
The Reaper

A Deep Night in the City of Tokyo,A Heavy Storm Arrives,While The Demon's slowly Moves on the shadow.

A Drunk Man Walks On the Dark Street,As Lust flowing on his Mind,A Mysterious Man Suddenly Appears out on the Shadow's.

Who the f*ck are you??...Can't you see I'm taking a Walk with my Girlfriend???...A Drunk Man Said.

The Drunk Man Mentioned he's Ex Girlfriend,The Drunk Man Couldnt Move on Because the Girl Cheat On Him,The Reason why he's so drunk.

The Mysterious Man Still Stand's on his Way And The Mysterious Man Grows A Black Wings And Horn's,As the Mysterious Man Sudden Change of his Real form.

Judging it,The Mysterious Man Appears to be A Demon,The Drunk Man's Suddenly Shocked from what He Has Witnessed.

The Strong Will of a Drunk man Suddenly Fade's away and became a Fear,From what he witnessed a Real Demon.

No way!!!....A...A...A Demon!!!...The Drunk Man Was Trembling in Fear while He's Walking away Slowly.

Homo non fugere ausus(don't you dare run Away Human)...The Demon Said.

Help me!!!...Somebody Help me!!!!...The Drunk Man Calls for help while He's trying to escape death itself.

A Poor Drunk Man Still hopes that Someone could save him or he may Able to escape the demon but even thought he Knew that the Storm is to strong to be noticed and It's already Deep Night.

The Drunk Man Keeps on running away And Calling for help but The Demon is So Near on him.

The Devil has caught the drunk man.

Die obsecro hercle serio pauper Humanum clamatis(Poor Human Let me hear you Scream)...The Devil Said To The Poor Drunk Man.

Please let me live!!!...I still got somethings to finish before I Go!!Please let me go!!!...The Poor Drunk Man Begs for his life on the Demon.

The Demon Became so Happy Hearing that he's prey Begged for it's life,The Demon Has Started to Tortured the Drunk Man.

The Demon Has Cut the Drunk man's Right Arm,The Drunk Man Screams on Pain And Kept on Calling from someone's Aid,While the Demon Was so happy hearing his Prey Screaming on Pain.


A Gunfire Shot from the direction of East,Behind the Demon,The Demon's Wing's Was Hit by the Gunfire shot.

A Footsteps in the shadow,A Man With a Gub Walking from the Shadow's Hunting a Demon.

Look's like it's your Lucky Day Mr. and looks like it's your Unlucky Day Demon...A Young Person with a Black Jacket with a Guitar Case from his Back And A Black Half mask Wear by the Young Man.

Nota quod venator, aut alium cibum porrexeris ?? ??(A Hunter?? Or Another Food??)...The Demon Said.


Another Three Gunfire Shot's from the Young Man,The Demon's Arm Has Caught all the Bullets and As the Result's The Drunk Man Was set Free.

The Demon Releases the Drunk Man and Tried to Escape for his Life... Venatores sunt daemonium et illud sit amet Redditus fugere oportet hic...The Demon Said

(Translation: That guy...He must be one of those demon Hunters, i gotta escape here)


The Demon's Wing's we're completely Destroyed by The Young Man's Unidentified Weapon.

There's no escaping me...After all you're my Prey here now...Demon!!!...The young Man Walks through the Demon.

Thank you so much!!!...The drunk man Has Thanked the Young man And Escape for his own,Just as the Young Man Instructed.

Qui in inferno sunt, sint vobiscum???(Who the Hell are you??)...The Demon Ask the Young Man.

I don't quite Understand what did you said...but...i think,Did you just ask me about my Name???...Well it's Seinaru Senso!!..Remember that Name Demon.

The young Man Has Pointed his Weapon through the Demon's head And shot him,The Rain has finally stops,A Police has finally arrived While the Young Man Disappeared.

Long Ago,A Special Ability Was Discovered by The American Scientist Dr.Alexander Rooney,So The Special Ability Discovery We're Announced Around the World.

After Two Months,Dr.Alexander Rooney Build a Team of Scientist Around the World and Explain them their Mission.

The Scientist Started their Mission,The Scientist Mission Was to Survey every people on their Home Country.

All Countries Has the Same number's of Ability User's But Only One Country has the Highest Among the Countries Around the World.

Japan Has 56.7 Million Ability User's Not to mentioned a Person in japan has both the ability of Time And Space &Void.

But There's A Person in Japan that has the Ability of Manipulating All Realms and Dimension.

He's name is Kutaro Ki,Ki was An Unregistered Ability Wielder,Ki was A Ressurection of Evil.

After a ki discovered his Legendary and Rare Ability He Tried To Open up a gate of the Abyss to The Surface.

Ki Manage To Open the Gate and Summon A Million Demons,The Demon Spread around the World And Destroy Everything in it's Way.

The Gate of the Abyss we're opened at the Year of 2019 9th Day of January.

The President of the United States gather all Presidents around the world And Built up a Team that would protect their Country Againts the Demons.

And They Call that Organization "Holy Hunters" Holy Hunters We're Built up by Extremely Strong Ability Wielder.

The Holy Hunter's Mission was to Slay every demon's they could Found and Punish every Ability Wielder that Has Evil Plan.


>>Day 15th of September 2034<<

A Footsteps in the Dark Street,A Senso Walks with a Wet Jacket,Senso Walks through the Stairs.

Opens the Door...I'm Home...Senso Took off his Jacket And Goes straight through his Room.

Welcome Home Lil' Senso...Senso's Elder Sister Welcomes Senso,While Senso Ignores her and Enter His Room.

Clicks the Light Switch...Welcome Back Sen...Senso's Twin Sister Welcomes him.

Shiro...Why are you In my Room???...Senso Ask his twin Sister as She Pulls out his Twin Sister.

Sen...You're so Meany!!!...Shiro Said after Senso Pulled her out on his Room.

Senso closed the Door And Close the window on his Room...You can come out now Shiro's Not here anymore!!...Senso Calls someone and The Door of the Cabinet opens.

A Girl With a Black Jacket Appears...Reporting Master,The 16th Gate of The Abyss Opened itself in the Saitama Town...The Girl with a sniper on her back Kneel down on Senso and calls him "Master"

So the 16th Gate Has Opened up?Hikari I want you to Put A Secret Investigation about the Holy Hunters...Senso Said with an Angry Reaction.

I need to know why's that scums Are so slow,And Why i gotta to Protect every person here in japan I was supposed to be a Commanding Officer but...Senso Said.

Master...I will do my best to find out Master!!...Hikari Replied.

Hikari Disappears Infront of Senso,Senso has lie down on his bed and Sleep to prepare for his School Hours.

Thanks for reading my Novel...Let me know your Ideas about my Characters and Also The Words That i used on the Demon Language was Latin...And Also please vote for the novel...

If the novel we're able to place on 3rd or 2nd or maybe even 1st I'll widen up the Story

Stay tuned For the Next Chapter

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