
The Prophecy


Instead of it being empty the place was filled to the brim with people smoking all different types of drugs, you could barely see anything from all the smoke. What I could see was something that surprised me, amongst the teens was demons and from the looks of it, the demons were feeding off of the humans. The door we went into led to a balcony looking over the main floor, through the smoke I could see the interior of the warehouse.

There were booths on the side of the room that offers some privacy, tables in the middle for the people who didn't really care for privacy, a bar in the far corner sell different types of drugs and alcohol, and on the wall across the room was two doors.

" What the h**l is this place I've never seen anything like this before " Key's asked from behind me.

I frowned " I think it's a demon feeding house where the demons lure humans with drugs and alcohol, they feed on the different humans and because they're drugged up they don't realize it is actually happening, they probably think it's another drug-induced hallucination. I've actually heard some rumors about a place like this but I didn't think it was actually true, it shouldn't be true ".

" Why not "?

" Because demons don't usually group together because of their thirst for power over anything really, usually if two demons come in contact they usually rip each other apart and I see at least ten demons in here which should not be possible at all, we need to tell Zane about this ".

I felt Key's come up next to me before she said.

" I wonder what's behind those doors ".

" Me too, though I have a feeling we wouldn't like what we saw ".

She sighed " probably not, do you think we could reach those doors without getting caught, we should probably see what's behind those doors even if we won't like it "?

My head jerked in her direction as I stared at her in disbelief.

" Are you kidding me I literally just told you that there are at least ten demons down there and you want to go down there ".

I didn't notice how close I was to her until I finished saying that, our lips just barely touched and I couldn't help myself as I leaned forward and pressed my lips to her. Instantly she jerked back and said.

" I'm sorry Andrew I don't like you like that ".


It took a little bit but I was able to make it home after ten minutes and I pushed the door open with my side and called out to my father.

" Hey, dad I think I found the girl from the prophecy ".

Everyone who was in the front room stopped what they were doing and stared at the girl in my arms. She still hasn't regained consciousness and I am slightly worried about the burn marks she got from the demon. My sister rose rushed forward to greet me along with Red who had her nose stuck in a book like she always does.

Rose gasped " oh my god what happened to her? How long has she been unconscious? Where did you find her? Should we heal her with demon dust "?

" NO! We don’t know how she will react to that, it could end up hurting her or worse killing her “ I exclaimed in response to the last question.

Rose frowned at me ” you said she's the girl from the prophecy so she’s like us which means it should work “.

" Should, Rose you don’t know that “.

She sighed before turning to her sister.

" You agree with me don’t you Red ”?

Red didn’t even look up from the book she was reading as she said.

" I haven’t heard one word either of you said “.

Rose huffed glaring at her sister who was of course reading as if we weren’t discussing whether to use the powder on this girl. My two sisters might look exactly alike with long and wavy red hair, brown eyes, a button nose, full lips, sun-kissed skin, rosy cheeks, a cleft in their chin, and they both wear jeans and a shirt. Though their styles are still completely different.

The powder is a medicine that we give to Hunters who won’t wake up, you would sprinkle it on their face and when they breathe it in it wakes them up it can also heal a hunter but we don't know if she is yet. The thing is if that person is not a Hunter then if they breathe it in it could either make them very sick or kill them and I wanted to make sure she was who we thought before we do that. I almost wince when I heard a crash and watched as Rose threw the bowl of powder on the floor and stormed out of the room.

Red just rolled her eyes in her direction before turning around and walking out of the room in a different direction, I sighed before I started cleaning up the powder. I wish I could say that this didn’t happen every day but it did, you see when Rose and Red were born Red was expected to die because of how sickly and little she was. My Mother was told that Rose won’t even last an hour after she was born and there was nothing they could do.

The one-hour mark came and went but Red remained alive and after a month of different texts we were allowed to take her home but they warned our Mother that if she gets sick she could still die. Because of what they said our Mother decided it was best for her to have her own room so she doesn’t get sick, as she got older our Mother isolated her from others in fear of her getting sick. So she spent most of the time reading in her room since she wasn’t allowed anywhere else, it went on like that until Red was ten.

