
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Demon Town: Boom goes the town


DAY 17



Tyler woke the next morning to find he'd shoved his head in Rias' massive melons again. The jarl blinked at this comfy position and smiled as he held her tighter.

"I love you, Rias."

She smiled as he held him tighter too.

"I love you too, Tyler."

He looked at her and she chuckled.

"NO enjoying my perfect rack in the daytime."

He grumbled.

"Selfish devil. Keeping such wonderous orbs to herself. Share the bounty!"

She laughed at his pretend offense and smirked.

"Perhaps we can compromise."

"Oh I'm sure Sophia would be fun."

"Good. Games we can enjoy lots a things."

He smiled and the pair got out of bed. The pair got dressed and walked out to find Sophia at the table waiting. Tyler kissed her.

"YOU'RE with US tonight, Sophia."

She gulped!

"Oh dear. My poor body."

They chuckled at her new fear before Tyler and the two ladies ate breakfast. Rias looked at the pile of maps on a desk they used during meetings,

"Hey Tyler."

"we'll put up a meeting hall for the Council and townspeople."

She smiled.

"You already thought of that."

"That and our own form of nobility."

"ah. we'll have our meeting and go from there."

He nodded.


The warrior hefted his rifle and headed for his daily morning patrol. He climbed onto the walls and smiled as he saw the road was still sparkling.

"we'll run the occasional wash over the road. Keep it SPARKILY."

He looked out over the town as merchants and sellers all went to their stalls and he noted they all passed over the main access road to get there.

"Raised walkways it will be. I think we'll incorporate Vegas law there."

The next he looked at was the massive car lot that had the vehicles Haven was selling and he smiled.

"we'll also put out word for detailers for the cars. That'll be fun."

He completed his circuit and returned to the Longhall where the council was meeting. Mina smiled as he walked over.

"Nothing to report from the Dawn Skypatrol, Tyler."

Erwin nodded.

"Nor the ground. It has been rather quiet."

The Jarl nodded aand looked at Belfast. Who smiled.

"Seraphine abhors her current living arrangements and is using her name to attempt escape. I have her."

"Good. That cage might get rusty if it's not used enough."

Rias chuckled.

"I KNOW you mean that as a joke, but be careful."

"That's it. For talking back to your Jarl it is ONE night in the cage for you!"

The council snorted at this mock offense and Tyler chuckled.

"I had to at least once. Oh! i got an idea!"

They smirked and he looked at Belfast.

"We'll surprise Asia. Have her friends hide in the Hideout Pad...I'll order her arrest, some bullshit trial, and then we throw her to em."

They smiled at the wholesomely evil prank and Rias chuckled.

"Do it for her birthday. ONLY. ONE. TIME. Otherwise you'll give her anxiety."

He chuckled at that one before he passed the design for the meeting hall around.

"Alright. Save to assume we can't keep meeting out in the open in the Longhall like this. So we'll erect a proper meeting hall looking over the road."

Mina nodded as she looked at the schematic.

"Agreed. And we can open it up for the public to watch how we do things behind that door."

"SO long as we have an inner chamber for more serious matters."

"Absolutely. And the structure will be reinforced stone?"

"It will. i want this one to be able to tank hits from the fieldguns."

Erwin smirked.

"A show of power AND wealth. This won't take us two hours."

The heads nodded and Tyler next passed the raised walkways.

"I saw the number of merchants and people crossing the main road. Sorry, that's just asking for somebody to get hit. Plan this time is to incorporate a new law. The main merchant road is now offlimits for crossing. We'll have plenty of raised so you don't use it."

Belfast looked at the map of HAven thoughtfully.

"A justified worry. Are we shifting to the safety of our people, Tyler?"

"we are. You have one?"

"Indeed. Streetlights and raised guardrails along the streets."

Mina nodded.

"And signs along our runway. Barkhorn nearly took off into a angel. The poor girl is okay but it was a VERY close call."

Tyler whistled.

"And at the speed Barkhorn needs to take off? OUCH."

"It PROBABLY woulda killed her."

The Jarl nodded.

"Alright. Now it'a smaller projects and fine tuning. The last matter is our own form of nobility in Haven."

This made them frown and Hestia perked up.

"Like town ranks?"

"Kinda sorta. This one I've been fiddiling with but it's not something important."

ERwin looked at him.

"I think it is FAR too soon to consider such titles and ascensions, Tyler. It seems a good way to breed an elitist attitude among the First Haveners and the masses."

Tyler shrugged.

"Fair. This one was more spitballing anyway. Belfast. How's our numbers?"

The lady smiled as she passes a paper over.

"As of the closing of the stalls last night, we secured 250,000 QC in profits. AFTER taxes."

Tyler smiled.

"Distribute it to the residents. We have 800 residents. Until they all have a sizeable amount to sit on, we'll keep the town coinless."

Asuna frowned.

"I see what you're going for, Tyler, but I THINK we're a little TOO far passed the point of a coinless town like we have been. BUILDING and all that we'll still be coinless, but we now have industry. We'll need to pay them."

The Jarl crossed his arms.

"Okay. HOW? By the hour, salary, or by day?"

Erwin crossed his arms now himself.

"It will need depend on the type of work, Tyler. Producers like Wulf and the smiths should be paid more due to their grueling days and our own frantic demands. Services like then Inn, meals, and the like should also be paid well."

TYler sighed.

"Okay. We'll do it this way. How much did we set a room an meal at the inn for, Belfast?"

The Town Lady looked.

"The figures were adjusted due to the influx of paying customers. A single night for one is 40 gold. A good mea is 15 gold, and we have no Doves yet."

"So 55 gold for a night. We'll start at 60 gold per day for laborers and runners, 75 for Services, and 100 even for producers. 120 for active military. PER DAY. Mina, Erwin, we'll talk ranks and medals now too."

They nodded and Rias smiled.

"That is a very fair payrate for the town. Will it increase?"

"In time. But DO NOT tell anyone that."


Mina looked at Tyler.

"So we'll also be including Military Honors?"

He nodded.

"AND Town Guard honors too. If we DON'T, people have no reason to TRY. We'll also incorperate civilain honors too. Say best cooked meal in town or best clothes or whatever. Give the people something to strive for...and they will."

Asuna chuckled.

"Classic RPG wisdom. I can help with the civilain stuff."

Erwin smiled.

"what is the highest military rank that you have thought of, Tyler?"

He crossed his arms.

"Thane. which was like a noble. Which is why I was toying with the idea of a nobility system."

Rias nodded.

"My world's raiding games did something similar. Win enough games, get enough contracts and servants and bam. You're a noble of hell."

"So they get the shaft?"

She busted up laughing and Belfast lifted an eyebrow.

"Tyler, dear?"

He chuckled.

"Have you never heard of the Pillars of Hell?"

"Ah. Only fleeting but I have."

"OOOH I see what you did there."

"I too, have wit."

"Glad you're not a halfwit."

They whistled at that one and Mina smiled.

"Nice wordplay."

"Why thank you, I work at it. Oh you siad WORDPLAY. eh same thing."

Hestia chuckled.

"Can we refocus please? I promised Bell we'd go shopping later."

Tyler nodded and looked at Erwin.

"The highest rank I'd gotten to was Thane and they'd be given that for supreme service in the defense of our town. What that looks like EXACTLY I'd leave to the commanders. They have to prove it to ME though with a recording crystal."

Mina nodded.

"And the privileges of the title?"

"I hit a brickwall there. So far the only thing I could think of was them starting their own military unit and getting a custom built home from the town as thank you. Aside from the usual higher pay an all."

She smiled.

"THAT works perfectly. NO exceptions to the Laws."

They nodded and Belfast smiled.

"The Town Guard's highest rank, Tyler?"

"Hmm, Commissioner. They can claim their own home, higher pay, and if they wanted could even oversee their own section of Haven like a precinct."

Rias perked up now.

"CAREFUL with that one. In case you accidently create a system that allows for crooked cops."

Tyler smiled.

"Why do ya think the approval for appointment ends with ME? These ranks would be subject to the Council's Inspection on a however basis."

Satuski smirked.

"Foster a competitive atmosphere within the departments while also keeping an eye out for potential problems. I did the same thing at Honnuji."

"Good. Now."

He wrote the names of the council on the board.

"The way the Commissoners and Thanes would work is they'd be divided among the Council members. YOU can pick commissoners and I stamp the paper. I pick Thanes as overseer of the entire military. If they impress us again we MIGHT consider adding them to the council. Now, each council member will be given supervision of 4 commssioners, 8 Thanes to start. This way it keeps your workloads still semi-reasonable. Once we reach the overwork margin, we'll expland the council until we're back at everybody is bored. Are you with me so far?"

They nodded and Satuski perked up again.

"Our current workloads are still simplistic and yet demanding. We are okay for the time being."

"Good. Now, since we have two full divisions in our military, air and ground, we'll seperate the honors. Mina and Erwin can handle that one since they know more an I do."

Mina smiled.

"MY rank?"

"Commander. Same with the ground. You'd be a step above Thane as I want the leadership of the military to be like a pyramid. I give you orders to give to your soldiers. The scenario I am looking to avoid is a congested chain of command, and unstable as well."

