
God of Pleasure

Mister Kim's revelation had been back-to-back shockers to Aaron as he sat down, stared at and listened to the manager reveal everything he knew about his father.

The most shocking revelation of the day was the fact that Isaac Winters was late. The Incubus Lord that inhabited Aaron's body didn't have that information. All he knew was that the body's father was not around much and naturally, he assumed Isaac to be a deadbeat.

It made more sense now why Alicia wasn't entirely willing to discuss any matter that had to do with the man.

Aaron had heard Mister Kim mention this and played it cool. Yes. If the real Aaron still had control of his body, he might have even cried after being reminded of his father's death but with the Incubus Lord being the new resident of the body, things were different.

He owed Isaac Winters no loyalty. He had never even seen the man, so why would he want to cry for him?