
Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in Shadow' or 'To Be a Power in the Shadows' as the main character Cid Kagenō's little brother. This fanfiction story timeline will take place just after Shadow Garden and Cid saved his sister when she was kidnapped and two years before he goes to the capital.

Ridoux_Studio · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Chapter 17 - An Encounter with the Shadow Garden

As Anos took to the night sky, he found himself perplexed by the unexpected disturbance. His thoughts for some reason wandered to his brother, Cid. There had always been something about Cid that made him wonder if there was more to him than met the eye. It wasn't anything explicit, but a collection of small, seemingly insignificant hints that had aroused Anos's suspicions.

His mind also strayed to the elf women he'd noticed around their mansion from time to time. They were always dressed as maids and seemed to be following Cid around. They were extremely proficient in blending into the background, their presence barely noticeable unless one was actively looking for them.

Anos had yet to confront Cid about these suspicions. He was not one to jump to conclusions without substantial evidence. However, the explosion and the sharp magical signature he felt raised further questions. Could Cid be involved somehow?

While Anos suspected something, he was yet unaware of Cid's involvement with the Shadow Garden and the true identity of the elf maids. As far as he knew, they were merely maids. Little did he realize that the truth was far more complicated and that he was closer to it than he thought.


On the ground, chaos ensued following the explosion. People were shouting, and the city guard was frantically trying to restore order, to no avail. The blast had been unexpected, a terrifying reminder of the fragile peace they lived in.

Amidst the pandemonium, Anos touched down from the sky, his crimson eyes immediately finding the epicenter of the explosion. His white uniform billowed behind him as he walked calmly towards the smoldering remains of what once was a substantial warehouse. His gaze scanned the ruins and the mutilated human corpses, not missing a single detail.

Flickers of highly concentrated magic, remnants of the explosion's force, lingered in the air. Anos closed his eyes, allowing the subtle energy to swirl around him, seeping into his senses. He recognized the magic signature immediately. It was familiar, a signature he had not sensed for quite some time.

Remembering the past encounter, Anos's brows furrowed. Months ago, a female Beastkin had attacked him in the Kagenou estate forest. The attacker had exhibited considerable strength and displayed a unique magical signature. At the time, Anos didn't think much of it, dismissing the attack as an anomaly or an impulsive act of a hot-headed Beastkin.

However, in the light of this explosion and the suspicions he had begun to harbor about Cid, Anos began to consider the attack in a new light. The Beastkin, he remembered, was brimming with uncontrolled excitement, attacking in a headstrong manner that bordered on immature. Her tactics, although raw and unrefined, were relentless, like a wild animal going for the kill. Despite her failure to land a significant blow on him, Anos could sense an undercurrent of raw power within her.

Now, as he pondered over the current events, a thought struck him. The magical signature of the Beastkin who had attacked him in the past and failed, although not identical, bore striking similarities to that of the explosion. Could it be that the Beastkin was linked to this disturbance?

Suddenly, the elf maids, the secretive behavior of his brother Cid, and the attacking Beastkin seemed to form a vague, interconnected web in his mind. Yet, he wasn't sure how to piece together these separate incidents into a coherent story. The explosion, he decided, was not a random act of violence. It was a calculated move, indicating an underlying motive that he could not yet grasp.

Just as Anos was about to delve deeper into his thoughts, a rush of wind, followed by an intensely aggressive magic aura, pulled him out of his reverie. With swift reflexes, he turned around to face the sudden threat, but it was too late.

The attacker, a muscular Beastkin woman wearing a strange dark suit, was an unusual spectacle under the moonlight. Her slitted eyes gleamed with excitement, and her mouth stretched into a wide grin, showcasing her sharp, beast-like teeth. Anos recognized her from their previous encounter in the forest, but her name was unknown to him. At that time he was 'busy' gathering mushrooms for his 'important' gratin and so, he didn't even bother to ask the screaming Beastkin woman escaping with her tail between her legs.

Anos barely had time to brace himself before the Beastkin woman collided into him, their bodies enveloped in a maelstrom of clashing magical energy. He could immediately sense her immense strength, the same raw and wild power that had characterized their previous encounter.

"Back for more beating, are you?" Anos managed to say, his voice steady despite the ferocious onslaught. His muscles strained to maintain equilibrium against the Beastkin's unyielding force, his magic flaring out in response to strengthen his physical power.

