
Demon Prince is Resurrected

Revenge? Power? Yuto Akimitsu, a young man who witnessed the end of his world and is fighting to prevent it's destruction, burden by sorrow and guilt it drives him to be stronger, to be better Reality and dreams clashing together. Can he prevent the future or will the darkness in his heart consume him in the process "Dreams are what guide us, I plan to follow mine" ["It was pointless to lie to myself, but that's all I can do"] At least 500 to 1000 Chapters in mind currently 7 different endings, I hope you enjoy

Raoul_le_valentino · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Mistake and Apologies

Yuto looked at the system as he accepted the rewards, and although he was happy he received rewards from the system, this also proved what Mizuki stated, that whatever choice he makes does affect the system

"So getting my ass handed to me, gives me rewards?", he let out a chuckle

[-System Rewards-]

The host has fought and survived against the kingdom's Sword Master

Title: One-sided Slaughter Victim

+5 Levels

New Martial Art Collection

+ 3 to every stat

New stat available: Mentality - deals with spells such as mind control if leveled up to a mental barrier

He couldn't believe his eyes, the rewards were one thing but what he couldn't get out of his head was the title the system used to describe his father

"The Kingdom's Sword Master?" He took a step back, that title alone gave his father a lot of status and respect, but if this is true, why do they live in the woods?

How did his father die, no one was strong enough to kill his father in the dream.

Mizuki came out of the ring, feeling that Yuto's heart was beating too fast, he was panicking and she could feel his thoughts racing

"Easy does it" She helped him sit down, "Here drink some water, and then you can explain what is happening"

She poured him a cup and gave it to a trembling Yuto

Yuto gratefully accepted, "Mizuki, can you see the system?", he asked while taking little sips

"To a certain degree, I can see things like your martial arts collection, class, and skills, anything else and I have to hear it from you", she took the cup back

"When I received the rewards from the system, it called my father by his official title, just like how the rest of my family has a title he does too"

Mizuki tilted her head in curiosity, "And may I ask what his title is?", Yuto took a deep breath while holding her hand, before slowly whispering

"The Kingdom's Sword Master"

Mizuki's eyes went wide, she clearly understood that his father was on a different level from what they originally thought, and how he could quickly catch up to Yuto who was using a skill on nothing but pure strength

"Holy shit, Yuto that means it was a one-sided beatdown that you could never win", she smirked and started patting his back

Yuto let out a chuckle, his head was popping out questions left and right, but as Mizuki said, he would know the answers as soon as he started his journey

"Well let me check how my stats were affected by the rewards", he pulled out the system and clicked on his stats

[-Yuto Akimitsu-]

Age 17

Height 5'8

Title: Youngest Demon Prince

One-sided Slaughter Victim

Class: Prince of Darkness

Level: 35

Stats: Strength 153 / Speed 63 / Agility 63 / Durability 103 / Health 1003 / Mana 103 / Mentality 1000

Skills: Click to see more

Martial Art Collection: Click to see more

"Aside from my level jumping to 35 and the new Mentality stat there is also a martial arts collection", he remembered when the system sealed this part, along with the martial arts that his future self gave him

He clicked it with Mizuki leaning against his shoulder

New Martial Art - Lunar Arts

Due to the host's level, only 3 are currently available

Mizuki and Yuto both shared a confused look but scrolled down to see what the 3 available techniques are

Lunar Arts First technique

Crescent Kick - A spinning kick, that mimics the form of the moon, allowing an elegant strike that deals with precision

Full Moon Stance - A defensive posture that embodies the moon, enabling the user to absorb and deflect attacks with minimal effort

New Moon Strike -A swift and elusive attack designed to catch opponents off guard, mirroring the hidden nature of the moon

Yuto smiles as he looks at each technique, "They all sound so interesting, I wonder when I'll get to use them"

Despite his injuries limiting his movement, he did not want his family fighting over something he asked his father to do, he opened the carriage door and saw his mom making soup for lunch

"Cough, H-hey Mom"

His mom stopped spinning the soup and looked up to see Yuto walking towards her, she tried her best not to tackle him with a hug

"Are you okay?" she asked with a soft worried tone

Yuto winced, but tried not to worry his mother, "I seem to have healed up nicely, you know being passed out for 3 days"

She gives him a gentle hug, as she gently touches the bandage on his head, "Are you hungry, lunch is going to be ready soon"

Yuto lets out a chuckle, "I was gonna ask because I feel like eating a horse"

She pats his head and helps him sit on the log, "Of course sweetie, sit down and wait for your sister and father to return"

She started cutting the onions and other vegetables to add to the soup

Yuto looks down to the ground before speaking up, "A-are you mad at Dad for what happened during our fight?"