She had sneaked outside because she was sick and tired of being stuck in her room and when we found her she had a healthy glow about her instead of the sickly one she usually has. When our mother took her to the hospital to make sure she didn’t get sick and they told her that not only was Red, not sick but that whatever she had that made her sickly was gone. They couldn’t really explain how it wasn’t there anymore they just said it just wasn't.

My Mother was so happy and allowed my sister out of her room, I think Mother thought that Red would instantly get used to being around us but instead, she would rather be in her room. She felt uncomfortable being near any of us so when she was forced to be out of her room she would always be out of her room ignoring us. This ended up hurting Rose because she wants to be close to Red since she is her twin but no matter what she does Red won’t let her in and they always end up like this.

After a while, I learned to just let them do what they want as long as they don’t try to kill each other because you will most likely get pulled into the argument. As much as I love my sisters they can give me quite a headache. I turned to one of the new Demon Hunters in the room before carrying the girl up the stairs to Mrs. Lilac's room.

She is a healer skilled in both Demon Hunter's healing technique and human, I don't mean the stuff filled with dangerous chemicals I doubt she would touch that stuff. No, her medicine only holds natural stuff such as plants, and no she isn't one of those crazy natural doctors that make medicine that doesn't work because her medicine does. Though it does take a while to get to her because her room is up on the roof, did I say room I meant shack she lives on the roof in a shack.

My father has tried to get her to agree to move to the first floor but no can do though that's probably the greenhouse where she grows her ingredients is on the roof. Her shack is not too small though neither is it shabby it does take a long time to lug a hurt human up all these floors. If any of us tell her that though she'll just scoff and say we need the exercise so it's just easier to walk up there without complaining.

I had finally reached the roof about twenty minutes later and once I opened the door to the outside she was standing right there. None of us have ever actually seen the healer's face because it is a Demon Hunter tradition that their identity must always be secret. So she wears fully black clothes that cover her whole body and face, she gestured at me as to follow her to her shack as she asks.

" What happened to the girl and did you get hurt too "?

" She had gotten through one of my barriers and the demon we had cornered jumped on her, it jumped off as soon as it could as if it had been burned and a silver mist surrounded the girl and turned her hair silver, no I'm not hurt ".

" Hmmm and the burns ".

" It happened as soon as the demon touched her, I think she might be the girl from the prophecy ".

" Probably, though we can't be sure until she starts training," she said once we reached her shack.

It wasn't really a shack more like a shack size family home completely normal, on the outside at least. It's the inside that is quite unusual, she held the door open and I brought the girl inside and set her in the hammock in the corner. There were plants and books covering everything even some hanging from the roof.

I have been up here many times but I have stopped trying to make sense of the different plants here because most of them are ones I've never seen before walking into this shack.

Don't even get me started on the books, I once picked one of them up and tried to read it but the text was in ancient Latin. When I asked why she had books in ancient Latin she just said that the Romans and the Greeks were the best in the torture department.

After that, I decided that I wouldn't try to read any more of her books and that Mrs. Lilac is someone you really don't want to mess with.

Right now she was at her counter reading out of one of her books mixing something together that would be some kind of paste to spread on the girl's wounds. She grabbed a couple of petals for the flower hanging above her and grounding it into the mixture before turning and handing me it.

" This needs to be spread on her burns ".

" Umm, why don't you do that, and I'll get the bandages ".

She laughed " fine it's in between the severed head and the eyeballs, don't touch anything else ".

I nodded before making my way to her closet filled with the rare ingredients and demonic objects she's collected over the years. One of them being the head of what humans would call the headless horseman. You see like most legends there's always a little bit of truth in between the lines.

Now for the legend of the headless, only a Demon Hunter would know the truth behind the legend and that is. You see a Demon started haunting the city of Sleepy Hollow taking the form of the legend that recently started there. I'm not sure how the legend started but I know the demon made it real for the people in the village.

