
Chapter 165: Demon Bull (8)

Cold sweat traced down Roger's brow, but he dared not reach up to wipe it away. His gaze was locked onto the monster opposite him as he slowly drew the steel sword from his back.

With the sword in one hand, he carefully observed the creature's movements. Given the combat prowess the monster had previously displayed, even the slightest graze could result in broken bones and torn tendons for Roger!

He took out the potions from his belt, Spirit Communication Water, Night Cat Potion, Concentration Potion. He downed them all, useful or not.

He even took out several vials of Pain Potion, originally meant for training.

While this substance was used to facilitate training, it could also have a special effect on enemies with weaker constitutions.

However, judging by size, its effect on the creature before him would be minuscule at best.