
Demon Prince's Bride

In a world where magic and darkness intertwine, young Elysia faces a fate she could never have imagined. The story begins with a fateful meeting under a blood-red moon where Elysia, a modest village girl with a heart full of dreams, crosses paths with the enigmatic and attractive demon prince Vaelon. Vaelon, heir to the throne of the Demon World, is cursed to seek a bride in the mortal world to break the chains of an ancient curse. Drawn by an irresistible bond, he chooses Elysia to address, marking the beginning of a tumultuous journey into a world filled with secrets, treacherous alliances, and powerful magic. When Elysia is transported to the heart of the demon world, she must navigate a world full of danger and intrigue. Her initial fears gave way to a growing attraction to Vaelon, who has a tragic past and a heavy heart. Together, they began to unravel the mysteries of the curse that binds them and the darkness that threatens both of their worlds. Their journey takes them through enchanted forests, dangerous castles and mysterious gardens as they face trials of love, sacrifice and self-discovery. Along the way, they encounter mythical creatures, meet with shadowy councils, and discover long-buried prophecies that hold the key to their destiny. As their love deepens, Elysia and Vaelon must make choices that will determine not only the fate of their own hearts, but also the balance between their kingdoms. The story unfolds against a backdrop of magic, romance, and the ever-looming threat of darkness trying to consume them both. "The Bride of the Demon Prince" is a compelling story of love that transcends borders, a journey through worlds that tests the power of love, sacrifice and fate. This is the story of two cursed souls destined to change the fate of their kingdom and prove that love can conquer even the darkest forces.

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121 Chs

Whispered Temptations

The night was quiet in the Demon Prince's castle. A silver moon hung high in the obsidian sky, casting an ethereal glow on the courtyard below. Demetria stood alone, surrounded by ancient stone statues and creeping ivy. He came here to seek solace and clear his mind, away from the temptations and secrets of the castle. Since his arrival in the Demon World and his fateful meeting with Prince Zephyr, his life has been a whirlwind of emotions. His offer to help her break the curse that bound her was both tempting and terrifying. Demetria knew she couldn't trust him completely, but she was drawn to him by an undeniable attraction. As he looked at the moon, its silver light seemed to dance in his eyes, like whispered temptations lodged in the depths of his heart. Demetria has always been a rational being, relying on logic and common sense to guide her actions. But here, in this other world, logic seemed to cloud over and common sense took a back seat, if it wanted to. A soft rustling of leaves caught her attention and she turned to see Prince Zephyr approaching, his black wings folded neatly against his back. His crimson eyes sparkled in the moonlight and his smile was alluring and dangerous. "Demetria," he murmured, voice like velvet. "I thought I'd find you here." He tensed but didn't pull back. "What do you want Zephyr?" He stepped closer, his presence overwhelming her senses. "I want you to seriously consider my proposal. The curse that binds you is powerful, and so am I. Together we can break it." Demetria's heart pounded in her chest. He knew the risks, but the allure of freedom was irresistible. "And what do you ask in return?" He raised his eyebrows as if amused by her question. "A simple pledge of fidelity, my love. Serve me willingly and I will grant you your heart's desire." Demetria hesitated. She had always been fiercely independent, but her current predicament left her with little choice. "What if I refuse?" Zephyr's smile disappeared and for a moment something unreadable flashed in his eyes. "Then you will be trapped in this realm forever, your curse will be intact." The weight of his words weighed on her, and Demetria found herself between two impossible choices. Loyalty to a demon prince or an eternity in a cursed form. Neither option was appealing, but the chance of breaking free was too tempting to ignore. "Give me time to think," she finally said, her voice trembling. Zephyr nodded, his expression softening. "Of course, Demetria. Take all the time you need. But remember that time is a precious commodity and it slips away faster than you think." Having said this he turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Demetria alone with her thoughts. He knew that every decision he made would have far-reaching consequences, not only for himself, but for the entire demon world. Days passed in a blur as Demetria wrestled with her choices. He sought advice from the few friendly inhabitants of the castle, including a wise wizard who had once served the Zephyr family. His advice was cryptic, but full of warnings about the demon prince's unpredictable nature. One night, as Demetria wandered the labyrinthine corridors of the castle, she stumbled upon a hidden library. It was a vast and ancient collection of tomes, scrolls and grimoires, each containing the secrets of the demon world. Excited, he began to read. Hours turned into days as he delved into the texts, learning about the kingdom's history, its complex politics, and the stories of other mortals who came here. Many of them made deals with demon lords, some succeeded while others paid a terrible price. Demetria made her decision in the quiet solitude of the library. He would accept Prince Zephyr's offer, but not blindly. He negotiated the best terms and found a way to protect himself from her possible betrayal. Armed with new knowledge and determination, he sought out Zephyr again. When they met in the moonlight in the garden, she looked into his eyes with a new determination. "I'll take you up on your offer," he said bluntly. A triumphant smile curled on his lips. "Excellent dear. You will not regret this decision." But Demetria was not ready. "However, I have my own conditions." Zephyr raised an eyebrow in interest. "Jack." "I will serve you, but on my terms," ​​he announced. "I will not be harmed and my freedom is assured once the curse is broken. If you break this contract, I have the knowledge to undo any damage you may cause." Zephyr considered his terms carefully and then nodded in agreement. "Okay, Demetria. We have an agreement." And so the deal was made under the silver moon, and Demetria began a perilous journey into the heart of the demonic world, driven by whispered temptations, an unwavering spirit, and determined to break the curse that bound her and discover the true nature of the demonic world. the demon prince he chose to serve.