Erwin nodded.

"Clear orders and clear distiniction between the ranks. We are going to need uniforms."

Tyler nodded and pulled a paper over.

"This is my idea for the ground forces' Standard uniforms."

He passed a design for a fitted outfit of tan and green. Erwin smirked.

"No question where you got inspiration from. Camofluaging too?"

"Yup. Get high enough in the ranks and you can elect to wear whatever you want."

Mina chuckled as she got the design for the air force.

"A light blue blazer emblazoned with HAven's sigil on the back....and black leather jackets for the flight leads. Okay. YOU want us to dress up like Liberian Gangsters."

"Ha. Kinda."

"Makes a point."

They smiled and Belfast looked at him.

"we shall also construct our barracks and other military buildings."

"Thanks Belfast. Alright. we got another project on our hands. Let's get to it!"

The town of HAven threw itself into their work with another passion. The merchants and other guests watched in awe as Haven expanded and added to itself with several more buildings and other structures meant to make life easier. In the span of four hours the work was completed o the last building and Tyler and Satuski relocated the Council information to the newly constructed Meeting Hall reinforced with steel mortar. The thing was a large open concept gymnasium with a circular interior. The walls were lined by comfy bleachers with the middle of the chamber was the Council's board decorated by maps and papers they used in running the town while a larger throne of bones sat against the wall for trials Tyler would conduct. The REAL meeting hall of the council was behind a hidden door and accessable via Underworld Tunnel where the more sensitive information was secured. Tyler smiled as he placed the bell that would summon the Counil on the table in the main hall.

"NOW we have to worry about pranks with the bell."

The Council chuckled at this one before Tyler opened the doors and left them open.

"Alright. Now what?"

Mina looked at him.

"The Underworld has something to show you."

"well. Alright."

Tyler followed Mina through the Meeting Hall to the Inner Sanctum where a bookcase was opened from a seamless jointing to reveal a winding corridor leading underground.

".....the bookcase?"

She smiled sheepishly at the tropeyness.



She chuckled at the minor pain before the pair headed into the darkness. Tyler closed the bookcase and the pair were encased in darkness that quickly lit up due to an enchantement allowed only Council Members to see in the Underworld darkness. Which made Tyler chuckle as they walked along the comfortably wide tunnel.

"That is STILL a neat trick."

Mina chuckled as well before they turned a left at an intersection.

"Work progressed faster then expected, but they are not shoddy. In total we have about 30 aircraft ready to launch with over 500,000 pounds of bombs ready to be loaded."

"Good. The next to be added is the Liberator."

"I miss that one to be honest."

Tyler was led through a series of sealed bulkhead doors until the pair came out into a collassal underground hanger loaded with B-17 Flying fortresses, and Avro Lancaster bombers. Tyler smiled widely as he saw the hanger had plenty opf clearance for larger craft and the space for FAR larger wingspans as well.

"The last piece in our Bomber wing, B-29 Superfortresses."

Mina smirked.

"The War Winner."

"They can handle a nuclear payload too."

She blinked.

"Nuclear bombs?"

"Or their equivilants. we'd only need ONE."


Hestia's voice was heard on the comms and Tyler chuckled.

"Makin sure, Hestia."


"Yes Hestia."


Mina chuckled as Tyler walked over to one of the B-17 Flying Fortresses and climbed inside. Then she sighed.

"You...didn't just have them built so you could play TOURIST, did you?"

"No we'll use em....but that was a factor."


He chuckled as he walked along the bomb bay of the iconic plane and to the cockpit.

"Hey I have the stuff I like built for a reason, Mina."


He laughed at her headache as he left the bomber.

"Alright. Fighter craft will be Messerschimt BF109s and P51s."

Mina smiled as they headed for the exit.

"Appreciate the tribute."


The friends left the Underworld through another hatch that spat them out by the Longhall. Tyler smiled as he saw the lid to the hatch was sealed by magic.

"There be a lot of secrets in HAven. Some not even i know of. And I BUILT this city!"

Mina chuckled at that as they walked to the town center.

"The tanks are progressing well. we've incorperated lighter weight metals into the frames of the tigers and increased the powerplant's output. They're now able to keep up with a T38 on flatland."

"Good. Once the main tiger unit is established we'll look into other platforms. The M4A1s?"

"Ready for deployment from Murderholes."

"Good. The Panzer IVs?"

"Same. Miho ADORES her Panzer IV...and yeah."

Tyler nodded as a second wagon train rolled in through the gate. The Jarl and the town had that train heading for the Archon within minutes and Tyler smiled as the gate dropped.

"And so the threads spread."

He went onto the walltop with his Kar98K on another patrol as the Noon Patrol launched with Yoshkia as flight lead. Tyler waved at the brown haired witch and she turned a roll in acknowledgement and he smiled as he saw Sanya as well. She blushed as he saw her and he chuckled as she focused on her sorty.

"I REALLY need to catch her at some point."

The Jarl walked along the perimeter of the walls seeking something to do for the town before he shrugged and sat on a battlement looking over the town.

"Yup. I...need a hobby."

He watched as the newcomers all gaped at the town while the Angel population loved the sky with their gold and black wings. On the ground he spotted Asia's unmistakable golden hair with Armin by a foodstall on a CLEAR date and the warrior smirked.

"Careful, Armin, I can see you."

The poor guy was sweating bullets as Asia hugged him and Tyler laughed at his caught between a rock and a hardplace position. Tyler spun around to look out over the forest and smiled as he relaxed.

"we built this city. My GOD do i miss my tunes an stories."


He chuckled as Belfast appeared beside him.

"Kinda. Interested?"

"Not at the moment. I saw you alone up here."

"Yeeeeah. Lookin for somethin to do...DREW a blank."

"Oh go hang out with Miho and her girls."

"THAT is a GREAT idea. what are YOU gonna do, Belfast?"

"Seraphine has volunteered for hand to hand training....with Erza."

"OOOOH now THAT I kinda wanna see...oh I know."

He got up with a smile and Belfast chuckled.

"remember. To NOT overwork."

"Yes Belfast."


Tyler dropped to the ground and headed to the adventurer's guildhall. The place was situated inside it's own set of walls due to the firey personalities inside. The building itself reminscient of a castle with a wide sign over the door,

"Fairytail. Need a good time, come hang with Fairytail."

Tyler smiled as he walked inside....only to be greeted with a miniriot going on inside. The place was laid with long trestle tables inside a lowered floor with numerous pits for fighting along the walls and even a few cages hanging from the ceiling. A large and mostly empty job board lay at the far end of the hall while the rowdy guildmembers all had a good time. Tyler hung his rifle on a peg to prevent an accident and headed to the bar where Makorov slid him a mug.

"welcome to Fairytail! TOOK ya long enough!"

Tyler laughed as he banged mugs with the guildmaster.

"I WORK for a living, old man! Ya might wanna try it sometime!"


The pair downed their ales and the Jarl smirked.

"So, what'd the rep have to say?"

Makorov chuckled.

"He said we're gonna make the guild look bad.....cause we'd outwork em. we got the approval and are a recognized guild. Problem is that battle with the bandits scared most of the jobs outta the area. And we're not big enough yet to have bills from other regions."

Tyler nodded as he sipped his next mug.

"Alright. I'll see about some scouting."

Makorov chuckled.

"don't bother. We got more bills goin up in an hour. Watch."

"Good.....so where the hell is MY brand Makorov?"

The man laughed at that one as he lifted an enchanted mallet.

"RIGHT here!"

Tyler got the guildbrand on his right shoulder and Makorov smiled proudly.

"welcome to the family."

"We're a MESS, but we're FAIRYTAIL!"

"Damn straight!"

Tyler looked out over the rabble now and smirked as he spotted a certain redheaded warrior alone at a table.

"Hey Erza, ya bored?"

The room went silent at this as the tall beauty smirked.

"In FAIRYTAIL? You're NEVER bored."

"Cool....I think we have a bet to settle."

Erza smiled as she rose from her table.

"I do believe we do."

Tyler chuckled.

"I got my greatsword."

"I have MY sword."

"Lets go have some fun."

Makorov laughed.

"Remember you're OWN rules, Tyler!"

"I make a mess NAtsu cleans it?"

"I heard that."

The guild laughed at the mild callout as Tyler and Erza took stances in the fighting pit. Erza had a smile on her face as she hefted her longsword and Tyler gripped his greatsword.

"Want to make it interesting?"

He smirked.

"You had my curiosity, NOW you have my attention."

"I like that line I am using it."

"Name your price."

She smirked.

"I win, WE go on patrol for a while. YOU win, it's a LONGER while."

"I like where this is going. And it's on."

A black haired guy looked at a pink haired guy beside him.

"Is it me...or did Erza just agree to a date?"

"If she DID....where the hell is ERZA?"

A blonde haired girl with a large rack sighed from behind them.

"She's not DEAD you idiots. She can date too."

