
Demon Lord Reincarnated to The Future

In the perilous realm of Murim, the Demon Lord Ji-Hoon stood at the pinnacle of power, his name evoking fear among orthodox factions seeking his demise. Pursued relentlessly, he faced insurmountable odds, battling thousands of martial arts masters and witnessing the tragic fall of his comrades. In a final desperate stand, Ji-Hoon confronts the Blade Master, drained of strength and outnumbered. With no path to victory, he makes the ultimate sacrifice, unleashing a forbidden technique that engulfs him in a cataclysmic explosion, obliterating everything in its wake. But instead of meeting his fate in the afterlife, Ji-Hoon awakens in a future Earth, the year 2023. A world teeming with hunters, individuals who combat interdimensional monsters emerging from portals known as gates. Guilds and powerful factions dominate this new era, with ten guilds reigning as pillars of strength. Remarkably, Ji-Hoon is reborn in South Korea, his once formidable presence reduced to that of a child. In a world where power reigns supreme, the pursuit of becoming a hunter becomes an obsession for all. Little do they know of the impending cataclysm that awaits humanity. Nightmares from other dimensions threaten to consume Earth, and it is Ji-Hoon, the reincarnated Demon Lord, who holds the key to their salvation. As he embarks on a journey to reclaim his memories and unlock his newfound potential, he becomes humanity's last hope. With each battle, he grows stronger, not only facing the nightmares but also the demons from his past. The fate of the world rests on his shoulders as he fights to protect the fragile existence of mankind.

Bijuudark · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Unforeseen Triumph

Yeon Ji-Hoon stood at the center of the expansive boss room, his gaze fixed upon the imposing figures of the Orc Chief and the Goblin Shaman.

The dimly lit chamber resonated with an air of foreboding, amplifying the weight of the impending battle. Ji-Hoon's mind whirled with uncertainty, his thoughts racing to comprehend the intricacies of these unfamiliar monsters.

As a former Demon Lord, Ji-Hoon had faced countless adversaries, honing his combat skills in intense encounters against humans.

However, this encounter was different. The monstrous duo before him possessed an otherworldly aura, their very presence exuding an intimidating aura that unsettled him.

Yet, amidst his confusion, an unshakeable conviction simmered within Ji-Hoon's core—a steadfast belief in his own abilities.

Observing the Orc Chief, Ji-Hoon noted its towering stature, rippling with bulging muscles that bespoke its incredible strength.

Clad in battle-worn armor and wielding a massive, serrated axe, the chief emanated a primal ferocity that sent shivers down Ji-Hoon's spine.

This monster was a close-combat specialist, likely to charge headlong into the fray with reckless abandon.

Beside the Orc Chief stood the Goblin Shaman, a creature of wiry frame but emanating an aura of arcane power.

Clad in tattered robes adorned with mystical symbols, the shaman's beady eyes glinted with a mischievous intellect. Ji-Hoon surmised that the shaman played a supporting role, wielding potent spells to bolster the orc's already formidable might.

The weight of the unknown settled upon Ji-Hoon's shoulders, his mind racing to formulate a strategy. He desperately yearned for information about their weaknesses, their patterns, anything that could tip the scales in his favor.

But the blank canvas of his knowledge left him vulnerable, prompting a surge of frustration to well within him.

He had become accustomed to analyzing human opponents, exploiting their tendencies and vulnerabilities, but the rules had changed.

In the midst of this internal struggle, Ji-Hoon's instincts flared to life, cutting through the fog of doubt. They whispered to him, reminding him of his years of training, his innate reflexes, and his indomitable will.

Trusting in the very essence of his being, he steeled himself for the imminent clash, drawing upon a wellspring of determination.

The Orc Chief, sensing Ji-Hoon's hesitation, took the initiative. With a thunderous roar, it charged forward, its massive axe arcing through the air with deadly intent.

Ji-Hoon's senses surged into overdrive, his body moving with a fluid grace. He raised his arms in a defensive stance, meeting the chief's onslaught with a resounding clash, the impact resonating through the room.

To Ji-Hoon's surprise, the chief's attack lacked the overwhelming force he had anticipated. The blow, while still powerful, was tempered by a subtlety that betrayed a flaw in the monster's technique. Ji-Hoon's spirits soared, a renewed confidence coursing through his veins. He had weathered the chief's assault, and now his instincts told him to seize the opportunity.

In that pivotal moment, a voice erupted from the periphery, breaking through the battle's symphony of clash and roar. It was Min-Jae, Ji-Hoon's trusted comrade, his voice echoing with determination and unwavering loyalty.

"I will assist you, Ji-Hoon!" Min-Jae declared, his words carrying a resolute conviction that banished any lingering doubts.

Drawing upon his exceptional archery skills, Min-Jae notched an arrow, his fingers dancing nimbly across the bowstring.

