
Demon Fox

Codenamed Demon Fox, he is the top killer in the dark world. After an accident, his body was buried in Kunlun Mountain. The soul reborn in the body of the illegitimate daughter Su Wei, a wealthy illegitimate daughter, also got a strange technique in his mind. Miss Qianjiao Baimei, it is simply a tragedy in life, in order to regain her body and become a man, he has to....

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53 Chs

Chapter 41 Coins

Schrödinger and Su Wei faced each other, and the muzzle of the mercenary behind him stayed on the back of his head. He looked at the girl coming from a distance with worry in his eyes.

  The lunatic Baishanhe not only arranged a sniper, but also made a bomb!

  Schrodinger's eyes rolled around, and the person behind pushed him hard. He staggered forward and roared: "Be careful, there..." With a

  snap, a stone hit his ankle. Schrodinger was in pain. A dog came directly to grab shit and lay on the ground.

  With a flutter, the stone near his ear exploded, and a bullet jumped up with a hot breath. Half of Xue Sanshao's face was covered with blood, which was stabbed by stone scum.

  The stone that saved his life was kicked out by Su Wei. At this time, she had already grabbed Schrodinger's feet, flicked it, and rolled him to the side.

  1 second, 2 seconds... The sniper bullet jumped up again at the location where the two of them were just now.

  Su Wei grabbed Schrödinger's shoulder and squatted over a pile of rubble. The bullet flew over their heads and jumped behind them.

  After taking a breath, Schrödinger looked at the dark-faced girl in front of him: "Xiaowei, you are really strong."

  Su Wei snorted, waved a palm and cut to his neck, Schrödinger blocked with both hands: "No, Don't try to knock me out, I'm still useful."

  Su Wei closed her hand, reached out and touched a piece of wood from the ground, and moved it vertically onto the gravel.

  With a snap, the wood shattered.

  Su Wei sideways saw an energy-saving lamp erected not far from the construction site. It was left when the builders evacuated. It lights up at night. This is not in the plan.

  "Go, think of a way to break that lamp." Su Wei took out the charcoal mask from her arms and slowly applied it to her face.

  Schrödinger licked his lips and rushed out, hunched over. It was a desperate way of playing.

  A bullet hit his calf and grazed his calf. Schrodinger staggered and pulled the lamp down. After the crackling electric current flashed, the whole construction site was completely dark.

  Fortunately, the sniper didn't want his life, he just wanted to knock him down and lure Su Wei to appear, so Xue Sanshao saved himself.

  Su Wei bent over from the gravel.

  Now, her whole body, including her face, was completely dark, perfectly blending into the night.

  On the northwest corner of the third floor, kneeling behind the broken window, the Vietnamese captain pressed a new bullet, and the target was no longer visible in the scope.

  He sneered, and immediately took out the night vision camera lens from the tactical backpack and switched to the scope. The action was fast, and it only took a few seconds.

  And in these few seconds, Su Wei has passed a distance of more than 30 meters, and the entrance of the small building is in front of her.

  The Vietnamese captain has changed the sniper point. He, who has rich tactical experience, naturally knows the opponent's plan.

  He jumped onto the window sill, tilted his body downward, pointed the sight with a night vision goggles at a distance of about ten meters in front of the small building, and began to look for the target.

  Suddenly, there was a bright light in front of him, and under the night vision goggles, the effect of the bright flashlight was almost like direct sunlight.

  The captain snorted, hurriedly raised his head, gritted his teeth and cursed damn, he just didn't need the sight, and aimed at the location of the bright light.

  The flashlight in Su Wei's hand was quickly thrown out. In the middle of the night, the lights flashed, and the captain's sniper rifle cross was aimed at her heart.

  The gunshot sounded crisply. Su Wei staggered and was almost bounced by the huge impact. She staggered forward. A few meters later, she was already lying on the entrance of the small building, motionless.

  "Okay!" The captain grabbed the intercom and exclaimed excitedly.

  Bai Shanhe's eyelids on the second floor jumped, not knowing whether it was a surprise or a doubt, he turned around and said to a few mercenaries: "Go out and see, you will die!" The

  four mercenaries drew out their pistols and followed the third floor. Captain, bowed carefully out of the building.

  Su Wei was lying there. Because of the terrain, she couldn't see if there was blood flowing from under her, but the captain was confident in her marksmanship and strode over.

  The four mercenaries followed closely, the pistols naturally raised, the muscles on the arms were tight, and they were able to deal with emergencies at any time.

  After these two fierce battles, they were very jealous of the delicate and beautiful little girl.

  The captain leaned over to look at Su Wei, pulled out the pistol, the tactical flashlight under the pistol was lit, and the muzzle was aimed at the back of her head.

  With a sneer, a flash of light flew, and with the flash of the blade, Su Wei's petite body also bounced, and the serrated knife in her hand slid across the captain's neck like lightning, with a chirp, and then hiss. Hissing sound.

  The captain was clutching his neck. He was unable to breathe after the throat was opened, and the sputum in the throat was flying around due to the pressure.

  Su Wei grabbed the captain, and instantly hid behind him.

  At this flash-like moment, the four mercenaries didn't react at all, and they didn't even dare to shoot.

