
Demon Fox

Codenamed Demon Fox, he is the top killer in the dark world. After an accident, his body was buried in Kunlun Mountain. The soul reborn in the body of the illegitimate daughter Su Wei, a wealthy illegitimate daughter, also got a strange technique in his mind. Miss Qianjiao Baimei, it is simply a tragedy in life, in order to regain her body and become a man, he has to....

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53 Chs

Chapter 18

The four ballpoint pens on the table are arranged neatly. If you look closely, the gap between each ballpoint pen can be measured with a ruler, exactly the same.

  The careless Zhou Mei'er naturally couldn't see this, but Su Wei's care and meticulousness as a killer in her previous life perfectly demonstrated this.

  "Oh... ballpoint pen bomb?" Zhou Meier smiled sweetly at this time, and pushed Su Wei: "Weiwei, you are too scary now, you always make such jokes."

  "Sleep together tonight?" Su Wei Looking at her cool outfit, pursing her mouth and speaking softly, her big eyes are full of weird interest.

  Zhou Meier didn't think too much: "Okay, I have to work hard tomorrow, and I will interview for two more jobs!" In

  front of Su Wei, she pulled off her vest and went into the bathroom generously, with the bathroom door open. .

  "Wait a moment..." Su Wei carefully put the ballpoint pen in the drawer, and then locked it. Then she looked at the bathroom, couldn't help licking her lips, and sneaked in quietly.

  "Ah, what are you doing, Weiwei, the bathtub is too small, don't come in, wow..." Zhou Meier's laughter came from inside.

  "Take your back, come on, this young lady... This lady will serve you."

  "Die Weiwei, where did you touch... Ah, let me go, I surrender, surrender..."

  This early spring night, outside With a small breeze, the temperature dropped suddenly, but the room was warm.

  Early in the morning, Su Wei stretched her waist and held her Zhou Mei'er tightly on the bed, and the fragrance of the shower gel spread on the pillow next to her.

  For a moment, Su Wei was even in a daze: Where am I? Could it be that she slept with a woman while performing a task?

  Then some swelling chest reminded her, reminding her of how cruel reality this is.

  Yes, I am no longer a demon fox, I have become a woman.

  She was in a very depressed mood. After staying in bed for a long time, she got up, took Xiaojin, still went out for jogging, breathed out, and then resumed physical training, Baduanjin, Wuqinxi...

  She didn't return to the house until the eastern sky turned white and a gleam of light was about to emerge from the clouds.

  After taking a shower and changing into clothes, Su Wei saw a few banknotes on the table and a pile of change.

  368 yuan and 5 mao...

  took out the phone to check the electronic bank, Su Wei sighed, this little money turned out to be the last property of the two!

  Zhou Meier has an interview today. Yesterday, I spent a lot on buying the things I need.

  Su Wei left 350 yuan to Zhou Meier who was still asleep, and she hurried out of the warm apartment with 18 yuan and 5 cents.

  Came to the company on time, clocked in and entered the work position, and made a plan for today's work content. Su Wei immediately opened the data of Lei Zhensheng in the cloud disk, and then did a tactical analysis in English on a piece of white paper.

  To analyze a person, the most important thing is to look at his essence, character, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses through appearance.

  This work is especially important when you are a killer, and it is also a necessary prerequisite for the magic fox to maintain the mission to complete this miracle 100%.

  Su Wei wants to find Lei Zhensheng's weakness, and this weakness may not only be hidden in his shortcomings, but also in his strengths.

  For example, Xu Qianya, Su Wei took advantage of her kindness and compassion to easily handle it.

  The girls from the second department of customer service came one by one. Su Wei got up and put the tactical blank paper full of analysis in the shredder, watching the blank paper being shredded before returning.

  "Come on, Weiwei, show you something good." Tian Lan sat down and smiled.

  She showed a video from her mobile phone, just like the future director Xu Bin looked embarrassed.

  "The company is about to take up the post of marketing director..." Tianlan curled his lips: "I didn't expect it to be such a man." The

  other girls also came over, talking in a low voice.

  Su Wei just listened and did not make any comments. It was working time immediately, and Xu Qianya appeared in the office.

  Her eyelids were a little swollen. I don't know if it was because of poor sleep or crying. Even the foundation powder could not cover the swollen eye bubbles.