With pinpoint accuracy, he unleashed the projectile toward the Goblin Shaman, aiming to disrupt its spellcasting and cripple its support capabilities. The arrow sliced through the air, hurtling toward its mark with unwavering purpose.

Yet, the Goblin Shaman, attuned to the ebb and flow of battle, proved to be no ordinary adversary. Sensing the imminent threat, it swiftly erected a barrier of defensive magic, intercepting Min-Jae's projectile mid-flight. The arrow splintered upon impact, its remnants dispersing harmlessly into the room.

The Goblin Shaman, having thwarted Min-Jae's assault, retaliated with a rapid counterattack. Arcane energy crackled in the air as the shaman unleashed a barrage of spells toward Min-Jae, seeking to incapacitate him and divert Ji-Hoon's attention.

However, Min-Jae's agile instincts and honed reflexes saved him from harm as he deftly evaded each onslaught, his movements a mesmerizing dance amidst the chaos.

Emboldened by Min-Jae's display of resilience, Ji-Hoon seized the opportunity to press his advantage. The Orc Chief, momentarily distracted by the flurry of activity, left itself vulnerable to Ji-Hoon's swift retaliation.

Channeling the momentum of his dodge, Ji-Hoon launched into a breathtaking spinning kick, his heel connecting with the chief's midsection.

The impact sent the massive orc hurtling through the air, crashing into the chamber's wall with a bone-rattling thud.

With the Orc Chief temporarily incapacitated, Ji-Hoon swiftly redirected his attention towards the Goblin Shaman. The shaman, stripped of its support role, attempted to compensate by casting three simultaneous spells imbued with different elemental forces.

Unfazed, Ji-Hoon's heightened senses guided him, enabling him to effortlessly evade each spell, dancing between them with uncanny grace.

Recognizing the shaman's vulnerability, Ji-Hoon capitalized on the opportunity. Channeling his honed martial arts skills, he launched a blistering punch towards the goblin, shattering its defensive magic like fragile glass.

The barrier shattered, leaving the shaman defenseless and exposed.

In perfect synchrony, Min-Jae seized the opening, unleashing a potent arrow that pierced through the shaman's weakened defenses, delivering a devastating blow.

The arrow's impact sent the shaman sprawling, severing its connection to the Orc Chief and dissipating its supporting magic.

The tide of the battle had irrevocably shifted in Ji-Hoon and Min-Jae's favor.

Empowered by the absence of the shaman's influence, Ji-Hoon refocused his attention on the wounded Orc Chief. Anticipating its desperate counterattack, he deftly dodged the chief's assault, his instincts guiding him with unerring accuracy.

In a display of awe-inspiring strength, Ji-Hoon unleashed a cataclysmic punch, obliterating the orc's body into a gruesome explosion of flesh and bone.

As the remnants of the Orc Chief settled, Ji-Hoon sensed a lingering presence—the Goblin Shaman, desperately attempting to heal itself.

Determined to end the battle once and for all, he swiftly closed the distance, his steps purposeful and unwavering. With ruthless precision, Ji-Hoon delivered a final blow, vanquishing the shaman with an effortless execution.

The other hunters, their expressions shifting from disbelief to awe, stood in awe of Ji-Hoon's remarkable display of strength and skill.

They marveled at the emergence of a formidable hunter in their midst, whose prowess surpassed all expectations.

Whispers of his potential to become an esteemed Guardian-Class hunter, an A-Rank powerhouse, reverberated through their ranks.

However, Ji-Hoon brushed off their admiration, responding with a dismissive remark, "I don't really care." Though his words conveyed indifference, his eyes gleamed with a quiet determination to pursue his own path, unburdened by the expectations and recognition of others.

As the battle's echoes settled, a radiant light emanated from the center of the boss room, illuminating a chest that materialized before them. Sensing a reward for their arduous triumph, Min-Jae urged Ji-Hoon to investigate.

With a mixture of curiosity and caution, Ji-Hoon opened the chest, revealing two alluring items—a sleek black glove pulsating with unfathomable power and a collection of obsidian stones emanating an aura of untapped potential.

Min-Jae, grateful for Ji-Hoon's unwavering support, insisted that he keep the artifacts, recognizing his invaluable role in their victory.

Accepting the items, Ji-Hoon felt the weight of responsibility settle upon him, acknowledging the path he had chosen and the challenges that awaited.

Emerging from the portal, the hunters were greeted by a throng of reporters, their cameras capturing the spectacle of their return. Azure Fangs guild members stood tall, their eyes brimming with admiration for their comrades' valor.

Amidst the sea of faces, Min-Jae's parents stood, their worry etched upon their features. Their embrace enveloped Min-Jae, a testament to the profound relief that coursed through them at his safe return.

Park Ji-Yoon, too, stood among the crowd, his voice laced with awe as he commended Ji-Hoon's accomplishments.

