
Release Schedule

Hello! Author here, this isn't a chapter, but a ETA chart of when I will usually post a new chapter!

Also I realize that the prologue, and chapter 1 where short, so I am going to expand the amount of time per chapter, but increase my effort onto them, so that everyone can enjoy a new chapter!




There is no exact time, but it will be out before 12:00 AM EST!

These are the current chapter release dates, and times, one at the begging of the week, and one at the end of the week. I also hope readers keep in mind that sometimes, I can not adhere to this schedule, but I will try my best!


I don't really know how good the first chapter, and the prologue did, but I had over 600 views if that's okay. Please leave comments on chapters, with suggestions, and critique so I can bring you better chapters!

LiLBoyHatakecreators' thoughts