  Su Wei had already rushed out from under the captain. This movement was ugly, but it was effective. The knife in her hand slipped over the wrists of the two mercenaries. Su Wei jumped to the third person's chest with her legs crossed around his neck. , The throwing skills in the mixed martial arts were performed, and the body stretched gracefully. The soldier was abruptly fell over, hit the ground head down, and fainted.

  Su Wei rolled from under him, came under the fourth person, and kicked hard between the opponent's legs.

  The guy bends in pain, Su Wei's eyes are calm and terrible, and the knife in his hand slid along the way, still slashing across his neck.

  The five lost their combat effectiveness, and within a few seconds before and after, the two of them had their throats opened and their faces flushed.

  "Cover their throats, and save them!" Su Wei said in fluent Vietnamese.

  The remaining two mercenaries who were still able to move grabbed their injured wrists and were just a daze.

  "You still chase me to save people, you choose!" Su Wei's dark face, only those eyes are still so beautiful, at this time in the night, they are like two ghosts of fire.

  Her body disappeared in the building, but the remaining two mercenaries had given up on the hunt. They knelt down anxiously and covered the injured throat of their companion, so that they could barely breathe.

  This is the reason why Su Wei did not kill. It would take a few minutes to kill five mercenaries even if it was unexpected, but it only takes a few seconds to hurt two and hold five.

  Bai Shanhe on the second floor held the walkie-talkie and roared and asked, but there was no sound on the other side.

  Bai Shanhe broke the intercom and clenched his fists.

  The pride of being a warrior kept him from carrying a gun, and he was confident that he could beat Su Wei to death with bare hands at any time.

  Of course, that is under normal circumstances.

  Now the girl's magical actions scared him.

  He witnessed the sniper rifle hitting Su Wei's chest and heart.

  His eyes were blood red, but Bai Shanhe made a decisive decision, took out a button in his arms, pressed it hard, and then jumped directly from the window behind.

  Behind the small building, covered by a broken plastic sheet, was an off-road vehicle. It was the back road that Baishanhe had prepared for a long time, but he couldn't think of it. With five professional mercenaries, he failed. .

  When Su Wei rushed to the second floor, the off-road vehicle behind the building had rushed onto the road and disappeared in a flash.

  She breathed a sigh of relief, clutching her left chest, and coughing up a mouthful of blood.

  The position of the chest of the windbreaker has been scorched. The kinetic energy of the sniper bullet is not a joke. It feels that a rib may be broken, and it feels hot and painful to breathe.

  Schrödinger found that the Vietnamese had escaped downstairs. The two were carrying the wounded and the other was guarding with a gun. They were thrown on the scene by Baishanhe, and they fled in a hurry.

  Schrödinger grinned, he didn't even care about rubbing his muddy body, tore off his T-shirt, wrapped it around his calf, and limped up to the second floor.

  Su Wei was squatting there, wiping her blood while checking the bomb on Bai Xiajin's body.

  The bomb that was activated when Baishanhe left, now one minute has passed, the bomb is set to explode in 3 minutes. The reason for setting this time is that Bai Shanhe calculated the time needed to escape the small building at a critical time.

  Schrodinger gritted his teeth and looked at the red numbers jumping on it.

  There are 1 minute and 20 seconds left...

  "The mercury bead maintains its balance, and it explodes with a slight movement. The three wires, red, yellow, blue, and yellow are for powering the timer. It has no effect. One of the remaining two wires is detonated. One is a life-saving line." Su Wei whispered.

  Bai Xiajin looked at her small dark face and her big eyes.

  Schrodinger rushed forward, not knowing what to say for a while.

  Su Wei broke the rope on Bai Xiajin's arm. The man grasped her little hand and quickly released it.

  Bai Xiajin took a deep look at Su Wei and said hoarsely: "Give me the knife, you go, I'll cut it!"

  Time is pressing, and he doesn't want to waste more time talking.

  "You don't know which thread is life-saving!" Su Wei smiled and looked at Schrödinger: "Do you have a coin?"

  Schrödinger looked at her smile foolishly and took out a coin: "Xiao Wei, I Just know that there is a miracle if you are there! What are you going to do?"

  Su Wei bit the knife in her mouth, and shook her short hair handsomely, holding the coin in her hand: "Front, red line, back, blue line, yes Death is alive, leave it to God. "

  What! Bai Xue looked at her together, and they were still dumbfounded even though it was a terrible moment.

  The coin was tossed and fell into Su Wei's hand. The three of them looked at it together. It was the opposite. Should the blue line be cut?

  "Actually, this is just a question of probability. We have at least half the chance to be alive." Su Wei could still laugh at this moment, with a knife in her hand stretched out... but it was reaching the red line...

  Wait, not to listen to God's will. Yes, that's the reverse side of the coin, the blue line should be cut!

  With a click, the red line was cut, and the red number on the bomb jumped to 00:01.

  With a cry, Schrodinger sat down on the ground, Bai Xiajin was also sweating profusely and her entire back was soaked.

  Only Su Wei was so indifferent: "Let me just say, God has been doing the right thing with me, oh, I want to die again, it's not that easy, my god of sloppy horses." She stretched out her finger and gestured towards the night sky. For a moment.

  The last swear word, I didn't feel any harshness in the ears of the two men, but from the bottom of my heart, she felt that this woman was so handsome even when she said swearing!