"You guys have returned safely, against all odds. It's truly remarkable," he marveled, his eyes shining with admiration for the young hunter who had defied expectations.

Ji-Hoon, though still grappling with the events that had transpired, turned his attention to the portal behind him.

What was once a static gateway had morphed into an unstable anomaly—a dangerous anomaly that could exponentially increase the danger level of the portal, unleashing foes of unimaginable strength.

The red hue emanating from the portal's widened expanse foretold the challenges that lay within.

Park Ji-Yoon, sensing the urgency of the situation, reassured the hunters. "We will take care of this place. Rest and recover," he pledged, his voice laced with determination.

The guild members mobilized, fortifying their positions and readying themselves for the arduous task ahead.

Amidst the flurry of activity, Ji-Hoon's mind remained awash with questions. How had the portal become unstable? What new dangers awaited those who dared to venture within?

These queries gnawed at his consciousness, reminding him of the ever-present perils that lurked within this world of monsters and mystery.

Leaving the chaos of the boss room behind, Ji-Hoon slipped away unnoticed, his quick abilities rendering him invisible in the midst of the commotion.

His singular focus was to retreat to the solace of his home, seeking respite and solitude after the rigors of the day's events.

Returning to the solitude of his home, Ji-Hoon sought sanctuary, yearning for a moment of respite. The warm water of the shower washed away the physical and mental strains of battle, rejuvenating his weary body.

As Ji-Hoon stepped out of the bathroom, his senses were immediately drawn to the captivating glow emanating from the television screen.

His parents sat on the edge of their seats, their eyes fixated on the unfolding news segment.

A mixture of disbelief, awe, and pride danced across their faces, mirroring the bewildered emotions swirling within Ji-Hoon.

The news anchor's voice resonated through the room, narrating the tale of the young hunter from Korea Hunter Academy, Yeon Ji-Hoon, who had single-handedly saved numerous lives within the treacherous confines of the unstable portal.

Images of the battle flashed across the screen, showcasing Ji-Hoon's formidable skills and unwavering determination. The reporter's words painted a picture of heroism and valor, capturing the hearts and minds of the viewers.

Ji-Hoon stood there, his wet hair clinging to his forehead, his body still tingling from the remnants of adrenaline.

Yet, beneath the surface of his astonishment, there was a pang of something deeper—an emotion he had seldom felt before.

Gratitude. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. As a reincarnated Demon Lord, he had seldom experienced the warmth of appreciation from others, but now, surrounded by the fervent admiration of so many, it was an entirely new sensation.

His parents turned to him, their eyes brimming with a potent mix of astonishment and pride. His mother, her hands trembling, reached out to touch his face, as if assuring herself that he was indeed there, alive and well.

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, her voice choked with a mix of emotions. "Yeon Ji-Hoon, our son, a hero," she whispered, her words laced with a profound sense of awe.

His father, though usually reserved, couldn't contain the swell of emotions within him. A broad smile spread across his face, lines of joy etched upon his features.

"You have made us proud, son," he said, his voice resonating with a mix of paternal love and admiration.

In that moment, the room seemed to overflow with unspoken words of gratitude and a deepened bond between parent and child.

Ji-Hoon's gaze shifted from the screen to his parents, their love and support enveloping him like a warm embrace.

It was a realization that transcended the boundaries of his singular journey, reminding him of the profound impact his actions had on those closest to him.

It was a reminder that, despite his past as a Demon Lord, he now had the opportunity to reshape his narrative and forge meaningful connections with those around him.

With a mix of humility and gratitude, Ji-Hoon offered a small, heartfelt smile to his parents. In their eyes, he saw the reflection of his own aspirations—the desire to protect, to conquer, and to carve a path towards a brighter future.

It was a shared dream, a testament to the unbreakable bond that tethered them together.

As the news segment concluded and the room returned to a serene calm, Ji-Hoon found solace in the familiarity of his surroundings. He retreated to his room, his mind still buzzing with the weight of recent events.

The walls that surrounded him bore witness to the transformation he had undergone—a metamorphosis from a feared Demon Lord to a beacon of hope in a world plagued by darkness.

Leaning against the window sill, Ji-Hoon gazed out into the night sky, its expanse stretching endlessly before him. The twinkling stars above seemed to echo the multitude of possibilities that lay ahead.

A surge of determination coursed through his veins, fueled not only by his own ambitions but also by the gratitude he now felt from the people whose lives he had touched.

In that moment of introspection, Ji-Hoon understood that his journey as a reincarnated Demon Lord was not solely about personal growth or the pursuit of power. It was an opportunity to reshape his destiny, to rewrite the narrative of his existence, and to stand as a symbol of redemption and hope.

The gratitude he received from others was a testament to the potential for change and the capacity for good that resided within him.