
Demon Fox

Codenamed Demon Fox, he is the top killer in the dark world. After an accident, his body was buried in Kunlun Mountain. The soul reborn in the body of the illegitimate daughter Su Wei, a wealthy illegitimate daughter, also got a strange technique in his mind. Miss Qianjiao Baimei, it is simply a tragedy in life, in order to regain her body and become a man, he has to....

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53 Chs

Chapter 12-Forbidden Kiss

In accordance with the customer service operation process, Su Wei recorded the work log on her work account service desk and then turned off the computer. She would not foolishly leave Fat Feiyan with any chance to find something.

  When I left the office, I saw Xu Qianya standing next to the elevator, but her expression was a little wrong, completely different from just now.

  It seemed that something had happened. She was looking at the phone blankly now, her shoulders trembling.

  Su Wei walked over, Xu Qianya hurriedly turned off the phone, and raised her head with a barely smile: "It's all done? So fast?"

  Su Wei's mouth curled up: "It's just a small matter, but you, what's the problem?"

  Xu Qianya smiled: "It's okay. I was so in a hurry last time and didn't have a good talk. Today I will ask you."

  Su Wei shrugged and said with a big grin: "Okay, I'm almost a poor man now."

  Xu Qianya took the lead. With her hand, she smiled while waiting for the elevator: "Weiwei, you look like a tomboy now, so cute."

  Su Wei was a little guilty, and she didn't pay attention just now. Some small movements and speaking habits have become With the devil fox, she is no longer this charming lady.

  But Xu Qianya just said casually and seemed to like it.

  The two went downstairs and out of the company's door. Xu Qianya couldn't help but look at the phone again, frowning and looking sad.

  "Why don't you play together tomorrow." Su Wei said: "You have to deal with it

  beforehand ." Xu Qianya sighed and held her hand: "I don't have a few friends in Jiangning. I eat by myself every day. You should accompany me." The

  girl's acting like a baby, Su Wei will never learn. Seeing Xu Qianya's weak look, she felt soft: "Okay, you choose a place."

  This time Xu Qianya drove the car by herself, the traffic was busy on the road, the neon lights flashed, and the bustling city night was extremely hot on this April spring day.

  Su Wei was thinking about work clothes and couldn't help but complain to Xu Qianya: "I don't want to wear a skirt, can you send me a set of men's work clothes? I can pay for it myself."

  Xu Qianya giggled: "Silly, you have such a good body, where can you find suitable men's work clothes, besides, your calves are so beautiful, wearing skirts must be fascinating."

  She looked at Su Wei's calves enviously. , Slender and feminine, with such good skin, but because of running a lot, he is a little stout.

  "I have a phobia of skirts." Su Wei shuddered, unable to imagine herself as a "big man" wearing a skirt.

  Xu Qianya parked the car next to a hotel and smiled: "Okay, I'll give you an idea. You can buy a black suit with your trousers. The color is the same as the customer service work clothes. Then I will be there. The company explains, no one dares to say anything. "

  Hurray! Su Wei breathed a sigh of relief, took the opportunity to hug Xu Qianya, and kissed her little cheek.

  It is also good to be a woman. You see, Xu Qianya not only refuses but also looks like she enjoys it.

  After getting out of the car, Su Wei looked up but saw the golden sign of "Waldorf Astoria on the Bund". This is a star-rated hotel with an arch of red roses and balloons at the door and a poster of the engagement banquet next to it.

  Su Wei frowned: "

  Qianya , are you going to invite me to dinner here?" Xu Qianya was a little distracted at this time, and seemed to have reacted, muttering: "Yeah, I'm so stupid, why come here, let's go ! "

  she looked down to his car, Su Wei pulled her:" give me the phone. "

  Xu Qianya shook his head:" do not give, you do not look, "

  Su Wei wins over lightweight, pinching her fingers open fingerprints, Xu Qianya struggled, and Su Wei stretched out her hand and squeaked her. Xu Qianya giggled and the phone fingerprint was turned on.

  A WeChat message jumped out directly above: Qianya, my engagement banquet, I hope you will definitely attend. Your coming is of great significance to me.

  Looking at the WeChat profile picture of a handsome man, Su Wei looked at the man on the engagement poster again, and she immediately understood: "Huh, ex-boyfriend?"

  Xu Qianya grabbed the phone and was speechless, so she ran all the way to the car. Here, lying on the steering wheel can't control my emotions.

  Su Wei sighed. This is the second girl to cry in front of her today.

  A girl like Xu Qianya, who looks so strong in appearance, is actually fragile and messed up.

  She shook her head and walked into the car and said directly: "Isn't she just an ex-boyfriend, but this guy is so courageous, what does it mean to invite an ex-girlfriend at her engagement

  party ?" Xu Qianya lay her head on her stomach: "You don't understand. Weiwei, you really don't understand. I have liked him for five years. For him, I gave up the opportunity to work abroad. For him, I came to Jiangning. He said to do business. I gave him all my savings. ..."

  Su Wei yawned: "Well, you are really stupid."

  She took out the tissue and handed it to Xu Qianya. Regarding this kind of affection, whether it is the demon fox in the previous life or the current Su Wei, I don't understand, I don't know how to comfort her at all.

  Xu Qianya wiped away her tears and tried to strengthen herself: "I'm sorry, let you see a joke."

  "Why did he break up with you?" Su Wei had to ask.

  Xu Qianya laughed at herself: "For what else, I found a beautiful, young, and rich woman. He invited me to this banquet just to show off. I hate him."