Erza and Tyler lunged with the warrior swinging his greatsword in an overhead chop. Erza blocked it with her longsword and the clang made the hall roar before Tyler dropped his shoulder, ducked under Erza's blade and shoulder checked her. She grunted and the impact made her back up a step and Tyler grabbed her by the waist, lifted her up, and SUPLEXED her onto the sandy floor. The tough lady was up swinging her blade in a rapid cut that was blocked by Tyler's greatsword hilt. He then used the momentum of Erza's lunge to drop back on his knees and FLIP the girl over him. She hit and he poked her armorplate with the sword.

"ONe nothing."

She laughed as he helped her up.

"I have no chance against your counters. Again."

Belfast walked in and saw Tyler and Erza clashing in the pit and sighed.

"Oh dear. His answer to boredom is fighting."

Makorov chuckled as she stood beside him at the bar.

"You say that like sparring with the one you admire is a BAD THING."

Belfast watched as Tyler again flipped Erza onto the dirt. Both wearing wide smiles and a light in their eyes.

"They DO seem to be enjoying themselves. Yet their swords are not dulled?"

"They are, LAdy Belfast. The ring dulls swords for sparring between friends."

"Ah yes. I remember he suggested that since your guild loves to kill each other. His words. not mine."

"He's not wrong."

The match between Tyler and Erza ended with him winning 4-3. Erza was smiling as he helped her off the dirt.

"I am sore. Ad yet satisfied."

"Looks like i win....so."

She smirked and a key was passed.



Belfast also smiled as she saw the SPLITSECOND flash of metal.


Tyler chuckled as he left the pit rubbing his shoulder.

"Been a while since I crossed blades. Alright."

He got another mug of ale and Belfast appeared beside him....wearing a sweet smile on her face.

"So there were STAKES involved."

He chuckled as he took a gulp.

"ERza's one a the ones I admire MOST."

"How fortunate....and do i need inform the ladies?"

"Nah. She'll do it herself."

"And HOW many is that?"

"Oh this? eh bout my third."

Makorov smirked,

"FOURTH ya rookie."

Tyler sat beside the old man and slammed a fresh mug down.

"Oh it is ON you smug sonuvabitch."

Makorov produced a barrel.

"Ya REALLY think so?"


"There be a second barrel."

"First one to DRAIN their barrel."

The guild laughed as the pair got into a drinking contest with fullon barrels....with Makorov winning but by a mouthful. Tyler grumbled as Makorov smirked...BOTH of them HAMMERED.



"I will get us a second BARREL IF A HAVE TO."


The pair laughed and Tyler swayed a little before he smirked....and looked at a pink haired guy also with his own mug.

"round two."

Belfast sighed as Tyler and the pink haired guy got into a fistfight.

"Oh dear. He will not be returning home before dawn...and THIS is his idea of entertainment?"

TYler slid her a mug mid flip of the pink haired guy.

"ehhh COME ON, Belfast, live a little! You're at FAIRYTAIL!"

The guild roared at that one and the lady walked out with a sigh and smile.

"I DID ask him to have fun. Oh dear. Ah well. Rias will require an update."

Tyler and the mages of Fairytail had a WILD party that didn't REALLY end until they all more or less passed out. Tyler included as he fell over in the sand pit with a busty blonde girl asleep on his chest and a whie furred cat using his side as a pillow.


DAY 18



Tyler came to the next morning flat on his back in the guild hall sandpit with a busty blonde haired girl with her head on his chest and Erza's crimson tresses on his side. A white haired cat was curled on his chest asleep. All around him the outcold members of the guild were coming to with a groan and Tyler was no exception as his head throbbed and his body ached.

"Ooooh DAMMIT. Party like Fairytail, get HUNGOVER like Fairytail."

Erza came to as well.

"That was a GOOD one too."

"Mornin Erza. OW."


The blonde woke now with her own groan.

"Oooh my ACHING head. I went soft."

"Mornin Lucy."

"Morning Tyler."

Lucy was a pretty girl with lower back length blonde hair and bright blue eyes in a teardrop shaped face with light skin. Her frame was slender and her bust large on her frame. she smiled and spoke in a warm breath.

"YOU go HARD Tyler."

"Wow. Thanks Lucy. we will DEFINITELY be doing this again."

"Yeeeah. Ow."

The cat was still out cold as Tyler passed her to Lucy.

"Well. I gotta to check in....and be laughed at."

Erza flipped him a small tablet.

"We keep these on hand since we LOVE our parties."

He smiled as he took the breath mint.

"Erza's on the ball. was fun guys. Catch ya on the flipside."

Tyler left the pit and retrieved his rifle while his head pounded behind his eyes. In the guild the members were all coming to in piles as he left the hall. Tyler smiled as he headed for the Meeting Hall.

"Okay. Go partying with Fairytail. Check. Flying with the Strike WItches....NEXT."

He walked into the Meeting Hall and was faced by a smirking council.

"Morning everyone."

Rias smirked as he walked over.

"Soooooo....have a good time?"

"Oh yeah. It's ALWAYS a good time when you hang with Fairytail."

"Should I and Sophia be concerned? You PASSED OUT DRUNK."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at her.

"Long as I'm doing it with Fairytail, we got nothin to worry about."

Erwin slid him a black coffee.

"So how often do you do that?"

Tyler shrugged as he took a deep drink.

"Not as often as you'd think. I've just ALWAYS wanted to go partying with Fairytail. Been something on my bucket list for YEARS. Those freakin lunatics know how to have a good time."

Rias smirked.

"Anything ELSE on your bucketlist, Tyler? That WE should know NOW?"

"Hmm, flying with you and your devils, Rias, flying with the Strike Witches, going sailing on Enterprise's carrier, getting my own set of ODM gear, BEATING UP Kirito with Starburst Stream,"

Asuna snorted at THAT bold faced idea.

"GOOD luck!"

Tyler chuckled.

"Play a match of Sensha-do with Miho, AGAINST Miho, annnd I THINK that wraps it up for the people here? well, Enterprise isn;t HERE but you know."

Belfast smiled sweetly.

"I DO know....and the reason I was not included?"

"cause I've already been aboard your ship, Belfast."

She lifted an eyebrow now.

"IS THAT how you wish to speak of ME, Tyler?"

He looked at her curiously.

"Your NAMESHIP. In MY world."

"OOOOH. My apologies. where is she berthed?"

"Belfast, England as a museum ship. I got to go aboard her for a week because my sport of Airsoft booked her as a field. Airsoft is a combat imitation sport. We uses replica guns to shoot at each other with plastic pellets."

She nodded.

"War is indeed a sport for you."

"Pretty much. i got selected for my skill with a sniper and shotgun. They do that from time to time. One time it was Hornet. THAT was a weird week, let me tell ya."

"A bad match?"

"That ship is one of the most haunted afloat. Like...REALLY freakin haunted. we'd gotten to sleep in the bunks as we were supposed to be similulating a war afloat....and some people RAN from her screaming when the ghosts started fucking with their kit! Was FUNNY as hell too. ONe poor bastard's gun went off...and shot his buddy clean in the balls! we ALL laughed at em!"

The group chuckled at the image and Belfast smiled.

"A wholesome story I suppose."

Tyler chuckled and looked at the Council.

"Any issues while I was getting tanked with Fairytail?"

Asuna shrugged.

"A few more trains came through. we filled our first vault of gold coins. About 2,500,000 coins already."

"Good. Any issues I need to take a look at?"

Satuski looked at him.

"A few Jabbings at the ladies' bath. They were healed as they nearly lost the eye...and are now demanding compensation for the wound."

"Alright. How's our bath house holding ladies?"

Hestia smiled.

"we could use two more sets."

"we'll put up three. I'll deal with those idiots and dunno. Maybe go hangout with Miho."

Rias smirked.

"NO getting drunk two days in a row."

"Deal. Sophia?"

"Is in a meeting with a few of her nobles via the orb. Soria and Miho are sisters in all but blood and are RARELY apart. Saria has been taken under the wing by Hana, Miho's friend, and Seraphine is miserably cleanign her clothing at the moment."

Tyler nodded.

"Alright. Easy day today....I guess."

They chuckled and Rias smirked. The council dispersed and Tyler was pulled aside by the redhead.

"So. You got Erza's front door key."

He chuckled.

"She's not serious. Just out for a good time."

"uh-huh. Yet...you PASSED OUT with her."

Tyler shrugged.

"It's Fairytail. Happens all the time."

"And LUCY?"

"IS Natsu's girl. I was just there when she fell over."

Rias smirked.

"I am so glad you did not come back. NO drunk snuggling."

"Deal. So how was Belfast?"

She smirked thinner.

"Sorry! YOU missed out!"

"Oh. well then."

He shrugged.

"I WAS going to offer you a car ride...buuuut i think Miho would appreciate it more. Later!"

"Now HOLD on you son of a bitch!"

The now outraged Rias grabbed him by the arm as he went to walk away. He looked at her curiously,

"what? I missed out....."

"FINE. We snuggled. Nothing more."


"Yeeeah Sophia got kidnapped by Asia and Unicorn. so quiet."



He smiled.

"Miho's got shotgun."


"What? YOU don't wanna ride in her tank too?"

Rias could have HAPPILY throttled him there and then for that.

