
Training with Rengoku

Tatsuya was doing some exercise in Reiko's compound, while the two small girls Yuma and Yuki watched in amazement

"997, 998, 999, 1000!!"

Tatsuya dropped the wooden katana on the floor and stumbled his way to the veranda where the two girls were

"Here Tatsuya-nii"

Yuma handed him a wooden keg of water

"Thanks.." Tatsuya gulps it down without wasting much time.

"That was awesome Tatsuya-nii, how did you get so strong?" Yuma asks with stars in her eyes

"Yuma-chan, my swings might be good and sturdy if ou know what i mean, but me being strong is something I've not attained yet" Tatsuya said

"That's not true, you are very strong Tatsuya-nii" Yuma pouts cutely, Tatsuya rubs her head

"I've seen people Yuma-chan strong people who can catch an arrow as if it's nothing, people who can cut multiple trees down with one swing of their sword"

"I'm sure you can cut a boulder in two" Yuma says, just then did another set of memories flooded Tatsuya's head

'Yeah, that's right Why didn't i remeber this stuff'

"Yuma-chan i owe you a big one" Tatsuya said

"For what?" Yuma looks at Tatsuya cluelesely

"You owe me more than that Tatsuya" Reiko comes out of the house to the veranda

"Oh shit here we go again" Tatsuya sighed

"Don't 'here we go again' me Tatsuya, You've been here for close to a month now, can't you get a shack to stay at least"

"I'm broke"

"Atleast there are some things called rents you know, if you are looking for a place to get strong why don't you go to the bushesot atleast go to the Rengokus Residence I'm sure you'll figure something out there"

"Ohh, is that so, thanks for the info Reiko-chan"

Two days later, Tatsuya was infront of a huge gate with the Kanji characters 'Rengoku' on it.

"This should be the place" Tatsuya said and pushed the big gate open

He is greated with a big compound much more bigger than that of Reiko's. And in that same compound were some people training together, two people to be precised, male and female, and supervising them was an old man.

Tatsuya walked slowly to the group.

The guy noticed Tatsuya and got distracted in their fight

"Got ya!" The girl swings her wooden katana hitting his head

"Wait a minute Misaki-chan"

Shogo, you got distracted"

"That's non of my business

"Tck....so what's your business here" Shogo looked t Tatsuya

"Hmmm...I'm Tatsuya Uzui...."



Both of them cut Tatsuya words short

"Hahaha, i guess I'm that popular here..."

Shogo suprise Tatsuya with an attack straight to his neck, but Tatsuya uses his Katana to block it

"Shinigami!!!" Misaki runs at Tatsuya, Tatsuya leaps back dodging her attack.

"We will never forgive you, Shinigami" Shogo said with rage

"Father...you killed our Father, he was a good man, caring and loving to his children, you killed a kind man like that, we will never forgive you Shinigami!!!"

"I know, I'm at fault for killing your father, but there is nothing i can do, shedding tears and killing me won't bring back your father, losing someone as kind as your father must be painful, i know how you feel and I'm sincerely sorry...."

"How do you know how we feel, a heartless murderer like you possibly don't even have a heart" Misaki raged. Now Tatsuya was pissed.

In an instant Tatsuya closed the gap between Him and Misaki and was about to cut off her head


The old man blocks his attack

"Do you know what i hate the most, the set of people i hate the most, self righteous, people who think or act like they are the best they have no flaw, you are naive, you all are so naive, this is war we are talking about, you lost your dad and so fucking what. where is my dad huh? his body hasn't been found yet, where is my mum, in a shallow grave dug by a six year old kid. my friends and comrades, six feet under this fucking soil we are stepping on, my one and only best friend, your kind, your people killed him, made him suffer till he made his last breath, now tell me, if it were you how would you live your life now?" Tatsuya raged, his voice was deep and intense as he lashed at Misaki

"That's alright everyone, why don't we go inside for a tea" The old man said, He had a faint orange hair, it was long and joined together to a pony tail

A few minutes later everyone where inside the living room with a cup of hot tea infront of them

"I'm so sorry for the wrong first impression and the rude welcome, Shini..."

"It's Tatsuya"

"...Tatsuya-san, Misaki and Shogo are actually good kids, they just get to emotional about some stuff" The old man said

"I'm not angry at all, I'm just...If i were the one in their shoes I would have done the same"

Tatsuya said

"I very much understand you, Tatsuya-san. Now Shogo, Misaki do you have anything to say?"

"W-We are...sorry"

The both said together

"No issues, funny enough i just realised i almost killed you there" Tatsuya laughs awkwardly

"With that done, well then Tatsuya-san what is your purpose for coming here" the man said

"Reiko-chan directed me here"

"Ohhh Reiko-chan, it was like days ago when she was running round naked with Sanjuro hahaha" The old man laughed

"Soo is that all Tatsuya-san" The old man asked once more

"Can you make me stronger, old man"