
Demon Lord Reincarnated to The Future

In the perilous realm of Murim, the Demon Lord Ji-Hoon stood at the pinnacle of power, his name evoking fear among orthodox factions seeking his demise. Pursued relentlessly, he faced insurmountable odds, battling thousands of martial arts masters and witnessing the tragic fall of his comrades. In a final desperate stand, Ji-Hoon confronts the Blade Master, drained of strength and outnumbered. With no path to victory, he makes the ultimate sacrifice, unleashing a forbidden technique that engulfs him in a cataclysmic explosion, obliterating everything in its wake. But instead of meeting his fate in the afterlife, Ji-Hoon awakens in a future Earth, the year 2023. A world teeming with hunters, individuals who combat interdimensional monsters emerging from portals known as gates. Guilds and powerful factions dominate this new era, with ten guilds reigning as pillars of strength. Remarkably, Ji-Hoon is reborn in South Korea, his once formidable presence reduced to that of a child. In a world where power reigns supreme, the pursuit of becoming a hunter becomes an obsession for all. Little do they know of the impending cataclysm that awaits humanity. Nightmares from other dimensions threaten to consume Earth, and it is Ji-Hoon, the reincarnated Demon Lord, who holds the key to their salvation. As he embarks on a journey to reclaim his memories and unlock his newfound potential, he becomes humanity's last hope. With each battle, he grows stronger, not only facing the nightmares but also the demons from his past. The fate of the world rests on his shoulders as he fights to protect the fragile existence of mankind.

Bijuudark · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

A New World, A New Beginning

Yeon Ji-Hoon's eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in the unfamiliar sights and sounds of his new life.

Reincarnated into a different body, he found himself standing in a small but cozy house, surrounded by family photographs that depicted moments he couldn't remember.

His confusion persisted, but he was determined to adapt to this new reality.

His parents, Yeon Hyun-Ki and Yeon Jung, entered the room, their smiles warm and welcoming.

They had raised him since birth, unaware of the memories he carried from a past life. Ji-Hoon's heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude and longing.

He wanted to connect with them, to understand the bond they shared, and to become the son they deserved.

Over the following days, Yeon Ji-Hoon immersed himself in his new life. He followed a daily routine, attending school and engaging in conversations with his peers.

The halls of the hunter academy buzzed with energy as students honed their skills and prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

Yeon Ji-Hoon's determination burned brighter than ever. He was determined to excel and prove himself, not only to his parents but also to himself.

During his time at the academy, Yeon Ji-Hoon focused on his studies, diligently attending classes and absorbing knowledge about the world of hunters and the creatures from other dimensions.

He engaged in discussions with his peers, exchanging ideas and learning from their experiences.

The academy provided a vibrant environment where students trained rigorously, honing their combat skills and enhancing their understanding of supernatural phenomena.

Yeon Ji-Hoon eagerly participated in training sessions, pushing his limits and refining his techniques. Each day brought new challenges, and he tackled them with unwavering dedication.

In this new world, Yeon Ji-Hoon had to adapt to a multitude of things. Technology, which was absent in the murim, was now a prevalent part of everyday life.

He marveled at the existence of smartphones, with their sleek designs and advanced capabilities. With his characteristic seropis response, a natural aptitude for learning and processing information, he quickly grasped the intricacies of the digital age.

Yeon Ji-Hoon navigated the functions of smartphones with ease, exploring the vast array of apps, social media platforms, and online resources available at his fingertips.

Yeon Ji-Hoon's genius intellect allowed him to adapt swiftly to the digital landscape. He effortlessly embraced the conveniences of modern technology, recognizing its potential as a tool for research, communication, and staying connected with the ever-evolving hunter community.

As he adapted to the new world, Yeon Ji-Hoon gained a wealth of information. The internet became his ally, providing him with knowledge about the world, its history, and the current state of affairs.

He learned about the ten prestigious guilds that served as pillars in the hunter world, each with its unique qualities and reputation.

Yeon Ji-Hoon delved deeper into the world of hunters, uncovering the intricate system of hunter rankings that epitomized talent, power, ability, and skill. Each rank represented a significant milestone in a hunter's journey towards becoming a master of their craft.

As he delved into the distinctions and challenges associated with each rank, Yeon Ji-Hoon felt a surge of excitement coursing through his veins.

Rank D: Initiate

Rank D hunters, known as Initiates, were the beginning seekers on their path to mastery. With budding potential, they displayed basic combat abilities and a thirst for knowledge. Initiates embarked on missions of lower complexity, gaining experience and honing their skills.

Rank C: Adept

Rank C marked the emergence of Adepts, hunters with increased power and a solid understanding of supernatural phenomena. They showcased refined combat techniques and a deeper connection to the supernatural realm. Adepts undertook more challenging missions, displaying adaptability and resourcefulness.

Rank B: Vanguard

Rank B hunters, known as Vanguards, were formidable warriors on the path to greatness. They possessed advanced techniques, tactical acumen, and versatility in facing challenges. Vanguards served as mentors and leaders, guiding younger hunters and contributing to the advancement of the hunter community.

Rank A: Guardian

Rank A hunters stood as Guardians, revered for their exceptional talent, power, and ability. They had reached mastery, demonstrating unparalleled skill and command over their abilities. Guardians defended humanity against powerful adversaries, ensuring the safety of innocent lives.

Rank S: Paragon

Rank S hunters represented the Paragons of hunter excellence, the rarest and most revered individuals within the hunter world. With unrivaled talent, power, ability, and skill, they were legendary figures. The names of Paragons were etched in hunter history, evoking awe and respect.

