
Demon Slayer: I love Stars

An astronomer obsessed with stars is reborn in the demon slayer world. How will he change the fate of this world with a little outside help from a ROB? I don’t own anything from demon slayer all credits go to the author also the cover isn’t mine all credits go to the artist if he wants me to take it down do tell me

Joanjudo · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 8

{Rengoku Mansion 10:00 AM}

Omniscient POV

Two 12-year-old boys stood before the Rengoku estate. One was dressed in a white haori adorned with a striking flame pattern, while the other donned a red haori speckled with deeper crimson spots. The latter also wore a red mask, distinguishing him as Hoshi, while the former was none other than Rengoku.


As Rengoku and I stood face to face outside of the Rengoku estate.

I spoke with a mixture of resolve and hope, "Well, it's time for us to part ways. Let's make a promise to meet again, stronger and more skilled, or if fate permits."

Rengoku's gaze held a burning determination. "Indeed, the next time our paths cross, I'll be the Flame Hashira," he declared, his voice resolute and unwavering.

A grin played on my lips as I couldn't help but mock him, "Are you sure about that," I retorted, a touch of amusement coloring my words. Laughter bubbled up between us, a bond forged through trials and camaraderie. With an unspoken understanding, we turned away, heading towards our separate destinies. Each step echoed with the promise of growth, of trials faced, and of a reunion yet to come.

{1 month later}

As I approached the next village on my journey, a surge of determination coursed through me, urging me onward. The past month had been a relentless pursuit of demons, each encounter sharpening my skills and inching me closer to advancing my rank within the Demon Slayer Corps. In one particular town, whispers of a village haunted by nightmares had reached my ears, piquing my interest. I made it my mission to uncover the source of these unsettling rumors.

The village exuded an air of eerie stillness. Traditional houses, littered the streets. Slatted windows framed with delicate paper allowed only slivers of light to pierce through, casting soft, ethereal patterns on the cobblestone pathways.

Within these homes, the muted sounds of life could be discerned. Whispers of conversations, the occasional clinking of utensils, and the faint rustling of fabric provided a quiet symphony that spoke of the village's subdued activity.

Yet, curiously, the streets themselves seemed almost deserted. A ghostly quiet hung in the air, with only a few figures occasionally glimpsed moving from one building to another. The villagers, if there were any, remained hidden away, their presence felt more than seen.

While moving through the street my eyes fell upon an inn called "Ryokan." Its interior was eerily quiet, and the only figure present was a weathered looking receptionist, her brown hair framing her face. She greeted me warmly, "Hello, dear customer. Would you be interested in a room?"

"Yes, please," I replied, my fatigue from traveling evident. "A single futon room with meals covered for the next week, if you would." The weight of my travels pressed down on me, and a good rest was what I longed for.

As I settled into my room, I made sure to keep my katana within arm's reach, a comforting presence by my side even in slumber. Stepping up to extinguish the lights, an inexplicable sensation washed over me—a prickling awareness of being observed. It wasn't just something, but someone.

Swiftly, I pivoted on my heel and drew my blade. My gaze swept across the room, vigilant and searching, before finally resting on a shadowed corner. I held my stance, watching intently, every muscle poised for action. After a minute that felt like an eternity, the feeling of scrutiny slowly dissipated.

With a nonchalant shrug, I sheathed my sword, dismissing the odd encounter as a passing anomaly. Settling back into bed, I closed my eyes, the events of the day gradually fading as I surrendered to the embrace of sleep.

{Ryokan Inn 9:00AM}

As the new day greeted me, I emerged from my room and made my way to the inn's restaurant, anticipating the morning's meal. The receptionist warmly greeted me, detailing the offerings,

"Today's breakfast includes a selection of fresh fruits, sausages, and a glass of milk."

Curiosity piqued, I inquired about the absence of additional staff. "Is there no one else working here?" I asked the woman.

A solemn expression clouded her features. "There used to be, but it all changed about a year ago when the nightmares began," she explained. I leaned in, eager to hear more.

"Why did you choose to stay, then?" I pressed, genuinely intrigued.

