
Demon Slayer: The Descendant

I can't write a synopsis so if you're interested then please read the first few chapters if it doesn't interest you then don't read it this is my second fanfic and unlike the previous one I don't plan to drop it, I'll try to upload 1-2 chapters every day if i can't that means I'm busy with school and stuff. the cover of the fanfic doesn't belong to me it's from the demon slayer manga (obviously) and neither one of them belongs to me and I don't make anything off of this, if this fanfic needs to be taken down I'll gladly do so. just writing this because I'm bored out of my mind.

Crims0n · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

Important Lesson.

Author's POV:




After completing the mission Tsuki left the forest, and went towards a direction of a house with the crest of a wisteria printed on the door. According to the crow, the family with the wisteria crest is the family that rescues the lives of demon hunters, as long as the person is a demon hunter, the family will serve them and ask nothing in return.

Upon arriving at the door, Tsuki knocked and almost immediately the door was opened by an old lady, who welcomed him with open arms.

Tsuki apologized for disturbing her so late, which she waved off.

Tsuki went into the house following the kind old lady, she then noticed the cut on Tsuki's chest area, and she disinfected and bandaged it, luckily the cut was shallow and quite harmless unless it got infected.

The old lady quickly prepared dinner, and a place to sleep for him, Tsuki quickly finished his meal and went to sleep.




Timeskip: Morning.




Tsuki woke up to his crow's constant pecking, "What is it? a new mission?" Tsuki questioned, "CAW!! CAW!! Meet with a fellow Demon slayer in the village *****! Be there until dawn!"

Tsuki quickly got up, washed his face, brushed his teeth got dressed, and went out, he saw the kind old lady with a smile.

"Thank you, for everything you've done for us." Tsuki bowed and thanked her, "It is my pleasure." The old lady responded.

With that said Tsuki was now on his way, he quickly ran across the road and arrived at the location, with the crow's guidance he got there faster than expected.

After entering the village, Tsuki was guided to the demon slayer he was supposed to meet.

Saying that Tsuki was surprised was an understatement, the demon slayer who he was supposed to team up with, was... Massive, everything about the man was large, from his feet, to his head, the man was huge.

He had Spiky-black hair, a scar across his forehead, and... no pupils, he carried prayer beads, around his neck, and was holding one too, he was a Buddhist, Tsuki deduced that the man was blind due to the lack of pupils (obviously), but he was definitely strong, Tsuki could feel it, this was sort of like an instinct he developed.

"Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Anenokoji Tsuki, your partner for this mission." Tsuki introduced himself, hearing his voice, the man shed a few tears, "How young... to be hunting demons at your age..." The man muttered he seemed a little... doubtful about something, "I am Himejima Gyomei, let's not waste time, I'm sure you already know, a demon was spotted here, terrorizing this village, we must end the suffering of both the people, and the demon, poor souls..." the man now known as Himejima Gyomei, shed more tears and prayed for them.

"So... should we split up, to look separately? we could cover more ground that way." Tsuki suggested, but was turned down by his partner, "There is no need, I will hear if there's a slight disturbance." Tsuki was a bit skeptical about this, but he couldn't go against it, he was here as a helper, the crow strictly said that he shouldn't get in the way of this particular demon slayer, and to follow what he says.




And the two waited, the man didn't say anything else, as they waited, the man quickly looked up and grabbed his weapon from a box that he carried around, the weapon in question, was a massive Nichirin Chained Spiked Flail and Axe, the man probably used stone breathing, but stone breathing normally required a kusarigama... but given the man's size, it all made sense, the question now is... if he can even wield that weapon properly.

Tsuki was having doubts, he has never seen anything like this or heard anything from his father, so it was only natural to be filled with doubts.

The man quickly disappeared from his spot, already running for a man his size he was fast, even faster than Tsuki.

Suddenly, the two heard a scream, coming from the direction they were heading, Gyomei's pace quickened, and his steps were producing the sound of an exploding.

The two quickly arrived at their destination, Gyomei immediately jumped into the house and attacked, where he sensed the location of the demon, and Tsuki followed behind him.

The demon avoided the attack, Tsuki didn't see how the demon managed to do it, but he was certain this demon was strong, much stronger than the one he fought, it probably had already developed a blood demon art.

The demon was large and muscular, also it looked really ugly and grotesque, it had a bloodied mouth, 3 hands, and also a really disgusting stench.

The demon noticing their arrival turned and ran without looking back at all, as he was running his body turned from muscular and huge to lean and skinny, Tsuki had an idea of what his Blood demon art could possibly be, but before he could say anything, "Protect the girls." His partner said and immediately ran after the demon.

