
Demon Island

Demon Island is a fantasy novel that tells the tale of an ordinary urban youth who, after inadvertently consuming a wish fruit from a strange realm, finds himself in the mysterious land of Demon Island. The story unfolds in a vividly fantastical world divided into four major regions: the Dragon Clan occupies the northern territory, the Demon Clan rules the west, the Ghost Clan governs the south, and the Human Clan resides in the Central Plains. In this realm, the forms of life are diverse and extraordinary, ranging from ethereal beings that transcend the cycles of life and death to demons that achieve immortality through various paths. The central plot of the novel revolves around the protagonist's adventures on Demon Island, brimming with elements of magic and exploration.

DaoistSmIuyR · Kỳ huyễn
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154 Chs

Dual Monarchs

"How can I possibly make my way back in this state?" After being rescued by Horus from the clutches of over a dozen skeletal warriors, I found my limbs incapacitated, my weapons rolling away, and my entire body wracked with unbearable pain. During the battle, I had not felt the extent of my exhaustion, but now, as I relaxed, every muscle in my body seemed to revolt, as if striving for independence from my very being.

I began to channel an unnamed martial art to recover from my fatigue. Just as I managed to catch my breath and contemplated using a healing card from the Book of Demons, Horus intervened once more. "When fatigue reaches the brink of exhaustion, cultivation can yield unexpected benefits. You should refrain from utilizing those auxiliary tools." 

"If I don't use them, I'll surely perish! Opportunities like this are rare; let me use a healing card just this once." With a gentle gesture, Horus rendered my weary arm immobile, his gaze unwavering as he stated, "You cannot use it now. Instead, focus on your cultivation. Your time was earned through combat cards, and it would be a waste to squander it like this." 

"I… I no longer doubt that he is indeed a member of the Demon Mercenary Corps; he is just as peculiar as that Gu Yali. They might even be related." Resigned, I lay back, concentrating on recovering my strength. The unnamed martial art coursed through my meridians, gradually alleviating my fatigue.

I lost track of time before I finally regained my vigor. When I sprang back to my feet, Horus had vanished, leaving me unable to return to Baffin Island without him. I dared not wander aimlessly on Skull Island either. My stomach growled in protest, but fortunately, my spatial card held ample provisions. After hastily satisfying my hunger, I began to ponder whether Pan Li'er would be worried since I hadn't returned for a day. 

Some matters were beyond resolution, so I chose to set them aside. Outside the valley, the skeletal warriors could emerge at any moment, and although I felt an indescribable lightness from recovering from extreme fatigue, I was loath to engage in combat without Horus's guidance. As I recalled the path to the teleportation magic circle, a sudden, piercing scream echoed from the sky. A bizarre, enormous bird, resembling a thunderbird with massive wings, soared from the island's center towards me. This creature, or perhaps monster, defied categorization; it was a swirling mass of black mist adorned with two wings, its head crowned with an enormous, menacing beak from which the chilling scream emanated. 

Perched upon the back of this monstrous bird was a man clad in a black cloak, his complexion ashen. He unleashed enormous yellow fireballs, each larger than a table, hurling them backward. This creature and its rider were pursued by a horned monster with four pairs of claws, showcasing remarkable aerial agility as it effortlessly evaded the fireballs and unleashed a dazzling stream of red flames, creating a fiery arc that stretched for kilometers in the air. 

"Skull Island harbors more than just skeletal warriors; these two creatures—no, three—are formidable." In comparison, yesterday's skeletal warriors seemed as harmless as ants. That pale-faced man could incinerate a dozen skeletal warriors with a single fireball, while the horned monster could encircle them in flames, roasting them alive. "Having just undergone training, if I could perfectly harness my strength, today would provide a demonstration of absolute power that can suppress all." 

If anyone were to observe my face, they would surely find it even paler than that of the soaring figure above. His pallor was natural; mine was born of terror, far from a healthy hue.

"You possess considerable audacity, standing so upright amidst the chaos of crows and celestial hounds," Horus's voice echoed behind me. His words jolted me into action, and I instinctively adopted a frog-like posture. I had momentarily forgotten to hide, aware that being caught in the crossfire at this level could transform me into a source of clean energy. Returning to nature is a dream for many, but not for me;

I would rather live and pollute the environment. 

"Your reflexes are rather sluggish," Horus remarked, shaking his head and delivering a less-than-favorable critique.

Despite the tumult of the battle above, he stood resolutely, exuding confidence in his power. A fireball missed the celestial hound and fell towards us;

with a mere flick of his hand, Horus redirected it, causing it to ignite elsewhere.

"Are there creatures on Skull Island even more formidable than these? Can they contend with you?"

I inquired from my crouched position, looking up at him. Horus replied coolly, "I cannot say whether they are stronger. There are seven monarchs on Skull Island, and they are merely one of them. As for me, I was once among them, but for reasons unknown, I shed that awkward identity and now walk freely under the sun. Thus, I agreed to guard the teleportation magic circle between Baffin Island and Skull Island, assisting in training newcomers." 

"That individual must hold significant influence… Ah! So this little old man is also a powerful entity; I'm fortunate I never provoked him."

The battle in the sky circled above us before gradually receding. Horus sighed, seemingly lost in thought, before finally addressing me, "Now it is time for you to commence a new day of cultivation." 

"I knew it would be a struggle; am I still to face those skeletal warriors today?" 

"Indeed. Once you can battle those skeletal warriors without my guidance, we shall seek new foes." 

"I fervently hope to know whether that day arrives swiftly or lingers long, though it must not be delayed." In that moment, I realized my predicament was utterly dismal; even choosing to confront the voodoo master would be preferable to my current state. 

Why is it that every time I yearn for an easier life, I find it more arduous than before? Escaping Demon Island was like this, and now seeking to return is no different."