"This inn has been in my family for generations. Surprisingly, I haven't been plagued by as many nightmares as the others. It seems the locals have less nightmares than visitors do," she shared.

The revelation left me pondering in silence. Why had I been spared last night from those nightmares? It was a question that lingered in my thoughts as I enjoyed my breakfast.

After finishing my breakfast, a determination surged within me to unravel the mystery behind the town's recurring nightmares. As the days slipped by, I altered my approach, realizing that probing during daylight hours might not yield the answers I sought, especially if a demon with such sinister abilities were involved.

{Day 5 of Investigation}

As I moved stealthily across the rooftops of various houses, my senses alert for any sign of disturbance, my attention was suddenly drawn to a peculiar movement within a room. The shadow seemed to sense my gaze, darting swiftly through the different recesses of houses and streets. My speed, continually improving thanks to the constant practice of Total Concentration Breathing, allowed me to keep pace.

Simultaneously, my eyesight seemed to sharpen through some inexplicable means. The world around me took on a newfound clarity, revealing details previously unseen. The convergence of these honed abilities heightened my confidence as I trailed the elusive shadow. Yet, as I drew nearer, a realization dawned – mere pursuit might not lead me to answers.

In a hushed tone, I invoked, "Constellation Breathing Seventh Form: Libra Balance of Swords."

Using the rooftops as my path, I accelerated, then descended, driving my katana into the ground where the shadow was located in that moment. The force cracked the earth beneath, a testament to my determination.

The echoes of impact reverberated a brief silence hanging in the air. I waited, senses alive with anticipation. As the dust settled, the ground lay shattered, and before me stood a demon. Its frame matched my own in size, its skin a coarse, ash-gray texture that appeared as if it could crumble at any instant. Two elongated arms hung at its sides, each tipped with razor-sharp fingers, seemingly capable of slicing through steel. Yet, its face was what struck me most profoundly. Its mouth stretched wide, spanning from one side of its face to the other, filled with menacingly sharp teeth. Its eyes, a sinister shade of yellow, bore into mine with a malevolent intelligence gleaming within.

"Ughh, I knew you would be a problem since the first day you showed up and you saw me in your room," the demon taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

"So that is why I didn't have nightmares. You have to be close to affect the minds of your victims,"

I retorted, a new understanding dawning on me.

I unsheathed my blade, its steel glinting in the eerie light, and held it parallel to my body, ready for the clash.

"Wait, wait, wait, don't you want to know why I did what I did?" the demon attempted to stall, desperation creeping into his voice.

"I don't care," I replied, my tone flat and unyielding.

"Well then, let's do this, I guess," the demon muttered in a voice tinged with madness.

With a resolute cry, I invoked, "Constellation Breathing: Fifth Form Leo Strikes!" I surged forward with every ounce of speed and strength I possessed, slashing diagonally from left to right in a furious barrage. The demon, nimble and menacing, deflected my strikes with its wickedly sharp claws, the clash of steel against nails ringing through the air.

I redoubled my efforts, increasing the tempo of my assault. The demon, struggling to keep pace, abruptly sank into the earth, reemerging to my left.

Without missing a beat, I resurfaced my attack, my focus unwavering.But before I could reach him the demon stretched his hand out and I envisioned the Kusakabe mansion engulfed in flames, a horrifying vision. With a big breath I dispelled the nightmare and a forceful stomp, I invoked, "Constellation Breathing First Form: Aries Ram!" The ground quaked beneath me as I vanished, reappearing before the demon in an instant. With a swift, upward diagonal slash, I gouged a shallow gash into its torso.

Before the demon could retaliate by using its nightmare abilities again, I continued my onslaught, executing a rapid downward diagonal strike. The blade cleaved through the air, separating the demon's head from its body. The severed head tumbled across the ground, its malevolent gaze frozen in a final expression of shock. The body crumpled to the earth, disintegrating into ash. Victory was mine.

Here is the first OC demon and an actual fight for the MC even if it was a fast one when he reaches the moons it will be when we get into the good stuff I hope you all enjoyed it. If you could also pls tell me if you liked the fight and what I could improve that would be great.

Joanjudocreators' thoughts