With a little bit of hesitation in her voice, "I . . . am still a little angry at him . . . it was dumb of him to use that much strength against you"

"How did Cynthia take it?", Yuto felt guilty, his mother's usual loving demeanor seemed cold toward his father

She sighed as she stirred the soup, "Your sister was the most worried about you, I had to calm her down every night you were asleep"

"How did she treat Dad?"

She paused for a few seconds looking at the pot, "Well she's pretty mad at him. .she thinks he was very unfair to you, she didn't talk or even look at him for those 3 days"

Yuto bit his lip, his selfishness caused a rift, the opposite of what he wanted

"How is dad, how did he react after our fight?"

His mom stayed silent, "He felt very guilty, even I saw it in his eyes, although he was proud of how you stood your ground, he knew he took it too far when you didn't wake up the next day"

Yuto felt the tears welling up, "I'm sorry Mom"

Surprised, She looked up, "S-sweetie, what are you apologizing for?"

Yuto's tears started falling, "Because I made you worry"

She walked up to Yuto and kneeled before him, "Sweetie, it's not your fault, it was you know your dad's fault so please don't apologize, yes I was worried but don't apologize for that"

She gave him a warm smile and caressed his cheek, she moved her hand to his chin and lifted it, wiping his tears, "It was not your fault, your sister and I worry because we love you"

Yuto nodded his head slowly, Mizuki stayed silent, she felt all of his emotions swirling, his guilt felt like a giant monster at times, it looked like it finally left a crack in Yuto's shell

A warm smile spreads over her face, "I want you to promise me one thing"

"What is it Mom?", Yuto tilted his head, even Mizuki was curious about what this promise could be

She gave him a gentle smile, but it soon turned firm but still soft and warm

"I want you to promise me that you will never, and I mean never, apologize for making your sister and me worry about you ever again, deal?"

Yuto felt a lump in his throat, knowing the future to some extent, and the pain he had felt, "How can I not apologize when I feel your sadness?"

She listened to his words and noticed that Yuto was on the verge of crying again

"I'm serious Yuto, the only thing you need to do instead of apologizing is make sure you're careful so you don't get hurt, do you understand?"

Yuto nods his head, "I promise"

She gave his cheek another gentle caress, "Good sweetie, but may I ask you one last thing?"

Yuto nodded, his mother hesitated for a second her warm smile disappeared, and looked into his eyes with a serious expression

"Are you sure you're alright? I mean are you in any pain?"

Yuto bit his lip, knowing his next words were going to be a lie, "Haha well my injuries have healed up pretty nicely, so I say I'm doing okay"

Mizuki stayed silent, she was building up silent anger, his body could collapse at any moment

She smiled as Yuto pointed to the woods, "Looks like they brought back the rabbits"

His mom turned away and looked at them with a slight smile, "Welcome back you too, looks like you were lucky with hunting"

They nod but Cynthia runs toward Yuto crying, his dad tries walking towards Yuto but his mom shoots him a quick glare that clearly says, "Don't you dare talk to him right now"

She looked back at Yuto, comforting his sister, "Go talk to her, I'll finish lunch right now, Yuto nodded and led Cynthia to the front of the carriage

They sat up front, Cynthia was still clinging to his chest, she was crying and looked up, "B-brother"

He pats her back gently, "H-hey, I'm not going anywhere"

She hugged him tighter as she sniffed her tears, "P-promise?"

Yuto felt the guilt creep in, he felt horrible that he had broken her usual calm and collected demeanor, "Y-yeah, I promise you"

She gripped him tightly from the back of his shirt, as if she didn't want to let him go, "Please don't leave me"

The lump in his throat came back, crying has always been a sore subject for Yuto, as it reminds him of the dream world, and seeing his little sister cry for what felt like forever, broke his heart

"I won't ever leave you Cynthia, and I don't ever plan on doing it either"

She nodded and slowly stopped crying, she was still clinging to him with her small body trembling lightly, as she nuzzled her face into his shirt

"I missed you," before he can answer, his dad walks toward him

Cynthia turned around to look at their father, her expression quickly going back to a glare, she wrapped an arm around Yuto's waist, holding him closely

Yuto felt her anger building up as their dad tried to take one more step, she stood in front of Yuto, her grip on his waist getting tighter and her other hand balled into a fist

Her magic started causing her eyes to glow before Yuto bonked her head, "It's okay dummy, and I was going to talk to Dad next"

She looked back at Yuto for a brief second before looking back at their dad and clenching her jaw, her body trembling slightly, but it was clear with her expression and her body language that she did not want him to get too close

"Help Mom finish lunch while I speak to Dad, okay?"