Her answer was a guttural growl, her eyes flashing with uncontrolled excitement. "You bet!" she declared, her voice resonating with an untamed fervor. She pushed harder, her fingers digging into Anos's shoulders and even drawing some blood, the thrill of the battle clearly intoxicating her.


For Anos, the situation was becoming clearer. The Beastkin's presence here, so soon after the explosion, could not be a coincidence. He realized that this could be the perfect opportunity to dig deeper into the mystery he was facing. Yet, he had to first deal with the Beastkin woman, who was now fully engaged in the combat, reveling in the adrenaline rush.

As the two figures were locked in a fierce confrontation, something bizarre unfolded. Delta, wild-eyed and brimming with adrenaline, suddenly yelled, "Delta gonna smash tiny Demon King!" She tried to increase the force of her attack but instead ended up losing her footing and sliding on a nearby pebble, momentarily lessening her grip on Anos. In the process, she bumped into a barrel that was lying nearby, sending it spinning into the air.

"Delta meant to do that," she muttered, picking herself up and dusting her hands, her chest puffing out with false pride.


Anos, maintaining his calm demeanor despite the somewhat chaotic combat, simply nodded. "If you say so," he said, his voice steady. His hand flicked, summoning a gust of wind that brought the barrel back down from its aerial trajectory, landing it safely on the ground.

With a rallying cry, Delta charged again, "Delta not scared! Delta gonna win this time!" Unfortunately, her foot found the same traitorous pebble, and she tumbled headlong into the remains of a collapsed wall, causing a cloud of dust and debris to rise.



Anos watched as Delta clumsily extracted herself from the rubble, her face a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. He asked, expression unchanged, "Is that part of your strategy too?"

"Delta... adapting," she mumbled, her cheeks reddening under the moonlight. As the dust settled, Anos found himself facing the determined Beastkin once again. The combat was turning out to be quite a spectacle, a bewildering blend of Delta's comical blunders and Anos's stoic reactions.

Even though Delta's antics were amusing, Anos knew he had a bigger mystery to unravel. Every encounter, every clue was leading him deeper into the labyrinth of uncertainty. And Delta, in her own peculiar way, seemed to be another piece of this complex puzzle. As if his own human brother alone wasn't enough.

Exhausted 'mentally', the Demon King of Tyranny muttered, "This is becoming absurd."


"What did you just say?!"

Meanwhile, Alpha, receiving the update from one of the vanguard teams, felt a wave of unease wash over her. Delta's attack on Anos was premature, unplanned, and therefore, dangerous. She knew that her impulsive behavior could lead to the exposure of the Shadow Garden, something she had painstakingly avoided until now.

As Alpha rushed to where Delta and Anos were clashing, she couldn't help but worry about the imminent disaster. Delta was not only a valuable ally but also a dear friend. The thought of her coming to harm worried her greatly. Yet, she was equally concerned about the potential exposure of their secret operations. Especially to the unknown variable known as Anos Voldigoad.

However, Alpha's worst fear wasn't just the potential revelation of their secret organization, but the potential of Shadow's Cid identity getting caught up in the crossfire. After all, Anos wasn't just the Demon King of Tyranny; he was also his brother in public.

Caught in a whirlwind of chaotic thoughts and conflicting emotions, Alpha could only hope that she could mitigate the damage before it was too late. After all, the Shadow Garden wasn't ready to face Anos, not yet... Not without Shadow's approval.

As Alpha approached the intense clash between Delta and Anos, her mind raced with the weight of the situation. She knew the danger that lurked in the potential exposure of the Shadow Garden. The members understandably harbored a deep-seated hatred for Anos, she herself included. However, their true identities as operatives must remain concealed at all costs.

Alpha's voice rang out with a sense of urgency, commanding Delta's attention. "Delta, stand down!" she exclaimed, her tone authoritative yet tinged with concern. "This is not the way. We cannot risk exposing ourselves or our mission."

Delta, caught up in her adrenaline-fueled aggression, momentarily faltered as Alpha's words pierced through her rage. She looked into Alpha's eyes, a mix of frustration and determination reflecting in her own. "B-But he could be an enemy! Enemy! Must kill!!" Delta argued, her voice still laced with feral hostility.

