
Demonic Mutation System

Grey Lost his family after a monstrous demon attacked them. Years later he encounter the same demon he survives again but transforms into a unique human with a demonic abilities. This event changes his life completely as he clashes with the demons faction and the hunters faction. Which side will he pick, which side will prevail in the end and will he pick the right side?

KarmaRune · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Death and Tragedy(1)

There is a battle stadium full of people from clans of the demon hunters and sitting in the vip chairs the leaders of the clans with their families watching with anticipation what will happen in the match. Inside the arena there are two people standing Face to Face preparing for battle.

Standing on the right a 16 year old boy with white skin, black hair and black eyes with a shade of green wearing dark clothes with an aloof and a cold look on his face. Standing on the left a white hair girl with white skin and blue eyes wearing blue-white clothes with an annoyed and irritated look on her face.

The proctor of the match is a man with a grey hair wearing white and black clothes is standing between them between them announces the rules of the match:

" No killing intent as it is only a sparring match or you will be disqualified. The one who gets incapcitated or knocked out or gives up lose the match and you may begin."

The girl seathes her swords and says outloud:

"I am going to defeat you and wipe that annoying smug look of your face."

The audience cheer loudly at her words but the boy rather than talking responds by doing something unexpected as his hair and eyes turn into complete green then he grows a pair of green horns then his hands turn into green claws. She and everyone in the stadium is bewildered by his transformation and the cheers are silenced.

She attacks him with an even more annoyed look on her face and she is more pissed of at him because he stole the spotlight from her as they prepare to clash and the boy wonders internally:

'How did it come to this? sigh, damn it and it will even get more annoying from now on with these people.'


8 years ago.

Under the moonlight of the night there is a big village where the streets are clean and wide open so bicycles and carts riders can move also people can walk without congestion and wasting time. In the Village there are many houses from different classes rich, middle and poor.

There is a house on the shape of rectuanglar from the front there is the street and from the back there is a forest and about 15 minutes in zigzagged direction there is the river that moves through all the state.

Inside the house a 8 year old boy with a black hair and black eyes is eating dinner with his family in their house. His father is a man with a fair skin with the same color of the eyes and hair, his mother is a beatiful woman with brown hair and honey color eyes and his younger sister is the same as his mother.

Their house is a middle class one as it is composed of two floors. The first floor consists of the reception room and the Kitchen. The second floor consists of 4 rooms, one for him, one for his sister and one for his parents. For the first floor the reception consists of a table 4 chairs and a couch. The Kitchen is filled with vegetables, fruits and fishes and well equiped with tools for cooking and eating.

They were sitting on the table and exchanging stories about their day. The boy was telling his family about his day in school and the dad was talking about his day at work. The mother and daughter were talking about their day in the house.

After finishing the dinner with his family the boy decides to go outside to walk out a little and promises his family that he will not be late for sleep. He walks outside the house and stands in the street then he runs for while in a straight direction.

"Do not be late for sleep, Grey."

The Mother Said

"I will not be late, do not worry mother"

Grey said


Two Hours Later

After the boy finishes his running for two hours, he returns home he enters from the door but when he enters he sees a horrific scene all of his family dead and killed in cold blood then he rushes at them and screams:

"No, Mom, dad, sister, what happened"

But they were dead and corpses disintegrated in a strange way. Then he hears the door is closed from behind him and he turns behind then Grey sees a horrific creature big like a dog with white skin, Dark green eyes and Light green hair with green horns also without a tail.

The creature have a hunger-thirsty and a malice look on his face with blood leaking from his teeth and then he attacks the boy but he is quick to evade the attack and the creature crashes into the dinner table. The boy runs to the kitchen and picks a knife but the creature was fast almost biting the boy.

But on instinct the boy evades once again and he threws the knife into the creature's eyes making him scream in agony and pain. Then boy runs from the back door to the forest and he continues running but the now one eyed creature is running after him. 

Thanks to the adrenaline rushing in Grey's blood veins Grey without tiring ran for 15 kilometers till he reached the river but the creature did not tire from running either then the creature jumped almost capturing the boy but something happened and it made the creature scream in anger and pain as the creature slow down.

The boy named Grey did not look behind and continued to run then he slipped from the river's cliff hitting the back of his head on the rock falling into the river as everything went dark for him.


One Hour Later

Back at Grey's house, It was a mess like the site of a massacre and a battle because of the demon killing Grey's family and Grey's battle with the demon to survive then a white hair girl wearing ninja clothes covering her face arrived at the scene. She examined the scene for two hours from the blood in the house till the foot prints from running in the river

The girl walks away from the house but she had a sorrowful look on her face as she is angered and saddened simultaneously by the death scene back at the house. She blames herself for not arriving earlier at the house to stop this bloody mess.

"Damn it, It is all my fault because I am late. I should have arrived earlier to stop this massacare of Death and Tragedy. I need to report to HQ and they are certainly not going to be happy about it but something is off and they will not be happy about it ."

The girl said to herself

Inside a huge room there were silhouettes for seven people talking then the girl wearing the stealth clothes arrived. 

A voice spoke:


Then the girl spoke:

"I was late there were three dead people but there were marks of fighting meaning a battle happened and also there were blood drops of a demon and footing marks from a demon running."

The girl finished in a solemn tone

"Something will happen and I do not know when but things are getting a lot worse against him and we need to be careful from now on against him. We will call for a meeting with the seven clans to prepare from now on against him.

Very Well soldier and Return to your Duty till we call you again for another mission."

The Voice Said

The girl nodded then Disappeared into darkness returning to her duty.

"Looks like we will need to call for the assembly to meet and it is been quite a while since we last met.

Call for a meeting between the seven clans to discuss the demon attack."

The voice ordered

"Yes, sir"

Another voice said