
Demons and Devils.

okay so i figured i screwed up the first time. but i know you guys were enjoying the story, so i decided to redo it. this time just going with the flow instead of trying to follow the actual Highschool dxd story. Characters will be out of character, dont like dont read. Don't own HS DxD, don't care about flames and haters, supporters and ideas welcome.

Robert_Munson · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs


Roxas walked towards the old school building. Thinking about a lot of things was very taxing on the mind, is what his former counselor had said after his parents deaths. Roxas was sure they were right. But he couldn't help but mull over the events occurring recently. From him losing his family, to him coming to kuoh, yesterday and finally today. He was sure it wasn't a coincidence. maybe this Rias girl was a fallen who had known the guy he killed. And now wanted revenge. He remembered Dustin saying that the Fallen Angels didn't run the school. But he didn't say they weren't there.

The old school building was a very small building compared to it's newer counterpart. The building had ivy and weeds growing on the sides. The grounds around it were well protected from view due to trees and shrubbery. To an average person, it'd look like it wasn't well cared for. and it May not have been. but to him it was actually quite a beautiful sight to behold. Reminding him of his grandparents old house on their farm. It looked the same, but it was always clean and well cared for inside.

Pausing to breath, Roxas thought about what was at stake. Dustin hadn't really denied or confirmed anything that may have suggested who was responsible for what happened to their family. But he had hinted at Rias knowing something about it. But if the devil faction was as well informed as Dustin had claimed. They likely knew what had happened, just not why.

Steeling his mind Roxas stepped through the door of the building. Despite what it looked like outside, the interior was very clean. the floor had a nice shine to it. the walls with a coat of paint that was very clear of dust and age. This building was very well kept for an old academy building that hadn't been used for years.

Roxas proceeded up stairs and down the hall. It was dark in the hall, not necessarily pitch black, but it was enough to put someone on edge. the floor while clean, creaked heavily with every step. It made Roxas cautious, he felt like every character in a horror movie did, like he was walking into his own demise.

As he approached the door he heard the sound of running water, like it was raining. which was odd since it was a clear day, no clouds or a chance of rain. With a sigh Roxas opened the door into the clubroom. there was no one there until he turned his head. in the corner of the room was a shower. and due to the shadow cast on the curtain, Roxas knew there was a person in the shower, a female person, with a rather impressive asset size for a high schooler. "one second." was what the person said. Roxas proceeded to the couches and sat on the one with the back to the shower.

If Dustin knew this was going to happen. Roxas swore he'd kill him.