Alpha placed a resolute hand on Delta's arm, her gaze unwavering. "I understand your concerns, Delta. But we must exercise caution and gather more information before making any assumptions," she reasoned, her voice calm yet firm. "We cannot afford to act on incomplete knowledge. Trust in our training and our ability to navigate through the shadows."

Delta hesitated, her grip on Anos's shoulders loosening as she absorbed Alpha's words. She knew the logic in Alpha's words, even if it went against her instincts. Reluctantly, she took a step back from Anos, her intense gaze fixed upon him.

Anos, slightly taken aback by the sudden halt in the… 'battle', observed the exchange between the Elf woman and the Beastkin named Delta with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. The tension in the air was palpable, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this conflict than met the eye.

Alpha turned her attention to Anos, her fierce eyes meeting his, her expression turning sour. "Anos Voldigoad, I apologize for Delta's rash actions," she spoke with a blend of disgust and determination. "The Shadow Garden harbors deep-seated suspicions towards you, and it has clouded her judgment. She acted on her own accord, without the knowledge or permission of the Shadow Garden. We mean you no harm… yet."


Anos regarded the Elf woman with a penetrating gaze, trying to discern the truth in her words. He had suspected a connection between these suspicious Elf maids, Cid, and the recent events, and now, it seemed he was inching closer to uncovering the truth.

"Shadow Garden? Explain," Anos demanded, his voice firm but measured. "What is the Shadow Garden's involvement in all of this? And why did your companion attack me?"

Alpha hesitated for a moment, her eyes shifting briefly to Delta before focusing on Anos. She made a decision, realizing that partial disclosure might be necessary to avert further conflict.

"The Shadow Garden is an organization that operates in the shadows, striving for peace and balance in the world," Alpha, speaking with concise deliberation, only introduced the Shadow Garden as an enigmatic entity working discreetly to establish harmony and equilibrium throughout the world.

Silence filled the air.

"That's all?" Anos questioned, his face contorted in a stern expression.

Alpha confirmed arrogantly, "Yes."

"...what does your organization have to do with my brother, Cid?" Anos inquired, his tone suddenly turning cold.

"Hmph. I will not answer that," Alpha retorted.

Anos's eyes suddenly narrowed. He took a step forward, his body started radiating a menacing and tyrannical aura. The atmosphere around him grew heavy with a crushing pressure suddenly appearing out of nowhere. All the Shadow Garden members hiding in the darkness tensed and gulped nervously.

"Listen carefully, Elf woman," Anos said, his voice low and commanding. "What I said earlier was not a question. It was an order."

As if to emphasize his point, Anos suddenly lunged forward, his hand extending with astonishing speed to seize Delta by the throat. His grip was incredibly firm but still controlled, a silent display of his true power. Delta gasped, her slitted pupils widening with shock and confusion as she struggled violently against Anos's unyielding grasp. Despite her relentless punches, slashes, and bites into his arm, Anos refused to release his grip, calmly disregarding the ferocious beast hanging from his left hand as he nonchalantly turned his head to address the stunned Alpha.

"I am not someone you should underestimate," Anos continued dangerously, his tone icy and unwavering. "If you value your companion's life, you will answer my questions truthfully."

Alpha, caught off guard by Anos's sudden aggression, could only watch helplessly as he held Delta hostage. She realized the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences that could unfold.

'Forgive me, Shadow. But there is no other way…' Alpha bit her lips in frustration and sighed as she was about to signal everyone to attack Anos all at once.



In an abrupt motion, Anos sharply turned his head to the side and then a smirk formed on his face as he surprisingly released his grip on Delta.

"You are lucky, It seems the clone has already found its target."

"W-What?" Alpha exclaimed, confusion etched across her face. "Clone? What are you talking about?"

Anos paid no attention to her or the growling Delta stealthily creeping behind him, as he absorbed the information conveyed by the clone in his mind. A flicker of surprise momentarily danced in Anos's eyes, unbeknownst to him that his unconscious utterance of the word "Shadow" had alerted Alpha to a great extent.

Alpha's eyes widened in realization, a sense of panic rising within her. "No, this can't be. We have to stop him!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with unease.

Anos, however, seemed unperturbed by Alpha's outburst. He had already made up his mind about his next course of action.

"You and your Shadow Garden have secrets, Elf woman," Anos said, his voice laced with calm indifference. "But mark my words. I will uncover them soon, whether you like it or not."

"No! Delta! Stop him!"


"Gatom." *Tsu*