"I hate you so much."

"I love that much more."

"....I lost didn't I?"



He chuckled at that one and hugged her.

"NEXT TIME you're coming with me to Fairytail."

"DAMN. STRAIGHT...is that a tattoo?"

"Guild brand. Always WANTED to join Fairytail."

She smirked as she looked at the leaping fairy emblem.

"So you went and joined the Fairies."


"So you ARE a fairy!"



"Rias. It's FAIRYTAIL."

The redheaded devilgirl chuckled at that one.

"So THAT'S you when you gush. I like it. And come on."

"Yes Rias."

She smiled at that one as the pair walked out. Tyler did his patrol of the walls and saw more trains rolling in on the road with a clean set of lines outbound from the other three gates. The rotunda was moving like clockwork and not a moment was wasted in the waystations. The Jarl smiled and pitched in at the waystations for a few hours unloading wagons and goods for his town before he headed to see Miho. The tank garage was full of the new models and he went over to where a large slate grey tank emblazoned with a fish icon and a blue symbol sat. A set of girls were eating lunch on the rear of the tank and Tyler smiled as he spotted Miho, Saori, Soria, Akiyama, and two others. The Jarl smirked as he snuck around behind Miho...and popped up.



Poor Miho and her friends jumped at the sudden callout and Tyler laughed as they all turned to glare at him.


Soria threw the lid of her cup at him.

"Bully! I'mma tell Barkhorn you scared the HELL out of us!"


He leaned on the tank and Miho smiled.

"So whats up?"

"eh bored. You guys hanging in there?"

Akiyama chuckled as she poured a fresh drink from a thermas.

"We'll be going on patrol again with Soria in the IV. It's got room for all of us."

Saori smiled at him.

"Soria's sweet!"

"Awww Saori!"

Tyler smiled and looked at Miho.

"Tiger's got her claws back."

"Yes! And M4A1s?"

"Ready to roll of the block. We also got some Flying Fortresses and Lancasters to toss up."

Akiyama smiled.

"Dc-47s! You can drop em in that way!"

"Akiyama you are a genius! Annnd we'll avoid the DDs."


She shivered and Miho looked at him curiously.


"Floating tanks."


"Yeah. We'd use LAVs for that. and since hovercraft aren't that hard to make, boom. workaround."

Soria giggled as she hugged Miho.

"i STILL don't know what you're talking about and I STILL don't care! I'm STILL SNUGGLING MIHO!"

They chuckled and Tyler looked at the orange haired cutie.

"Anything in particular you'd like back, Miho?"

She thought for a moment.


Akyiama perked up.


Tyler smirked.

"Akiyama, that's not a tank, that's a mobile shipcannon.....and we're doing it."

Miho smiled.

"A T28?"

They looked at her and Tyler smirked.

"THAT thing is MEAN. Fuck it, we'll do the Maus too."

The tankers chuckled at that one and Tyer patted Soria, making her blush.

"We'll get you gun trained, Soria."

"Kay! Captin BArkhorn already did though. she's nice!"

"Ha. HAve fun ladies."

They waved as the warrior headed out.

"A T28, Maus, and Sturmtiger. We will SCARE them shitless with the thunder alone!"

Tyler returned to the Meeting Hall where the council had gathered for the trails of the caught peepers as they sued for compensation. The Jarl sat in his new bone throne and Belfast came forward with the first man.

"Presenting MArtin Vicklind. He is one of those caught peeping on the ladies in tbe bath....and was jabbed for it."

Tyler nodded as the man blustered.

"I am a MARRIED man! i WAS NOT peeping!"

The JArl noted the scratches around the eye that indicated a Jabbing and he looked at Belfast.

"The Jabber?"

"Wales, Tyler."

The blonde lady stepped forward now from the bleachers and Tyler smiled at her.


She smiled.

"I heard grunting from the wall behind me as I was bathing Lod jarl, and when i turned a small hole got my attention. Seeing it was a peephole, I retrieved the rod and slammed it into said hole as instructed by the various signs around the bath. MArtin was the one with the bleeding eye on our exit."

A crystal recording of the incident was produced and Tyler nodded.

"Proof is confirmed. You say you are a married man, do yuo not?"

Martin gulped.

"I do NOT. I was merely boosting my reputation."

"I see. Well then. Belfast?"

"An inquiry was made. And he IS indeed a married man."

"I believe a bird is required. HAve word send to his WIFE of what he gets up to when she's not around."

The ladies in the room chuckled at the ploy as Martin gulped again.

"Mercy! please! She'll take everything I have!"

"Shouldn't have been peeping."

Belfast passed him a paper.

"She is within the city believe it or not. Her name is Merial."

"Is that so?"

"She has been summoned."

A lovely green haired elven lady came striding into the meeting hall and Tyler blinked.

"Wow. Pretty elf."

The lady smiled warmly as she approached the Jarl and her voice was a warm breath.

"Thank you Lord Jarl. Why have I been summoned?"

The crystal was passed to her....and she nodded.

"I see. So my DEAR, BELOVED, HUSBAND is a peeping pervert...that sues for money when caught and punished. I appreciate this Lord Jarl. On my ear I did not know."

Tyler smiled as she bowed slightly.

"I'd be surprised if you DID know. Now HIM."

"Oh he is ALONE. I abandon you, Martin Vicklin. And will have my due penance from you."


Martin lunged at his now exwife in a blind rage....only for a chain to wrap itself around his neck and Tyler tug. Martin dropped to the ground choking and the Jarl held the thing as he was manacled.

"I KNEW this one was a good idea."

Belfast looked the chair over curiously, not entirely sure where chain had come from.

"It's attached to an enchanted pocket."


Tyler smiled as the now dangerous attempted murderer was chained to a post.

"For the crimes of peeping on the women, the usual crime is castration, a Haven style branding, and exile. But. As you attempted to MURDER your wife in cold blood BEFORE OUR VERY EYES, I am afraid there is only ONE option left for you."

He leaned in Belfast's ear.

"He's to die, not sure HOW exactly."

The lady gave no reaction.

"Your PREFERRED method?"

"Kinda wanna chuck em into a lit forge. OR we use em for target practice for the town guard."

"BOTH I suppose are heinous in their own way."

"Oddly enough I can see the first as a dwarven punishment."

"As can I oddly enough. This one we shall discuss after the first as I see a potential."

"Firing squad it is."

Tyler sat up straight.

"For the crime of attempted murder, Martin Vicklin, you are sentenced to Firing Squad. Bascially you're gonna be shot to death as target practice. Make peace with your deity."

The man was dragged away screaming as the next man was walked forward....only for it to be a mere teenage boy. The boy gulped as Tyler lifted an eyebrow.

"Serious, bro?"

"Sorry! I was curious what the hole was for! i SWEAR i wasn't looking!"

Koneko stepped forward now.

"I jabbed him when I saw the hole from my end. The hole seemed old too, Tyler."

The Jarl nodded and looked at the recording from the inbath crystal. Belfast lifted an eyebrow now.

"Tyler. why are there so many crystals?"

"To prevent a false accusation....and to verify accounts."

"And WHERE are they stored?"

"They're not. They erase themselves at the end a the day unless removed by a member of the council or Town Guard."

"Very well....there will be inspections."

"SURPRISE. Inspections."

The teenage boy was shaking as Tyler looked at him.

"I see this is just a case of curiousity bit you in the ass. Still. A punishment must be metted out. So. You came here with a wagon train did you not?"

"Yes Lord Jarl. I did."

"Until the train leaves, you will be assigned to tending the girls whose privacy you invaded. YOU are THEIR butler now."

The boy deflated from relief.

"I meant no harm. i WILL prove so."

"Take em away. Asia wants her pet."

"Hey...I find nothing wrong with this, lord Jarl."

The council chuckled at this and Mina looked at him.

"LENENCY Tyler?"

Tyler chuckled.

"He's no monster. Just a kid with shit luck."

Rias smirked.

"And maybe ISSEI had shit luck?"

"Oh he had the best luck, Rias."

"How so?"

"BARKHORN wasn't the one that found him."


The third brought forward was a lady this time. Tyler blinked and Belfast smiled.

"she was jabbed for being pervy to the younger girls."


The lady smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry. I...have a taste for halfings you see....and Unicorn has their frame."

"I can see that. I can see how you might make that mistake."

Belfast looked at Tyler.


"A grown adult but in Unicorn's size."


Tyler smiled.

"You speak truth. This is but a case of mistaken identity. You will attone to Unicorn until she is happy."

The lady smiled....as the ball and chain were attached.

"Hey what's with the chain?"

"Welcome to Haven!"

".....There is something very wrong with this and I can't quite put my finger on it."

He chuckled as she was walked away.

"One monster, one unlucky runt, one lady with a halfling fetish. What a bunch."

Belfast smiled.

"These are all."

"Alright. Unicorn will run her ragged."

"She does to them all."

Tyler left his throne as a runner came in.

"Lord Jarl, a message from the gate!"

Tyler looked and the kid passed him a paper.

"A group of inhumans wish to enter Haven? Huh. THIS one oughta be interesting."

