
Demon Fox

Codenamed Demon Fox, he is the top killer in the dark world. After an accident, his body was buried in Kunlun Mountain. The soul reborn in the body of the illegitimate daughter Su Wei, a wealthy illegitimate daughter, also got a strange technique in his mind. Miss Qianjiao Baimei, it is simply a tragedy in life, in order to regain her body and become a man, he has to....

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53 Chs

Chapter 33-I'm Not a Woman

Su Wei rang the doorbell of the villa, the old-fashioned doorbell. Few people now use this kind of mechanical structure doorbell. This is what the old Jiangning nobles liked to use. This Lei Zhensheng is arty and has to make his own villa. The feeling of the Republic of China.

  The door was controlled electrically, and slowly opened. Two shirtless men walked over, with a wolf dog behind him.

  Lei Zhensheng still has a bit of taste from this point of view, the Tibetan Mastiff, who has a false name, plays a real military training dog.

  "Beauty, who are you looking for?" The man holding the dog looked at her, his eyes flashing wretched, it was obviously Su Wei's beauty that surprised him.

  But Su Wei only judged from the body language of these two people, Lei Zhensheng had been prepared, otherwise these two men would not have such teasing eyes.

  "I'm here to see Mr. Lei, I want to talk about business matters, I'm here on behalf of Weiou Company." Su Wei said lightly.

  The man in front laughed loudly and came over in a haughty manner, and stretched out his dirty hand: "This is a private villa, let's search first."

  His hand reached Su Wei's chest maliciously.

  grass! Su Wei was immediately annoyed. She wanted to show her respect first and then fight. This servant was looking for death!

  With a click, she pinched the man's middle finger with her small hand, and twisted it upward.

  The sound of the broken middle finger was very crisp, just like a chestnut in a hot pan exploded. The man's tragic cry echoed in the villa, and Su Wei had already hit his belly with a punch. The moment he bent, Knee up and hit his throat.

  The man's scream stopped abruptly, but he couldn't scream out, and he almost suffocated. In the end, he was kicked from the side by Su Wei and flew up and fell into the outdoor swimming pool behind with a bang.

  Su Wei clapped her hands and looked at the person holding the dog. This guy was stupid. When her legs trembled, the dog leash in her hand was loosened.

  The vigorous wolf dog rushed forward.

  Su Wei crossed her hands in a cross shape, centered under the ears of the dog on both sides, and the dog fell down with a scream. Su Wei took a dexterous step forward, bending her right index finger and hitting the dog's nose like lightning.

  No matter how fierce the dog was, it would be useless if it was hit in the nose. The wolf dog barked and glared at Su Wei, then turned and ran away with its tail pinched.

  "My name is Su Wei. I came to see Lei Zhensheng. You'd better go and tell him. I have limited patience." Su Wei looked at the scared man coldly.

  The man turned around and ran away, and the other companion in the pool couldn't care about it.

  On the second floor of the villa, standing on the balcony outside the window, Lei Zhensheng gasped, "What a ruthless method, is this really a woman?"

  Bai Shanhe drank the wine in his glass: "I warned you. , But she's not so good, just embroidering her legs." He stayed on the balcony, and Lei Zhensheng came down to the hall with a group of hands he had prepared.

  Su Wei was "invited" to enter this time.

  In the hall, Aling sat on the sofa smoking a cigarette, looked at the girl who came in coldly, and snorted disdainfully with her beautiful mouth.

  Su Wei came in murderously, and when she saw A Ling, her eyes were shining.

  The best, this kind of woman with full body style is too rare. As a demon fox, she has never seen any beauty before? But this beauty and tenderness from the bottom of my heart is tickling.

  Su Wei walked over with a smile, A Ling frowned and felt a little uneasy, but the girl sat directly beside her, staring at her presumptuously... staring at her legs, and then looking upward, as if to penetrate That thin layer of cheongsam is the same.

  Ling was stunned. She was so familiar with this look. Only the most daring and most lustful man would stare at her like this. The girl's eyes scanned every position of her body, so sophisticated and... …profession? But, this is a girl, and the kind of little girl who looks particularly innocent and pure.

  "You, what are you looking at?" A Ling breathed out smoke rings lightly, barely calming.

  Su Wei's mouth curled up: "Beauty, what is your name?"

  Lei Zhensheng came downstairs and was shocked when he saw this scene. At this moment, he smiled and said, "This is my girlfriend, Aling, are you Su Wei?"

  He sat on the opposite side, with a row of younger brothers behind him. Stand upright.