She slowly let him go, giving one last glare at your dad before walking off to their mother, the look of anger was still evident on her face, but slowly began to calm down as she spoke with their mother

They both just stare at the ground, his dad scratching the back of his head, clearly uncomfortable by the silence that feels suffocating

Yuto is the one to break the ice, "I notice that Mom and Cynthia are quite angry at you"

His Dad pulls out a tea set and a small table and places them down, before pulling two cups and setting them down

He pours some tea and hands Yuto a cup, he looks slightly sad

"They were quite . . . displeased with me, as your mother told me off for being too rough with you during the fight"

Yuto accepts the cup, slightly bowing down, "No, I should also apologize, I know I was being unreasonable, asking to learn your techniques when I haven't even mastered the basics"

His father chuckled softly, taking a sip of his tea, "Although I agree that you should learn the basics first as it is a fundamental step in mastering my techniques, I still shouldn't have been that rough to you"

Yuto stays quiet, not being able to explain why he desires strength, he just silently sips his tea

His father is the one who speaks up, "Although you're driven with the desire to protect us, strength alone isn't enough, skill, discipline, and understanding your martial arts is a crucial step in becoming a Sword Master"

Yuto puts down his cup and moves the small table aside, before bowing his head down,

"Father, will you take me as your student?"

His father sets down his cup with a serious expression, he's impressed that Yuto is still determined and persistent

"Very well, I'll teach you my martial arts, but you have to remember something"

Yuto lifts his head, "What is it?"

"My martial arts involve cultivating a strong body and mind, the fight we had was to show you how it's going to be when you reach higher levels"

He takes another sip of his tea, starting at Yuto as if waiting for his answer

"I understand"

He smiles at his responses, "Good, when we get back home, your training will start, it'll take dedication and hard work"

Yuto nods his head, while his dad puts the tea set and table away, Yuto taps his shoulder "Wait, why do I have to wait until we get home?"

His father shivers, "If I do anything right now, I think your mother and sister might kill me"

They both look at each other and share a laugh, Yuto and his father both know their bond would not be so easily broken over a mistake

They walk back to camp where his mother runs over to him

"Is everything alright?"

"Mom, can you do me a favor?"

His mom nods, taking his hand in hers, "Anything?"

Yuto bit his lip, "C-can you forgive Dad please?"

His Mom looked surprised and seemed a bit angry but tried to hide it

"What makes you think I should forgive him when he almost killed you?"

"Because it was training Mom"

She flinched a bit, "He almost KILLED you!, I don't care if it was only training, he was being an irresponsible idiot!"

Yuto gets on his knees, "Please?"

An annoyed expression appears but quickly disappears as she gives in and helps him up

". . .Fine, I will forgive him. But only Because YOU asked for it"

Yuto pulls her into a hug, "Pretty sure it's because you still love him"

"Sigh, yes I still love him. Despite him being an idiot"

"That's why you married him"

She can't help but let out a short chuckle, "Yes, it's one of the many reasons I married him, he's an idiot but he's my idiot"

Yuto pulls back from his mom, "So please go talk to him, he truly is sorry"

She pats his head, "Alright, I'll speak to him"

She looked over to his dad, who looked a bit nervous, she let out a sigh as she walked over to him

He smiles as he sees her walking towards him he's nervous as her eyes feel like knives

She stood in front of him and crossed her arms, looking at Jim with a stern expression, for a few minutes they silently looked at each other before she broke the silence

"Yuto told me you wanted to talk?"

He nods, and leads her inside the carriage, "Not in front of the kids"

She nodded and followed him inside, after entering the carriage and closing the door, they both sat on opposite sides

"H-honey", his father was practically sweating bullets at this point, he hadn't seen her this angry in a long time

She has a stern look, with both her hands clenched

"You better have a good explanation for what you did"

"C-come on he's my son too"

His mother slams her fist down, "That's exactly why you shouldn't have done something so reckless to him!"