Tyler gave the runner an extra 150 gold and he ran off smiling. Belfast smiled at the gesture.

"Good for him."

Tyler shouldered his rifle and headed to the wall. There he found Erwin with Levi, Eren, Mikasa and Armin armed and looking over the walls. Erwin looked at the Jarl as he climbed the stairs.

"They appeared from the forest seeking sanctuary. Wasn't sure how to respond."

Tyler looked over the edge of the wall...and was faced with a large umber of snakepeople. Half snakes, half human. The Jarl blinked.


A broadshouldered snakeman reared to address the jarl in a firm yet friendly tone.

"Aye Lord Jarl. We are lamias. We come in peace and wish the HAven your town preaches itself to be."

Tyler looked his group over now and noted the large number of elderly, young, and children.

"Are you refugees?"

"Aye Lord. we have had to flee our village pending a bandit attack."

"How long ago was this?"

"Three days."

Tyler nodded.

"Open the gate! YOU get Yoshkia and Asia ready to recieve wounded lamias. YOU have Mina ready long distance scouting flights, and Erwin? Load the guns."

The scouts swung off as the sobbing in relief Lamias were led through the gate by Angels. Tyler went right to the broadshoulder lamia. The male was easily 45 feet long and when rearing was close to 9 feet tall with blood red scales and tannd skin. His hair was red and he had numerous scars on his bared chest as Tyler looked at him.

"My name is Redstar. I lead the clan of Lamia known as Redscale. We seek aid."

"YOU report to the Meeting Hall and we'll see what we can do for the rest of your kin. How many are you?"

Redstar sighed.

"200 tails. 50 of fighting strength. we WERE 500 strong."

"300 prisoners."


"Alright. Thank we got the trucks ready. The young and infirm will be seen to. YOU and your warriors can rest. Haven's gotchya."

The lamia smiled as Tyler led him through the now roaring town.

"I cannot thank you enough, Lord Jarl."

"ehhh shove it. You came to US."

The group gathered in the Meeting Hall and Redstar tapped a clearing in the forest.

"This was our village."

Mina nodded.

"we'll put droptanks on our strikers. we can reach it in an hour."

Tyler nodded.

"Combat Search and locate mission, Mina. I want the bandit camp found. do NOT ENGAGE unless they seem about to leave. Erwin, load trucks for immediate deployment and rescue."


"Belfast take over the Hospital. Yoshkia and Asia will be with me."

"It will be ready."

Tyler looked at Asuna.

"arm shooters. we're up against bandits with 300 captives. 600 men."

"Understood. Tanks?"

"Have Miho ready the T38s for rapid response sortie. They called for help. We throw god behind them."

The council split and Tyler closed his map, and reopened it.

"THIS hasn't been updated in weeks."

The map was refreshed and Rias smirked as she saw the numerous lines and clearings arounf Haven.

"We've been busy."

Tyler tapped the Lamia village...

"Shit. it's a Malchia raid. They're closer to the border then we are. Satuski."

"Transports are ready."

"Good. You're with me and the girls in the jeep. Redstar."

The lamia bowed.

"Lord Jarl."

"YOU go curl up somewhere. I can tell, you're about to drop."

The snakeman sighed.

"I will when all is done, Lord Jarl. My people need me-"

Tyler patted him on the back.

"at the HEIGHT of you strength. here. words a wisdom she taught me. If YOUR PEOPLE see you drop for ANY REASON, THEY drop."

Redstar shivered at this.

"Those are indeed words of wisdom. And ones I WILL heed. HArd as it will be."

"I get it."


"On it, Yoshkia! Redstar take five."

Tyler ran out as the armored force revved engines and vaulted into the driver's seat. Yoshkia had her .30 caliber machinegun mounted on the dash, Asia a Kar98k, Satuski her own kar. The Jarl looked at Belfast as she readied the healers.

"YOUR town."


Tyler looked at the force.

"Haven's Gate....MOVE OUT!"

Sophia watched as the force of trucks and tanks rolled out at speed wih a flight of 6 witches in the sky. The queen was amazed by the sheer speed and ferocity they responded to the cry for aid and the power they rolled out to meet it with.

"They responded to a call for aid by unknown lamias like a dear friend was in danger. I am TERRIFIED to see how they'd responce if a dear friend WAS in danger."

"ALL units, respond."

"Strike Witch 1-6 reporting. ALl clear and coms clean."

"Turtle 1 to Turtle 3 responding! All green!"

"Chariot 1 to 4 responding! All secure!"

Tyler nodded as he and the force plowed through the forest.

"Alright. This is a combat search and rescue operation. Goal is secure the lamia population and the destruction of their oppressers. Mina, don't wait for us. I want eyes on."

"Shirley go!"


The fastest witch alive tore off with a olive skinned girl and Perrine beside her as escorts. Tyler looked at Yoshkia beside him.

"YOU be ready for instant shield. We're playing rolling linebreaker."


"Satuski be ready to wound leaders. I want the leader element as intact as possible."

"Understood. I do not miss."



"YOU be ready to dazzle them."


She hefted her rifle all smiles.

"I get a shotgun next, Tyler? I LIKE the big boom!"

The force chuckled at that one as Tyler patted her.

"Sure thing, Asia"


"Asuna, wehn we breach lines, rolling deployment. Secure the lamias in the trucks an bail."

"Understood. we'll get it done."

Tyler smiled as he set his deagle on the dash.

"We'll make a name for ourselves doing this...and being SEEN doing it. Keep it tight, and we'll be known as a trade town/military garrison/ haven for all."

"eyes on!"

A floating panel appeared of a bandit camp surrounded by palisaded logs with a massive cage in the center containing the sobbign lamias. The Jarl nodded.

"I count all 300."

Mina's voice was heard o the comms.

"That's my count as well. They are unharmed yet covered in bandages."

"Signs of abuse?"

"Plenty. Some have been raped. I can see it plainly."

"Alright. Can the bandits see you?"

"No. We're over 1200 feet."

"Good. Maintain altitude. Should a lamia be taken, engage and secure."

"Roger. Overwatch ladies!"

Tyler looked at the layout of the ring.

"Turtle-1 knocks with HE. We blow in and surround the cage. Kill anything outside it. Rotunda style."


"Let's get this DONE!"

The force tore through the forest with roaring engines and crashing brush. Within an hour Miho's T38 tank took point as they tore out of the forest and approached the fortified palisade. Tyler smirked at the line of VERY confused bandits,


The 3.7cm gun opened fire and the main gate was blown open before the armored force ROARED into the palisade. Tyler's jeep slid into a drift by the terrifed cage of Lamias.

"Yoshkia! On defense!"


Yoshkia planted her back against the steel bars and channeled her immense magical power.


A massive, 300 meter wide shield encased the lamia cage and Yoshkia smirked as she planted her feet.

"Try an get through I dare you."

"damn Yoshkia! Atta girl! LIGHT EM UP!"

The machineguns and cannons did light em up. The bandits numbered 700. But within seconds that number had been reduced to a mere 20 from the powerful weaponry the Haveners wielded. Asia and a few healers were inside the cage casting spells on the sobbing in relief snakepeople while Tyler was sniping with his crew. Mina and her witches had taken the leaders prisoner while the last bandit was dropped with a well aimed headshot. The Jarl nodded.

"Ceasefire, ceasefire. Clean em up."

The hail of bullets was reduced to single shots to execute survivors as Tyler walked to the cage where Yoshkia was directing traffic.

"How bad, Yoshkia?"

She smiled.

"Not as bad as I feared. Some need a purge, but they can walk, slither? just fine. We'll be outbound in ten minutes."

"You got 15."


Mina brought the leader of the camp down from the sky and Tyler smirked as he looked at the angrily glaring prisoner.

"Welcome to Haven. YOU an I are gonna be GOOD friends. Mina, the Underworld can have him."

The bandit leader spit at the jarl.

"You have no IDEA what you have set in motion KID."

"And YOU have no idea who you're fuckin with. But you're gonna find the fuck out. Gag him."


The bandit was gagged and flown off to the Underworld. Tyler was then poked by something small and he looked down to see an ADORABLE snakegirl with bright pink scales and bright green eyes looking up at him wide eyed. she was naked like the rest of her people while her frame was slender. She spoke in a soft squeak.

"Are you....Tyler? The Jarl of HAVEN?"

He smiled and patted her.

"The one an only."

The lamias gasped at this.

"Lord Jarl?"

"The JARL himself came to help us?"

"Thank the Gods."

"Lord Jarl came. we're safe."

Tyler chuckled.

"Alright people. Load into the trucks an we'll getchya to Haven. Cuties brace. You're about to get very popular."

The green haired snakegirl giggled as he looked at her.

"I wanna go with you!"

"eeehh fine. Come on, Silther."

"Hey! my NAME is EMERALD!"

"Still cute."


"Asia is going to love you."

The blonde in question giggled as she hugged the adorable snakegirl.

"Already do!"

"Load in Glowball."

"I will tell Rias you called me a Glowball."


She grumbled as the lamias were loaded into the trucks with care for their long tails. Once the camp had been looted the force rolled out. Yoshkia smiled as she looked at Tyler.