  "Weiwei, come here." Xu Qianya's voice was a little dry.

  Su Wei got up and followed her to the office.

  The floor in the office was dirty, the assistant hadn't had time to come in and clean, and the lamp on the desk was still on.

  "You didn't go back all night?" Su Wei frowned.

  Xu Qianya took a sip of strong coffee, then picked up an envelope from the table and handed it to her: "Weiwei, this is a letter of recommendation. The sales director of Akei has a good relationship with me. I recommend you to make it there. Assistant director, although Yaqi is a small company, not as good as Weiou, the treatment of assistant director is very good. You can definitely display your talents there."

  From a low-level customer service to an assistant director of a company, In the workplace, this is already a triple jump!

  No need to look, Su Wei also knows that the assistant treatment absolutely kills her current position, but she gently opened the envelope: "I don't plan to leave Vio for the time being!"

  Xu Qianya lowered her head and bit her lip: "Vivi, don't force me. "

  Su Wei sat on the sofa, put her feet on the coffee table, and looked at Xu Qianya: "Why are you driving me away?"

  Xu Qianya shook her head: "I don't want you to be hurt because of me. You are so innocent. I don't know that. As a bastard, he is just a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

  "Xu Bin..." Su Wei's mouth curled up: "Is it so terrible?"

  She stretched her waist: "That Xu scum, ugly video It's all spread, the company is still willing to keep him?"

  Xu Qianya smiled bitterly: "I don't comment on Xu Bin's character, but he is still very competent. He has deep qualifications and the support of the Fang family consortium. , It's impossible to get out of the

  game because of a video." Su Wei hummed and took a look at the time: "You should go to the middle-level meeting, I remember it is an important meeting to be held on Tuesday morning."

  Xu Qianya stayed for a while, no I think that Weiwei is so clear about the company's meeting arrangements.

  "Weiwei, I'm not kidding. Xu Bin was supposed to come to work next week, but he took the initiative to come to the meeting this morning. This is not a good thing, I know him too well."

  Su Wei pursed her lips and listened: "I He's just a small character, he wouldn't come here for revenge."

  Xu Qianya sighed: "Of course not, but I will take revenge on you at the company. He can definitely do this kind of thing. This person will report it, Weiwei. You..."

  Su Wei yawned boredly: "Okay, go to the meeting, let him come to me if something happens, and I will make him regret being born in this world."

  Such cruel words came from Su Wei Speaking out, Xu Qianya shook again.

  Xu Qianya rubbed her eyes, feeling helpless.

  "Go and touch up your makeup, you can't see your face." Su Wei reminded her.

  Xu Qianya was speechless, she could only sigh and left.

  Su Wei watched her go out, immediately got up, came to the desk, picked up Xu Qianya's Sophie tablet, and quickly entered the setting.

  Enter the engineering mode, set the microphone and recording to always start, then exit, and download a small software in my cloud disk.

  The win system used by the Sophie tablet had a very serious vulnerability six months ago. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to bypass the win32k security sandbox system to attack.

  Although Microsoft has quickly issued a patch, this loophole has only been blocked, and it can still be easily exploited in front of a master like Mohu.

  The small software that Su Wei downloaded is a code written by herself. It is a small software with only 40K, hidden in the background of the system, but it can amplify the microphone receiver of the Sophie tablet and transfer the received audio to her mobile phone.

  In this way, a small tablet becomes a perfect bug.

  Su Wei once used this loophole to successfully eavesdrop on the secret itinerary of an important target, and then assassinated it halfway through.

  Now it was just a small test. She wiped off her fingerprints and sat back where she was.

  Not long after, Xu Qianya walked quickly, picked up the tablet, opened her work file, and said to Su Wei in a hurry, "We will talk after the meeting. You must listen to me."

  Watching her leave, the assistant came in. Starting to clean up the house, Su Wei wandered back to work.

  Turn on the phone, set the answering mode, put on the earphones, Su Wei habitually put her feet in front, and waited silently while dealing with online customer inquiries.

  Various noises soon came from the earphones, Su Wei turned on the phone and reset it, and the sound became clear.

  The sound of footsteps and conversations came from the office of President Vio on the 11th floor...