
Demon slayer:Demons vs slayers

In this time all of Hashiras and Only upper moons are still alive and this is non canon universe where everything was quite in a peace. But everything will change when Kagaya make Hashiras meeting and When Muzan make upper moon meeting.How will this war start and how will it end.You will find out.

Burhan_Selimovic · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 6:Defeating upper six?

After Shinobu and Kanao got apart they were battling upper six

Daki and Gyutaro were stronger than them but there will to fight was still in them

Shinobu injects lot of poison in the Daki body and neck but she tried to inject more but it seems like half of poison wasn't enough and she neutralize it

But real horror was when Shinobu saw Kanao in the air,bleeding from chest and shoulders

Now with Kanao injured Shinobu is alone and she needs to fight alone against upper six

Shinobu yelled Kanao name but she was unconsious

Daki smirk as she saw Kanao with wounds

Shinobu got angry and immediately attack Daki head on

Shinobu was near her neck but Gyutaro blocked with his sickles

Gyutaro smirk while he blocked it and Shinobu got pissed of and said that he will pay for what he did

Gyutaro said that she won't survive because there is poison in his sickles

Shinobu without any word ran toward Gyutaro and uses butterfly dance:caprice but Daki blocked it with obi but obi got pierced through but that doesn't help

Daki smiled and said that now with brother on her side Shinobu got no chance to kill both of them

Shinobu uses Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter and with amazing speed tried to inject poison in her neck but Daki uses blood demon art:eight layered slash

Shinobu evade that and uses Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter again but Gyutaro throwed his sickles,Shinobu dodged but it came back and Shinobu jumped as his sickles got back to him

Shinobu all tiredly said that Kanao need to get up if they want to have a chance but if what Gyutaro said is truth than she need to help her

She wanted to get to Kanao but Daki launched her obi and the battle continued

Meanwhile Kanao was laying on the floor of destroyed house while bleeding

She heard voice from Kanae that she need to help Shinobu because she can't do it without her

Kanao with crying eyes woke up and she thanked Kanae for calling her up

Kanao heard that battle is still on and she started to ran through destroyed district

Meavnwhile Shinobu uses Dance of the Centipedey: Hundred-Legged Zigzag and with full speed she cover herself for them to not see her

She said that she will inject more poison in her but Gyutaro hits Shinobu sword and knocked it down

Gyutaro said that she will die now and he swinged with his sickles but in that moment Kanao yelled her name

She ran toward Her and uses Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo and Daki launched her obi but Kanao slashes all of her obi and Gyutaro arm in which he held sickles

Shinobu looked happy while Gyutaro and Daki were in shock

Gyutaro asked himself how did she got up and gets time to help Shinobu

Kanao tiredly said to Shinobu that she is here and that they will end this battle tonight

Daki got pissed off and lauched her obi but Shinobu pierced them through

Gyutaro angrily yelled and uses his blood demon art:flying blood sickles but Kanao deflected it with flower breathing Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum

Both of them backed off and with tired face and with tired voice they said that now they need to believe in themselfs if they want to win and they need to pour all strength in one final attack

Daki and Gyutaro yelled while Gyutaro attacks with bend blood and Daki with eight obi

Shinobu and Kanao looked each other and ran toward them

Shinobu jumped and she uses butterfly dance:caprice and she injects poison in them that melt her obi

Kanao looked at Shinobu and said that she is fast but that herself need to take care of Gyutaro

Kanao ran at full speed and uses flower breathing Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum and slashes through bending blood

Daki said that she have more obi and she attacked her with others obi but Shinobu speed outmatched speed od Daki's obi and quickly injects same poison and she was getting closer and closer to her neck

Gyutaro said that he need to take care of Kanao and that Daki will surely kill her

Kanao smilingy said that she don't have a chance against serious Shinobu and that the same fate is waiting for both of them

Gyutaro attacks again with bending blood but Kanao easily slashed it and got closer and closer

They were so close but Daki launch her free obi toward Kanao to distract her but Shinobu again took care of her obi by melting it with poison

While they were fighting they saw that sunlight will back in around half an hour

Shinobu asked if they will battle till sunlight and wait for sun to burn them but Kanao said that they will die first because of there fatigue and she is sure that they can kill them

Daki said that they need to hurry up because of sun but Gyutaro told her to use her blood demon art

Shinobu said if she do it it will harm Kanao too but she need Kanao because of Gyutaro

Daki uses eight layered slash and cuts the floor but in the last moment Shinobu dodged

She said to Kanao that she need to continue to fight and to not worry about her

Kanao used her speed and uses flower breathing Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility and attacks with nine consecutive slashes and slashes all of his bending blood

Gyutaro and Daki looked worried because they can't kill them but they were still trying

Kanao said to Shinobu to use her insect breathing to inject large dose of poison because she could behead her despite her lack of physical strength

Shinobu smiled and she said to Daki that this next attack will probably kill her

Daki said that she is weak and that she will cut her with obi

Shinobu uses Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon and with six strikes injects poison to Daki neck as her neck started to melt pretty qucikly

Gyutaro yelled Daki name and he gets pissed off and that she will kill Kanao

Kanao ran with full speed head on and uses flower breathing Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo and slashes his leg and both of his arms

Kanao said that they will win no matter what and that they will die

Kanao said to Shinobu that she will use very dangerous move and that she needs to believe her

Kanao eyes got full of blood and she uses Final Form: Equinoctial Vermilion Eye and she got impressive and precise vision and she was in slow motion

Kanao said smirkingy goodbye to Gyutaro and she uses Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo to cut his neck,she cut it half way and it was almost over

Meanwhile Shinobu smiled to Kanao and said that she is proud of her

Daki yelled to his brother but Shinobu said that both of them will go to hell

Shinobu sliced off her melted neck with ease and Kanao sliced Gyutaro neck and because they decapitate them at the same time and that means that they will die

Gyutaro and Daki heads rolled out on the floor of the destroyed district and they got close to each other

Kanao asked Shinobu if they won and Shinobu smilingly said yes

Kanao said that she get very lucky because that final form could blind her

Kanao said that she knows that poison circulated through body

Shinobu said to not worry because sun is here and that it will wore off all the poison

Sun camed out and poison in Kanao started go out and in a few minutes her poison stopped

Gyutaro and Daki head disentrigate

Kagaya crow saw the situation and crow said Kagaya news and Kagaya got happy because two upper six are dead

He immediately said to his daughters to call all Hashiras

Shinobu smiled and said that Kanao was amazing

Kanao smiled and they walked home