"That wasn't so bad, Tyler."

"We caught em by surprise. Sooner or later we'll face a force we'll actually need to try. So for the time being we'll keep playing this like we have been."

"Understood. And the Lamias?"

"We'll get them healed and go from there."

she nodded and Satuski leaned over the back of his seat.

"I will attend the Underworld. That threat has me wondering."

"It was a sanctioned Malchia slave raid."

"My suspicion is comfirmed. What do we do?"

"Hm. For now get the snakes settled and have our chat."

The force made great time back to Haven where Redstar and the rest of the Lamias were waiting. Tyler rolled up to the red scaled lamia and patted Emerald in his lap/

"One cutie and 299 more lamias rescued."

The 200 escapees just went limp as the trucks were unloaded and sure enough, their entire village was released. Tyler smiled as Emerald was hugged by an elderly ladysnake with green hair.

"I'll be along later. You all see the healers."

They nodded and Tyler headed to the Underworld with Satuski. The pair dropped into a shaft and Tyler led her through the tunnels until the came to the torture chamber where the smirking bandit leader was hanging by his wrists.

"Kid you're not gonna break me. This ain't my first time in chains."

The rest of the council were present and Tyler smiled as he unrolled the 1 thick bundle of tools. Belfast blinked as she saw the collection.

"Oh dear."

"My world, torture is also a sexual pleasure."

This made the man blink as Tyler looked at the various instruments.

"YOUR WORLD? No. NOT an outworlder. NOT HERE!"

Tyler smiled as he looked at the shaking captive.

"And MY world is a hellscape. Since I've told you a HAven secret, you're not leaving this chamber alive. Up to you how much it hurts."

The now TERRFIED man looked at the other members of the council pleadingly.

"Help me. Please! don't let that monster touch me! This isn't right! OUTWORLDERS are MONSTERS!"

Tyler chuckled as he produced a thin rod with a spiked ball on one end.

"In my world, and I'm sure others, some unlucky bastards suffer from kidney stones."

Erwin winced on reflex as Tyler continued.

"If you're never experienced such pain, don;t worry. YOU'RE about to."

The man was fighting with his chains to get free and was screaming in agonized horror as the spiked tip was shoved up his urethra.


Tyler was whistling like it was just another day at the office as blood poured from the rapidly shredding man's dong until the last section was in place. A thumb hole was visible and the Jarl smiled wickedly as he placed his finger in it.

"I have always wanted to do this to somebody! LET IT RIP!"

He yanked on the rod with extreme force and the man howled in agony as blood and fluid leaked onto the floor of the torture chamber. Tyler smiled.

"dammit. i DIDN'T rip it off. Ah well. THIS TIME FOR SURE1"


Tyler looked at the sobbing in agony man curiously.


"I'll talk you monster. I'll talk."

"Ohhh? Interesting. Malchia, RIGHT?"

The man shook his head.

"No. Archon. The Archon."

"Why lamias?"

"They are the Archion's fetish this month. And he ordered 150 pure virgin lamias too. We WOULD have reached our quota."

"Hm. Your linkup?"

"The town of Gimlick."

Tyler blinked at this news.

"THAT is inside the Queendom."

The captive nodded.

"Aye. It is. But the leader belongs to the Archon."

"Ya don't say? We'll need Sophia for this one. Say anything where I came from, and it'll be your ASS being RIPPED apart from the inside out."

Tyler produced a cylindrical tube lined by ridges.

"Using this. it's called the rectifier."

Rias groaned at the bad pun.

"Your PUNS are torture."

"Good. Double whammy."


Tyler looked at Mina.

"Have the queen meet us in the Meat Locker."

"Understood. The Underworld?"

"is HAVEN'S world."

The group moved the interrogation to the Meat Locker of the Longhall using the tunnels and Sophia was led inside. She saw the man in chains and locked the door herself.

"what do you know?"

Tyler tapped Gimlick on the map.

"Gimlick has turned."


The bandit leader told the queen exactly what he told Tyler and the redheaded queen had outrage at the news.

"Maeria what the HELL do you think you're playing at? Your ASS is MINE. Tyler."

"ONE problem at a time."

He looked at the limply hanging bandit leader.

"HE is to die for this. Gag him and line him with the firing squad."

They nodded and the bandit was dragged away. Sophia lifted an eyebrow.

"There is an ulterior reason you don't want him alive."


"I see. The town."

The group reported to the Meeting Hall as the gunfire was heard. Tyler tapped the bordertown of Gimlick.

"Alright. we got a border town on the Queendom-Archon line that's turned."

Sophia nodded as she looked at the location.

"Tyler, I appreciare your help, but this is MY country still. As it's Queen, I will deal with this problem."

"Um, you're my fiance."

She blinked at this mild tone and looked to see Tyler smiling at her.

"This is OUR COUNTRY too now. Haven is a town in OUR country. WE will help you. And besides."

He looked at the map.

"That prick threatened HAVEN. NOT the Queendom."

Sophia sighed with a smile.

"I appreciate your aid, Tyler."

"sure. Soria will take part in this sortie."

Mina chuckled

"She was Miho's Gunner."

"Atta girl."

They chuckled and Tyler ran a finger along the road from Gimlick through the Archon.

"The road through Gimlick leads right to the Archon captial. Which means it's a strategic target as well."

Erwin crossed his arms.

"The fact the bandit knew the leader has turned is troubling. Such power shifts are best kept secret until the opportune moment."

Tyler smirked.

"Which means the Archon is gearing up for war."

They ALL looked at him and sophia sighed.

"If they are, we will need your guns, Tyler."

"If they ARE, we'll stop em in their tracks."

He tapped a section of border near Haven.

"Because they'd invade through here. This area is long, flat, and has PLENTY of room for marching troops. They'd need to bushwack a bit, but the payout would be immense since they could walk right to the Queen's road. HAVEN is in their direct path."

Mina frowned.

"The logistics involved are immense, Tyler. I'll put up an overflight sortie. if they ARE close for invasion, they'll be gathering at the border."

"Get on it."

She left and Tyler crossed his arms.

"They'll go in numbers too. Since no one knows what Haven can truly do on campaign yet, they'll most likely treat us as a more fortified tradetown."

The sounds of the witches taking off was heard and Tyler smiled.

"We'll hear back in fifteen minutes."

The council smiled at that truth as Tyler looked at the map.

"That line is well within the range of the fieldguns ALONE. If they march from anywhere in this circle,"

He drew a circle 15 miles from the town wall around the city.

"We can hit them with accuracy."

Belfast looked at him.

"The range on the antiair?"

"2 full miles."

"Oh my."

"Yeah i learned a lot from the wars back when."

Mina's crystal n teh board blinked.

"Sir. Large enemy force gathered at the border!"

A holographic image appeared on the wall of an immense force gathered in a camp on the border river between the Queendom and Archon. Tyler smirked as he saw the range.

"They are WELL within our reach. Only question is do we load guns?"

Sophia looked the force over with resignation in her eyes.

"Load guns, Tyler. YOU need to buy the Queendom as much time as you can. MY country needs time to muster. That force numbers over 15,000 men. Not even THIS town can hold that off alone."

Tyler smirked.


Erwin hit a crystal on the table and a twin toned siren went up that saw the HIGHLY trained Haveners racing for their tanks and guns as Tyler's voice was broadcast on every crystal.

"Alright people sack up! All tanks proceed to task line Alpha and assume bombardment formation. witches in the sky and prep for strife run and MVP assassination. Artillery, west direct, raise 30, load HE and standby for thunder! MOVE PEOPLE! WE'RE ON THE CLOCK!"

Erwin looked at him.

"The Flying Fortesses?"

"Not yet. This is just heavy target practice."

Satuski looked at him.

"NEVER overestimate your own strength."

He smirked.

"FUEL A FORTRESS. Launch bomber!"

The council smirked and Rias looked at him.

"YOU of course know how to FLY it right?"

"Pff. course i don't. why I'mma figure out how."

".....you...DON'T know how to fly it?"

"It's a ten man plane, Rias."

"Ooooh. I am going too."


Sophia poked him.

"WHAT is this about a fortress?"

Tyler smirked.


A section of the Haven forest opened to raise the B17 Flying Fortress from the Underworld and Tyler looked at the dumbfounded Queen.

"If you'll come with us mY WIFE. I have something to show you."

The Jarl led his crew to the bomber as Vesta poked his head from the door.

"Loaded and set! HSe's ready to take off, Lord JArl!"

"Alright. i'll be in the chin. Sophia take radio. Rias with me in the chin on the second gun. We'll get int eh air."

The queen looked at him as the people loaded into the bomber.


Tyler smirked as he led her aboard.

"We've done lots a things you'll never know about."

"I submit."

He kissed her and she smiled.

"And I will prove worthy of the Secrets of Haven."

Tyler climbed into the clear turret of the chin as the catapult aimed them at the sky. Rias was beside him in the second bombadier turret and she tied her long, thick hair in a ponytail with a smirk.

"This is either gonna kill us all, or be FUCKING awesome."

Tyler chuckled as he flipped the safeties of the 12.7mm guns.

