

The arena was incredibly silent, the anticipation was very high, after all it's an Elite Shinobi we are talking about.

Ineyo has taken her spot on the ring, she was engulfed in fear but managed to hold it in she held her katana firmly but her hands were still shaking rapidly

The rustling sound of chains could be heard as Yu enters the arena, he wore a standard shinobi dress. his face was covered with a mask and hood his, he was average almost Ineyo height but yet taller, his katana was held with chains that he tied around his waist.

Yu went straight to weapon rack at the edge of the ring and picks up a wooden katana he then heads towards Ineyo, as he approached her he stops, Ineyo was tensed.


Yu spoke to Ineyo, he voice brings her a little sense of calmness because it wasn't as aggressive as personal image she had of him in her mind

"Do you want to win?"

Yu asks

"...Yes.. I want... to... to win"

Ineyo stammers

"Ohh... I see, then in that case you have to fail"

Yu says and dash towards her landing a clean blow with the wooden katana on her gut, Ineyo was sent flying she couldn't follow his movements and the hit sent him flying, she rolled on the floor a bit before coming to a stop

*cough *cough

Ineyo began too cough very hard, her eyes were red, sweat beads formed all over her body, she grips her katana tightly and stumbles back up

'This is bad'

she thought to herself

Ineyo began to think of any way to counter him but non was coming to mind. In terms of speed and strength he overwhelms her with a huge margin, to make matters worst, he almost finished her with one hit

'I must win no matter what it takes'

Ineyo runs towards Yu and goes for multiple swings, but Yu was able to dodge all of them easily, Yu caught Ineyo katana with his left hand and to his greatest suprise Ineyo leaves it and goes for a sliding ground kick to hit his right leg, but Yu raises it up avoiding the kick and just as planned Ineyo takes advantage of the opportunity to hit his left elbow making let go of the katana and Ineyo grabs it and goes for the a strike

Now Yu balance was utterly messed with, not only his right leg was not on the ground, his left arm was still experiencing numbness due to the shock he received from Ineyo's hit, Ineyo movements suprised him, it was a sure win for Ineyo if the strike land, But....


Yu tightly grips his wooden katana, uses his left leg as a boost for a counter strike, he puts all his energy into his right hand and left leg and goes for a counter hit


The hit of the katana clashing resounded all over the arena, Ineyo left her katana, the katana had broke in two, the vibration sent shock into her muscle, she couldn't move at all. Ineyo fell on the floor flat.

"What monstrous strength"

The spectators remarks

"I see now, if you are so eager to win then...."

Yu says and the rustling of chains could be heard, he unsheath his katana from the chains

"...I'll end your life right here and now, Die!!!"


"Any more move and your dead"

Tatsuya says with his katana on Yu's neck, while Katsumichi katana stops Yu's Katana from making contact with Ineyo

"Ohhh??? Nice Nice, I didn't see that coming"

Mikoto says with stars on his eyes

"And with that the Winner is, Yu!!!!"

The announcer shouts


Yu was annoyed but it wasn't visible due to the mask and hood

"Don't just due in the next phase"

he sheathed his katana and leaves the ring

Tatsuya bends down and offer Ineyo a hand, she stretches out her right hand and saw that it was still shaking, she hesitated for a while, Tatsuya grabs her hand and lift her up

"Nice match"

Tatsuya consoles her but she fell in sadness she began to cry

"But-but, because of me we would spend another year"

"It's nothing Ineyo, if I was also paired with him I would've lost too, so you tried"


"If it was a I, I would've won"

Katsumichi says, Tatsuya sent a cold gaze to him


"I'm heading to the seat"

"Now for the next match, Katsumichi vs Kuri"

The announcer says

"haaaa, I guess it's my turn"

Katsumichi sighs

"Make sure you win, idiot"

Tatsuya says as he carries Ineyo out of the ring

"Speak for yourself, idiot"

Katsumichi says to Tatsuya

"Alright where is my oppon...."

"I forfeit!!!!"

Someone from the audience says


Katsumichi was dumbfounded

"I forfeit, the Winner has already been decided, whether I lose or I win, the winner has been decided"

A boy with dark hair, fair skin and dark eyes says, looking at him will tell you that he wad brought up in a calm environment

The Announcer was confused because there was no rule to make fighting compulsory, the announcer looks at the Three Captains at the VIP Chambers and received the sign to move on from Satoshi

"Alright we move on to the next round, for the next round we have Tatsuya vs Takahiro"

"I too would like to forfeit, but I want to behold win my eyes what skills the Demon child possess"

A boy says as he steps into the ring

A/N: This chapter was a flop, I sincerely apologise, there was not much details into anything, I'm sorry for that, and I promise to improve with the next chapter, after the next chapter will be Tatsuya round.