Tsuki was surprised by what his partner said and looked to his right seeing the girls who were watching with tears in their eyes they were terrified of what happened, Tsuki now understood that there is more to this than just hunting and killing demons, you have to save the civilians as well.

He slowly approached the two of them, "Hey, don't be scared anymore, everything is going to be okay." he tried to make them feel a bit safe, he wasn't used to this kind of thing.

The smaller one of the two couldn't even nod, she was petrified, and couldn't take her eyes off the place where the demon stood, the older one looked at him with teary eyes, and nodded while trying to stop the tears, but it didn't seem to work, Tsuki took off his new Pure white Haori, which he had made before getting to this village, and covered the two with it, trying to make them feel safe somehow, this is what his dad did when he was scared.

the girl grabbed it and covered her and her sister with it, and held the Haori quite tightly.

"Oho? What do we have here? not one... not two... but THREE! Deserts! And one is even a demon slayer! it doesn't get any better than this does it?!" A raspy voice sounded out before a demon crawled in from the window, it had long and lanky arms, same with the legs, it had a short torso, its eyes weren't symmetrical, one was above the other, and the places of his mouth and nose were switched.

The older one of the two girls screamed loudly and closed her eyes in fear, holding her sister even closer to her, before she heard a calm voice.

"Stay behind me, Don't move I'll protect you two." Tsuki said in a low voice whilst drawing his sword, The demon whistled, "A nice blade you have there... too bad, I'll have to break it, alongside your body, HAHAHAHA!" it maniacally laughed, before rushing towards Tsuki.

Tsuki was getting ready to attack, but he was forced into defense, the demon's arm had changed into dozens of chains with blades at the end of them, it wildly cut in Tsuki's direction, he deflected some of them but was unable to deflect some as he prioritized the protection of the two behind him.

"Moon Breathing, Sixth form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant." Tsuki said, before quickly slashing his sword, and producing a wild barrage of crescent-shaped slashes, they deflected the chains and actually managed to make the demon stop its attack and move out of the way.

'Hold on... this is? a blood demon art... A HUMAN, USING A BLOOD DEMON ART?! this is unheard of!' The demon thought, before realizing if he could bring this information to Muzan, it could land him some more blood and eventually might reach the rank of a Lower Moon Demon, and becoming a Lower Moon, was more important than killing and eating little girls and the young slayer, who it heavily underestimated.

So he stopped attacking for a moment to retreat, but that moment was all it took, "Moon Breathing, Fourth Form: Moon Dance Reversed." and the world went upside down.

Tsuki had used a new variation of the fourth form, normally he would do a vertical slash, then a horizontal one, but in this instance, he reversed them, he did a horizontal slash first, then a vertical slash, and with that he cut off the demons head in an instant, and split the said head in half. (FATALITY!!)

He turned to the two girls again, they were still crying, Tsuki didn't understand that part, the danger was gone, why were they still crying?

At that moment, His partner arrived, he had cuts here and there, but otherwise was unharmed, seeing Tsuki with his blade drawn with blood on it, and his Haori which he covered the girls with, he was surprised but didn't show it on his face, he went towards the girls and comforted them.

Turns out that the reason the girls were crying was that their parents had been killed by the demon that the two slayers were hunting, Gyomei shed tears and prayed for them.

They brought the girls to a safe house of a sort, which was also affiliated with the demon slayer corps, and they bid farewell, to the two who seemed to be in better condition than before, their names were Kocho Kanae, and Kocho Shinobu, the latter being the younger one.

"I'm sorry." Gyomei suddenly apologized, Tsuki was a bit confused, "Why are you apologizing Himejima-san?" Tsuki questioned, "I doubted you, I didn't think you were trustworthy when I first met you, I am sorry."

Tsuki nervously smiled, "Don't worry Himejima-san, after all, you can't trust someone you just met right? To be honest, I also doubted your abilities, so we are even." Gyomei was surprised, but then he smiled gently and patted Tsuki's head with his giant hands. No, not hands, bear paws, ain't no actual way you can call those things hands. "I see, we are even then, It was a pleasure working with you, Anenokoji-kun, I wish you all the best, farewell." Gyomei said, before walking away, "Goodbye Himejima-san!" Tsuki said before he also turned and walked away in a different direction.

The mission went well, the doubts were resolved, and Tsuki learned another important lesson.

If you find some grammatical errors, cool cause I literally lost this chapter 3 times today, so if there are some mistakes, please let it slide this one time.

Anyways, sorry for the slightly late upload.

Crims0ncreators' thoughts