She paused for a few seconds, with a look that made it clear that if said something stupid, she would punch him

"He needs to be stronger Cara"

"He is your SON, not a warrior or a mercenary, if you wanted to train him you should have at least been more gentle!"

His father looks down to the ground, "The King has called for me to return to the castle"

She looked surprised, "The King? What does he want with you?"

His father bites his lip, "The Demon Lord is active again"

Her expression becomes more concerned

"The demon lord, he's active again?"

She walks a few steps toward him and kneels in front so that their eyes meet

His father's fingers move around clearly anxious, "So I need him to be strong, I know I was rough on him, but he needs to be a warrior"

Her expression becomes serious and strict when he keeps talking about Yuto as a warrior, she grabs his shoulders firmly

"He Is your son, not a warrior. What he needs is to be treated with kindness and care"

She tightens her grip on his shoulders

"You're his FATHER, not a military instructor"

His father pauses but responds, "For the kingdom, I will be his master in sword"

She pulls him closer towards her by his shoulders and looks deep and intently into his eyes with still a serious and strict expression

"Even if your goal is to teach him to properly master a sword you have to be gentle to him"

She speaks in a firm and stern voice

"You. Almost. KILLED. Him"

He looks down, "He was so confident, and I know he recently had his awakening, but you're right, I'm sorry honey"

She looked at him for a few seconds and tried not to let her guard down

His apology was unexpected but it was genuine... she loosened her grip on his shoulders a bit

"You have to understand one thing. You. Are. His. Father. So please treat him accordingly... he's still a young, fragile boy…"

She looked into his eyes with a caring expression, cupping his cheeks so that he would look at her

"Promise me that you will be more gentle to him and stop treating him like a soldier"

". . . Of course", his father's smiles, holding her hand and kisses it

A small wave of relief starts flowing through her, as she sees that he agrees with her statement

"Good, then I will forgive you... even tho you are also an idiot"

"So kisses?", he puckers his lips like a fish

She rolls her eyes in annoyance because of that stupid expression, but gives in and gives him a gentle but short kiss on his pouting lips

"Thank you, honey"

She gives another soft roll of her eyes while a small smile appears on her face

"You're welcome dummy"

She gently flicked against his forehead with two of her fingers

They walk out of the carriage and see Yuto and Cynthia grinding like idiots

Yuto laughs, "See, you did forgive him"

His mother shrugged her shoulders, "Well can't stay mad forever"

Yuto speaks with his mom and she nods her head as Yuto takes Cynthia one last time to the carriage

"You know I'm also at fault right?", he cupped her cheeks, "So please don't blame Dad too much, love and cherish him as well"

She looked up at him still upset but now with a look of hurt across her face

"How can I love or cherish him after what he did...?"

She leaned into his hand as she pouted, her bottom lip quivering slightly as she spoke

He pulled her into a hug, "Stop, it's not his fault, I have to get stronger. It was training Cynthia"

She huffed and buried her face into his chest as Yuto hugged her, her body trembling a bit as she tried to hold back her tears

"I don't care if it was training... I don't care if you have to get stronger...

I don't want you getting hurt... ever again"

"I-i can't make that promise", Yuto brushed her hair with his hand

She slowly looked up, her eyes welling up with tears as she heard what Yuto said. She was quiet for a while just staring at him, her expression was hurt but also filled with worry as she slowly began to speak "Yes you can... I don't want to see you getting hurt anymore, I don't want to see you almost die... again... I'm scared..."

He felt the lump come back, he couldn't tell her anything of what he saw in the dream, he couldn't tell her why he had to get stronger, why he did the things he did, "Cynthia, forgive Dad, we don't know how much time we have with family before they disappear," he feels a small tear falling down

She looked up at him and watched as the tear slid down his cheek, her expression softened slightly as she reached up to wipe away the tear

"But... I... but..." She was at a loss for words, knowing that he was right, but still not wanting him to get hurt again, she was so worried and scared of losing him

He started patting her head, "Mom is forgiving him, now come on, I know how much you love food", he led her back to the camp where everyone was

She slowly nodded and followed beside him, still clinging to his side with her arm around his waist, she pouted a bit but began to perk up at the mention of food

Yuto grins seeing her light up at the mention of food

She glanced up at him seeing that he was smiling and began to pout again although it was a fake pout

"Hmph!" She let go of him and crossed her arms over her chest "You always know how to get me in a better mood..."