"Heartbreak 1....CLEARED FOR TAKE OFF!"

The plane was flung into the sky under the power of the magical railgun and within seconds was climbing steadily. Vesta smiled widely from his spot as pilot.

"All gauges normal, climb is steady, engines responding. FUCK WINGS this is awesome!"

Sophia was watching awestruck as the trained flight crew manned their posts in the surpisingly spacious cabin of the plane. Tyler swung out of the chin turret and went over to her where a panel of radio crystals connected to the rest of the Haven force.

"ALL callsigns respond."

"Goosefish 1 ready for tasking."

"Strike Witch 1 and all witches on station, ready to recieve."

"Turtle-1 to turtle-10 on route."

"Hippo-1 to 10 responding."

"Rabbit-1 to 10 responding."

"Duck 1 to 10 responding!"

Tyler smiled as the enchanted screen displayed the forces.

"ALL callsigns established. witches are to maintain air superiority. we're flying a bus. ACT like it, Goosefish force peg out a offensive formation and raise cannons. Target BEHIND the enemy. HAven Cannoneers will aim AT them. Hippo support. Turtle and Duck play chaser. Rabbit fire support. Any questions?"

Miho's happy giggle was heard.

"What's the Opperation name, Commander?"

Tyler thought for a moment before he smirked.

"Operation Haven's Wrath. We got Sherman and TIGER forces defending Haven. We can do this right. Vesta, empty bomb bay over the rear of the enemy army. We DO NOT want them escaping."

"YES SIR! we have a field ready for rearming and resupply. YOUR backup plan is ready as well."

"That nuke I ordered?"

Rias snorted.

"NO you idiot. Your black striker....and M249 LMG."

"I fucking love you people. Alright."

Tyler looked out the front of the plane.

"eyes on enemy base. All callsigns, engage after the bombing run. Mina, keep em off us."

"We WILL sir!"

"Good. All guns, safety off. LET'S GO TO HELL TOGETHER!"

Rias smirked as he swung into the turret beside her.

"Any PARTICULAR reason I'M the bombadier?"

"Yeah you'll be beside me the entire time."

"GOOD. Answer."

"And because you have the best eyes."

She smiled as she set her eyes to the binocular style bomb sight.

"I was KINDA worried it was an easy job."

"NOTHING is easy aboard the Fortress. DON'T MISS."

"I NEVER miss."

Tyler cocked his machine guns as a mass of wyvern riders rose into the sky.

"We got bogies. DROP EM."

"All witches engage!"

The 11 contrails of the 501st joint fighter wing were seen rocketing towards the enemy fliers. Tyler smiled as the gunfire started and the less agile and bulky purple scaled wyerns started dropping from the sky in droves.

"Walkway is clear. Let's bring the boom boom. Open bomb bay!"

The bay doors opened with a groan and the pins pulled on the bombs as Tyler smirked.

"30 seconds to dropzone."

Rias smiled as she pulled the triggers that would magically mark drop points for the bombs.

"20 seconds!"

"easy people."


Tyler smirked as he saw the looks of despair on the faces of the enemy troops.


The nearly 18,000 pounds of bombs whistled as they were dropped in a long line from the B17. The resulting explosions were heard as far away as the capital. Tyler smiled as he saw the trench carved behind the now PANICKING enemy force at the dragon Haven had brought to play.

"Hits confirmed. RTB for resupply."

Mina's voice was heard on the comms.

"ALL enemy air presence neutrilized."

"established holding pattern and ready for the counterattack."

"Yes sir!"


The lines of tanks and fieldguns on HAven's walls opened fire on the trapped enemy army with devastating results. Tyler and the B17 landed at the Haven field where the immense plane was resupplied with wagons and forklifts. Five minutes later the plane was back in the sky heading for a second run. Sophia had awe and horror in equal measure on her face as she watched the Haven force flex in all it's unnatrual glory as the second bombing run decimated the enemy army.

"This 'plane' could reach my capital in a mere HOUR....and we'd have no warning before the whistle came."

Tyler was firing the machienguns into the enemy camp and scored many hits of his own as the bombardement left dents in the fields the unprepared soldiers tried to hide in,

"Load incendiaries."

The thunder stopped for a moment.

"Loading complete!"


Sophia watched as the BONE. DRY. field went up with a whoosh of flames from the incendary run. The queen shuddered as the screams and scent of burning humanflash reached her nose.

"These people. Are GODS OF WAR."

Then the last bombing run saw an entire payload of flaming bombs dropped and the resulting holocaust was extreme. Tyler smiled.

"Alright. Ice mages, FREEZE EM."

The powerful mages of the town cast their spells to freeze any and all enemy survivors in place. Tyler and Heartbreak 1 flew their last bombing run that saw the last survivors of the enemy force destroyed.

"Move in for collection and putdowns. This is now a cleanup operation. I repeat. This is now a cleanup operation. well done people."

There was a minor cheer from the forces and Rias raised out of the bombsight with a smirk.


"We'll build a P51 and go flying."

"YES we WILL. But remember. THIS was NOT a REAL FIGHT."

"I know. it's practice. EVERYTHING WE DO, IS PRACTICE."

"Until THEY get involved."


The Flying Fortress was landed on the strip outside the walls and was lowered back into the Underworld once the fliers had disembarked. Sophia looked into the hole as it opened and gasped at the glimpse of more then 2 dozen such planes in an IMMENSE underground chamber.



She jumped as Tyler walked over and the queen gulped.

"why so MANY?"

"One? They are AWESOME to fly in. Two? They look AMAZING in the sky. THREE? ONE plane can reach all three capitals around Haven. FULLY. LOADED."

She shivered.

"You expected a war."

"We still do. Those dragons can reach ANYONE. And our cannons can pierce any armor. I am building this town to take on the WORLD if it has to...and WIN that fight."

Sophia nodded as she looked at the field that hid an army of metal birds that could destroy her entire country with near impunity.

"The Queendom is your ally. I promise you this. And I will be your wife to make sure of this."

He smiled at her.

"We do not want to be enemies, Sophia."

She smiled as they walked to the Meeting Hall.

"Then we will be the very best of friends."

He kissed her again.

"AND husband and wife."

She smiled proudly at this as the group walked into the inner sanctum. Mina smirked as she presented a HORRIBLY shaken man in a blue uniform.

"General captured."

"NIIIICE. Take him to the Underworld."

Sophia blinked nd looked at the floor under her feet.

"They built their own Underworld.....I find this fitting for some reason."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at her.

"Haven is for those that have never known a home. The UNDERWORLD is for those that attempt to TAKE our haven."

Sophia smiled.

"I will help DEFEND your Haven. As it is MY Haven as well."

Tyler then looked at the map.

"The Fortesses are a roaring success. Now we'll test the Lancasters."

Mina smiled.

"Was kinda cool seeing a legend in the sky again."

"GOOD cause these are next."

He slid the designs for the Liberators and Superfortresses over and Mina nodded with a smile.

"We'll get right on it. 10 per?"


Erwin tapped the area of the battle.

"No survivors beyond the single general. We've played our hand, Tyler."

"They know we have immense power and the ability to deliver EXTREME force on a dime. And that's BEFORE the planes come into play. Mina, the wyverns?"

"Useless. ALL melee. NO range."

"Good. And since they're so freakin bulky,"

"We can dance around them for hours."

"NOW I'm curious what their airforce is actually like. The mechanical kid as they;ll be forced to respond in kind."

Hestia crossed her arms.

"Too soon, Tyler. Way, waaay too soon to reveal the Flying Fortresses. Now the world will hear of you and will wish one. You've forced their hand."

"And now they'll play RIGHT into ours. Even if they were to suddenly get their hands on an airforce like ours, they'd NEVER understand how to use em PROPERLY. We know thee things better then ANYONE else. And now we prove it. They lost 15,000 men. For a country that size, that's a mere dent. They'll regroup, muster some more and try again. Only THIS time in a different direction and with a LOT more head. The Fortresses have a max effective range of 2,000 miles. And look."

He tapped the border and traced circle of the effective range.

"ALL of the Queendom's borders are included inside it. even on the FAR SIDE OF THE COUNTRY!"

Sophia had a new look of horror at this.

"You could attack EVERY MAJOR CITY in three countries...with FOUR OF THEM PER CITY!"

Tyler smiled.

"When we go make a point, we MAKE the fuckin point, Sophia."

"I....okay. I will try to relax."

"We are NOT your enemy, Sophia Firemane. we LIVE in this country too."

She smiled at the reasurrance.

"And you are risking your lives to defend it."

He smiled and looked at Mina.

"Your witches had a max effective range of 750 miles on a single tank right?"

She nodded.

"That's right. we can extend it with mana potions, but would need to dismount our strikers to do it."

"We'll set up a fueler craft then."

He reviewed his archive of aircraft. Then smiled.

"Eh we'll just make a C47 and outfit it with a bomb bay for the Witches."

Mina and Belfast chuckled at this idea and the orange haired Witch looked at the design fondly.

"How much you wanna bet that was how most of the varients for that one came to be? eh fuck it, we'll just use the skytrain."

Sophis gulped.