  Su Wei Carole's hand resting on the shoulders, hands intentionally or unintentionally rubbed her rounded shoulders, his legs stuck up, Heiran said:. "Ray Boss, enough style ah, very honor guard stations like these little brother"

  Ah Ling struggled for a while, and was directly violently taken into her arms by Su Wei.

  Lei Zhensheng almost threw the cigarette in his hand when he saw it. The tone of speech, the sitting posture, and the temperament all looked like old fritters.

  Miss Qingchun, Jianghu old dough stick, two completely unmatched styles appeared on Su Wei at the same time, making her look really weird.

  Lei Zhensheng dull smoke point, tentatively asked one: "Su beauty, this door, you wounded my brother, does the sincerity to 'step on the plate' it?"

  Stepped on the plate, rivers and lakes slang, meaning to deliberately Looking for something.

  Su Wei pursed her mouth and smiled. This feeling is so damn familiar. When she was in the frontier of China, the gangsters from all over the world were all the same. At this moment, she seemed to be back to the days of licking blood. The whole body is so comfortable.

  "Don't dare, Boss Lei's name is like Lei Guan'er, Dongshan Tachimu, Xihai Xingzhou, now you have such a big plate, little brother... of course the little girl dare not presumptuous, this time is here to talk about small things, I understand the rules. "Said, pushing the four tea cups on the table, and arranging a square: "I drink a cup of tea myself, and I apologize for replacing the wine with tea."

  There is no water in the tea cup, and Su Wei waits for the other person to pour water. But I learned from a big boss living in Myanmar, absolutely solid.

  But... What is very embarrassing is that Lei Zhensheng can't understand it anymore, not only can't understand, he can't understand Su Wei's black words.

  What is the standing tree in the east mountain and the boat in the west sea? Looking suspiciously at the four cups in front of him, Lei Zhensheng was a little flustered. When he was in jail, he vaguely heard the old Jianghu say that these four teacups, in different shapes, seemed to represent the different identities of the rivers and lakes.

  This, this... Lei Zhensheng's forehead was sweaty.

  Su Wei was stunned, and couldn't help but giggled for a long time: "Oh, you don't understand this, ah, this is the cut of the Huamen Youth League, count my mistakes, think more..."

  I'm sorry, Su Wei's words are comparable Everything is ruthless, mixing on the road, Lei Zhensheng is most afraid of being foolish, which hurts more than cutting a knife on his leg.

  He slapped the table angrily: "Su Wei, since you are on the road, you should understand the rules. You have to help that Yang Yanni intercede with her hands. What does that mean?"

  Ma Tsai standing behind the boss We are all stupid now, the boss is not following the script, what are the rules of the world to tell a charming little girl...

  Su Wei smiled, put her feet directly on the coffee table, and kicked the teacup aside.

  This posture really doesn't match her beautiful face, but her left hand squeezed A Ling's amazing elastic thighs, so that the charming woman screamed, and then said indifferently: "Boss Lei , You threatened Yang Yanni with a text message, and what losses did you want her to accompany? Whom did you buy the product for? You said there was a problem with the product, did you go to the hospital for an injury assessment? Now this society is a society ruled by law. We want to teach the law." On

  my day, Lei Zhensheng almost fainted. I told you to be serious just now. You told me to talk about the rules of the rivers and lakes. Now I tell you the rules of the rivers and lakes, and you fucking talk about the law again. ...

  Lei Zhensheng raised his hand to pat the table again. Su Wei already put the agreement on the coffee table, carefully took out a ballpoint pen from her pocket and slowly put it next to the agreement: "Sign it, sign it. This agreement, add the remaining product balance, and we will have nothing..."

  Lei Zhensheng was taken aback after hearing it, playing with the agreement, he laughed wildly after reading only a few lines:" Grass, are you telling me about the law? Close the door!" With

  a slap, the door of the hall closed tightly, and finally heard the boss' "signal" sound, and a group of gangsters surrounded the sofa.

  A Ling stood up in a panic and wanted to go. Su Wei pulled her two ballpoint pens into her stockings under her cheongsam.

  A Ling was frightened now, she only felt that her legs were a bit strange, but she didn't have time to think about it. After struggling for a while, Su Wei let go.

  A Ling staggered to the side, and her acting broke out for a while, and Li Hua spoiled Lei Zhensheng with rain: "Brother Lei, you have to help me out, this guy

  touches me..." Lei Zhensheng stared. "Go away, she's a woman, why are you touching you?" A

  Ling was aggrieved.

  Su Wei Tang is slamming stood up, with furious anger, Yi Zizi said: "I am not the woman!!!!!"