

She is a girl filled with mystery.. she felt cursed living in a nightmarish reality over again, her supposed perfect life was just an illusion. . . How will you feel if the life you led turns out to be just a dream or is it a nightmare? if not how could my perfectly normal life end up being my brain playing evil tricks on me. I woke up just to realize I had been in a coma for years.. The delight on my parent face to behold their daughter alive again.. but here I am with the feeling of being amongst strangers and with the dreadful feeling that I don’t belong here? but if I don’t belong here and not in the life I had once led and left behind.. Who am I? and where exactly do I belong??.. This novel promise thrilling adventures, emotional roller coasters and magic!

Noel_dabak_Comfort · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Sweet Shila

Lance Pov: 

Who are you referring to as a witch Lance?

How dare you belittle me that much, to have ranked me so low to such degree. I am no witch, I am a powerful Socerer, spot the difference. 

I turned back to see if it's really the witch voice am hearing, and just my luck, she really is the one.

Oh! Shila what a pleasant surprise, we did not think you will be here until later. I said trying to maybe make her not dwell on my previous statement, I hope it works but who am I kidding.

What a pleasant surprise indeed. Now let's get back to my previous question shall we? Who the heck where you referring to as a witch Lance? I heard her ask once again.

What a persistent Witch.

Shila, why would I for whatever reason refer to you as a witch, you are in no way mediocre. Of course you are nothing less than a very powerful and formidable Socerer, to refer to you as nothing less is a very grave sin, I will never commit. I hope my voice could convey it with at least a bit of sincerity.

Hmmmn, I heard Alfred clearing his voice. Thank the goddess big brother is coming to the rescue.

Shila, it's good to have you here with us but I thought you won't be here until later.

I could feel her gaze shift from me, I could not bring myself to look up for fear that she will get angry. My eyes always betray me because they mostly convey my emotions, she will definitely see I meant what I said about her being a witch. Don't ask why am scared of her, I myself don't know but what am sure of is the fact that this girl is a terrorist.

Yes my Liege, I left earlier than the rest, the others should get here at noon including my father.

Your Father is also coming, why was I not informed until now? I heard Alfred asked Shila.

This is strange, he is suppose to inform my brother and get his permission before coming here. Why did he only mention he will be sending his daughter here while hiding the fact he also will be coming.

My Liege, Yes my Father is coming and I don't know the reason for that but am sure he will explain himself when he gets here. Shila responded.

This day just keep getting better and better, the witch is here and now the witch daddy is also coming here, is there any cave I might hide in.

I have to get some things done, I will see you later Shila. Lance why don't you keep her company, see you both later.

What! Brother why are you being mean to me, even if you are mad at me, this is a very terrible purnishment don't you think?.

Why would you keeping me company be such a terrible purnishment Lance? Shila asks and she sounds royally pissed.

Wait! What. Did I say that out loud. I was shell shocked. I thought I was thinking that in my mind.

While I just stand there staring at her like an idiot. Right now I am feeling like an idiot, what can I say to make things right. Lance think, please think.

Stop terrorizing my brother, can't you see you make him uncomfortable, I heard Shira voice getting close.

Have I mentioned that I love my sister so much, talk about impeccable timing, What a save. Everything will be fine now, I will deal with that betrayal of a brother later, he dare put me in this mess and left.

Shira darling is that you, am so happy to see you, I heard Shila screaming, while running to hug Shira, I will never understand this girl, she is so mean to me with those evil eyes of hers but when my sister is around she turn to this little girl idolizing a goddess.

Talk about a turnaround of attitude, she is so confusing I tell you.

Why are you screaming so much, my ear hurt. I really cannot deal with you now, just stop disturbing my brother. I am going to my room now I need to rest.

Shira darling, I will keep you company while you rest okay, I really missed you. When I heard you woke up, I could not wait to see you, it scared me so much to see you motionless whenever I came to visit, I am so happy you are alright now. Thank the goddess.

Well I think that is my cue to leave, While making myself as invisible as possible, I ran as fast as my leg could carry me, dear Sister forgive me for running away, I will surely make it up to you.

Shira Pov:

This girl can be a menace sometimes, she is just too extra, so I really need to tolerate this minx right now, and I guess Lance has already escaped. So yes am stuck with her now.

Master, why are you being mean to sweet Shila, she does not deserve all your name calling at all, her only crime here is that she adores you too much, I heard Zozo murmuring.

Adores me indeed. More like a nuisance if you ask me.

Shira darling, I think you should get a bodyguard. I know you are a prideful person who thinks she does not need one person hovering around her, and nobody is doubting the fact that you are capable of taking care of yourself but you really scared us last time, I thought I lost you for real.

So why not give it a thought, and before you yank my head off, just know that this is coming from a place of love.

Master, Why do I feel like Miss Shila knows you just too much. 

For your information Shila, I already got a bodyguard, courtesy of my brothers, so you don't need to worry too much.

You are pulling my legs right? Seriously stop playing with me. This is so unbelievable, so you agreed to a bodyguard without so much of a blood shed. I really must commend the skills of your brothers.

Pellow, come say hello to my annoying friend. And just as I finish talking we both saw him coming out of the shadow.

Oh! Boy you got yourself a crow and damn he is fine as hell.

Shila will you stop harassing my bodyguard, behave yourself like the proper lady that you are, and stop drooling.

Hello Miss Shila, I am Pellow Winsburough and I am Miss Shira bodyguard. It's an honor to meet your acquaintance.

The honor is all mine handsome, sorry I mean Mr. Pelow. The honor is all mine.

Curtail yourself Shila, Pelow you are excused. 

Yes Miss Shira, and Pelow went back into the shadows.

Shira, why are you being so mean, why did you just tell him to go, I am not done introducing myself. 

Enough with your ranting Shila, why not get yourself a man, instead of harassing my brother and now my bodyguard.

Well I cannot explain it, but what I know is that I derive a sense of joy in making bad boy Lance squirm, but your bodyguard is so fine, he might even be my soulmate. And stop making me seem like a promiscuous person, I am sure Pelow might be in the shadows but he can still hear us.

Mr. Pelow I am a very decent lady. Do not get any wrong ideas. 

Master why is Miss Shila so sweet, she is such a sweetheart. 

Zozo will you stop, why have you both decided to annoy me this morning.

Apologies Master, I thought I was just stating facts, guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.