"Nah. This one's civilain and will work as a flying resupply for the witches."

The queen relaxed visibly.

"They come in civilian models too?"

"OH yeah."

Tyler smiled as he looked at her.

"THESE are strictly war variants. Since we're preparing for war and ARE at war. Once the fighting stops I'll show you a few other varients. And before you go there, we'll discuss selling them as it opens a door."

She nodded.

"I understand completely. These were to be your air trade fleet?"

"They were. And they need space to take off and land properly."

"I see. In time then. And the railroads? I asumme you have war machines for them as well?"

"We do. But we'd need a proper line to research them."

"And the civilian equivlant?"

Tyler shrugged.

"NOT entirely sure what you have here, but on rails there's only so far you can go."

"A relief. Now, this skytrain."

Tyler showed her the model and she frowned.

"It's unarmed."

"It's SUPPOSED to be. It's a PURE transport craft."

"Ah. I see now. It will be used to resupply the Witches midflight?"

"And as a paratrooper craft as well."

"I know not this term of trooper."

"USes a cloth to jump from the plane and land safely behind enemy lines."


"And higher."

".....can I experience this?"

He chuckled at her new excitement.

"Sure. ONCE we teach you how."

"Absolutely. Your people are AMAZING."

He smiled and looked at Rias.


She chuckled as he aimed the praise at HER now. Then Tyler slid a model for a plane over.

"We'll get a flight of these produced now."

Mina smiled as she saw the Mosquito.

"The Wooden Wonder. We'll upgrade the tanks and engines."

Tyler nodded.

"And use the wood-light metal Bolite to make sure."

The plane was pinned to a wall and Sophia smiled.

"I rather like how that one looks, Tyler."

"Then you'll love some of the others we'll put up there. This one is for long range scouting. The skytrain can be made into a passenger plane."

She blinked.


"Oh yeah. That was what it was originally designed for."

"In time we will have a lengthy discussion on these planes, Tyler. For the Queendom would happily pay for such wonderous machines."

"Sure. When we get there."

Mina looked at the Mosquito schematic.

"Those wont even take a day since they're so easy."

"Good. Once we've got eyes in the sky we'll see what Archon wants to do. for now let;s go have a chat with our guest."

Sophia looked at him.

"I ask to attend this chat. As the Queen of Merlot....and your future wife, Tyler."

He smiled.

"I think we can flex a little more."

Satuski chuckled.

"Yes. especially since she now knows what we can do with NO warning."

Tyler walked to the wall and opened the bookcase. Sophia slumped as she saw the large tunnel.

"This TOWN....is layered in secrets. When was THIS built?"

"Eh when you guys got here."

"And the PLANES?"


"...Can you teach that? How to construct such massive and intricate works in such a short time, Tyler?"

The Jarl smiled as the group headed down.

"I can try. Not entirely sure HOW though."

They led the astonished queen through the Underworld to the torture chamber and she nodded as the door shut.

"I will keep this secret. Many towns have similar underground structures as they be quite useful in the winter months."

Tyler smiled.

"we'll need equipment for them too."

Mina smirked.

"Sanya will laugh."

"She's Orussian. She better."

They chuckled as Tyler looked at the man in chains.

"Hiya! Welcome to Haven!"

The man was shakinf violently as Tyler approached him.

"Mercy! I'll talk! Just don't feed me to the Dragon!"

"Sure. Okay. What were your orders?"

"Assault the border and the town that had appeared in the forest. Our orders were to secure the town and it's position on the Queen's Road for our troops to use."

"Archon is at war with Merlot?"

"Yes sir. The King has declared war to his people and this was to be a full scale invasion."

"Okay. where's the next campaign supposed to be?"

"At sea. The invasion was to come from both land AND sea, Sir."

Tyler smirked and looked at Belfast.

"Have Wales and Illustrious prep for immediate launch. Unicorn too. we'll show them the power of Azur Lane...and what happens when YOUR cannons come out to play."

Belfast smiled.


Sophia looked at him with a lifted eyebrow.


"TRUST ME. it'd be better to show you first hand. Fuel a B17. we'll need the range."

Mina nodded.

"The witches?"

"Have never done antiship combat."

"we have actually. Neroui tried ships once."

"Well alright then. Load in."


She left and Sophia sighed.

"I am not getting told something and I do not like it."

Tyler looked at the General.

"What is the goal of the invasion?"

The general sighed.

"I am not exactly sure, Lord Jarl. There have been rumors for years the King isn't exactly in his right mind. The invasion makes NO SENSE as the Archon has been having problems with a large bandit presence attacking our merchant trains in the south and a bad infestation of mites tore through our crops."

Tyler crossed his arms.

"Hm. We'll deal with the fire on this end and go from there. Now. YOU."

The general gulped.

"I ask for mercy for me and my family. Please. This was to be my last campaign before i retired from military service. I just want to hang up my sword."

"Oh. Are you an enemy of Haven?"

"NO. NOR is my family."

Tyler smiled.

"Never reveal this exists down here."

"Okay. i swear."

"Welcome to Haven."

The man deflated from relief as the chains were removed.

"Ih thank you. Is ti possible to rescue my family from the Archon? They live in the capital you see."

"We'll figure that out later. One fire at a time."

"Of course."

The man was released to the town and Tyler looked at the map in the inner sanctum at the sea.

"So we're deploying the ships this time. It'll be a halo insertion. Once they hit the water they'll surface ready for us to land."

He looked at a returned Belfast.

"Does Illustrious have enough room for a B17 to land on her flightdeck?"

Belfast smiled.

"She does. But only just. Taking off will require her power directly."

"She can do it."

"She can, indeed."

"Good. Unicorn can be a resupply for the witches if need be. I am expecting sail and tack craft here. Ironsides at best. And a single salvo from your 6in guns can sink any ironside afloat."

She nodded and looked at the map.

"Perhaps ONE ship to be revealed? Better to keep some cards to ourselves."

"True.....alright. we'll only bring your cannons to bear. And Unicorn."

"Or she'd never forgive you."

They chuckled at that one and Tyler looked at Mina.

"We'll launch this sortie in the morning."

"Agreed. we'll launch at full strength."

Sophia looked at him.

"Okay, Tyler. What are you not telling me?"

He looked at her and looked at the council. Satuski smirked.

"She knows. So let us make sure she knows the truth."

Tyler looked at the on edge queen.

"ALL of us in this room, the first 40, the SECOND 40 of Haven, are OUTWORLDERS."

Sophia JUMPED.



She sat on a chair as her legs went limp.

"It fits. Oh my gods it fits. The TOWN appearing by magic, the FLAG, you TECHNOLOGY, your LOOKS....okay."

The queen looked at them with a new smile.

"we have a new town of Outworlders in the world....and I'M MARRYING THEIR LEADER!"

Tyler smiled at that giddyness.

"I expect this to be kept secret."

"Oh absolutely. And I now understand just HOW outmatched we are. And look forward to watching you conquer the world."

They smiled and Tyler chuckled.

"Scary bit? We might wind up doing that whether we want to or not. And all we set out to do was build a ROOF over our heads!"

They chuckled at that one before Tyler looked at the maps.

"Alright. we've made a mess. Tomorrow we'll go set the ocean on fire."

The meeting ended and Tyler returned to his Longhall with Rias and Sophia. The queen smiled as the door shut and they had dinner together.

"I'll admit I enjoyed flying in the 'plane' Tyler."

"Good. Cause you'll be coming with us tomorrow."

She nodded.

"I completely agree. You are fighting for our country. it is only right I bare witness with my own eyes."

Rias smiled.

"And Rias will be on reserve here-OUCH!"

She stabbed him with a fork, still smiling.

"Wanna try that again?"

He looked at her in mild shock as he rubbed his sore hand.

"Um, I was gonna take Soria?"

"Okay....WITH ME."

"Wow. Yes mistress."

"GOOD. I DO NOT get left behind."

"Lady ya stabbed me with a FORK."

"Fork it over then."

He snorted and the queen groaned. The Jarl hugged his beloved redhead tightly.

"You'll always be beside me, Rias."



The trio ate together before Sophia smiled.

"I will be snuggling with Soria. Seems she misses me."

Tyler and Rias returned to their room and the pair snuggled together. Rias smiled as he held her.

"That was fun up there."

"Always fun blowing stuff up."

"So true."

He held her.

"I love you, Rias."

"I love you too, Tyler. Never tell a joke like that again, please."

"I won't. I promise."

"Good. It....hurt."

He looked at her...

"I want you as my girlfriend Rias."

She shivered...bit her lip...and kissed him. He kissed her back and it was like a sudden release of tension that allowed the pair to get into a VERY intense makeout session that saw Rias flat on her back.


He lifted off her and she smiled in relief as he did so.

"You listen....good."

She kissed him again and they were in another makeout that left them breathless. Tyler smiled as he looked into his girlfriend's eyes.

"I love you, Rias."

She smiled lovingly.

"I love you too, Tyler. And I feel SOOOO much better."

"ME too."

"The last one.....won't be as implusive."

"OR drunk."

"Absolutely not. Good night, Tyler."

"Good night, Rias."