They sat down with both their parents and began eating the rabbit soup

Yuto makes a joke about how with all the talking it's practically dinner now

She sat down next to him, sitting as closely to him as she could as she began to eat the soup, she glanced at their dad from time to time but didn't glare at him, as she was starting to forgive him, her expression remained neutral with a hint of irritation now and then

Yuto pats your head, knowing well that she is already forgiving him, which makes him happy

She glanced up at Yuto with a neutral expression before pouting again and playfully hitting his hand away, but soon went back to eating, as she felt Yuto's gaze on her, she began to slowly calm down and focus on finishing her food

After making everyone in his family forgive each other Yuto goes back inside the carriage where he falls on his knee, coughing out blood

Mizuki sets up the barrier once again, no sound will leave this area she mumbles, she once again sighed upon seeing his current state

"You look like crap, you should get some rest instead of trying to move so soon, you're only making your injuries much worse by straining yourself like this"

"Geez I love you too"

Despite his sarcasm, she chuckled warmly

"I'm just saying, I know very well that you are a stubborn idiot, you wouldn't stop moving even if we tied you down and forced you to rest"

Yuto sat up against the door, "You know what I saw in the dream, I don't want my family fighting, and I have to get stronger to find the fragments"

She chuckled slightly

"Your determination and stubbornness are impressive, it's almost admirable, but it's also very annoying. You can't keep trying to ignore your own body and mind, you need rest and time to recover and become stronger!"


She raised her voice to match his



Her voice got icy and cold


"I HAVE TOO YOU KNOW WHY, I AM NOT TO BLAME!", he shouts back, he knows she's right, he rushing into things too quickly

Her tone became enraged



Yuto laughs, a bit of tears falling, "I don't know, the dream never shows me who's responsible for their deaths"

She paused at that, his tearful laughter taking her by surprise

"What... Do you mean responsible for their deaths?"

"I guess I need to explain the dreams better"

Calming down from her anger and taking a breath, she sits down

"Explain. Everything, all the details, from the very beginning until you wake up, and don't leave anything out"

"For the past 3 years, I have seen my family die in different ways, I walked destroyed lands and fought Demonic beasts for what felt like an eternity, that might explain why I'm level 30 to the system, in the last dream 4 days ago, I finally saw my father alive for only a minute talking to my future self, warning me, before dying"

She listened intently, absorbing all the information provided, taking a moment to think his words over and process them

"That... would explain a lot. How many dreams like this have you had?"

"I've been having them since I was 14"

She paused, shocked at that

"For 3 years...? Every day, the same dream, the same nightmare? Every single day for 3 YEARS?!"

"That's why I have to get stronger Mizuki, I don't have time, I don't know what is strong enough to kill my father the kingdom's Sword Master"

She sighed at that, her anger finally quelled and replaced by resignation and concern, "I... understand. I know why you're doing this. Just promise me something"

She pulls him into a hug, resting her head on top of his

"Anything", Yuto stares at her with curiosity

Her usual smug demeanor was all but gone as she felt his embrace

"Promise me that you will try to pace yourself. That you will slow down and learn to think before you act. Stop this habit of pushing yourself to the limit, and try not to get involved in any unnecessary dangerous situations. Do NOT overwork yourself like you have been. Can you promise me that at least?"

Yuto nodded his head, "I'm sorry I worried you, knowing our past I still seem to be making decisions based on emotion"

She chuckled a bit and smiled warmly

"You make decisions impulsively even when you know they are stupid and wrong, it's almost surprising that you even survived the beating you received from your old man. You're an idiot, but... I guess that's one of the reasons that I like you"

"Mizuki?", Yuto stares at her red lips

She noticed Yuto staring at her lips and smirked "Hm? Something wrong? You're staring quite a bit there, or are you just admiring how pretty my lips look?"

He cups her cheek and caresses her back pulling her closer

She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the sensation of his hand against her skin, such warmth and gentleness

"You have a thing for my looks, don't you? You just can't take your eyes off me"

"Vise versa you're also staring at my lips"

She chuckled, "Guilty as charged. You can't blame me though, you're not bad looking for a human, you're also very easy to admire and I can't deny that your face is quite pleasing to look at"

They felt each other getting closer, her hand now cupping his cheek too, her eyes meeting his