about your wife to be now and forever bound to each other.

Alli hadn't said a word confused and scared until something within her had to say something

Alli: but what about his parents

Miss Alina: ah I see that she wants to speak up now, well his parents didn't get the soup I made just for you two their dead and so are your parents family and friends.

They stare confused until finally, miss Alina says something

Miss Alina: you two are alone now forever and on, any other person you two fall in love with well die 10 days within you meeting them, and as for friends the same will happen

Jonathan: you hoe

He said as he jumped across the table at miss Alina but she didn't flinch or run she sat there as the workers came into the room with shotguns pointing at them then they shot, blowing large holes in their bodies killing them but not for long. But as soon as they opened their eyes the bullets were ejected from their bodies and they stood upright again confused and scared, they stared at Miss Alina as she waved away her workers as she sipped her tea and stood up.

Miss Alina: well enjoy your lives your carriage awaits

They follow miss Alina out from of the manor to see Alli's sister's body charged being wheeled by as they board the carriage and pull off on their way home