
Demon Lord Jaune Arc

"I am Jaune Arc, the Demon Lord of Remnant! Let all who are my enemies tremble in fear! Let those under me bask in my glorious presence and know peace! None shall stand in my way, neither devil nor God! Not even those beyond this limited universe shall pose a threat to my glorious kingdom! So come and face me if you dare!" Synopsis: Jaune wakes up one day with memories of a man from Earth. Unwilling to be a pawn in the immortal game, he decided to flip the board and become a leader that follows his own desires while becoming the Demon Lord Jaune Arc in the process.

Neo_Acer · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

'[Great Sage], what is the chance of me surviving this encounter?' Jaune asked as he walked through the forest that was around his home. In his hands was a one-handed longsword, but with his size, it was more like a broadsword.

A month has passed since he received the memories from David and awakened his aura. During the month, he began working out and training in swordsmanship. While it would be pretty bad to be working out the way he was since it could stunt him in the future but with Aura, most of those issues were non-existent, so he could train as much as he liked without holding back and only having to stop when he was exhausted.

Another thing was the skills [Aura Sense], [Regeneration], and [Aura Regeneration]

[Aura Sense], as the name implies, allowed him to sense his surroundings through the magicules in the air, with his aura acting as a medium. [Regeneration] used his aura as the energy source to heal his wounds. And finally, [Aura Regeneration] was a skill that sped up the speed at which he regenerated his Aura.

And the final thing was learning how he could use magic in the future. Thanks to [Great Sage] analyzing his Aura, Jaune found out that aura was made up of magicules that were much weaker than they usually should be. So if he wanted to use magic, he would have to condense a large part of his aura to create even a small amount of mana.

[There is an 80% chance of you making it out of the encounter alive.]

'Well, that's good. I wish it were 100%, but there is nothing I can do about it.' With that Jaune gripped the sword in his hands and continued forward.

It didn't take long for Jaune to feel the Grimm's presence brush against his senses which felt corrupted compared to the other magicules in the air.

'So those are Grimm.' Jaune thought, looking at the creatures of darkness.

Grimm creatures of destruction created by the "God" of darkness before collaborating with his brother, the "God" of light to create humanity. Because of this, the Grimm hate humanity since their creators abandoned them without much thought. After the "Gods" abandoned Remnant, however, they soon came under the control of Salem.

Wasting no time, Jaune ran forward, gaining the attention of the beowolf that ran at him as well.

'Slow.' Jaune thought as he dodged the lunge of the beowolf, thanks to his [Thought Acceleration] skill allowing him to move faster than he normally could. 'But I need to test my endurance.'

When the beowolf attacked him using its claws, Jaune let himself be hit, causing him to grunt in discomfort at the dull pain in his chest though it immediately faded away, his aura, blocking most of the damage.

'Alright, endurance is pretty good, so let's see how tough Grimm are.' Sidestepping another attack, Jaune twisted his body to gain momentum and used the sword in his hands to slash at the hide of the beowolf causing the beowolf to growl in pain.

Jaune continued to dodge the lunges, claw strikes, and bites and countering each time until Jaune found an opening to stab the beowolf through the head.

With the final blow, the beowolf Grimm began fading, but Jaune wasn't done yet. Reaching forward, Jaune placed his hand on the beowolf's head. '[Great Sage] activate [Predator].'


Jaune felt his aura move and began covering the beowolf before it was pulled into his body.

[Body Armor skill obtained]

[Darkness Manipulation skill obtained]

Lifting his arm up Jaune used his new [Body Armor] skill causing a white shell-like substance to cover his entire arm, making it look like a claw. Walking over to a random tree Jaune made his hand flat and thrust forward.

"Well, now isn't that interesting," Jaune said, seeing his arm halfway through the tree. Pulling his hand out, and with a thought, his hand returned to normal. 'Now to test my new magic.'

Pulling on the minuscule amount of magicules in his body, he created a small orb of darkness before he dispersed it.

'[Great Sage] from now I want you to start converting any Grimm I absorb via predator into raw magicules that I can use later.


"Thanks [Great Sage]," Jaune said with a smile. "Now let's fight some more, Grimm."


After several hours of constant fighting, Jaune returned to the mansion. As he walked up to the mansion he saw his mother and father standing in front of the door.

"Father, Mother," Jaune said curtly.

"Jaune, what were you thinking going out into the Grimm-infested woods? You could have died." Nicholas said with a glare.

"I was fine father. I knew what I was getting into," Jaune said while glaring back.

"No, you don't! You have no idea what being a huntsman means! You could die! Do you want that!? To die and leave a grieving family behind! Is that what you want!?" Nicholas yelled, and when he finished, he was huffing.

"So that's it. You don't want me to die and leave you all behind." Jaune said with a smile. "While I'm glad you're worried about me. I won't let you decide my future father, so if you don't want me to die in the future, you should help me be as strong as possible." Jaune said, walking past his parents into the mansion.

"Honey, I think you should help Jaune," Alexandra said while putting her hand on Nicholas's shoulder. "And if he's anything like you, he won't give up."

"I know he's stubborn like me, but I don't want to lose any more family," Nicholas said with tears in his eyes, remembering his now-dead sister, who was a huntress.

"Oh dear, come here," Alexandra said, bringing her husband's head into her bosom. "There, there."


After dealing with his father, Jaune went to his sister Saph's room. Once he got to her room, he knocked on the door and waited.

"Yes, Jaune?" Saph asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Can I borrow your scroll for a second?" Jaune asked while putting his hand out. The scroll is an object that functions as a collapsible, holographic tablet. It can be used as a phone, a portable computer, a camera, and a streaming device, as well as a gaming controller, among other functions.

During combat, it can gauge a user's Aura and depict it as a life bar, along with those of the user's teammates.

"Yeah, sure." Saph said with a smile while pulling out her scroll.

Taking the scroll, Jaune used [Predator] on the scroll, causing it to disappear.

"What? Where did my scroll go!" Saph yelled though Jaune ignored her in favor of listening to [Great Sage].

[Hard-Light Manipulation skill acquired. ]

'[Great Sage] analyze the scroll and then use what you learn to use my [Hard-Light Manipulation] skill and the steel I saved to create a scroll for myself.'

[Understood. Beginning analysis of scroll…Analysis of scroll complete. Producing copy.]

With that, Jaune took out Saph's scroll alongside the one that was just made thanks to [Great Sage].

"What just happened?" Saph asked, confusion written all over her features as she tried to comprehend what had just happened.

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about," Jaune said as he walked and fiddled with his new scroll but not before handing Saph back her scroll.

Jaune, as he walked through the house, saw that the scroll worked perfectly with access to the internet, and after asking [Great Sage], he was able to connect his aura to the scroll.

"I wonder how hard it will be to get through the CCT firewalls," Jaune said out loud as he made his way to his room.