One particular guild captured Yeon Ji-Hoon's attention—The Oracles. Formerly known as the Vanguard Guild, they were renowned for their fearless pursuit of justice and their unwavering dedication to protecting innocent lives.

Led by Guildmaster Mason Cooper, a legendary figure known for his Thunderstrike Fist, The Oracles embodied power and unwavering commitment to justice.

The Oracles' emblem, a combination of a thunderbolt and a warhammer crossed against a backdrop of storm clouds, symbolized their dominance and relentless pursuit of justice.

As the world's number one guild, they held a reputation for their strategic brilliance, combat expertise, and unwavering dedication to protecting humanity.

Within the guild's ranks, members honed their skills through rigorous training sessions and shared their experiences to further enhance their abilities.

The Oracles' hunters were known for their proficiency in harnessing lightning-based powers, showcasing awe-inspiring displays of elemental mastery in their battles against supernatural threats.

The Oracles' headquarters, a majestic fortress nestled amidst rolling thunderclouds, served as a beacon of hope and a sanctuary for those seeking protection.

The guild attracted hunters from around the world, drawn to the opportunity to serve alongside the most powerful and respected individuals in the field.

With each passing day, Yeon Ji-Hoon attended his classes, absorbing knowledge about the world of hunters and the creatures from other dimensions.

His instructors spoke of the responsibilities and dangers that came with being a hunter, emphasizing the need for discipline and unwavering commitment.

It was a lot to take in, but Yeon Ji-Hoon's thirst for understanding propelled him forward.

In his combat training sessions, Yeon Ji-Hoon discovered that he possessed a natural talent for martial arts. His body moved with precision and grace, showcasing glimpses of the power he once held as the Demon Lord.

Though he was not yet among the top students, his determination fueled his progress. He practiced tirelessly, seeking to master his techniques and surpass his own limitations.

Outside the academy, Yeon Ji-Hoon also explored the bustling city, venturing into the districts where hunters gathered and shared tales of their encounters. He listened intently, absorbing their wisdom and experiences.

It was during these encounters that he discovered the ten prestigious guilds—the pillars of the hunter world. They were renowned for their expertise and the pivotal roles they played in defending humanity.

Driven by an innate sense of purpose, Yeon Ji-Hoon set his sights on joining the Crimson Ravens Guild, Korea's second-best guild within the hunter community.

Known for their unparalleled combat skills and strategic brilliance, the Crimson Ravens were renowned for their redoubtable members and their unwavering dedication to protecting the nation.

Their emblem, a crimson raven with wings spread wide in flight, symbolized their agility, adaptability, and indomitable spirit.

The Crimson Ravens Guild, a formidable force within the Korean hunter community, held the esteemed position of second rank among the prestigious guilds.

Led by Guildmaster Kim Tae-joon, a master of pyrokinetic flames, the guild boasted an impressive array of abilities and weaponry that struck fear into the hearts of their adversaries.

Guildmaster Kim Tae-joon's command over pyrokinetic flames was legendary. With a mere thought, he could summon infernos that engulfed the battlefield, turning the tide of any confrontation in the guild's favor.

His innate control over fire allowed him to wield the Inferno Blade, a weapon imbued with scorching heat, capable of slicing through even the most resilient of defenses.

As days turned into weeks, Yeon Ji-Hoon's efforts did not go unnoticed. His dedication and natural talent caught the attention of the academy's instructors, including Master Lee, a renowned hunter and mentor to aspiring students.

Impressed by Yeon Ji-Hoon's progress, Master Lee offered to provide additional guidance and mentorship, recognizing the potential within him.

Master Lee Kyung-Ho, commonly known as Master Lee, is a prominent figure within the Crimson Ravens Guild.

As a hunter instructor and mentor, he plays a pivotal role in guiding and nurturing the potential of young hunters. His disciplined and level-headed nature, combined with his wealth of experience, makes him a respected authority within the guild.

Master Lee possesses a rugged yet dignified appearance, characterized by his strong build, sharp features, and salt-and-pepper hair.

His deep-set eyes hold a spark of intensity and compassion, reflecting his keen observation and genuine care for his students.

He exudes an aura of authority and wisdom, commanding respect from those around him.

Known for his calm and patient demeanor, Master Lee is an advocate for self-discipline and the pursuit of excellence.

He believes in instilling these values in his students, pushing them to reach their full potential. While demanding and strict in his teachings, he remains fair and just, fostering an environment of growth and development.

Having faced numerous trials and battled formidable foes throughout his hunter career, Master Lee has earned the title of "Master" due to his exceptional knowledge and expertise.

He possesses a deep understanding of hunter lore, ancient techniques, and the creatures that pose a threat to humanity.

His wisdom and guidance shape his students into exceptional hunters, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to face the challenges that lie ahead.

Under Master Lee's tutelage, Yeon Ji-Hoon's skills flourished. He delved deeper into the intricacies of combat, honing his techniques and expanding his arsenal.

But Master Lee also recognized that there was more to Yeon Ji-Hoon than raw power. He saw a fierce determination and an unyielding spirit that set him apart.

Beyond the physical training, Master Lee shared stories of the world's history, its secrets, and the nightmares that threatened to consume it.

He emphasized the importance of Yeon Ji-Hoon embracing his past and using his experiences to guide him in the present. The journey to becoming a true savior was not just about strength but also about wisdom and compassion.