  Su Wei felt even more bored. There are such scumbags too!

  Xu Qianya gritted her teeth: "Sometimes I can't wait to spend money to find someone to kill him!"

  Su Wei's ears stood up, and her heart was itchy. The instincts and habits of a professional killer made her excited: "You are here. Entrust me? I used to be a professional killer!"

  Xu Qianya was almost amused by her seriousness: "Weiwei, stop joking, people are so sad now."

  "Sad your sister!" Su Wei hey! , Looked at the poster outside: "Well, Xu Bin and Fang Yan's engagement banquet, this woman named Fang Yan is ugly, not even half as good as you. It is estimated that the scumbag is just after her money."

  Xu Qianya took out. Car key: "Forget it, let's go."

  Seeing her look trapped by love, Su Wei couldn't bear it anymore. She opened the door, got out of the car handsomely, and smiled at Xu Qianya in the car: "Wait, I will help you out!"

  said Su Wei. Striding into the hotel, Xu Qianya was terrified, this girl really...she hurried out and chased after her.

  Su Wei walked directly to the private room of the auditorium on the second floor. The engagement banquet had just begun. More than a dozen tables were set up. With friends and relatives all present, she took a light look. The two outermost tables were all strong men in suits and leather shoes. Sturdy momentum.

  This woman's family background is not simple. Su Wei glanced at these brawny men and saw that they were professional security personnel. Can hire these professional bodyguards, either rich or expensive.

  She put her hands in her pockets and waited for a while. At the engagement banquet, an old man with good temperament was raising a glass to bless the couple.

  The scum man stood on the stage with a happy face, holding tightly the hand of the woman wearing a red cheongsam next to her. The woman is indeed good-looking, especially the beautiful legs on the cheongsam and the makeup with hard work. Ladylike temperament.

 In this quiet and happy message, Su Wei coughed heavily and said clearly: "Wait!" The

  audience was startled and turned to look at her.

  The person who came to the engagement banquet... is still a beautiful girl with short hair, and all of her relatives and friends suddenly felt a little stunned.

  The scumbag on the stage widened his eyes and looked at Su Wei, wondering in his heart: Could it be that my old woman came to play? But this kind of big beauty, I have no impression at all.

  Su Wei proudly walked to the front desk, and before everyone had reacted, she went straight to the girl beside the scumbag.

  "Fang Yan..." She put on an affectionate look and looked at the heroine of the engagement banquet: "Whether you admit it or not, we are all in love. I bless you, but you must not forget me. "

The audience was in an uproar, it turned out that the heroine's "love" came to kick the field.

  The heroine Fang Yan looked blank: "Ah, I, I don't know you, what are you going to do." She was frightened.

  Su Wei walked over and hugged her. Fang Yan's whole body stiffened. Su Wei took the opportunity to kiss her lips, put one hand through the cheongsam, and touched her slippery thigh. Let go of her, turn around and run.

  There was a suffocating silence in the field, this was simply indescribable, a taboo kiss.

  Standing at the door and witnessing everything, Xu Qianya's head couldn't turn around. Su Wei rushed over, took her little hand, and rushed down: "Quick, run!"

  Xu Qianya was pulled by her and hurried through the stairs. Come outside.

  Su Wei grabbed her car key, and a group of bodyguards in the hotel rushed out, yelling.

  When it was too late to drive, Su Wei pulled Xu Qianya across the road and ran directly along Bund Avenue. The flow of people increased, and the bodyguards behind were finally thrown away.

  Su Wei took a breath, leaned against the railing of the Bund, couldn't help laughing.

  Xu Qianya ran so hard that her heart jumped out, but when she recalled the engagement banquet just now, she couldn't help bending over and laughing.

  The two girls laughed so presumptuously, and tears came out.

  Xu Qianya shook her with her small fist and gently beat her: "Weiwei, bad, bad you can think of this trick, oh, do you see Xu Bin's expression? It's as ugly as eating a fly, ok Cool!"

  Su Wei smiled: "Yes, now all relatives and friends know that he was wearing a little green cap, and it was this young lady...this young lady did it."

  "You are good or bad." Xu Qianya has everything The sadness was released, and I looked at Weiwei gratefully, this good friend was really given to her by God.

  Su Wei was still looking back at Fang Yan's gentle lips and slippery thighs just now. She still seemed to have that touch on her hands, and she felt so good.

  The wind at night was a bit hot and cloudy, but Xu Qianya's heart was full of clear sky.

  Su Wei stretched out: "When the car comes back, you secretly drive out, don't go tonight, be careful to be seen by that

  scumbag ." Xu Qianya reluctantly said: "I haven't invited you to dinner yet."

  "It's getting late." Su Wei shook her little hand and rubbed it lightly: "Goodbye, I'll talk tomorrow."

  Xu Qianya took a taxi for a long time, and there were a few raindrops in the air, and Su Wei slowly walked towards the road. , The rain was getting heavier and heavier, she got into the rain shelter annoyed, now it is troublesome to take a taxi.

  Zhi Ya heard, a sport utility vehicle parked in the bitter side, the door crashing open, Fang Yan wearing a cheongsam, behind a young man holding an umbrella, Su Wei looked at all angry: "! Is her"

  behind and keep up A total of four big men came down an off-road vehicle.

  Su Wei sighed, she put her golden fist on her right hand, and put her body behind the pavilion to make sure she had no worries.

  "! She gave me a good lesson," Fang Yan screamed: "Kill me in charge!"