Definitely when the demon started to kill people from the village and others that stumbled into the parts he rode. Since it was so far out from any Demon Hunter headquarters we didn't hear of the demon until quite a few people were killed. A Hunter named Salic was the one who went to kill the Demon.

He soon found out that this demon was different from most other demons because this one couldn't be killed. So he cut off the demon's head and placed it in a jar, I'm not sure what he did with the body. He was supposed to find a way to kill the demon but he died before he could and somehow the head came to be in Mrs. Lilac's possession.

When I opened the cabinet the severed head of the headless horseman turned and grinned at me.

" Zane my man how have you been? Are you willing to let me out of the jar yet "?

I, of course, ignore him like always one because if you didn't he will keep talking and two because there's no way I'm ever letting him out. We really don't need a demon in the form of the headless horseman running around killing people so close to Halloween. Plus we didn't need to deal with another demon, the war is getting closer so more and more demons are popping up everywhere.

"Aww come on Z don't ignore me I thought we were friends ".

I reached into the back of the shelf and pulled out a roll of new bandages. I then slammed the door shut before the head could ask me another question before going over to Mrs. Lilac and giving it to her. She bandages up the girl as she said to me.

" Take her to your room and lay her down alright I'm not sure when she will wake up we will just have to wait and see ".

I nodded before gently picking the girl up minding the bandages and making my way to my room. Usually, I would just put them in an uninhabited bedroom but f this was the girl from the prophecy I wanted to be able to watch over her. I finally made my way to my room and once I was there I set her on my bed and went in search of my father.


I slowly peeled my eyes opened expecting to be back in my foster home but instead, I was laying on a four-poster in a room I have never been in. The walls were painted black, the bed was also black, the nightstand was a dark brown with a black lamp on it, and there were three doors. I slowly sat up and winced in pain when I sat up, my whole upper body hurt, and was wrapped in a black bandage.

I went to unwrap the bandage to see how bad it was but when I tried to unwrap it felt like I was trying to pull my skin off with it. I decided to stop messing with that for now and instead got up and went to one of the doors and opened it, that door was a bathroom so she went to the next door. It looked like it would be your usual closet but instead of just clothes, it was also filled with all kinds of weapons, some that I knew of like knives, swords, and other stuff like that.

There were also many that I haven’t seen before or heard of in my life and I couldn’t stop from screaming.

" Where the hell am I “?

Right after I said that I heard someone run up the stairs and when I turned to face the last door I saw a kid around or older than me with shoulder-length black hair, dark blue eyes, full lips, a crooked nose, a sharp jawline, a strong built, and a height of 6/6. He was scowling at me as he moved towards me grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room and down the stairs. He then pulled me into a room full of people and yelled out.

" Hey, Dad the girls awake “.

The whole room stopped and stared at us, when I saw them looking at our hand that was still intertwined I pulled away glaring at them. A man who seems to be the only adult here looks around the room and said.

" Someone get me the silver book “.

The boy closes to him turned and ran out of the room, when he was out of sight the man turned to me and smiled.

" Sit down girl there’s no need for you to stand “.

He gestured to the empty leather couch but I gave him a forced smile and said.

" I really can’t stay long my foster parents will be worried about me “.

He frowned ” foster parents what happened to your real parents “?

" They were found ripped apart in my backyard when I was six years old ” was my blunt reply.

I could already feel myself shutting all feelings off and these blocking people out, I grew stiff and started to look around for any way I could get out. It’s a survivor instinct I developed from being in foster care for as long as I have, he looked at me in shock and seemed to be about to say something when the kid who left came in with a silver book.

" Thank you, Jess,” he said nodding to the kid before turning to me.

" Well, girl we think you are the girl from the prophecy foretold centuries ago “.

I frowned at him but didn’t say anything as he read the prophecy.


They are real

They live among

And not all are good

One day they will take over

And only one person can stop them

A girl with silver markings and hair not black

I frowned at him " my hairs not silvers ".

I took a strand of hair and pulled it over my shoulder so everyone could see it, that's when I noticed that my hair was actually silver. When I saw it I was pulled into a memory I didn't know I had from the day my parents died.